227 resultados para Raft
As we face a difficult economic climate, in which inequalities may worsen, the PHA faces many challenges in its efforts to improve the health of the population. One such challenge is the issue of obesity. Recently, in the Draft Programme for Government and, again today, in anticipation of the publication of the Consultation on the Review of Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland, the specific issue of obesity has been highlighted in the media.The PHA is committed to playing a lead role in tackling this major health issue and has been systematically examining the evidence of best practice and effectiveness to ensure that investment and working in partnership will bring clear benefits. A welcome consequence of any success would be a reduction in the impact of the physical, and emotional costs of obesity related ill-health to individuals - and the financial costs to an overstretched healthcare system.A multi-facetted approach to tackling obesity is required for Northern Ireland. This will mean working across government departments, looking at relevant legislation, taxation, food standards and labelling, as well as supporting a raft of programmes within education, workplace, and at the local community level."The prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen dramatically in recent years in Northern Ireland and is now the norm to be overweight, rather than the exception. The Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) indicated that 36% of adults are overweight and a further 23% are obese; this means that approximately 3 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland carry excess weight. A similar proportion of males and females were obese (23%) however males were more likely to be overweight (44%) than females (30%).Data from the Northern Ireland Health and Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) reported that 27% of children aged 2-15 years are obese or overweight. The findings presented here are based on the guidelines put forward by the International Obesity Task Force. Using this approach, 8% of children were assessed as obese, with similar results for boys (8%) and girls (9%). Obesity has serious implications for health and wellbeing and is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, respiratory problems and joint pain.Evidence indicates that being obese can reduce life expectancy by up to 9 years; and it can impact on emotional and psychological well-being and self-esteem, especially among young people.Obesity also impacts on wider society through economic costs, loss of productivity and increased demands on our health and social care system. It is estimated that obesity in Northern Ireland is resulting in 260,000 working days lost each year with a cost to the local economy of £500 million.The good news is that the intentional loss of significant weight (approx 10kg) in overweight and obese adults has been shown to confer significant health benefits, decreased morbidity and may also reduce obesity-related mortality.Key programmes and interventions are undertaken by the PHA in order to prevent and reduce overweight and obesity. The programmes/interventions are supported by significant ongoing work at local level. Examples include:the promotion of breastfeeding; local programmes to increase awareness of good nutrition and develop cooking skills, for example 'Cook It!'; promotion of more active lifestyles, for example, Walking for Health' and 'Teenage Kicks'; development of community allotment schemes; programmes for primary school children, for example Skip2bfit and Eat, Taste and Grow; and sports and other recreation, for example 'Active Belfast'. The PHA's multi media campaign 'It all adds up!' to encourage children to become more active and understand the importance of keeping fit, in a fun and exciting way, ran until October 2011. It encouraged parents and carers to go to the website www.getalifegetactive.com and download the PHA logbook It all adds up! to plan activities as a family. The logbook helped children and parents plan and keep track of their participation in physical activity at school, home and in the community. PHA is currently developing a public information campaign and other supportive work to increase public awareness of obesity as well as to provide advice and support for those who want to make real changes. The campaign development is well underway and is anticipated for launch in late Spring 2012. Like many common health problems, people living in disadvantaged circumstances suffer most and the PHA is committed to tackling this aspect of health inequality. The good news is that even a modest weight loss, of 1-1 Â_ stones, can help to reduce the risk of many of the health problems resulting from being overweight or obese. Information on losing weight through healthier eating and being more active can be found on the PHA websites - www.enjoyhealthyeating.info and www.getalifegetactive.com . These websites provide help and advice for anyone who wants to improve their eating habits and fitness levels, by making small, sustainable, healthy changes to their lifestyle. The PHA leaflet, Small changes, big benefits is also available to download from the PHA website, 'Publications' section.
Uptake of transferrin by epimastigote forms of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi occurs mainly through a cytostome/ cytopharynx, via uncoated endocytic vesicles that bud off from the bottom of the cytopharynx. We have here examined whether detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) domains might be involved in this process. Purified whole cell membrane fractions were assayed for cholesterol levels and used in dot blot analyses. Detergent-resistant membrane markers (cholera B toxin and anti-flotillin-1 antibody) presented positive reaction by dot blots in cholesterol-rich/ protein-poor membrane sub-fractions. The positive dot blot fraction was submitted to lipid composition analysis, showing composition similar to that of raft fractions described for other eukaryotic cells. Immunofluorescence assays allowed the localization of punctual positive signal for flotillin-1, matching the precise cytostome/ cytopharynx location. These data were confirmed by immunofluorescence assays with the co-localization of flotillin-1 and the transferrin uptake site. Our data suggest that DRM domains occur and are integrated at the cytostome/ cytopharynx of T. cruzi epimastigotes, being the main route for transferrin uptake.
Selectins play a key role regulating leukocyte migration into tissues by mediating leukocyte tethering (capture) and rolling on inflamed endothelium and/or on adherent leukocytes or platelets. During leukocyte rolling, endothelial E- or P-selectin bind to glycoprotein ligands carrying sialyl Lewis χ (sLex) determinant. P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) is a common ligand for L-, P- and E-selectin, which sequentially cooperates with CD44 and E- selectin ligand-1 (ESL-1) to roll on E-selectin. During rolling on endothelial selectins, PSGL-1 and CD44 signal through Src family kinases and Syk, leading to αι_β2 integrin partial activation and slow rolling on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). Leukocyte exposure to chemokines then leads to firm adhesion. Little information is available on ligands that mediate malignant leukocyte rolling on E- selectin. We defined these ligands on U937 monoblasts by immunoadsorbtion and immunoblotting using mAb raised against CD43, CD44, PSGL-1, sLex/CLA determinants and E-selectin/IgM chimera. Immunoblotting and blot rolling assays demonstrated that PSGL-1, CD43, CD44 and a -125 kDa sLex/CLA positive ligand contribute to support E-seiectin- dependent rolling. This -125 kDa ligand is endoglycan, a member of the CD34 family of sialomucins. Endoglycan was frequently detected by flow cytometry on primary leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma ceils (in -50% of cases). Endoglycan, immunopurified from U937 cells, as well as endoglycan/IgG chimera efficiently supported E-selectin dependent rolling. Membrane fractionation on sucrose gradient demonstrated that endoglycan is expressed in lipid rafts. We tested the hypothesis that it signals, like PSGL-1 and CD44, through Src kinases and the MAPK pathway. Indeed, endoglycan engagement induced Syk and ERK phosphorylation in a iipid raft-dependent manner. Syk activation was dependent on Src kinase activity. Downstream of Syk, endoglycan activated PI3K and Akt as well as Bruton's tyrosine kinase and p38 MAPK. Thus, endoglycan is a ligand for endothelial selectins which may contribute to regulate leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma cell trafficking and interactions with bone marrow microenvironment. - Les sélectines contrôlent la migration tissulaire des leucocytes en assurant leur capture et leur roulement sur l'endothélium vasculaire enflammé et/ou sur des plaquettes ou des leucocytes adhérant à la paroi vasculaire. Lors du roulement leucocytaire, les sélectines endothéliales (E- et P-sélectine) se lient à des ligands porteurs du saccharide sialyl Lewis χ (sLex). PSGL-1 est un ligand commun des sélectines qui coopère avec CD44 et ESL-1 pour permettre la capture et le roulement des neutrophiles. Lorsque PSGL-1 et CD44 se lient aux sélectines endothéliales, elles induisent la phosphorylation des kinases Src et de Syk conduisant à l'activation partielle de l'intégrine aLp2 et au ralentissement des leucocytes sur les sélectines et ICAM-1. Les chimiokines induisent ensuite l'adhésion ferme des leucocytes. Les ligands des sélectines qui assurent le roulement, sur la E-sélectine, des cellules issues d'hémopathies malignes sont peu connus. Nous avons caractérisé ces ligands en les purifiant avec des anticorps dirigés contre CD43, CD44, PSGL-1, sLex/CLA et en utilisant la chimère E-sélectine/IgM. Des tests d'adhésion ont montré que PSGL-1, CD43, CD44 et une glycoprotéine de ~125 kDa soutiennent les interactions cellulaires dépendant de la E- sélectine. Le ligand de -125 kDa a été identifié comme étant l'endoglycan. Il a été détecté, par cytométrie de flux, sur les cellules leucémiques, les cellules de lymphomes ou de myélome multiple, dans ~50% des cas analysés. Sa forme membranaire, immunopurifiée, ou recombinante (endoglycan/lgG) soutient les interactions cellulaires dépendant de la E- sélectine. Nous avons montré qu'il réside dans les rafts lipidiques membranaires puis avons testé l'hypothèse que l'endoglycan, comme PSGL-1 et CD44, induit une signalisation via les kinases de type Src et la voie des MAPK. Nous avons pu observer que son engagement induit la phosphorylation de Syk et de ERK pour autant que la structure des rafts soit préservée. En aval de Syk, l'endoglycan active la PI3K, Akt, Btk et la MAPK p38. Ces résultats montrent que l'endoglycan est un ligand des sélectines endothéliales qui pourrait participer au contrôle du trafic et des interactions des cellules leucémiques, de lymphomes ou de myélomes multiples avec leur microenvironnement. - Le sang est un élément clé du fonctionnement de notre corps. La circulation sanguine permet la communication et le transfert de molécules et cellules entre divers organes. Lors d'une inflammation aiguë due à une réaction allergique, une infection ou une blessure, on observe un oedème local accompagné de rougeur, de chaleur et souvent de douleurs. Au sein des tissus enflammés, on observe des globules blancs (leucocytes) et diverses molécules inflammatoires qui attirent les leucocytes dans les tissus lésés (chimiokines). Le sang est composé de globules rouges, de plaquettes et de leucocytes spécialisés dans les défenses immunes. Pour atteindre le site d'inflammation, les leucocytes doivent quitter la circulation sanguine. Ils utilisent pour cela des molécules d'adhésion présentes à leur surface qui se lient à d'autres molécules d'adhésion de la paroi sanguine. Leurs interactions permettent aux leucocytes de rouler à la surface du vaisseau sanguin. Lorsqu'ils roulent au voisinage d'un site d'inflammation, les leucocytes sont exposés à des chimiokines qui induisent leur arrêt et les dirigent dans les tissus enflammés. Ce processus physiologique est aussi impliqué dans des pathologies telles que l'infarctus, l'artériosclérose ou la thrombose. Il peut être détourné à des fins moins louables par des cellules cancéreuses pour permettre leur dissémination (métastatisation). Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons caractérisé une molécule d'adhésion qui soutient l'adhésion des leucocytes aux sélectines endothéliales: l'endoglycan. Nous avons observé que cette molécule d'adhésion est fréquemment exprimée par les cellules malignes de nombreuses maladies du sang comme les leucémies, les lymphomes et le myélome multiple. Nous avons également pu montrer que l'endoglycan envoie des signaux à l'intérieur des cellules malignes lorsqu'elles se lient aux sélectines endothéliales. Ces signaux pourraient jouer un rôle déterminant dans la régulation des interactions des cellules malignes avec leur microenvironnement. Elles pourraient peut-être aussi favoriser leur survie et leur prolifération.
Antigen-specific T-cell activation implicates a redistribution of plasma membrane-bound molecules in lipid rafts, such as the coreceptors CD8 and CD4, the Src kinases Lek and Fyn, and the linker for activation of T cells (LAT), that results in the formation of signaling complexes. These molecules partition in lipid rafts because of palmitoylation of cytoplasmic, membrane proximal cysteines, which is essential for their functional integrity in T-cell activation. Here, we show that exogenous dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), but not the related unsaturated dioleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), partitions in lipid rafts. DPPE inhibits activation of CD8(+) T lymphocytes by sensitized syngeneic antigen-presenting cells or specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) peptide tetramers, as indicated by esterase release and intracellular calcium mobilization. Cytotoxic, T lymphocyte (CTL)-target cell conjugate formation is not affected by DPPE, indicating that engagement of the T-cell receptor by its cognate ligand is intact in lipid-treated cells. In contrast to other agents known to block raft-dependent signaling, DPPE efficiently inhibits the MHC peptide-induced recruitment of palmitoylated signaling molecules to lipid rafts and CTL activation without affecting cell viability or lipid raft integrity.
Engagement of TNF receptor 1 by TNFalpha activates the transcription factor NF-kappaB but can also induce apoptosis. Here we show that upon TNFalpha binding, TNFR1 translocates to cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched membrane microdomains, termed lipid rafts, where it associates with the Ser/Thr kinase RIP and the adaptor proteins TRADD and TRAF2, forming a signaling complex. In lipid rafts, TNFR1 and RIP are ubiquitylated. Furthermore, we provide evidence that translocation to lipid rafts precedes ubiquitylation, which leads to the degradation via the proteasome pathway. Interfering with lipid raft organization not only abolishes ubiquitylation but switches TNFalpha signaling from NF-kappaB activation to apoptosis. We suggest that lipid rafts are crucial for the outcome of TNFalpha-activated signaling pathways.
Development of the immature stages of Culex (Culex) saltanensis Dyar (Diptera, Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Culex (Culex) saltanensis Dyar, 1928 is becoming frequent and abundant in natural and artificial breeding sites in urban and rural areas of Brazil. This study contributes to the knowledge of the biology of a Brazilian strain of C. saltanensis. The development of specimens reared individually or grouped was observed. The study was conducted at a constant temperature of 27 ± 2°C, 14L:10D photoperiod and 80 ± 5% relative humidity. The immature stages were observed every 6 hours until adult emergence, which occurred in 12.29 days among individually reared specimens and in 13.12 days among group-reared specimens. Egg rafts for the experiment were obtained from the laboratory and field. Eggs hatched at a rate of 97.48 ± 2.32%. More eggs per egg raft were obtained from the field than from the laboratory. Males from individually reared specimens emerged in 12.29 ± 1.11 days and females in 13.12 ± 1.58 days. The male-female ratio was 1:1. Larval survival rate was higher than 85% for larvae reared isolated and higher than 95% for group-reared larvae. The Culex saltanensis life cycle was completed within 12 to 14 days, where larval instars I and IV took the most time to develop and the pupae, the shortest.
Membrane organization into condensed domains or rafts provides molecular platforms for selective recruitment of proteins. Cell migration is a general process that requires spatiotemporal targeting of Rac1 to membrane rafts. The protein machinery responsible for making rafts competent to recruit Rac1 remains elusive. Some members of the MAL family of proteins are involved in specialized processes dependent on this type of membrane. Because condensed membrane domains are a general feature of the plasma membrane of all mammalian cells, we hypothesized that MAL family members with ubiquitous expression and plasma membrane distribution could be involved in the organization of membranes for cell migration. We show that myeloid-associated differentiation marker (MYADM), a protein with unique features within the MAL family, colocalizes with Rac1 in membrane protrusions at the cell surface and distributes in condensed membranes. MYADM knockdown (KD) cells had altered membrane condensation and showed deficient incorporation of Rac1 to membrane raft fractions and, similar to Rac1 KD cells, exhibited reduced cell spreading and migration. Results of rescue-of-function experiments by expression of MYADM or active Rac1L61 in cells knocked down for Rac1 or MYADM, respectively, are consistent with the idea that MYADM and Rac1 act on parallel pathways that lead to similar functional outcomes.
Lipid rafts, defined as domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids, are involved in many important plasma membrane functions. Recent studies suggest that the way cells handle membrane cholesterol is fundamental in the formation of such lateral heterogeneities. We propose to model the plasma membrane as a nonequilibrium phase-separating system where cholesterol is dynamically incorporated and released. The model shows how cellular regulation of membrane cholesterol may determine the nanoscale lipid organization when the lipid mixture is close to a phase separation boundary, providing a plausible mechanism for raft formation in vivo.
T cells expressing T cell receptor (TCR) complexes that lack CD3 delta, either due to deletion of the CD3 delta gene, or by replacement of the connecting peptide of the TCR alpha chain, exhibit severely impaired positive selection and TCR-mediated activation of CD8 single-positive T cells. Because the same defects have been observed in mice expressing no CD8 beta or tailless CD8 beta, we examined whether CD3 delta serves to couple TCR.CD3 with CD8. To this end we used T cell hybridomas and transgenic mice expressing the T1 TCR, which recognizes a photoreactive derivative of the PbCS 252-260 peptide in the context of H-2K(d). We report that, in thymocytes and hybridomas expressing the T1 TCR.CD3 complex, CD8 alpha beta associates with the TCR. This association was not observed on T1 hybridomas expressing only CD8 alpha alpha or a CD3 delta(-) variant of the T1 TCR. CD3 delta was selectively co-immunoprecipitated with anti-CD8 antibodies, indicating an avid association of CD8 with CD3 delta. Because CD8 alpha beta is a raft constituent, due to this association a fraction of TCR.CD3 is raft-associated. Cross-linking of these TCR-CD8 adducts results in extensive TCR aggregate formation and intracellular calcium mobilization. Thus, CD3 delta couples TCR.CD3 with raft-associated CD8, which is required for effective activation and positive selection of CD8(+) T cells.
Partitioning of proteins in cholesterol and sphingolipid enriched plasma membrane microdomains, called lipid rafts, is critical for many signal transduction and protein sorting events. Although raft partitioning of many signaling molecules remains to be determined, glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins possess high affinity for lipid rafts and are currently exploited as markers to investigate fundamental mechanisms in protein sorting and signal transduction events. In this study, we demonstrate that two recombinant GPI-anchored green fluorescent proteins (GFP-GPIs) that differ in their GPI signal sequence confer distinct localization in plasma membrane microdomains. GFP fused to the GPI signal of the decay accelerating factor GFP-GPI(DAF) partitioned exclusively in lipid rafts, whereas GFP fused to the GPI signal of TRAIL-R3, GFP-GPI(TRAIL-R3), associated only minimally with microdomains. In addition, we investigated the unique ability of purified GFP-GPIs to insert into membrane microdomains of primary lymphocytes. This cell surface painting allows rapid, stable, and functional association of the GPI-anchored proteins with the target cell plasma membrane. The distinct membrane localization of the two GFP-GPIs was observed irrespective of whether the GPI-anchored molecules were painted or transfected. Furthermore, we show that painted GFP-GPI(DAF) was totally dependent on the GPI anchor and that the membrane insertion was increased by the addition of raft-associated lipids such as cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine. Thus, this study provides evidence that different GPI signal sequences lead to distinct membrane microdomain localization and that painted GFP-GPI(DAF) serves as an excellent fluorescent marker for lipid rafts in live cells.
Remorins form a superfamily of plant-specific plasma membrane/lipid-raft-associated proteins of unknown structure and function. Using specific antibodies, we localized tomato remorin 1 to apical tissues, leaf primordia and vascular traces. The deduced remorin protein sequence contains a predicted coiled coil-domain, suggesting its participation in protein-protein interactions. Circular dichroism revealed that recombinant potato remorin contains an alpha-helical region that forms a functional coiled-coil domain. Electron microscopy of purified preparations of four different recombinant remorins, one from potato, two divergent isologs from tomato, and one from Arabidopsis thaliana , demonstrated that the proteins form highly similar filamentous structures. The diameters of the negatively-stained filaments ranged from 4.6-7.4 nm for potato remorin 1, 4.3-6.2 nm for tomato remorin 1, 5.7-7.5 nm for tomato remorin 2, and 5.7-8.0 nm for Arabidopsis Dbp. Highly polymerized remorin 1 was detected in glutaraldehyde-crosslinked tomato plasma membrane preparations and a population of the protein was immunolocalized in tomato root tips to structures associated with discrete regions of the plasma membrane.
The lipid raft proteins reggie-1 and -2 (flotillins) are implicated in membrane protein trafficking but exactly how has been elusive. We find that reggie-1 and -2 associate with the Rab11a, SNX4, and EHD1-decorated tubulovesicular recycling compartment in HeLa cells and that reggie-1 directly interacts with Rab11a and SNX4. Short hairpin RNA-mediated down-regulation of reggie-1 (and -2) in HeLa cells reduces association of Rab11a with tubular structures and impairs recycling of the transferrin-transferrin receptor (TfR) complex to the plasma membrane. Overexpression of constitutively active Rab11a rescues TfR recycling in reggie-deficient HeLa cells. Similarly, in a Ca(2+) switch assay in reggie-depleted A431 cells, internalized E-cadherin is not efficiently recycled to the plasma membrane upon Ca(2+) repletion. E-cadherin recycling is rescued, however, by overexpression of constitutively active Rab11a or SNX4 in reggie-deficient A431 cells. This suggests that the function of reggie-1 in sorting and recycling occurs in association with Rab11a and SNX4. Of interest, impaired recycling in reggie-deficient cells leads to de novo E-cadherin biosynthesis and cell contact reformation, showing that cells have ways to compensate the loss of reggies. Together our results identify reggie-1 as a regulator of the Rab11a/SNX4-controlled sorting and recycling pathway, which is, like reggies, evolutionarily conserved.
To supplement other environmental monitoring programs and to protect the health of people consuming fish from waters within this state, the state of Iowa conducts fish tissue monitoring. Since 1980, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region VII (U.S. EPA), and the State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) have cooperatively conducted annual statewide collections and analyses of fish for toxic contaminants. From 1983 to 2014, this monitoring effort was known as the Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program (RAFT). Beginning in 2015, the only statewide fish contaminant-monitoring program in Iowa was changed to the Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program (IFTMP). The IFTMP is administered by IDNR and the tissue analyses are completed at the SHL. Historically, the data generated from the IFTMP have enabled IDNR to document temporal changes in contaminant levels and to identify Iowa lakes and rivers where high levels of contaminants in fish potentially threaten the health of fish-consuming Iowans (see IDNR 2006). The IFTMP incorporates five different types of monitoring sites: 1) status, 2) follow-up, 3) trend, 4) turtle, and 5) random.
To supplement other environmental monitoring programs and to protect the health of people consuming fish from waters within this state, the state of Iowa conducts fish tissue monitoring. Since 1980, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region VII (U.S. EPA), and the State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) have cooperatively conducted annual statewide collections and analyses of fish for toxic contaminants. From 1983 to 2014, this monitoring effort was known as the Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program (RAFT). Beginning in 2015, the only statewide fish contaminant-monitoring program in Iowa was changed to the Iowa Fish Tissue Monitoring Program (IFTMP). The IFTMP is administered by IDNR and the analyses are completed at the SHL. Historically, the data generated from the IFTMP have enabled IDNR to document temporal changes in contaminant levels and to identify Iowa lakes and rivers where high levels of contaminants in fish potentially threaten the health of fish-consuming Iowans (see IDNR 2006). The IFTMP incorporates five different types of monitoring sites: 1) status, 2) follow-up, 3) trend, 4) turtle, and 5) random.
To supplement other environmental monitoring programs and to protect the health of people consuming fish from waters within this state, the state of Iowa conducts fish tissue monitoring. Since 1980, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region VII (U.S. EPA), and the State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) have cooperatively conducted annual statewide collections and analyses of fish for toxic contaminants. Beginning in 1983, this monitoring effort became known as the Regional Ambient Fish Tissue Monitoring Program (RAFT). Currently, the RAFT program is the only statewide fish contaminant-monitoring program in Iowa. Historically, the data generated from the RAFT program have enabled IDNR to document temporal changes in contaminant levels and to identify Iowa lakes and rivers where high levels of contaminants in fish potentially threaten the health of fish-consuming Iowans (see IDNR 2006). The Iowa RAFT monitoring program incorporates five different types of monitoring sites: 1) status, 2) follow-up, 3) trend, 4) turtle, and 5) random.