862 resultados para Radner, Hilary: "Pretty is as pretty does : free enterprise and the marriage plot"
Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P
There has been growing interest in the effects of variation in larval quality on the post-larval performance of adult marine invertebrates. Variation in egg/larval size is an obvious source of variation in larval quality but sources of variation have received little attention. For broadcast spawners, larval size may vary according to the local sperm environment but the generality of this result is unclear. Here, we show that, for a solitary ascidian, a polychaete and an echinoid, larval size is affected by the concentration of sperm present during fertilization. Larvae that are produced at high sperm concentrations are smaller than larvae that are produced from eggs exposed to low sperm concentrations. We also show that for three ascidians and an asteroid, egg size increases with maternal body size. These differences in larval size are likely to affect larval and subsequent adult performance in the field. Given that sperm concentrations in the field can fluctuate widely, it is likely that larval quality in free-spawning marine invertebrates will also vary widely.
Objective: To compare rates of self-reported use of health services between rural, remote and urban South Australians. Methods: Secondary data analysis from a population-based survey to assess health and well-being, conducted in South Australia in 2000. In all, 2,454 adults were randomly selected and interviewed using the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system. We analysed health service use by Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) category. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the median number of uses of the four types of health services studied across ARIA categories. Significantly fewer residents of highly accessible areas reported never using primary care services (14.4% vs. 22.2% in very remote areas), and significantly more reported high use ( greater than or equal to6 visits, 29.3% vs. 21.5%). Fewer residents of remote areas reported never attending hospital (65.6% vs. 73.8% in highly accessible areas). Frequency of use of mental health services was not statistically significantly different across ARIA categories. Very remote residents were more likely to spend at least one night in a public hospital (15.8%) than were residents of other areas (e.g. 5.9% for highly accessible areas). Conclusion: The self-reported frequency of use of a range of health services in South Australia was broadly similar across ARIA categories. However, use of primary care services was higher among residents of highly accessible areas and public hospital use increased with increasing remoteness. There is no evidence for systematic rural disadvantage in terms of self-reported health service utilisation in this State.
Premature closure of the proximal femoral growth plate results in coxa brevis, which usually is associated with insufficiency of the hip abductors. Distal and lateral transfer of the greater trochanter sometimes is recommended to correct this problem. Most of what is known arises from studies of children and adolescents. We asked whether this procedure in adults with coxa brevis would eliminate hip abductor insufficiency and would improve their hip function based on the Harris hip score (HHS). We prospectively followed 11 patients, aged 19 to 55 years (mean, 40 years) who had distal and lateral trochanteric transfer. All patients had pain and a positive Trendelenburg test before surgery. This test was performed at the latest followup by three observers and the interobserver reliability was determined by the kappa coefficient. The HHS was obtained before surgery and at the latest followup. The minimum followup was 25 months (mean, 52 months; range, 25-77 months). Insufficiency of the hip abductors was eliminated in seven (according to two observers) and eight (according to one observer) of the 11 patients after surgery; the kappa coefficient ranged from 0.79 to 1.0. The mean HHS improved from 64 points preoperatively to 76 points at the final followup. The two patients with preexisting severe osteoarthritis of the hip had the worst final scores and persisted with a positive Trendelenburg test at the final followup. Distal and lateral transfer of the greater trochanter can eliminate insufficiency of the hip abductors and improve joint function in adult patients with coxa brevis and we believe should be considered for patients without severe osteoarthritis of the hip. Level IV, therapeutic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (OSCC) is a malignancy characterized by a high degree of local aggression and metastasis to cervical lymph nodes. Tetraspanins are proteins with functional roles in a wide array of cellular processes and are reported to be associated with tumor progression. The present study investigated the expression of the CD9, CD37, CD63, CD81 and CD82 tetraspanins in OSCC using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and quantitative Real Time-PCR (qRT-PCR). Tissue microarray (TMA) analysis of samples from 179 cases of OSCC and 10 normal samples oral mucosa were evaluated immunomorphologically. We analyzed CD9 and CD82 expression by qRT-PCR in 66 OSCC cases and 4 normal samples of oral mucosa. Expression of CD63, CD37 and CD81 was not detected in the samples studied. CD82 was downregulated or negative in 127 of 179 (80%) specimens; no correlation was observed between CD82 expression, clinicopathological parameters, disease-free survival and 5-year overall survival. CD9 expression was downregulated or negative in 75 of 129 (42%) OSCC samples. Loss of CD9 expression in OSCC samples correlated with the incidence of lymph node metastasis (p = 0.017). Disease-free survival and the 5-year overall survival of patients with downregulated or negative CD9 expression were significantly lower than in patients with positive CD9 expression (p = 0.010 and p = 0.071, respectively). No correlation was found between CD9 or CD82 expression and clinicopathological parameters by qRT-PCR. Our results suggest that the downregulation or lack of expression of the CD9 protein might indicate a more aggressive of OSCC. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the scattering of the quantized electromagnetic field from a linear, dispersive dielectric using the scattering formalism for quantum fields. The medium is modeled as a collection of harmonic oscillators with a number of distinct resonance frequencies. This model corresponds to the Sellmeir expansion, which is widely used to describe experimental data for real dispersive media. The integral equation for the interpolating field in terms of the in field is solved and the solution used to find the out field. The relation between the ill and out creation and annihilation operators is found that allows one to calculate the S matrix for this system. In this model, we find that there are absorption bands, but the input-output relations are completely unitary. No additional quantum-noise terms are required.
Free field and twisted parafermionic representations of twisted su(3)(k)((2)) current algebra are obtained. The corresponding twisted Sugawara energy-momentum tensor is given in terms of three (beta, gamma) pairs and two scalar fields and also in terms of twisted parafermionic currents and one scalar field. Two screening currents of the first kind are presented in terms of the free fields.
The effect of heat treatment on the structure of an Australian semi-anthracite char was studied in detail in the 850-1150degreesC temperature range using XRD, HRTEM, and electrical resistivity techniques. It was found that the carbon crystallite size in the char does not change significantly during heat treatment in the temperature range studied, for both the raw coal and its ash-free derivative obtained by acid treatment. However, the fraction of the organized carbon in the raw coal chars, determined by XRD, increased with increase of heat treatment time and temperature, while that for the ash-free coal chars remained almost unchanged. This suggests the occurrence of catalytic ordering during heat treatment, supported by the observation that the electrical resistivity of the raw coal chars decreased with heat treatment, while that of the ash-free coal chars did not vary significantly. Further confirmatory evidence was provided by high resolution transmission electron micrographs depicting well-organized carbon layers surrounding iron particles. It is also found that the fraction of organized carbon does not reach unity, but attains an apparent equilibrium value that increases with increase in temperature, providing an apparent heat of ordering of 71.7 kJ mol(-1) in the temperature range studied. Good temperature-independent correlation was found between the electrical resistivity and the organized carbon fraction, indicating that electrical resistivity is indeed structure sensitive. Good correlation was also found between the electrical resistivity and the reactivity of coal char. All these results strongly suggest that the thermal deactivation is the result of a crystallite-perfecting process, which is effectively catalyzed by the inorganic matter in the coal char. Based on kinetic interpretation of the data it is concluded that the process is diffusion controlled, most likely involving transport of iron in the inter-crystallite nanospaces in the temperature range studied. The activation energy of this transport process is found to be very low, at about 11.8 kJ mol(-1), which is corroborated by model-free correlation of the temporal variation of organized carbon fraction as well as electrical resistivity data using the superposition method, and is suggestive of surface transport of iron. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose. As reductions in dermal clearance increase the residence time of solutes in the skin and underlying tissues we compared the topical penetration of potentially useful vasoconstrictors (VCs) through human epidermis as both free bases and ion-pairs with salicylic acid (SA). Methods. We determined the in vitro epidermal flux of ephedrine, naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and xylometazoline applied as saturated solutions in propylene glycol: water (1: 1) and of ephedrine, naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline as 10% solutions of 1: 1 molar ratio ion-pairs with SA in liquid paraffin. Results. As free bases, ephedrine had the highest maximal flux, Jmax = 77.4 +/- 11.7 mug/cm(2)/h, being 4-fold higher than tetrahydrozoline and xylometazoline, 6-fold higher than phenylephrine, 10-fold higher than naphazoline and 100-fold higher than oxymetazoline. Stepwise regression of solute physicochemical properties identified melting point as the most significant predictor of flux. As ion-pairs with SA, ephedrine and naphazoline had similar fluxes (11.5 +/- 2.3 and 12.0 +/- 1.6 mug/cm(2)/h respectively), whereas tetrahydrozoline was approximately 3-fold slower. Corresponding fluxes of SA from the ion-pairs were 18.6 +/- 0.6, 7.8 +/- 0.8 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 respectively. Transdermal transport of VC's is discussed. Conclusions. Epidermal retention of VCs and SA did not correspond to their molar ratio on application and confirmed that following partitioning into the stratum corneum, ion-pairs separate and further penetration is governed by individual solute characteristics.
Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) are two major public health problems that have motivated the scientific community to investigate the high contribution of genetic factors to these disorders. The peroxisome proliferator activated by gamma 2 (PPARy2) plays an important role in the lipid metabolism. Since PPARy2 is expressed mainly in adipose tissue, a moderate reduction of its activity influences the sensitivity to insulin, diabetes, and other metabolic parameters. The present study aims to contribute to the elucidation of the impact of the Pro12Ala polymorphism associated with T2D and obesity through a meta-analysis study of the literature that included approximately 11500 individuals, from which 3870 were obese and 7625 were diabetic. Statistical evidence supports protective effect in T2D of polymorphism Pro12Ala of PPARy2 (OR = 0.702 with 95% CI: 0.622; 0.791, P<0.01). Conversely the same polymorphism Pro12Ala of PPARy2 seems to favor obesity since 1.196 more chance than nonobese was found (OR = 1.196 with 95% CI: 1.009; 1.417,P<0.004). Our results suggest that Pro12Ala polymorphism enhances both adipogenic and antidiabetogenic physiological role of PPARy. Does Pro12Ala polymorphism represent an evolutionary step towards the stabilization of the molecular function of PPARy transcription factor signaling pathway?
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
In this paper, we investigate whether being part of the euro area influences the conditional probability of going through a sudden stop or a bonanza of capital flows. Our sample period is from 1995 until 2014. We identify these two phenomena and we evaluate which push and pull factors help predict the conditional probability of experiencing one of them. We find that most countries had significant capital inflows until 2008 and that there were more sudden stops during the recent financial crisis than in any other moment in our sample. The factors that better help forecast the conditional probability of a sudden stop are global uncertainty (represented by the push factor “Volatility Index”), and the domestic economic activity (pull factors “GDP growth” and “consumer confidence”). An indicator of country risk (pull factor “change in credit rating”) is the most significant one for predicting bonanzas. Ultimately, we find no evidence that being part of the euro area influences the conditional probability of going through a sudden stop or a bonanza.
Architectural (bad) smells are design decisions found in software architectures that degrade the ability of systems to evolve. This paper presents an approach to verify that a software architecture is smellfree using the Archery architectural description language. The language provides a core for modelling software architectures and an extension for specifying constraints. The approach consists in precisely specifying architectural smells as constraints, and then verifying that software architectures do not satisfy any of them. The constraint language is based on a propositional modal logic with recursion that includes: a converse operator for relations among architectural concepts, graded modalities for describing the cardinality in such relations, and nominals referencing architectural elements. Four architectural smells illustrate the approach.
Background: Maternal depression is a worldwide phenomenon that has been linked to adverse developmental outcomes in neonates. Aims: To study the effect of antenatal depression (during the third trimester of pregnancy) on neonate behavior, preference, and habituation to both the mother and a stranger’s face/voice. To analyze mother’s depression at childbirth as a potential mediator or moderator of the relationship between antenatal depression and neonate behavioral development. Method: A sample of 110 pregnant women was divided in 2 groups according to their scores on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale during pregnancy (EPDS; ≥10, depressed; <10, non-depressed). In the first 5 days after birth, neonatal performance on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) and in the ‘Preference and habituation to the mother’s face/voice versus stranger’ paradigm was assessed; each mother filled out an EPDS. Results: Neonates of depressed pregnant women, achieved lower scores on the NBASs (regulation of state, range of state, and habituation); did not show a visual/auditory preference for the mother’s face/voice; required more trials to become habituated to the mother’s face/voice; and showed a higher visual/auditory preference for the stranger’s face/voice after habituation compared to neonates of non-depressed pregnant women. Depression at childbirth does not contribute to the effect of antenatal depression on neonatal behavioral development. Conclusion: Depression even before childbirth compromises the neonatal behavioral development. Depression is a relevant issue and should be addressed as a routine part of prenatal health care.
We present a new domain of preferences under which the majority relation is always quasi-transitive and thus Condorcet winners always exist. We model situations where a set of individuals must choose one individual in the group. Agents are connected through some relationship that can be interpreted as expressing neighborhood, and which is formalized by a graph. Our restriction on preferences is as follows: each agent can freely rank his immediate neighbors, but then he is indifferent between each neighbor and all other agents that this neighbor "leads to". Hence, agents can be highly perceptive regarding their neighbors, while being insensitive to the differences between these and other agents which are further removed from them. We show quasi-transitivity of the majority relation when the graph expressing the neighborhood relation is a tree. We also discuss a further restriction allowing to extend the result for more general graphs. Finally, we compare the proposed restriction with others in the literature, to conclude that it is independent of any previously discussed domain restriction.