112 resultados para RLS


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Objective: Hyperechogenicity of the substantia nigra is a frequent observation on transcranial sonography in Parkinson's disease and Machado-Joseph disease patients. Additionally, restless legs syndrome is a sleep disorder that is also frequently found in both diseases. Autopsy studies have demonstrated increased SN iron content in hyperechogenic substantia nigra. Iron storage is also known to be involved in restless legs syndrome. We formally compared echogenicity of the substantia nigra with restless legs syndrome in Parkinson's disease and Machado-Joseph disease patients. Methods: Transcranial brain sonography was performed in a sample of Parkinson's disease and Machado-Joseph disease patients, and findings then correlated with the presence and severity of restless legs syndrome. Results: There was a continuum of substantia nigra echogenicity among groups (Parkinson's disease versus Machado-Joseph disease versus controls) and sub-groups (Parkinson's disease with and without restless legs syndrome versus Machado-Joseph disease with and without restless legs syndrome) as well as a statistically significant negative correlation between restless legs syndrome severity and substantia nigra echogenicity (p<0.001). Conclusions: These preliminary observations demonstrate that the severity of RLS may be influenced by nigral iron load reflected by substantia nigra echogenicity in different neurodegenerative movement disorders. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The primary trigger to periodic limb movement (PLM) during sleep is still unknown. Its association with the restless legs syndrome (RLS) is established in humans and was reported in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients classified by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) as A. Its pathogenesis has not been completely unraveled, though recent advances might enhance our knowledge about those malfunctions. PLM association with central pattern generator (CPG) is one of the possible pathologic mechanisms involved. This article reviewed the advances in PLM and RLS genetics, the evolution of CPG functioning, and the neurotransmitters involved in CPG, PLM and RLS. We have proposed that SCI might be a trigger to develop PLM.


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The research activity carried out during the PhD course was focused on the development of mathematical models of some cognitive processes and their validation by means of data present in literature, with a double aim: i) to achieve a better interpretation and explanation of the great amount of data obtained on these processes from different methodologies (electrophysiological recordings on animals, neuropsychological, psychophysical and neuroimaging studies in humans), ii) to exploit model predictions and results to guide future research and experiments. In particular, the research activity has been focused on two different projects: 1) the first one concerns the development of neural oscillators networks, in order to investigate the mechanisms of synchronization of the neural oscillatory activity during cognitive processes, such as object recognition, memory, language, attention; 2) the second one concerns the mathematical modelling of multisensory integration processes (e.g. visual-acoustic), which occur in several cortical and subcortical regions (in particular in a subcortical structure named Superior Colliculus (SC)), and which are fundamental for orienting motor and attentive responses to external world stimuli. This activity has been realized in collaboration with the Center for Studies and Researches in Cognitive Neuroscience of the University of Bologna (in Cesena) and the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (NC, USA). PART 1. Objects representation in a number of cognitive functions, like perception and recognition, foresees distribute processes in different cortical areas. One of the main neurophysiological question concerns how the correlation between these disparate areas is realized, in order to succeed in grouping together the characteristics of the same object (binding problem) and in maintaining segregated the properties belonging to different objects simultaneously present (segmentation problem). Different theories have been proposed to address these questions (Barlow, 1972). One of the most influential theory is the so called “assembly coding”, postulated by Singer (2003), according to which 1) an object is well described by a few fundamental properties, processing in different and distributed cortical areas; 2) the recognition of the object would be realized by means of the simultaneously activation of the cortical areas representing its different features; 3) groups of properties belonging to different objects would be kept separated in the time domain. In Chapter 1.1 and in Chapter 1.2 we present two neural network models for object recognition, based on the “assembly coding” hypothesis. These models are networks of Wilson-Cowan oscillators which exploit: i) two high-level “Gestalt Rules” (the similarity and previous knowledge rules), to realize the functional link between elements of different cortical areas representing properties of the same object (binding problem); 2) the synchronization of the neural oscillatory activity in the γ-band (30-100Hz), to segregate in time the representations of different objects simultaneously present (segmentation problem). These models are able to recognize and reconstruct multiple simultaneous external objects, even in difficult case (some wrong or lacking features, shared features, superimposed noise). In Chapter 1.3 the previous models are extended to realize a semantic memory, in which sensory-motor representations of objects are linked with words. To this aim, the network, previously developed, devoted to the representation of objects as a collection of sensory-motor features, is reciprocally linked with a second network devoted to the representation of words (lexical network) Synapses linking the two networks are trained via a time-dependent Hebbian rule, during a training period in which individual objects are presented together with the corresponding words. Simulation results demonstrate that, during the retrieval phase, the network can deal with the simultaneous presence of objects (from sensory-motor inputs) and words (from linguistic inputs), can correctly associate objects with words and segment objects even in the presence of incomplete information. Moreover, the network can realize some semantic links among words representing objects with some shared features. These results support the idea that semantic memory can be described as an integrated process, whose content is retrieved by the co-activation of different multimodal regions. In perspective, extended versions of this model may be used to test conceptual theories, and to provide a quantitative assessment of existing data (for instance concerning patients with neural deficits). PART 2. The ability of the brain to integrate information from different sensory channels is fundamental to perception of the external world (Stein et al, 1993). It is well documented that a number of extraprimary areas have neurons capable of such a task; one of the best known of these is the superior colliculus (SC). This midbrain structure receives auditory, visual and somatosensory inputs from different subcortical and cortical areas, and is involved in the control of orientation to external events (Wallace et al, 1993). SC neurons respond to each of these sensory inputs separately, but is also capable of integrating them (Stein et al, 1993) so that the response to the combined multisensory stimuli is greater than that to the individual component stimuli (enhancement). This enhancement is proportionately greater if the modality-specific paired stimuli are weaker (the principle of inverse effectiveness). Several studies have shown that the capability of SC neurons to engage in multisensory integration requires inputs from cortex; primarily the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES), but also the rostral lateral suprasylvian sulcus (rLS). If these cortical inputs are deactivated the response of SC neurons to cross-modal stimulation is no different from that evoked by the most effective of its individual component stimuli (Jiang et al 2001). This phenomenon can be better understood through mathematical models. The use of mathematical models and neural networks can place the mass of data that has been accumulated about this phenomenon and its underlying circuitry into a coherent theoretical structure. In Chapter 2.1 a simple neural network model of this structure is presented; this model is able to reproduce a large number of SC behaviours like multisensory enhancement, multisensory and unisensory depression, inverse effectiveness. In Chapter 2.2 this model was improved by incorporating more neurophysiological knowledge about the neural circuitry underlying SC multisensory integration, in order to suggest possible physiological mechanisms through which it is effected. This endeavour was realized in collaboration with Professor B.E. Stein and Doctor B. Rowland during the 6 months-period spent at the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (NC, USA), within the Marco Polo Project. The model includes four distinct unisensory areas that are devoted to a topological representation of external stimuli. Two of them represent subregions of the AES (i.e., FAES, an auditory area, and AEV, a visual area) and send descending inputs to the ipsilateral SC; the other two represent subcortical areas (one auditory and one visual) projecting ascending inputs to the same SC. Different competitive mechanisms, realized by means of population of interneurons, are used in the model to reproduce the different behaviour of SC neurons in conditions of cortical activation and deactivation. The model, with a single set of parameters, is able to mimic the behaviour of SC multisensory neurons in response to very different stimulus conditions (multisensory enhancement, inverse effectiveness, within- and cross-modal suppression of spatially disparate stimuli), with cortex functional and cortex deactivated, and with a particular type of membrane receptors (NMDA receptors) active or inhibited. All these results agree with the data reported in Jiang et al. (2001) and in Binns and Salt (1996). The model suggests that non-linearities in neural responses and synaptic (excitatory and inhibitory) connections can explain the fundamental aspects of multisensory integration, and provides a biologically plausible hypothesis about the underlying circuitry.


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Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensori-motor neurological disorder characterzed by paraesthesia, dysaesthesia and irresistibile urge to move the legs especially at night. Its prevalence is much higher among dialysis patients at 12 to 62% compared to 3 to 9% in the general population. In our study we investigated the association between RLS and cardiovascular events risk and laboratory parameters in End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on dialysis. We studied 100 ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis that were enrolled in an 18-months prospective observational study. The main outcomes were the association of RLS with new cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. RLS affected 31% of the study population. It was associated with female gender, gradual reduction in residual dieresis, lower albumin (P=0.039) and inflammation, but not the dialysis parameters spKt/V and URR. During observation, 47% of patients experienced new cardiovascular events (64.5% with and 39.1% without RLS; P=0.019). Mortality was 20.0% in all patients, 32.3% in those with and 14.5% in patients without RLS (P=0.04). This study confirmed the high prevalence of RLS among dialysis patients and the associations between the severity of RLS and the risk of new cardiovascular events and higher short-term mortality. Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensori-motor neurological disorder characterzed by paraesthesia, dysaesthesia and irresistibile urge to move the legs especially at night. Its prevalence is much higher among dialysis patients at 12 to 62% compared to 3 to 9% in the general population. In our study we investigated the association between RLS and cardiovascular events risk and laboratory parameters in End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients on dialysis. We studied 100 ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis that were enrolled in an 18-months prospective observational study. The main outcomes were the association of RLS with new cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality. RLS affected 31% of the study population. It was associated with female gender, gradual reduction in residual dieresis, lower albumin (P=0.039) and inflammation, but not the dialysis parameters spKt/V and URR. During observation, 47% of patients experienced new cardiovascular events (64.5% with and 39.1% without RLS; P=0.019). Mortality was 20.0% in all patients, 32.3% in those with and 14.5% in patients without RLS (P=0.04). This study confirmed the high prevalence of RLS among dialysis patients and the associations between the severity of RLS and the risk of new cardiovascular events and higher short-term mortality.


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Introduzione: La sindrome delle gambe senza riposo (RLS) è un disturbo caratterizzato da sensazione spiacevole disestesica generalmente agli arti inferiori, che si presenta o peggiora nelle ore serali-notturne e che migliora con il movimento. Studi clinici hanno mostrato una maggiore prevalenza di RLS negli emicranici, mentre mancano studi condotti su popolazione generale non selezionata. Lo scopo di questo studio era quello di valutare la associazione tra emicrania e RLS in una popolazione italiana adulta. Inoltre è stata valutata l’associazione tra RLS e cefalea fenotipizzata attraverso metodica di principal components analysis (PCA). Materiali e metodi: la presenza di RLS e di emicrania è stata determinata attraverso questionari basati sui criteri diagnostici correnti in un campione di 1567 partecipanti di un fase preliminare di uno studio in corso sulla popolazione adulta della Val Venosta (BZ). Risultati: gli emicranici hanno presentato un significativo maggior rischio di soffrire di RLS rispetto ai non emicranici, anche dopo aggiustamento per fattori confondenti come età, sesso, depressione, ansia e qualità del sonno (p = 0.049). Questa associazione non era modificata dalla presenza di aura emicranica, di cause possibili di RLS secondaria e dalla frequenza di attacchi emicranici. Inoltre la RLS non era risultata significativamente associata alla cefalea di tipo tensivo (TTH). Dall’analisi di associazione tra RLS e cefalea fenotipizzata attraverso PCA era emerso che la componente 1, caratterizzata da sintomi di sensitivizzazione del sistema nervoso centrale (SNC), correlava significativamente con la presenza di RLS (p = 0.021). Conclusioni: RLS ed emicrania sono risultate associate nel nostro campione di popolazione adulta; inoltre la RLS ha mostrato una correlazione significativa con i sintomi di sensitivizzazione del SNC legati agli attacchi di cefalea. Questa associazione potrebbe risiedere in una possibile base patogenetica comune.


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Objective: to evaluate the psychopathological profile in primary Restless Legs Syndrome (p-RLS) patients with and without nocturnal eating disorder (NED), analysing obsessive-compulsive traits, mood and anxiety disorder, and the two domains of personality proposed by Cloninger, temperament and character. Methods: we tested ten p-RLS patients without NED, ten p-RLS patients with NED and ten healthy control subjects, age and sex-matched, using Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scales, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) and Temperament and Character Inventory - revised (TCI). Results: p-RLS patients, particularly those with NED, had increased anxiety factor scores. MOCI-total, doubting and checking compulsion, and TCI-harm avoidance scores were significantly higher in p-RLS patients with NED. p-RLS patients without NED had significantly higher MOCI-doubting scores and a trend toward higher checking compulsion and harm avoidance scores with an apparent grading from controls to p-RLS patients without NED to p-RLS with NED. Conclusions: higher harm avoidance might predispose to display obsessive-compulsive symptoms, RLS and then, with increasing severity, compulsive nocturnal eating. RLS and NED could represent a pathological continuum in which a dysfunction in the limbic system, possibly driven by a dopaminergic dysfunction, could be the underlying pathophysiological mechanism.


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To assess frequency and characteristics of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in restless legs syndrome (RLS) and the evolution of EDS under different RLS therapies.


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To compare efficacy and safety of the dopamine agonist pramipexole (PPX) versus reference treatment with dual release levodopa/benserazide (L/B) in de novo patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS).


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Since the publication of the first European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) guidelines in 2005 on the management of restless legs syndrome (RLS; also known as Willis-Ekbom disease), there have been major therapeutic advances in the field. Furthermore, the management of RLS is now a part of routine neurological practice in Europe. New drugs have also become available, and further randomized controlled trials have been undertaken. These guidelines were undertaken by the EFNS in collaboration with the European Neurological Society and the European Sleep Research Society.


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The aim of this cohort study was to prospectively assess frequency, characteristics, and determinants of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in pregnancy and its impact on sleep.


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The suspected cause of clinical manifestations of patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a transient or a permanent right-to-left shunt (RLS). Contrast-enhanced transcranial Doppler ultrasound (c-TCD) is a reliable alternative to transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for diagnosis of PFO, and enables also the detection of extracardiac RLS. The air-containing echo contrast agents are injected intravenously and do not pass the pulmonary circulation. In the presence of RLS, the contrast agents bypass the pulmonary circulation and cause microembolic signals (MES) in the basal cerebral arteries, which are detected by TCD. The two main echo contrast agents in use are agitated saline and D-galactose microparticle solutions. At least one middle cerebral artery (MCA) is insonated, and the ultrasound probe is fixed with a headframe. The monitored Doppler spectra are stored for offline analysis (e.g., videotape) of the time of occurrence and number of MES, which are used to assess the size and functional relevance of the RLS. The examination is more sensitive, if both MCAs are investigated. In the case of negative testing, the examination is repeated using the Valsalva maneuver. Compared to TEE, c-TCD is more comfortable for the patient, enables an easier assessment of the size and functional relevance of the RLS, and allows also the detection of extracardiac RLS. However, c-TCD cannot localize the site of the RLS. Therefore, TEE and TCD are complementary methods and should be applied jointly in order to increase the diagnostic accuracy for detecting PFO and other types of RLS.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Sleep disturbances are prevalent but often overlooked or underestimated. We suspected that sleep disorders might be particularly common among pharmacy customers, and that they could benefit from counselling. Therefore, we described the prevalence and severity of symptoms associated with sleep and wakefulness disorders among Swiss pharmacy customers, and estimated the need for counselling and treatment. METHODS: In 804 Swiss pharmacies (49% of all community pharmacies) clients were invited to complete the Stanford Sleep Disorders Questionnaire (SDQ), and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (EPW). The SDQ was designed to classify symptoms of sleep and wakefulness into the four most prevalent disorders: sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS), insomnia in psychiatric disorders (PSY), periodic leg movement disorders/restless legs (RLS) and narcolepsy (NAR). Data were entered into an internet-linked database for analysis by an expert system as a basis for immediate counselling by the pharmacist. RESULTS: Of 4901 participants, 3238 (66.1%) were female, and 1663 (33.9%) were male. The mean age (SD) of females and males was 52.4 (18.05), and 55.1 (17.10) years, respectively. The percentages of female and male individuals above cut-off of SDQ subscales were 11.4% and 19.8% for sleep apnoea, 40.9% and 38.7% for psychiatric sleep disorders, 59.3% and 46.8% for restless legs, and 10.4% and 9.4% for narcolepsy respectively. The prevalence of an Epworth Sleepiness Scale score >11 was 16.5% in females, and 23.9% in males. Reliability assessed by Cronbach's alpha was 0.65 to 0.78 for SDQ subscales, and for the Epworth score. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms of sleep and wakefulness disorders among Swiss pharmacy customers were highly prevalent. The SDQ and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score had a satisfactory reliability to be useful for identification of pharmacy customers who might benefit from information and counselling while visiting pharmacies. The internet-based system proved to be a helpful tool for the pharmacist when counselling his customers in terms of diagnostic classification and severity of symptoms associated with the sleeping and waking state.


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Migraine is a recurrent disabling disorder predominantly affecting middle-aged women. Migraine occurs with or without aura symptoms. Several studies have shown an increased prevalence of right-to-left shunts (RLSs) in migraine with aura. The overwhelming majority of these shunts were due to a patent foramen ovale (PFO). Furthermore, migraine with aura is more prevalent in clinical entities associated with a RLS, e.g. cryptogenic stroke, decompression illness in divers, or in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas. Retrospective studies have consistently shown that shunt closure was associated with a significant reduction in migraine frequency. Its beneficial effect seemed to exceed the efficacy of conventional migraine therapy. Several randomized clinical trials to prospectively assess the benefit of shunt closure in migraine patients have been initiated. The only one completed, the MIST trial (Migraine Intervention with STARFLEX Technology), showed a significant reduction of migraine with aura after device implantation, compared with controls. However, the benefit of PFO closure was more modest than expected. This review recapitulates the current data regarding PFO closure and migraine with aura and summarizes in brief the current knowledge regarding migraine pathophysiology and the link to a RLS.


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BACKGROUND: The pathology of restless legs syndrome (RLS) is still not understood. To investigate the pathomechanism of the disorder further we recorded a surface electromyogram (EMG) of the anterior tibial muscle during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in patients with idiopathic RLS. METHODS: Seven subjects with moderate to severe RLS were investigated in the present pilot study. Patients were lying supine in the scanner for over 50min and were instructed not to move voluntarily. Sensory leg discomfort (SLD) was evaluated on a 10-point Likert scale. For brain image analysis, an algorithm for the calculation of tonic EMG values was developed. RESULTS: We found a negative correlation of tonic EMG and SLD (p <0.01). This finding provides evidence for the clinical experience that RLS-related subjective leg discomfort increases during muscle relaxation at rest. In the fMRI analysis, the tonic EMG was associated with activation in motor and somatosensory pathways and also in some regions that are not primarily related to motor or somatosensory functions. CONCLUSIONS: By using a newly developed algorithm for the investigation of muscle tone-related changes in cerebral activity, we identified structures that are potentially involved in RLS pathology. Our method, with some modification, may also be suitable for the investigation of phasic muscle activity that occurs during periodic leg movements.


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The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility, safety and success of a system which uses radiofrequency energy (RFE) rather than a device for percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO). METHODS: Sixteen patients (10 men, 6 women, mean age 50 years) were included in the study. All of them had a proven PFO with documented right-to-left shunt (RLS) after Valsalva manoeuvre (VM) during transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). The patients had an average PFO diameter of 6 +/- 2 mm at TEE and an average of 23 +/- 4 microembolic signals (MES) in power M-mode transcranial Doppler sonography (pm-TCD), measured over the middle cerebral artery. An atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) was present in 7 patients (44%). Balloon measurement, performed in all patients, revealed a stretched PFO diameter of 8 +/- 3 mm. In 2 patients (stretched diameter 11 and 14 mm respectively, both with ASA >10 mm), radiofrequency was not applied (PFO too large) and the PFO was closed with an Amplatzer PFO occluder instead. A 6-month follow-up TEE was performed in all patients. RESULTS: There were no serious adverse events during the procedure or at follow-up (12 months average). TEE 6 months after the first RFE procedure showed complete closure of the PFO in 50% of the patients (7/14). Closure appeared to be influenced by PFO diameter, complete closure being achieved in 89% (7/8) with a balloon-stretched diameter < or =7 mm but in none of the patients >7 mm. Only one of the complete closure patients had an ASA. Of the remainder, 4 (29%) had an ASA. Although the PFO was not completely closed in this group, some reduction in the diameter of the PFO and in MES was documented by TEE and pm-TCD with VM. Five of the 7 residual shunt patients received an Amplatzer PFO occluder. Except for one patient with a minimal residual shunt, all showed complete closure of PFO at 6-month follow-up TEE and pm-TCD with VM. The other two refused a closure device. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm that radiofrequency closure of the PFO is safe albeit less efficacious and more complex than device closure. The technique in its current state should not be attempted in patients with a balloon-stretched PFO diameter >7 mm and an ASA.