963 resultados para RNA-BINDING PROTEIN


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The basal transcription factor IIE (TFIIE) is thought to be one of the last factors to be assembled into a preinitiation complex (PIC) at eukaryotic promoters after RNA polymerase II and TFIIF have been incorporated. It was shown that a primary function of TFIIE is to recruit and cooperate with TFIIH in promoter melting. Here, we show that the large subunit of TFIIE (E56) can directly stimulate TBP binding to the promoter in the absence of other basal factors. The zinc-finger domain of E56, required for transcriptional activity, is critical for this function. In addition, the small subunit of TFIIE (E34) directly contacts DNA and TFIIA and thus providing a second mechanism for TFIIE to help binding of a TBP/IIA complex to the promoter, the first critical step in the PIC assembly. These studies suggest an alternative PIC assembly pathway in which TFIIE affects both TBP and TFIIH functions during initiation of RNA synthesis.


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NtrC (nitrogen regulatory protein C) is a bacterial enhancer-binding protein of 469 residues that activates transcription by σ54-holoenzyme. A region of its transcriptional activation (central) domain that is highly conserved among homologous activators of σ54-holoenzyme—residues 206–220—is essential for interaction with this RNA polymerase: it is required for contact with the polymerase and/or for coupling the energy from ATP hydrolysis to a change in the conformation of the polymerase that allows it to form transcriptionally productive open complexes. Several mutant NtrC proteins with amino acid substitutions in this region, including NtrCA216V and NtrCG219K, have normal ATPase activity but fail in transcriptional activation. We now report that other mutant forms carrying amino acid substitutions at these same positions, NtrCA216C and NtrCG219C, are capable of activating transcription when they are not bound to a DNA template (non-DNA-binding derivatives with an altered helix–turn–helix DNA-binding motif at the C terminus of the protein) but are unable to do so when they are bound to a DNA template, whether or not it carries a specific enhancer. Enhancer DNA remains a positive allosteric effector of ATP hydrolysis, as it is for wild-type NtrC but, surprisingly, appears to have become a negative allosteric effector for some aspect of interaction with σ54-holoenzyme. The conserved region in which these amino acid substitutions occur (206–220) is equivalent to the Switch I region of a large group of purine nucleotide-binding proteins. Interesting analogies can be drawn between the Switch I region of NtrC and that of p21ras.


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The TATA-binding protein (TBP)-related factor TRF1, has been described in Drosophila and a related protein, TRF2, has been found in a variety of higher eukaryotes. We report that human (h)TRF2 is encoded by two mRNAs with common protein coding but distinct 5′ nontranslated regions. One mRNA is expressed ubiquitously (hTRF2-mRNA1), whereas the other (hTRF2-mRNA2) shows a restricted expression pattern and is extremely abundant in testis. In addition, we show that hTRF2 forms a stable stoichiometric complex with hTFIIA, but not with TAFs, in HeLa cells stably transfected with flag-tagged hTRF2. Neither recombinant human (rh)TRF2 nor the native flag⋅hTRF2-TFIIA complex is able to replace TBP or TFIID in basal or activated transcription from various RNA polymerase II promoters. Instead, rhTRF2, but not the flag⋅hTRF2–TFIIA complex, moderately inhibits basal or activated transcription in the presence of rhTBP or flag⋅TFIID. This effect is either completely (TBP-mediated transcription) or partially (TFIID-mediated transcription) counteracted by addition of free TFIIA. Neither rhTRF2 nor flag⋅hTRF2–TFIIA has any effect on the repression of TFIID-mediated transcription by negative cofactor-2 (NC2) and neither substitutes for TBP in RNA polymerase III-mediated transcription.


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rRNA synthesis by RNA polymerase I requires both the promoter selectivity factor 1, which is composed of TATA binding protein (TBP) and three TBP-associated factors, and the activator upstream binding factor (UBF). Whereas there is strong evidence implicating a role for phosphorylation of UBF in the control of growth-induced increases in rRNA transcription, the mechanism of this effect is not known. Results of immunoprecipitation studies with TBP antibodies showed increased recovery of phosphorylated UBF from growth-stimulated smooth muscle cells. Moreover, using an immobilized protein-binding assay, we found that phosphorylation of UBF in vivo in response to stimulation with different growth factors or in vitro with smooth muscle cell nuclear extract increased its binding to TBP. Finally, we demonstrated that UBF–TBP binding depended on the C-terminal ‘acidic tail’ of UBF that was hyperphosphorylated at multiple serine sites after growth factor stimulation. Results of these studies suggest that phosphorylation of UBF and subsequent binding to TBP represent a key regulatory step in control of growth-induced increases in rRNA synthesis.


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In cells infected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1), the integrated viral promoter is present in a chromatin-bound conformation and is transcriptionally silent in the absence of stimulation. The HIV-1 Tat protein binds to a stem-loop structure at the 5′ end of viral mRNA and relieves this inhibition by inducing a remodeling of the nucleosome arrangement downstream of the transcription-initiation site. Here we show that Tat performs this activity by recruiting to the viral long terminal repeat (LTR) the transcriptional coactivator p300 and the closely related CREB-binding protein (CBP), having histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity. Tat associates with HAT activity in human nuclear extracts and binds to p300 and CBP both in vitro and in vivo. Integrity of the basic domain of Tat is essential for this interaction. By a quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation assay we show that the delivery of recombinant Tat induces the association of p300 and CBP with the chromosomally integrated LTR promoter. Expression of human p300 in both human and rodent cells increases the levels of Tat transactivation of the integrated LTR. These results reinforce the evidence that p300 and CBP have a pivotal function at both cellular and viral promoters and demonstrate that they also can be recruited by an RNA-targeted activator. Additionally, these findings have important implications for the understanding of the mechanisms of HIV-1 latency and reactivation.


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The stem-loop binding protein (SLBP1) binds the 3′ stem-loop of histone pre-mRNA and is required for efficient processing of histone transcripts in the nucleus. We examined the localization of SLBP1 in the germinal vesicle of Xenopus laevis oocytes. In spread preparations of germinal vesicle contents, an anti-SLBP1 antibody stained coiled bodies and specific chromosomal loci, including terminal granules, axial granules, and some loops. After injection of myc-tagged SLBP1 transcripts into the oocyte cytoplasm, newly translated myc-SLBP1 protein was detectable in coiled bodies within 4 h and in terminal and axial granules by 8 h. To identify the region(s) of SLBP1 necessary for subnuclear localization, we subcloned various parts of the SLBP1 cDNA and injected transcripts of these into the cytoplasm of oocytes. We determined that 113 amino acids at the carboxy terminus of SLBP1 are sufficient for coiled body localization and that disruption of a previously defined RNA-binding domain did not alter this localization. Coiled bodies also contain the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP), which participates in cleavage of the 3′ end of histone pre-mRNA. The colocalization of SLBP1 and the U7 snRNP in the coiled body suggests coordinated control of their functions, perhaps through a larger histone-processing particle. Some coiled bodies are attached to the lampbrush chromosomes at the histone gene loci, consistent with the view that coiled bodies in the oocyte recruit histone-processing factors to the sites of histone pre-mRNA transcription. The non-histone chromosomal sites at which SLBP1 is found include the genes coding for 5 S rRNA, U1 snRNA, and U2 snRNA, suggesting a wider role for SLBP1 in the biosynthesis of small non-spliced RNAs.


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Dendritic mRNA transport and local translation at individual potentiated synapses may represent an elegant way to form synaptic memory. Recently, we characterized Staufen, a double-stranded RNA-binding protein, in rat hippocampal neurons and showed its presence in large RNA-containing granules, which colocalize with microtubules in dendrites. In this paper, we transiently transfect hippocampal neurons with human Staufen-green fluorescent protein (GFP) and find fluorescent granules in the somatodendritic domain of these cells. Human Stau-GFP granules show the same cellular distribution and size and also contain RNA, as already shown for the endogenous Stau particles. In time-lapse videomicroscopy, we show the bidirectional movement of these Staufen-GFP–labeled granules from the cell body into dendrites and vice versa. The average speed of these particles was 6.4 μm/min with a maximum velocity of 24.3 μm/min. Moreover, we demonstrate that the observed assembly into granules and their subsequent dendritic movement is microtubule dependent. Taken together, we have characterized a novel, nonvesicular, microtubule-dependent transport pathway involving RNA-containing granules with Staufen as a core component. This is the first demonstration in living neurons of movement of an essential protein constituent of the mRNA transport machinery.


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We have characterized two Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins, Sro9p and Slf1p, which contain a highly conserved motif found in all known La proteins. Originally described as an autoantigen in patients with rheumatic disease, the La protein binds to newly synthesized RNA polymerase III transcripts. In yeast, the La protein homologue Lhp1p is required for the normal pathway of tRNA maturation and also stabilizes newly synthesized U6 RNA. We show that deletions in both SRO9 and SLF1 are not synthetically lethal with a deletion in LHP1, indicating that the three proteins do not function in a single essential process. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy reveals that although Lhp1p is primarily localized to the nucleus, Sro9p is cytoplasmic. We demonstrate that Sro9p and Slf1p are RNA-binding proteins that associate preferentially with translating ribosomes. Consistent with a role in translation, strains lacking either Sro9p or Slf1p are less sensitive than wild-type strains to certain protein synthesis inhibitors. Thus, Sro9p and Slf1p define a new and possibly evolutionarily conserved class of La motif-containing proteins that may function in the cytoplasm to modulate mRNA translation.


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Cytoplasmic polyadenylylation is an essential process that controls the translation of maternal mRNAs during early development and depends on two cis elements in the 3′ untranslated region: the polyadenylylation hexanucleotide AAUAAA and a U-rich cytoplasmic polyadenylylation element (CPE). In searching for factors that could mediate cytoplasmic polyadenylylation of mouse c-mos mRNA, which encodes a serine/threonine kinase necessary for oocyte maturation, we have isolated the mouse homolog of CPEB, a protein that binds to the CPEs of a number of mRNAs in Xenopus oocytes and is required for their polyadenylylation. Mouse CPEB (mCPEB) is a 62-kDa protein that binds to the CPEs of c-mos mRNA. mCPEB mRNA is present in the ovary, testis, and kidney; within the ovary, this RNA is restricted to oocytes. mCPEB shows 80% overall identity with its Xenopus counterpart, with a higher homology in the carboxyl-terminal portion, which contains two RNA recognition motifs and a cysteine/histidine repeat. Proteins from arthropods and nematodes are also similar to this region, suggesting an ancient and widely used mechanism to control polyadenylylation and translation.


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We have previously shown that Y box-binding protein-1 (YB-1) binds preferentially to cisplatin-modified Y box sequences. Based on structural and biochemical data, we predicted that this protein binds single-stranded nucleic acids. In the present study we confirmed the prediction and also discovered some unexpected functional features of YB-1. We found that the cold shock domain of the protein is necessary but not sufficient for double-stranded DNA binding while the C-tail domain interacts with both single-stranded DNA and RNA independently of the cold shock domain. In an in vitro translation system the C-tail domain of the protein inhibited translation but the cold shock domain did not. Both in vitro pull-down and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that YB-1 can form a homodimer. Deletion analysis mapped the C-tail domain of the protein as the region of homodimerization. We also characterized an intrinsic 3′→5′ DNA exonuclease activity of the protein. The region between residues 51 and 205 of its 324-amino acid extent is required for full exonuclease activity. Our findings suggest that YB-1 functions in regulating DNA/RNA transactions and that these actions involve different domains.


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The properties of human DNA helicase V (HDH V) were studied in greater detail following an improved purification procedure. From 450 g of cultured cells, <0.1 mg of pure protein was isolated. HDH V unwinds DNA unidirectionally by moving in the 3′ to 5′ direction along the bound strand in an ATP- and Mg2+-dependent fashion. The enzyme is not processive and can also unwind partial RNA–RNA duplexes such as HDH IV and HDH VIII. The Mr determined by SDS–PAGE (66 kDa) corresponds to that measured under native conditions, suggesting that HDH V exists as a monomer in the nucleus. Microsequencing of the purified HDH V shows that this enzyme is identical to the far upstream element-binding protein (FBP), a protein that stimulates the activity of the c-myc gene by binding specifically to the ‘FUSE’ DNA region localized upstream of its promoter. The sequence of HDH V/FBP contains RGG motifs like HDH IV/nucleolin, HDH VIII/G3BP as well as other human RNA and DNA helicases identified by other laboratories.


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The RegA proteins from the bacteriophage T4 and RB69 are translational repressors that control the expression of multiple phage mRNAs. RegA proteins from the two phages share 78% sequence identity; however, in vivo expression studies have suggested that the RB69 RegA protein binds target RNAs with a higher affinity than T4 RegA protein. To study the RNA binding properties of T4 and RB69 RegA proteins more directly, the binding sites of RB69 RegA protein on synthetic RNAs corresponding to the translation initiation region of two RB69 target genes were mapped by RNase protection assays. These assays revealed that RB69 RegA protein protects nucleotides –9 to –3 (relative to the start codon) on RB69 gene 44, which contains the sequence GAAAAUU. On RB69 gene 45, the protected site (nucleotides –8 to –3) contains a similar purine-rich sequence: GAAAUA. Interestingly, T4 RegA protein protected the same nucleotides on these RNAs. To examine the specificity of RNA binding, quantitative RNA gel shift assays were performed with synthetic RNAs corresponding to recognition elements (REs) in three T4 and three RB69 mRNAs. Comparative gel shift assays demonstrated that RB69 RegA protein has an ∼7-fold higher affinity for T4 gene 44 RE RNA than T4 RegA protein. RB69 RegA protein also binds RB69 gene 44 RE RNA with a 4-fold higher affinity than T4 RegA protein. On the other hand, T4 RegA exhibited a higher affinity than RB69 RegA protein for RB69 gene 45 RE RNA. With respect to their affinities for cognate RNAs, both RegA proteins exhibited the following hierarchy of affinities: gene 44 > gene 45 > regA. Interestingly, T4 RegA exhibited the highest affinity towards RB69 gene 45 RE RNA, whereas RB69 RegA protein had the highest affinity for T4 gene 44 RE RNA. The helix–loop groove RNA binding motif of T4 RegA protein is fully conserved in RB69 RegA protein. However, homology modeling of the structure of RB69 RegA protein reveals that the divergent residues are clustered in two areas of the surface, and that there are two large areas of high conservation near the helix–loop groove, which may also play a role in RNA binding.


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Sm and Sm-like proteins are members of a family of small proteins that is widespread throughout eukaryotic kingdoms. These proteins form heteromers with one another and bind, as heteromeric complexes, to various RNAs, recognizing primarily short U-rich stretches. Interestingly, completion of several genome projects revealed that archaea also contain genes that may encode Sm-like proteins. Herein, we studied the properties of one Sm-like protein derived from the archaebacterium Archaeoglobus fulgidus and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. This single small protein closely reflects the properties of an Sm or Sm-like protein heteromer. It binds to RNA with a high specificity for oligo(U), and assembles onto the RNA to form a complex that exhibits, as judged by electron microscopy, a ring-like structure similar to the ones observed with the Sm core ribonucleoprotein and the like Sm (LSm) protein heteromer. Importantly, multivariate statistical analysis of negative-stain electron-microscopic images revealed a sevenfold symmetry for the observed ring structure, indicating that the proteins form a homoheptamer. These results support the structural model of the Sm proteins derived from crystallographic studies on Sm heterodimers and demonstrate that the Sm protein family evolved from a single ancestor that was present before the eukaryotic and archaeal kingdoms separated.


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The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) recognizes the 3′ mRNA poly(A) tail and plays an essential role in eukaryotic translation initiation and mRNA stabilization/degradation. PABP is a modular protein, with four N-terminal RNA-binding domains and an extensive C terminus. The C-terminal region of PABP is essential for normal growth in yeast and has been implicated in mediating PABP homo-oligomerization and proteinprotein interactions. A small, proteolytically stable, highly conserved domain has been identified within this C-terminal segment. Remarkably, this domain is also present in the hyperplastic discs protein (HYD) family of ubiquitin ligases. To better understand the function of this conserved region, an x-ray structure of the PABP-like segment of the human HYD protein has been determined at 1.04-Å resolution. The conserved domain adopts a novel fold resembling a right-handed supercoil of four α-helices. Sequence profile searches and comparative protein structure modeling identified a small ORF from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome that encodes a structurally similar but distantly related PABP/HYD domain. Phylogenetic analysis of the experimentally determined (HYD) and homology modeled (PABP) protein surfaces revealed a conserved feature that may be responsible for binding to a PABP interacting protein, Paip1, and other shared interaction partners.


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The Wilms tumor suppressor gene WT1 is implicated in the ontogeny of genito-urinary abnormalities, including Denys-Drash syndrome and Wilms tumor of the kidney. WT1 encodes Kruppel-type zinc finger proteins that can regulate the expression of several growth-related genes, apparently by binding to specific DNA sites located within 5' untranslated leader regions as well as 5' promoter sequences. Both WT1 and a closely related early growth response factor, EGR1, can bind the same DNA sequences from the mouse gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf-2). We report that WT1, but not EGR1, can bind specific Igf-2 exonic RNA sequences, and that the zinc fingers are required for this interaction. WT1 zinc finger 1, which is not represented in EGR1, plays a more significant role in RNA binding than zinc finger 4, which does have a counterpart in EGR1. Furthermore, the normal subnuclear localization of WT1 proteins is shown to be RNase, but not DNase, sensitive. Therefore, WT1 might, like the Kruppel-type zinc finger protein TFIIIA, regulate gene expression by both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms.