771 resultados para Rainbow Fish
For mammals beta2-microglobulin (beta2m), the light chain of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, is invariant (or highly conserved) and is encoded by a single gene unlinked to the MHC. We find that beta2m of a salmonid fish, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), does not conform to the mammalian paradigm. Ten of 12 randomly selected beta2m cDNA clones from an individual fish have different nucleotide sequences. A complex restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern is observed with rainbow trout, suggesting multiple beta2m genes in the genome, in excess of the two genes expected from the ancestral salmonid tetraploidy. Additional duplication and diversification of the beta2m genes might have occurred subsequently. Variation in the beta2m cDNA sequences is mainly at sites that do not perturb the structure of the mature beta2m protein, showing that the observed diversity of the trout beta2m genes is not primarily a result of pathogen selection.
The structure and function relationship between melanocortin-2 receptor (MC2R) and ACTH are the most complicated in melanocortin receptor gene family. A comparative study on the activation of human and rainbow trout MC2R will provide a useful model system for understanding how ACTH emerged as the sole ligand for the MC2R of bony vertebrates. This dissertation will discuss how studies utilizing analogs of hACTH(1-24) have revealed two critical amino acid motifs in this ligand (HFRW and KKRRP) which are required for the activation of MC2R. In addition, the KKRRP motif functioned as the unique binding site for MC2R that directly contributes to the ligand selectivity feature, as revealed from studies on an ACTH antagonist which exclusively targets MC2R. Finally, based on our model for the interaction of ACTH and MC2R, the amino acid residues within TM4, EC2, and TM5 domains responsible for ACTH ligand selectivity will be evaluated by site-directed mutagenesis studies.
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This chapter outlines the relationships between a number of key factors that influence learning and memory, and illustrates them by reference to studies on the foraging behaviour of fish. Learning can lead to significant improvements in foraging performance in only a few exposures, and at least some fish species are capable of adjusting their foraging strategy as patterns of patch profitability change. There is also evidence that the memory window for prey varies between fish species, and that this may be a function of environmental predictability. Convergence between behavioural ecology and comparative psychology offers promise in terms of developing more mechanistically realistic foraging models and explaining apparently 'suboptimal' patterns of behaviour. Foraging decisions involve the interplay between several distinct systems of learning and memory, including those that relate to habitat, food patches, prey types, conspecifics and predators. Fish biologists, therefore, face an interesting challenge in developing integrated accounts of fish foraging that explain how cognitive sophistication can help individual animals to deal with the complexity of the ecological context.
This thesis considers the factors involved in the determination of egg quality and fecundity in farmed stocks of rainbow trout ( Salmo gairdneri R) • Measurements of egg quality, ie. percentage survivals of eggs and fry, from the production batches of eggs of seven fish farms, showed mean survivals of 70% to eying but levels of only 35% to 4.5g fry (approx. 130 days post-fertilisation). Under optimum conditions survivals may reach 85% suggesting that husbandry methods exert significant influences on egg quality. Chemical analyses of the protein, fat, vitellogenin, ash, amino acids, free fatty acid and mineral levels of eggs of varying quality and from parents of different strains showed compositional differences even between individuals of the same stock. However, none of these differences were correlated with egg quality. Egg size showed similar variations but, again under hatchery conditions there was no correlation with differences in egg quality. The only factor which has been shown to exert a significant influence on egg quality is the time of stripping after ovulation. At 1 0°C eggs should be removed from gravid females within ten days of ovulation to achieve optimum egg and fry survival. Studies of egg production from approximately 10,000 broodstock revealed that total fecundity and egg size increased and relative fecundity decreased with increasing fish size. In general, most fish appeared to produce a constant volume of eggs. This is consistent with a hypothesis that egg size can only be increased by parallel reductions in fecundity. Feeding broodstock at half-ration (0.35% body weight day- 1 ) did not affect egg quality but reduced total fecundity and egg size and increased relative fecundity when compared with eggs produced by fish on full-ration. Comparisons of regressions of total fecundity against fish weight for three strains using ANOCO revealed that one strain was significantly more fecund than two other strains considered. Trout of the same strain maintained on different farms behaved similarly suggesting there was some reproducibility of strain characteristics.
The importance of endogenous rhythms in the photoperiodic control of the annual reproduction cycle in female rainbow trout was investigated. The effect of photoperiod regimes on the different stages of maturation was assessed by recording the timing of ovulation and from quantifying associated changes in serum oestradiol-17,testosterone and total calcium. Maintained under constant 6L:18D and constant temperature for up to four years, rainbow trout exhibited an endogenous rhythm of maturation with a periodicity of approximately one year. This rhythm of maturation appears to be driven by an autonomous circannual oscillator or clock which can be dissociated from the neuroendocrine mechanisms controlling gonadal maturation. Under conditions of constant 18L:6D or LL the periodicity of the maturation rhythm was 5.5-6 months; it is suggested that this periodicity may be caused by a splitting or uncoupling of at least two circannual clocks involved in the control of maturation. Abrupt changes in the length of the photoperiod act as a zeitgeber to entrain the endogenous rhythm of maturation. Whether the timing of maturation is advanced or delayed depends primarily on the direction of the change in photoperiod and its timing in relation to the phase of the rhythm, with the magnitude of the alteration in photoperiod having only a supplementary effect. The effect of specific changes in photoperiod on the entrainment of the maturation cycle can be described in terms of a phase-response curve. Photic information is transduced, probably by the pineal gland, into a daily rhythm of melatonin; exposure of rainbow trout to skeleton and resonance photoperiod regimes indicated that daylength measurement is effected by endogenous circadian clock(s) rather than by hour-glass mechanisms. A gating mechanism is closely associated with the circannual clock which determines the timing of onset of maturation in virgin female rainbow trout, only allowing fish that have attained a threshold stage of development to undergo gonadal maturation. Collectively the results support the hypothesis that the female rainbow trout exhibits an endogenous circannual rhythm of maturation which can be entrained by changes in photoperiod.
The effects of sane anabolic and naturally-occuring sex steroids on intestinal transport of leucine have been studied in rainbow trout (Sallno gairdneri), in vivo (gut perfusion), and in vitro (everted gut sacs or intestinal strips). Administration of 17a-methyltestosterone (Mr) by injection for a prolo03ed period of time, enhanced intestinal transport and accumulation of leucine. 11-ketotestosterone (KT) or MT treatment in vitro, by direct addition to incubation media, elicited significant short-term increases in active transport of leucine, without effecting intestinal accumulation. Luminal administration of Mr in vivo similarly elicited short-term responses, without effecting leucine accumulation in the intestine or other peripheral tissues. However; neither MT nor KT significantly affected intestinal transport of water in trout. Although long term injection of oestradiol (E2) enhanced intestinal transport and accumulation of leucine, E2 treatment in vitro was without effect. Addition of ouabain or 2,4,dinitrophenol in the presence of MT abolished steroid-stimulated leucine transform, in vitro. No significant differences were observed between immature male or female trout with respect to either transport of leucine and water, or intestinal granular cell density. However, 'apparent' Na+ absorption and percentage fold height were higher in females, while total intestinal thickness and enterocyte heights were greater in males. These sex differences were essentially abolished. after gonadectany. It is suggested that the short-term effects of the androgenic steroids might be partly mediated through increased activity of Na+,K+,ATPase, and that steroid-induced growth promotion in fish may,to sane extent, be a consequence of enhanced efficiency of intestinal function.
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Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. E.W. was supported by a PhD studentship from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand and Mahasarakham University. T.W. received funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland), that is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011). This research was also funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) of the European Union (grant agreement No. 311993 TARGETFISH).
Acknowledgements This work was funded by the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs, grant G1100675). The authors are grateful to the aquarium staff at the University of Aberdeen (Karen Massie) and Dr David Smail at Marine Scotland for valuable discussion during the establishment of the experimental design.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (KBBE.2013.1.2-10) under grant agreement n° 613611 FISHBOOST. Moreover, the original data collection was supported by the European Union, Project PROGRESS Q5RS-2001-00994. The staff at Tervo station, Ossi Ritola and Tuija Paananen, are highly acknowledged for fish management. A. Ka., A. Ki., S. M., D. H. and K. R. designed research and wrote the paper; A.Ka analyzed the data and had primary responsibility for the final content. All authors have read and approved the manuscript. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
At a global scale, aquatic ecosystems are being altered by human activities at a greater rate than at any other time in history. In recent years, grassroots efforts have generated interest in the restoration of degraded or destroyed aquatic habitats, especially small wetlands and streams where such projects are feasible with local resources. We present ecological management lessons learned from 17 years of monitoring the fish community response to the channel relocation and reach-level restoration of Juday Creek, a 3rd-order tributary of the St. Joseph River in Indiana, USA. The project was designed to increase habitat complexity, reverse the effects of accumulated fine sediment (< 2 mm diameter), and mitigate for the impacts of a new golf course development. The 1997 restoration consisted of new channel construction within two reaches of a 1.2-km section of Juday Creek that also contained two control reaches. A primary social goal of the golf course development and stream restoration was to avoid harm to the non-native brown trout fishery, as symbolic of community concerns for the watershed. Our long-term monitoring effort revealed that, although fine sediment increased over time in the restored reaches, habitat conditions have promoted the resurgence of native fish species. Since restoration, the fish assemblage has shifted from non-native Salmonidae (brown trout, rainbow trout) to native Centrarchidae (rock bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass). In addition, native, nongame species have remained stable or have increased in population abundance (e.g., Johnny darter, mottled sculpin). The results of this study demonstrate the value of learning from a restoration project to adjust management decisions that enhance environmental quality.
Fungal infection in the eggs of freshwater fish is well known as a problematic disease. That isolation and recognition Saprolegnia fungi from fungal infected eggs of the rainbow trout in Mazandaran province was the aim of this research. For this purpose fungal infected eggs were examined from six fish farm in the fall and winter 2005-2006. The eggs with fungi were inoculated on SDA, CMA, GPagar and hemp seed and sesame seed cultures in sterile tap water at room temperature (18-24°C). In this study recognized three genera and six species Saprolegniaceae members, based on morphological characteristics which contain: Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia. Four species were identified in the genus Saprolegnia; S.mixta, S.parasitica, S.moniliphera, S.lapponica and one species was identified in the genus Achlya; A.oblongata. S.parasitica was isolated from almost all the farms. In addition, another nine genera and species were identified; Penicillium, Aspergillus, Paeciliomyces, Acremonium, Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani , Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Mucor.
A lean muscle line (L) and a fat muscle line (F) of rainbow trout were established (Quillet et al., 2005) by a two-way selection for muscle lipid content performed on pan-size rainbow trout using a non-destructive measurement of muscle lipid content (Distell Fish Fat Meter®). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the consequences of this selective breeding on flesh quality of pan size (290 g) diploid and triploid trout after three generations of selection. Instrumental evaluations of fillet color and pH measurement were performed at slaughter. Flesh color, pH, dry matter content and mechanical resistance were measured at 48 h and 96 h postmortem on raw and cooked flesh, respectively. A sensorial profile analysis was performed on cooked fillets. Fillets from the selected fatty muscle line (F) had a higher dry matter content and were more colorful for both raw and cooked fillets. Mechanical evaluation indicated a tendency of raw flesh from F fish to be less firm, but this was not confirmed after cooking, neither instrumentally or by sensory analysis. The sensory analysis revealed higher fat loss, higher intensity of flavor of cooked potato, higher exudation, higher moisture content and a more fatty film left on the tongue for flesh from F fish. Triploid fish had mechanically softer raw and cooked fillets, but the difference was not perceived by the sensorial panel. The sensorial evaluation also revealed a lower global intensity of odor, more exudation and a higher moisture content in the fillets from triploid fish. These differences in quality parameters among groups of fish were associated with larger white muscle fibers in F fish and in triploid fish. The data provide additional information about the relationship between muscle fat content, muscle cellularity and flesh quality.