955 resultados para Radius of Convexity


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By using the axisymmetric finite elements static limit analysis formulation, proposed recently by the authors, the stability numbers (gamma H/c(o)) for an unsupported vertical circular excavation in clays, whose cohesion increases with depth, have been determined under undrained condition; gamma = unit weight, H., height of the excavation and c(o) = cohesion along ground surface. The results are obtained for various values of H/b and m; where b = the radius of the excavation and m = a non-dimensional parameter which accounts for the rate of the increase of cohesion with depth. The values of the stability numbers increase continuously both with increases in H/b and m. The results obtained in this study compare well with those available in literature.(C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a predictive model for breakout noise from an elliptical duct or shell of finite length. The transmission mechanism is essentially that of ``mode coupling'', whereby higher structural modes in the duct walls get excited because of non-circularity of the wall. Effect of geometry has been taken care of by evaluating Fourier coefficients of the radius of curvature. The noise radiated from the duct walls is represented by that from a finite vibrating length of a semi infinite cylinder in a free field. Emphasis is on understanding the physics of the problem as well as analytical modeling. The analytical model is validated with 3-D FEM. Effects of the ovality, curvature, and axial terminations of the duct have been demonstrated. (C) 2010 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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An eight-level axisymmetric model with simple parameterizations for clouds and the atmospheric boundary layer was developed to examine the evolution of vortices that are precursors to tropical cyclones. The effect of vertical distributions of vorticity, especially that arising from a merger of mid-level vortices, was studied by us to provide support for a new vortex-merger theory of tropical cyclone genesis. The basic model was validated with the analytical results available for the spin-down of axisymmetric vortices. With the inclusion of the cloud and boundary layer parameterizations, the evolution of deep vortices into hurricanes and the subsequent decay are simulated quite well. The effects of several parameters such as the initial vortex strength, radius of maximum winds, sea-surface temperature and latitude (Coriolis parameter) on the evolution were examined. A new finding is the manner in which mid-level vortices of the same strength decay and how, on simulated merger of these mid-level vortices, the resulting vortex amplifies to hurricane strength in a realistic time frame. The importance of sea-surface temperature on the evolution of full vortices was studied and explained. Also it was found that the strength of the surface vortex determines the time taken by the deep vortex to amplify to hurricane strength.


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The chemical-shift of the X-ray K-absorption edge of Co was studied in a large number of compounds, complexes (spinels) and minerals of Co in its different oxidation states having widely different crystal structures and containing different types of bonding and various types of ligands, and were reported collectively, for the first time, in a single paper. A quadratic relationship was established on the basis of least-squares regression analysis to hold between the chemical-shift and the effective charge on the absorbing atom, but the dominance of the linear term was shown. This relation was utilized in evaluating the charge on the Co-ion in a number of minerals. The effect on chemical-shift of oxidation states of the absorbing atom, of the bond length, crystal structure and higher shell atoms of the molecule, and of electronegativity, atomic number and ionic radius of the ligand was discussed.


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Phase diagram studies show that at ambient pressure only one ternary oxide, Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5), is stable in the ternary systems Cu-Ln-O (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) at high temperatures. The crystal structure of Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) can be described as a zig-zag arrangement of one-dimensional Cu2O5 chains parallel to-the a-axis with Ln atoms occupying distorted octahedral sites between these chains. Four sets of emf measurements on Gibbs energy of formation of Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu; Y) from component binary oxides and one set of high-temperature solution calorimetric data on enthalpy of formation have been reported in the literature. Except for Cu2Y2O5, the measured values for the Gibbs energies of formation of all other Cu(2)Ln(2)O(5) compounds fall in a narrow band (+/-1 kJ mol(-1)) and indicate a regular increase in stability with decreasing ionic radius of the lanthanide ion. The values for the second law enthalpy of formation, derived from the temperature dependence of emf obtained in different studies, show larger differences, as high as 25 kJ mol(-1) for Cu2Tm2O5. Though associated with an uncertainty of +/-4 kJ mol(-1), the calorimetric measurements help to identify the best set of emf data. The trends in thermodynamic data correlate well with the global instability index (GII) based on the overall deviation from the valence sum rule. Low values for the index calculated from crystallographic information indicate higher stability. Higher values are indicative of the larger stress in the structure.


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The Witten index can be defined in many supersymmetric theories by formulating them in the space-time R×S3. If the index is nonzero for any value of the radius of S3, it can be shown that the theory does not break supersymmetry in Minkowski space. This approach rules out supersymmetry breaking in a large class of models, chiral and otherwise. The index arguments are consistent with previous instanton calculations which indicate supersymmetry breaking in certain theories.


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The details of cage-to-cage migration have been obtained from an analysis of the molecular dynamics trajectory of a probe adsorbate. It is observed that particles utilize the region within a radius of 2 angstrom from the window center but with diffusion taking place predominantly at 1.6 angstrom from the window center and a potential energy of nearly -12 kJ/mol. A barrier of about 0.5 kJ/mol is observed for surface-mediated diffusion. Surprisingly, for diffusion without surface mediation for a particle going from one cage center to another, there is an attractive well near the window instead of a barrier. At low adsorbate concentrations and room temperature, the predominant mode for cage-to-cage migration is surface-mediated diffusion. The analysis suggests that particles slide along the surface of the inner walls of the alpha-cages during migration from one cage to another.


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Curves for the uniformity in film thickness on spherical substrates are drawn for various geometries. The optimum source-to-substrate height for maximum uniformity of the film thickness is determined. These data are approximated to achieve uniform thickness on a large number of small planar substrates loaded on a large spherical substrate holder, the appropriate geometry being selected on the basis of the radius of curvature of the substrate holder.


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Proton NMR spectra of phosphacymantrene (π-phospholyl manganese tricarbonyl) orientated in the nematic phases of liquid crystals have been investigated. The derived H-H and H-P direct dipolar coupling constants have been used to determine the relative proton-proton and proton-phosphorus distances. A comparison of the geometrical data of various 5-membered aromatic heterocycles shows that the relative distances between the protons closest to the heteroatom increase with the van der Waals radius of the heteroatom. The results suggest that NMR spectroscopy of orientated molecules can be used to determine van der Waals radii.


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Langevin dynamics simulation studies have been employed to calculate the temperature dependent free energy surface and folding characteristics of a 500 monomer long linear alkane (polyethylene) chain with a realistic interaction potential. Both equilibrium and temperature quench simulation studies have been carried out. Using the shape anisotropy parameter (S) of the folded molecule as the order parameter, we find a weakly first order phase transition between the high-temperature molten globule and low-temperature rodlike crystalline states separated by a small barrier of the order of k(B)T. Near the melting temperature (580 K), we observe an intriguing intermittent fluctuation with pronounced ``1/f noise characteristics'' between these two states with large difference in shape and structure. We have also studied the possibilities of different pathways of folding to states much below the melting point. At 300 K starting from the all-trans linear configuration, the chain folds stepwise into a very regular fourfold crystallite with very high shape anisotropy. Whereas, when quenched from a high temperature (900 K) random coil regime, we identify a two step transition from the random coiled state to a molten globulelike state and, further, to a anisotropic rodlike state. The trajectory reveals an interesting coupling between the two order parameters, namely, radius of gyration (R-g) and the shape anisotropy parameter (S). The rodlike final state of the quench trajectory is characterized by lower shape anisotropy parameter and significantly larger number of gauche defects as compared to the final state obtained through equilibrium simulation starting from all-trans linear chain. The quench study shows indication of a nucleationlike pathway from the molten globule to the rodlike state involving an underlying rugged energy landscape. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3509398]


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A 4 A electron-density map of Pf1 filamentous bacterial virus has been calculated from x-ray fiber diffraction data by using the maximum-entropy method. This method produces a map that is free of features due to noise in the data and enables incomplete isomorphous-derivative phase information to be supplemented by information about the nature of the solution. The map shows gently curved (banana-shaped) rods of density about 70 A long, oriented roughly parallel to the virion axis but slewing by about 1/6th turn while running from a radius of 28 A to one of 13 A. Within these rods, there is a helical periodicity with a pitch of 5 to 6 A. We interpret these rods to be the helical subunits of the virion. The position of strongly diffracted intensity on the x-ray fiber pattern shows that the basic helix of the virion is right handed and that neighboring nearly parallel protein helices cross one another in an unusual negative sense.


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A finite element method (FEM)-based study has been carried out for the design of flat microtensile samples to evaluate tensile properties of Pt-aluminide (PtAl) bond coats. The critical dimensions of the sample have been determined using a two-dimensional elastic stress analysis. In the present testing scheme, the ratio of the dimensions of the holding length to the fillet radius of the sample was found important to achieve failure within the gage length. The effect of gage length and grip head length also has been examined. The simulation predictions have been experimentally verified by conducting microtensile test of an actual PtAl bond coat at room temperature. The sample design and testing scheme suggested in this study have also been found suitable for evaluation of tensile properties at high temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Charge ordering in rare earth manganates of the type Ln(0.5)A(0.5)MnO(3) (Ln = rare earth, A = alkaline earth) is highly sensitive to the average radius of the A-site cations, [r(A)]. Tn the small [r(A)] regime (e.g., Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3), charge ordering occurs in the paramagnetic state, the transformation to an antiferromagnetic state occurring at still lower temperatures. At moderate [r(A)] values (e.g., Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3), a ferromagnetic metallic state transforms to a charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state with cooling. These two distinct types of charge ordering and associated properties are explained in terms of the variation of the exchange couplings J(FM) and J(AFM) with [r(A)] and the invariance of the single-ion Jahn-Teller energy with [r(A)]. A qualitative temperature-[r(A)] phase diagram, consistent with the experimental observations, has been constructed to describe the properties of the manganates in the different [r(A)] regimes. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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The equilibrium decomposition temperatures of Cu2Ln2O5 (Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) compounds have been measured using a combined DTA-TGA apparatus under a flowing Ar + O2 gas mixture, in which the partial pressure of oxygen was controlled at 5.0 × 103 Pa. The Cu2Ln2O5 compounds yield Ln2O3 and Cu2O on decomposition. The decomposition temperature increases monotonically with the atomic number of the lanthanide element. This suggests that the stability of the Cu2Ln2O5 compounds with respect to the component binary oxides increases with decreasing radius of the Ln3+ ion.


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Seismic hazard and microzonation of cities enable to characterize the potential seismic areas that need to be taken into account when designing new structures or retrofitting the existing ones. Study of seismic hazard and preparation of geotechnical microzonation maps has been attempted using Geographical Information System (GIS). GIS will provide an effective solution for integrating different layers of information thus providing a useful input for city planning and in particular input to earthquake resistant design of structures in an area. Seismic hazard is the study of expected earthquake ground motions at any point on the earth. Microzonation is the process of sub division of region in to number of zones based on the earthquake effects in the local scale. Seismic microzonation is the process of estimating response of soil layers under earthquake excitation and thus the variation of ground motion characteristic on the ground surface. For the seismic microzonation, geotechnical site characterization need to be assessed at local scale (micro level), which is further used to assess of the site response and liquefaction susceptibility of the sites. Seismotectonic atlas of the area having a radius of 350km around Bangalore has been prepared with all the seismogenic sources and historic earthquake events (a catalogue of about 1400 events since 1906). We have attempted to carryout the site characterization of Bangalore by collating conventional geotechnical boreholes data (about 900 borehole data with depth) and integrated in GIS. 3-D subsurface model of Bangalore prepared using GIS is shown in Figure 1.Further, Shear wave velocity survey based on geophysical method at about 60 locations in the city has been carried out in 220 square Kms area. Site response and local site effects have been evaluated using 1-dimensional ground response analysis. Spatial variability of soil overburden depths, ground surface Peak Ground Acceleration’s(PGA), spectral acceleration for different frequencies, liquefaction susceptibility have been mapped in the 220 sq km area using GIS.ArcInfo software has been used for this purpose. These maps can be used for the city planning and risk & vulnerability studies. Figure 2 shows a map of peak ground acceleration at rock level for Bangalore city. Microtremor experiments were jointly carried out with NGRI scientists at about 55 locations in the city and the predominant frequency of the overburden soil columns were evaluated.