963 resultados para RT-nested PCR


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The prothrombin G20210A polymorphism is associated with a threefold-increased risk of venous thrombosis. There is considerable variation in the reported prevalence of this polymorphism within normal populations, ranging from 0 to 6.5%. The prevalence within the Irish population has not been determined. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based assay is commonly used for the detection of the prothrombin 20210A allele. This assay does not include a control restriction digest fragment and, consequently, failure of the enzyme activity or lack of addition of enzyme to the sample cannot be distinguished from wild-type prothrombin. We developed a RFLP-based assay, which incorporates an invariant digest site, resulting in the generation of a control digest fragment. Furthermore, we developed a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the amplification and digestion of poor-quality or low-concentration DNA. In the Irish population studied, five of 385 (1.29%) were heterozygous and one patient was homozygous for the prothrombin 20210A polymorphism. This is the first reported data on an Irish or Celtic population and suggests that the allele frequency is similar to Anglo-Saxon populations. The nested PCR method successfully amplified and digested 100/100 (100%) of the archived samples; none of these samples could be analyzed by the standard single-round PCR method. In conclusion, nested PCR should be considered in the analysis of archived samples. Single-round PCR is appropriate for recently collected samples; however, an invariant control digest site should be incorporated in RFLP-based assays to validate the integrity of the digestion enzyme and limit the risk of false-negative results.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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A infecção urogenital causada por Chlamydia trachomatis é a doença bacteriana sexualmente transmissível mais comum na Europa, tanto em homens como em mulheres. Constitui um grave problema de saúde pública devido à elevada percentagem de portadores assintomáticos, às complicações clínicas que daí podem resultar e à possibilidade de transmissão vertical. O presente trabalho teve como principais objectivos: i) avaliar a prevalência da infecção por C. trachomatis e por Neisseria gonorrhoeae num grupo de grávidas de 36 semanas atendidas na consulta externa de Obstetrícia do Hospital Amadora Sintra e nos recém-nascidos de mães infectadas, ii) identificar os serovares responsáveis pelas infecções por C. trachomatis, iii) verificar a distribuição da prevalência da infecção por C. trachomatis em função da idade e iv) avaliar a utilidade de uma técnica de PCR multiplex e de PCR multiplex em tempo real no diagnóstico desta infecção. Foram testadas 1201 amostras de urina do primeiro jacto de grávidas e 18 exsudados oculares provenientes de recém-nascidos cujas mães estavam infectadas com C. trachomatis. Cada amostra foi testada pelas técnicas de PCR multiplex e de PCR multiplex em tempo real, tendo como alvos de amplificação um fragmento do plasmídio críptico e outro do gene omp1. Todos os resultados positivos foram confirmados com uma técnica de nested PCR e posteriormente enviados para sequenciação para identificação dos serovares envolvidos. Em todas as amostras foi ainda pesquisada a presença de ADN de N. gonorrhoeae através de técnicas de PCR e de PCR em tempo real sendo que, na primeira, o alvo a amplificar foi um fragmento do gene ccpB do plasmídio pJDI e na segunda o pseudogene porA. Os resultados positivos foram confirmados por RFLP. A prevalência da infecção por C. trachomatis e por N. gonorrhoeae foi de 3,7% (45/1201) e de 0,08% (1/1201), respectivamente. Nos recém-nascidos, a prevalência foi de 0% para ambas as infecções, embora o número de recém-nascidos estudados (18/45) dificilmente seja representativo. O serovar mais prevalente foi o E (31,1%), seguido do G (15,6%), do D/Da (13,3%), do F, I/Ia e do J (11,1%). O serovar K foi identificado em 4,4% das amostras infectadas e o H em apenas 2,2%. A técnica de PCR multiplex em tempo real parece ser mais adequada para o diagnóstico da infecção por C. trachomatis do que a técnica de PCR multiplex, tendo a primeira detectado 100% dos casos de infecção por este microrganismo (45/45), enquanto que a segunda detectou apenas 71% (32/45) dos mesmos.


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To determine viral subtypes and resistance mutations to antiretroviral treatment (ART) in untreated HIV-1 acutely infected subjects from Southwest Switzerland. Clinical samples were obtained from the HIV primary infection cohort from Lausanne. Briefly, pol gene was amplified by nested PCR and sequenced to generate a 1?kb sequence spanning protease and reverse transcriptase key protein regions. Nucleotide sequences were used to assess viral genotype and ART resistance mutations. Blood specimens and medical information were obtained from 30 patients. Main viral subtypes corresponded to clade B, CRF02_AG, and F1. Resistant mutations to PIs consisted of L10V and accessory mutations 16E and 60E present in all F1 clades. The NNRTI major resistant mutation 103N was detected in all F1 viruses and in other 2 clades. Additionally, we identified F1 sequences from other 6 HIV infected and untreated individuals from Southwest Switzerland, harboring nucleotide motifs and resistance mutations to ART as observed in the F1 strains from the cohort. These data reveal a high transmission rate (16.6%) for NNRTI resistant mutation 103N in a cohort of HIV acute infection. Three of the 5 resistant strains were F1 clades closely related to other F1 isolates from HIV-1 infection untreated patients also coming from Southwest Switzerland. Overall, we provide strong evidence towards an HIV-1 resistant transmission network in Southwest Switzerland. These findings have relevant implications for the local molecular mapping of HIV-1 and future ART surveillance studies in the region.


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Cryptosporidium spp. est un protozoaire parasite du système gastro-intestinal largement répandu chez les vertébrés et causant la cryptosporidiose, une zoonose occasionnant des troubles digestifs sévères pouvant entrainer la mort chez les individus immunodéficients. Au Canada, la déclaration de cette maladie est obligatoire depuis l’an 2000. Ainsi, il est pertinent de mieux comprendre l’infection chez les animaux de compagnie, puisqu’ils sont potentiellement un réservoir du parasite. Durant l’année 2008, des échantillons fécaux provenant de 1 202 chats (n = 371) et chiens (n = 831) de la province du Québec ont été analysés par comptage des ookystes de Cryptosporidium spp. au moyen de la technique de centrifugation en solution de sulfate de zinc. Dans cette étude,la prévalence de Cryptosporidium spp. chez les chats (28/371 : 7,55 %) et chez les chiens(88/831 : 10,59 %) de compagnie confirme leur potentiel en tant que réservoir du parasite. Au Québec, de par leur nombre, les chats sont potentiellement un réservoir zoonotique du parasite plus important que celui des chiens, bien qu’il n’existe pas de différence significative entre la prévalence du parasite chez le chat et le chien pour l’année 2008. L’âge (p = 0,0001) et l’infection concomitante par Giardia spp. (p = 0,0001) se sont avérés être des facteurs associés avec la présence de Cryptosporidium spp. chez le chien. Parmi l’ensemble des variables testées chez le chat (l’âge, le sexe, la saison et l’infection concomitante par Giardia spp.), aucune n’a été associée de manière significative à la présence du parasite chez le chat. Ceci peut être dû au nombre limité d’individus testés pour cette espèce. Un suivi de l’excrétion des ookystes de Cryptosporidium spp. chez deux chats suggère que l’excrétion des ookystes peut se faire sur une période de sept mois et que le taux d’excrétion varie dans le temps. Le diagnostic moléculaire des espèces et génotypes de Cryptosporidium spp. isolés à partir des échantillons de matières fécales devait être réalisé par la technique de PCR emboîtée des fragments des gènes ARNr 18S et HSP70 et du séquençage des produits de PCR. Aucun résultat positif n’a toutefois été obtenu. Afin d’augmenter la puissance statistique des analyses épidémiologiques sur la prévalence de Cryptosporidium spp., il serait nécessaire à l’avenir de travailler sur un nombre d’animaux beaucoup plus important.


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The carcass of an adult male beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) was found beach cast in 2008 on the shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary at Rivière-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada. The carcass was transported to the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire of the Université de Montréal for postmortem examination. Aspiration pneumonia was the probable cause of death. Necropsy revealed a focal papilloma-like penile lesion, characterized by focal mucosal thickening with disorganization of the epithelial layers and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. A pan-herpesvirus nested PCR assay on frozen tissue from the penile lesion was positive. The PCR product sequencing revealed a partial herpesvirus DNA polymerase (DPOL) gene sequence of 600 nucleotides. Its nearest nucleotide identity was with the partial DPOL gene of an alphaherpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus 5 (79.5% identity). It also shared high identity with several other marine mammal herpesviruses (50.2 to 77.3% identity). This new herpesvirus was tentatively named beluga whale herpesvirus (BWHV). Virus isolation was unsuccessful. The pathogenic potential of BWHV is unknown, but the evaluation of archived tissues suggests that the virus is endemic in the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population.


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This thesis covers various aspects of viral diseases affecting shrimp aquaculture. The research component of this thesis can be divided into four areas. The areas covered are: I) A study to determine the prevalence of WSSV among the crustaceans in the Vembanad estuary, the shrimp aquaculture farms surrounding the estuary, and the sea off Cochin coast, India using two , sets of nested PCR primers. 2) An investigation to compare the sequence of six major structural proteins of WSSV; vp28, vp26, vp 19, vp68, vp281, vp466 from different geographical locations with that of an isolate from India. 3) Simultaneous occurrence of HPV, IHHNV, MBV and WSSV in postlarvae of P. monodon from hatcheries in India was monitored by Polymerase Chain Reaction. 4) A real time PCR procedure was developed for the quantitative analysis of WSSV infection. The viral load of postlarvae from hatcheries in Kerala meant for aquaculture was also determined using the quantitative PCR.


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Introducción: La Peste Porcina Clásica es una enfermedad de declaración obligatoria de la OIE que limita el comercio internacional. El Tolima tiene restringida la comercialización de animales con el 48% del país por no tener el mismo estatus de Zona Libre; la inclusión del departamento dentro de la zona en proceso de declaración mejoraría la condición sanitaria y permitiría la admisibilidad comercial a los productores. Metodología: Es un estudio descriptivo con dos componentes; el primero incluye la caracterización y evaluación cualitativa de las condiciones sanitarias relacionadas con PPC y el segundo la caracterización virológica mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple para determinar circulación viral. Resultados: se encontró que la atención de las notificaciones se realiza en ≤ 1 día, mientras que entre la atención y resultados existen demoras en el 84% de los casos; las coberturas vacunales son ≥90% que evidencian inmunidad poblacional prolongada y sostenida; en el departamento no se presentan focos desde hace mas de 8 años, no han tenido importaciones de animales con riesgo sanitario, no cuenta barreras geográficas en los limites con la Zona Control que permitan aislamiento y en el muestreo todos los resultados fueron negativos a PPC por RT PCR, con un VPN de 0.99. Discusión: El Tolima cumple con las condiciones sanitarias para incluirse en la próxima zona en proceso de declaración, sin embargo es necesario mejorar las rutas cítricas para la atención de sospechas de PPC e instaurar puestos de control para aislar el departamento y controlar las movilizaciones de porcinos.


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O género Giardia inclui espécies com potencial zoonótico e com uma distribuição mundial, e em que alguns genótipos de Giardia duodenalis são responsáveis anualmente por milhares de novos casos em humanos. Existem vários ciclos de transmissão, sendo a água de consumo, por contaminação fecal de origem animal, uma das principais fontes de infecção humana. Neste estudo foram colhidas 162 amostras fecais de animais de quatro origens diferentes (Zoológico = 55; Produção = 25; Doméstico = 5; Canil = 77) que foram testadas por duas técnicas coprológicas diferentes, a técnica de flutuação com sacarose e a técnica de sedimentação com formol-acetato. Para a implementação de Nested PCR foram testados vários genes, β-giardina, Glutamato desidrogenase e 18SrRNA, ocorrendo apenas amplificação das amostras com o gene 18SrRNA. Com esta técnica foram analisadas 26 amostras, que incluía a treze positivas à microscopia e as restantes escolhidas aleatoriamente. Este trabalho permitiu determinar a ocorrência de Giardia spp. através das técnicas coprológicas em treze animais de diferentes origens e verificar que o número de animais de canil positivos não foi o esperadas de acordo com o descrito na literatura que refere ser este o grupo com maior prevalência. Este estudo também permitiu uma comparação entre os dois métodos de concentração de quistos de Giardia spp., com maior recuperação utilizando a técnica de flutuação com sacarose. Através da técnica molecular confirmaram-se dez dos positivos encontrados por microscopia e ainda se detectaram dois novos positivos.


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Stirred, pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultures were used to investigate the in vitro effects of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) alone or combined with the probiotic Bifidobacterium bifidum 02 450B on the canine faecal microbiota of three different donors. GOS supported the growth of B. bifidum 02 450B throughout the fermentation. Quantitative analysis of bacterial populations by FISH revealed significant increases in Bifidobacterium spp. counts (Bif164) and a concomitant decrease in Clostridium histolyticum counts (Chis150) in the synbiotic-containing vessels compared with the controls and GOS vessels. Vessels containing probiotic alone displayed a transient increase in Bifidobacterium spp. and a transient decrease in Bacteroides spp. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis showed that GOS elicited similar alterations in the microbial profiles of the three in vitro runs. However, the synbiotic did not alter the microbial diversity of the three runs to the same extent as GOS alone. Nested PCR using universal primers, followed by bifidobacterial-specific primers illustrated low bifidobacterial diversity in dogs, which did not change drastically during the in vitro fermentation. This study illustrates that the canine faecal microbiota can be modulated in vitro by GOS supplementation and that GOS can sustain the growth of B. bifidum 02 450B in a synbiotic combination.


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A tuberculose (TB) é uma doença infecto-contagiosa causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium tuberculosis e que permanece como um importante problema de saúde pública mundial, sendo a TB pulmonar a forma mais comum de apresentação da doença. O diagnóstico precoce e tratamento adequado são essenciais para a eficácia dos programas públicos de controle da TB. Novos metodologias mais rápidas, sensíveis e específicas, como a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), vem sendo propostas no diagnóstico da doença. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de duas PCR, a PCR em tempo real (qPCR) e a Nested PCR em único tubo (STNPCR), em diferentes amostras biológicas, no diagnóstico da tuberculose pulmonar, além de compará-las com as metodologias convencionais (baciloscopia e cultura) e entre si. Para isso foram analisados 125 pacientes que tiveram amostras de sangue (125 amostras de plasma e 116 amostras de PBMC), urina (n=125) e escarro (n=125) coletadas, totalizando a análise de 491 amostras biológicas. Amostras de escarro e urina foram descontaminadas pelo método de Petroff NAOH 4 por cento modificado e semeadas em meio de cultura Lõwenstein-Jensen (LJ), enquanto as amostras de sangue eram separadas em plasma e PBMC. Após processamento, deu-se a extração de DNA através do kit comercial da Qiagen seguida de amplificação pelas duas metodologias de PCR. Para análise estatística calculou-se a sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo e índice kappa das técnicas. A STNPCR apresentou, em amostras de sangue, sensibilidade de 26,3 por cento e especificidade de 97,7 por cento. Em amostras de urina observou-se uma S = 7,9 por cento e E = 98,9 por cento e em escarro S = 21,1 por cento e E = 98,9 por cento. Quando analisadas as asmotras em paralelo, a sensibilidade da STNPCR foi igual a 44,7 por cento enquanto sua especificidade foi 97,7 por cento. Já a qPCR, em amostras de sangue, obteve sensibilidade igual a 26,3 por cento e especificidade de 95,4 por cento. Em amostras de urina a sensibilidade obtida foi 47,4 por cento e a especificidade 79,3 por cento e, em escarro, S = 36,8 por cento e E = 95,4 por cento. Quando analisada em paralelo, a sensibilidade da qPCR foi 65,8 por cento e a especificidade foi 79,3 por cento. A baciloscopia de escarro apresentou sensibilidade de 41,7 por cento e especificidade de 100 por cento, enquanto as culturas em urina e escarro apresentaram sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, de 10,5 por cento e 100 por cento e 60,5 por cento e 96,6 por cento. Pode-se concluir que a qPCR apresentou melhor desempenho quando comparada à STNPCR e também bom desempenho quando comparada às metodologias convencionais, e que quando analisa-se mais de um tipo de amostras biológica, a eficácia das técnicas é aumentada. Espera-se que com a utilização dessa técnica molecular, seja possível a melhor elucidação dos casos de TB pulmonar, promovendo maior taxa de tratamento dos pacientes e menor risco de transmissão da doença


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With the exceptions of the bifidobacteria, propionibacteria and coriobacteria, the Actinobacteria associated with the human gastrointestinal tract have received little attention. This has been due to the seeming absence of these bacteria from most clone libraries. In addition, many of these bacteria have fastidious growth and atmospheric requirements. A recent cultivation-based study has shown that the Actinobacteria of the human gut may be more diverse than previously thought. The aim of this study was to develop a denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) approach for characterizing Actinobacteria present in faecal samples. Amount of DNA added to the Actinobacteria-specific PCR used to generate strong PCR products of equal intenstity from faecal samples of five infants, nine adults and eight elderly adults was anti-correlated with counts of bacteria obtained using fluorescence in situ hybridization probe HGC69A. A nested PCR using Actinobacteria-specific and universal PCR-DGGE primers was used to generate profiles for the Actinobacteria. Cloning of sequences from the DGGE bands confirmed the specificity of the Actinobacteria-specific primers. In addition to members of the genus Bifidobacterium, species belonging to the genera Propionibacterium, Microbacterium, Brevibacterium, Actinomyces and Corynebacterium were found to be part of the faecal microbiota of healthy humans.


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Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan that parasitizes humans and other mammals and causes giardiasis. Although its isolates have been divided into seven assemblages, named A to G, only A and B have been detected in human faeces. Assemblage A isolates are commonly divided into two genotypes, AI and AII. Even though information about the presence of this protozoan in water and sewage is available in Brazil, it is important to verify the distribution of different assemblages that might be present, which can only be done by genotyping techniques. A total of 24 raw and treated sewage, surface and spring water samples were collected, concentrated and purified. DNA was extracted, and a nested PCR was used to amplify an 890 bp fragment of the gdh gene of G. duodenalis, which codes for glutamate dehydrogenase. Positive samples were cloned and sequenced. Ten out of 24 (41.6%) samples were confirmed to be positive for G. duodenalis by sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis grouped most sequences with G. duodenalis genotype AII from GenBank. Only two raw sewage samples presented sequences assigned to assemblage B. In one of these samples genotype AII was also detected. As these assemblages/genotypes are commonly associated to human giardiasis, the contact with these matrices represents risk for public health.


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Identification of all important community members as well as of the numerically dominant members of a community are key aspects of microbial community analysis of bioreactor samples. A systematic study was conducted with artificial consortia to test whether denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGCE) is a reliable technique to obtain such community data under conditions where results would not be affected by differences in DNA extraction efficiency from cells. A total of 27 consortia were established by mixing DNA extracted from Escherichia coli K12, Burkholderia cepacia and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in different proportions. Concentrations of DNA of single organisms in the consortia were either 0.04, 0.4 or 4 ng/mu l. DGGE-PCR of genomic DNA with primer sets targeted at the V3 and V6-V8 regions of the 16S rDNA failed to detect the three community members in only 7% of consortia, but provided incorrect information about dominance or co-dominance for 85% and 89% of consortia with the primer sets for the V6-V8 and V3 regions, respectively. The high failure rate in detection of dominant B. cepacia with the primers for the V6-V8 region was attributable to a single nucleoticle primer mismatch in the target sequences of both, the forward and reverse primer. Amplification bias in PCR of E. coli and S. maltophilia for the V6-V8 region and for all three organisms for the V3 region occurred due to interference of genomic DNA in PCR-DGGE, since a nested PCR approach, where PCR-DGGE was started from mixtures of 16S rRNA genes of the organisms, provided correct information about the relative abundance of original DNA in the sample. Multiple bands were not observed in pure culture amplicons produced with the V6-V8 primer pair, but pure culture V3 DGGE profiles of E. coli, S. maltophilia and B. cepacia contained 5, 3 and 3 bands, respectively. These results demonstrate DGGE was suitable for identification of all important community members in the three-membered artificial consortium, but not for identification of the dominant organisms in this small community. Multiple DGGE bands obtained for single organisms with the V3 primer pair could greatly confound interpretation of DGGE profiles. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) is responsible for significant stock losses in South Australia and Western Australia. The toxicity is caused by corynetoxins produced by the bacterium Rathayibacter toxicus (with the possible involvement of a bacteriophage), which infects annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays, compatible with an existing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the corynetoxins, have been developed and used to screen L. rigidum for both the presence of R. toxicus and for the bacteriophage isolate NCPPB 3778. The results from analysing bacterially infected galls from toxic grain screenings showed a positive correlation between the presence of the bacterium and corynetoxins but not with the bacteriophage. Analysis of pasture-derived samples of annual ryegrass showed about a 50% correlation of corynetoxins with bacterial presence and about a 5% correlation of phage with the presence of the bacterium. These observations support the potential application of the PCR-based assays in providing a useful, complementary tool in the assessment of the likelihood of pasture and feed to cause ARGT and to enable a better understanding of the complex aetiology of ARGT.