A partir do entendimento do interesse comum como um conceito-regulador, o trabalho discute a tensão presente no sistema democrático-liberal no ponto em que o individualismo liberal e a igualdade democrática se fazem mais presentes. Isto é, no momento em que a vontade comum se dissocia da vontade particular ao mesmo tempo em que ambas se advogam o direito de serem atendidas. O estudo tem como ponto de partida a herança liberal e sua fusão com a democracia. É feita uma classificação das políticas de interesse dos grupos de pressão para avaliar o particularismo nelas presente. Comenta a ação afirmativa da política de cotas para exemplificar e ilustrar a discussão precedente.
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane proteins. CFTR has two homologous halves, each consisting of six transmembrane spanning domains (TM) followed by a nucleotide binding fold, connected by a regulatory (R) domain. This thesis addresses the question of which domains are responsible for Cl^- selectivity, i.e., which domains line the channel pore.
To address this question, novel blockers of CFTR were characterized. CFTR was heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes to study the mechanism of block by two closely related arylaminobenzoates, diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC) and flufenamic acid (FFA). Block by both is voltage-dependent, with a binding site ≈ 40% through the electric field of the membrane. DPC and FFA can both reach their binding site from either side of the membrane to produce a flickering block of CFTR single channels. In addition, DPC block is influenced by Cl^- concentration, and DPC blocks with a bimolecular forward binding rate and a unimolecular dissociation rate. Therefore, DPC and FFA are open-channel blockers of CFTR, and a residue of CFTR whose mutation affects their binding must line the pore.
Screening of site-directed mutants for altered DPC binding affinity reveals that TM-6 and TM-12 line the pore. Mutation of residue 5341 in TM-6 abolishes most DPC block, greatly reduces single-channel conductance, and alters the direction of current rectification. Additional residues are found in TM-6 (K335) and TM-12 (T1134) whose mutations weaken or strengthen DPC block; other mutations move the DPC binding site from TM-6 to TM-12. The strengthened block and lower conductance due to mutation T1134F is quantitated at the single-channel level. The geometry of DPC and of the residues mutated suggest α-helical structures for TM-6 and TM-12. Evidence is presented that the effects of the mutations are due to direct side-chain interaction, and not to allosteric effects propagated through the protein. Mutations are also made in TM-11, including mutation S1118F, which gives voltage-dependent current relaxations. The results may guide future studies on permeation through ABC transporters and through other Cl^- channels.
[ES]Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño e implementación de una herramienta para la integración de los datos de calidad de servicio (QoS) en Internet publicados por el regulador español. Se trata de una herramienta que pretende, por una parte, unificar los diferentes formatos en que se publican los datos de QoS y, por otra, facilitar la conservación de los datos favoreciendo la obtención de históricos, datos estadísticos e informes. En la página del regulador sólo se puede acceder a los datos de los 5 últimos trimestres y los datos anteriormente publicados no permanecen accesibles si no que son sustituidos por los más recientes por lo que, desde el punto de vista del usuario final, estos datos se pierden. La herramienta propuesta en este trabajo soluciona este problema además de unificar formatos y facilitar el acceso a los datos de interés. Para el diseño del sistema se han usado las últimas tecnologías en desarrollo de aplicaciones web con lo que la potencia y posibilidad de futuras ampliaciones son elevadas.
[ES] Durante pruebas cíclicas de larga duración ha sido probada que las estrategias para gestionar la fatiga pueden ser un factor determinante. A pesar de ello, este mismo fenómeno no está del todo probado que pueda darse en esfuerzos máximos de corta duración. Es por eso, que el objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar si variando el grado de conocimiento de los atletas durante este tipo de pruebas puede darse alguna alteración en su rendimiento. METODO: Siete deportistas varones completaron durante tres diferentes días un mismo protocolo (8 repeticiones máximas de 30 metros con un minuto de recuperación) en el que se varió la información que se les deba. Así, el primer día se les señaló que realizarían 4 repeticiones, pero cuando finalizaron se les indicó que realizarían 4 más (Prueba decepción). El segundo día, no se les informó del número de repeticiones a realizar (Prueba Suspense) y se les mandó parar al realizar la octava. Y por último, el tercer día se les señaló que realizarían 8 repeticiones (Prueba Control). RESULTADOS: Diferencias significativas (p>0.05) se encontraron en los tiempos de las cuatro primeras repeticiones entre la Prueba Suspense y Prueba Decepción. CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados muestran como en pruebas máximas de corta duración las estrategias de gestión de la fatiga se pueden dar de manera anticipatoria al número de repeticiones a realizar.
A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma doença letal, de caráter autossômico recessivo, que acomete populações de diferentes etnias. A doença caracteriza-se pelo comprometimento sistêmico das glândulas exócrinas e, na maioria dos pacientes, a doença pulmonar acaba tornando-se a patologia predominante. A infecção por P. aeruginosa é a principal causa de mortalidade dos pacientes com FC. O Sistema de Secreção Tipo III da bactéria é expresso na fase aguda da doença e é responsável por injetar proteínas citotóxicas no interior da célula eucariótica. Há um grande interesse em se investigar a resposta de anticorpos anti P. aeruginosa em pacientes com FC a fim de diagnosticar a colonização e ou infecção pulmonar antes da cultura, permitindo a antibioticoterapia preventiva, a fim de se evitar a infecção pulmonar crônica. Nesta tese, investigamos a resposta de anticorpos (IgG+IgM+IgA) contra as proteínas do SSTT de P. aeruginosa, através do Western-Blot. Participaram do estudo 51 pacientes com FC, de 1.1 a 16.8 anos acompanhados no Departamento de Pneumologia do Instituto Fernandes Figueira - FioCruz, durante um período aproximado de 2 anos. De cada paciente foram coletadas de 1 a 4 amostras de sangue, com intervalo médio de 6 meses entre as coletas. O grupo controle negativo consistiu de 28 indivíduos não fibrocísticos, de 2 a 17 anos, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - HUPE UERJ. As proteínas do SSTT foram extraídas das cepas PAO1 e PAOΔExsA (regulador da expressão do SSTT) de P. aeruginosa. Controles positivos e negativos foram utilizados em todas as reações. Para a identificação das proteínas do SSTT na reação utilizou-se antisoro de camundongos imunizados com a proteína recombinante PcrV. Doze (75%) dos 16 pacientes fibrocísticos considerados não infectados por P. aeruginosa tiveram a primeira sorologia positiva para PopB e 15 (93,75%) para ExoS/ExoT, indicando a colonização ou infecção por P. aeruginosa. Aproximadamente 25% e 35,7% dos soros do grupo controle mostraram reatividade fraca com PopB ou ExoS/ExoT, respectivamente. O tempo decorrido entre a primeira sorologia positiva e o primeiro isolamento de P. aeruginosa nestes pacientes variou de 18 a 30 meses. Concluindo, é possível fazer o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por P. aeruginosa antes do isolamento da bactéria pela cultura.
A fibrose hepática é o aspecto mais relevante e o mais importante determinante de morbimortalidade na hepatite C crônica (HCC). Historicamente, a biópsia hepática é o método de referência para avaliação da fibrose causada pela HCC, apesar de apresentar limitações. O estudo de marcadores não invasivos, que possam obviar a necessidade da biópsia, é uma área de constante interesse na hepatologia. Idealmente, a avaliação da fibrose hepática deveria ser acurada, simples, prontamente disponível, de baixo custo e informar sobre o prognóstico da patologia. Os marcadores não invasivos mais estudados são a elastografia hepática transitória (EHT) e os laboratoriais. A EHT já foi extensamente validada na HCC e está inserida na rotina de avaliação destes pacientes. Dentre os laboratoriais, existem diversos testes em continua experimentação e, até o momento, nenhum foi integrado à prática clínica no Brasil, embora já aplicados rotineiramente em outros países. O Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF), um teste que dosa no soro ácido hialurônico, pró-peptídeo amino-terminal do colágeno tipo III e inibidor tissular da metaloproteinase 1, tem se mostrado bastante eficaz na detecção de fibrose hepática significativa e de cirrose na HCC. Neste estudo o ELF teve o seu desempenho avaliado em relação a biópsia hepática e demonstrou apresentar boa acurácia na detecção tanto de fibrose significativa quanto de cirrose. Na comparação com a EHT apresentou acurácia semelhante para estes mesmos desfechos, com significância estatística. No entanto, foi observada uma superestimação da fibrose com a utilização dos pontos de corte propostos pelo fabricante. Este achado está em acordo com a literatura, onde não há consenso sobre o melhor ponto de corte a ser empregado na prática clínica. Com a ampliação da casuística foi possível propor novos pontos de corte, através da análise clássica, com a biópsia hepática como padrão ouro. O resultado obtido vai ao encontro do observado por outros autores. Em seguida, os novos pontos de corte do ELF foram reavaliados sem que a biópsia hepática fosse a referência, através da análise de classes latentes. Mais uma vez o ELF apresentou bom desempenho, inclusive com melhora de suas sensibilidade e especificidade em comparação com a análise clássica, onde a biópsia hepática é a referência. Assim sendo, é possível concluir que o ELF é um bom marcador não invasivo de fibrose hepática. No entanto, para detecção de fibrose significativa e cirrose, deve ser considerada a aplicação na prática clínica dos novos pontos de corte aqui propostos.
In the present study, one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with high resolution Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) have been applied as powerful approaches for the proteome analysis of surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D, including identification of structurally modified and truncation forms, in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Highly sensitive micro preparation techniques were developed for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) FT-ICR MS analysis which provided the identification of surfactant proteins at very low levels. Owing to the high resolution, FT-ICR MS was found to provide substantial advantages for the structural identification of surfactant proteins from complex biological matrices with high mass determination accuracy. Several protein bands corresponding to SP-A and SP-D were identified by MALDI-FT-ICR MS after electrophoretic separation by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and provided the identification of structural modifications (hydroxy-proline) and degradation products.
Capítulo 1. Paclobutrazol - Regulador de Crescimento Vegetal. Capítulo 2. Xenobióticos e seus Impactos Ambientais. Capítulo 3. Efeito de Paclobutrazol na Microbiota do Filoplano de Mangueiras. Capítulo 4. Efeito do Paclobutrazol sobre a Microbiota do Solo. Capítulo 5. Degradação do Paclobutrazol em Solos Tropicais. Capítulo 6. Análise do Polimorfismo de Bactérias Degradadoras do Paclobutrazol. Capítulo 7. Avaliação de Risco em decorrência da Exposição Perinatal ao Paclobutrazol: análise de alguns indicadores físicos e neurocomportamentais. Capítulo 8. Toxicidade do Paclobutrazol em Ambiente Aquático.
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive monogenic disorder caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene with the ΔF508 mutation accounting for approximately 70% of all CF cases worldwide. This thesis investigates whether existing zinc finger nucleases designed in this lab and CRISPR/gRNAs designed in this thesis can mediate efficient homology-directed repair (HDR) with appropriate donor repair plasmids to correct CF-causing mutations in a CF cell line. Firstly, the most common mutation, ΔF508, was corrected using a pair of existing ZFNs, which cleave in intron 9, and the donor repair plasmid pITR-donor-XC, which contains the correct CTT sequence and two unique restriction sites. HDR was initially determined to be <1% but further analysis by next generation sequencing (NGS) revealed HDR occurred at a level of 2%. This relatively low level of repair was determined to be a consequence of distance from the cut site to the mutation and so rather than designing a new pair of ZFNs, the position of the existing intron 9 ZFNs was exploited and attempts made to correct >80% of CF-causing mutations. The ZFN cut site was used as the site for HDR of a mini-gene construct comprising exons 10-24 from CFTR cDNA (with appropriate splice acceptor and poly A sites) to allow production of full length corrected CFTR mRNA. Finally, the ability to cleave closer to the mutation and mediate repair of CFTR using the latest gene editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 was explored. Two CRISPR gRNAs were tested; CRISPR ex10 was shown to cleave at an efficiency of 15% and CRISPR in9 cleaved at 3%. Both CRISPR gRNAs mediated HDR with appropriate donor plasmids at a rate of ~1% as determined by NGS. This is the first evidence of CRISPR induced HDR in CF cell lines.
The global rise in antibiotic resistance is a significant problem facing healthcare professionals. In particular within the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung, bacteria can establish chronic infection and resistance to a wide array of antibiotic therapies. One of the principle pathogens associated with chronic infection in the CF lung is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. P. aeruginosa can establish chronic infection in the CF lung partly through the use of the biofilm mode of growth. This biofilm mode of growth offers a considerable degree of protection from a wide variety of challenges such as the host immune system or antibiotic therapy. The threat posed by the emergence of chronic pathogens is prompting the development of next generation antimicrobials. The biofilm mode of growth is often central to the establishment of chronic infection and the development of antibiotic resistance. Thus, targeting biofilm formation has emerged as one of the principle strategies for the development of next generation antimicrobials. In this thesis two separate approaches were used to identify potential anti - biofilm targets. The first strategy focused on the identification of novel genes with a role in a biofilm formation. High throughput screening identified almost 300 genes which had a role in biofilm formation. A number of these genes were characterised at a phenotypic and a molecular level. The second strategy focused on the identification of compounds capable of inhibiting biofilm formation. A collection of marine sponge isolated bacteria were screened for the ability to inhibit the central pathway regulating biofilm formation, quorum sensing. A number of distinct isolates were identified that had quorum sensing inhibition activity from which, a Pseudomonas isolate was selected for further characterisation. A specific compound capable of inhibiting quorum sensing was identified using chemical analytical technologies in the supernatant of this marine isolate.
There is an increasing appreciation of the polymicrobial nature of bacterial infections associated with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and of the important role for interactions in influencing bacterial virulence and response to therapy. Patients with CF are co-infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cenocepacia and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. These latter bacteria produce signal molecules of the diffusible signal factor (DSF) family, which are cis-2-unsaturated fatty acids. Previous studies showed that DSF from S. maltophilia leads to altered biofilm formation and increased tolerance to antibiotics in P. aeruginosa and that these responses require the P. aeruginosa sensor kinase PA1396. The work in this thesis aims of further elucidate the influence and mechanism of DSF signalling on P. aeruginosa and examine the role that such interspecies signalling play in infection of the CF airway. Next generation sequencing technologies targeting the 16S ribosomal RNA gene were applied to DNA and RNA isolated from sputum taken from cohorts of CF and non-CF subjects to characterise the bacterial community. In parallel, metabolomics analysis of sputum provided insight into the environment of the CF airway. This analysis revealed a number of observations including; that differences in metabolites occur in sputum taken from clinically stable CF patients and those with exacerbation and DNA- and RNA-based methods suggested that a strong relationship existed between the abundance of specific strict anaerobes and fluctuations in the level of metabolites during exacerbation. DSF family signals were also detected in the sputum and a correlation with the presence of DSFproducing organisms was observed. To examine the signal transduction mechanisms used by P. aeruginosa, bioinformatics with site directed mutagenesis were employed to identify signalling partners for PA1396. A pathway suggesting a role for a number of proteins in the regulation of several factors following DSF recognition by PA1396 were observed.
Background: Self-management education may help patients with cystic fibrosis and their families to choose, monitor and adjust treatment requirements for their illness, and also to manage the effects of illness on their lives. Although self-management education interventions have been developed for cystic fibrosis, no previous systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness of these interventions has been conducted. Objectives: To assess the effects of self-management education interventions on improving health outcomes for patients with cystic fibrosis and their caregivers. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register (date of the last search: 22 August 2013). We also searched databases through EBSCO (CINAHL; Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Collection; PsychInfo; SocINDEX) and Elsevier (Embase) and handsearched relevant journals and conference proceedings (date of the last searches: 01 February 2014 ). Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials, quasi-randomised controlled trials or controlled clinical trials comparing different types of self-management education for cystic fibrosis or comparing self-management education with standard care or no intervention. Data collection and analysis: Two authors assessed trial eligibility and risk of bias. Three authors extracted data. Main results: Four trials (involving a total of 269 participants) were included. The participants were children with cystic fibrosis and their parents or caregivers in three trials and adults with cystic fibrosis in one trial. The trials compared four different self-management education interventions versus standard treatment: (1) a training programme for managing cystic fibrosis in general; (2) education specific to aerosol and airway clearance treatments; (3) disease-specific nutrition education; and (4) general and disease-specific nutrition education. Training children to manage cystic fibrosis in general had no statistically significant effects on weight after six to eight weeks, mean difference -7.74 lb (i.e. 3.51 kg) (95% confidence interval -35.18 to 19.70). General and disease-specific nutrition education for adults had no statistically significant effects on: pulmonary function (forced expiratory volume at one second), mean difference -5.00 % (95% confidence interval -18.10 to 8.10) at six months and mean difference -5.50 % (95% confidence interval -18.46 to 7.46) at 12 months; or weight, mean difference - 0.70 kg (95% confidence interval -6.58 to 5.18) at six months and mean difference -0.70 kg (95% confidence interval -6.62 to 5.22) at 12 months; or dietary fat intake scores, mean difference 1.60 (85% confidence interval -2.90 to 6.10) at six months and mean difference 0.20 (95% confidence interval -4.08 to 4.48) at 12 months. There is some limited evidence to suggest that self-management education may improve knowledge in patients with cystic fibrosis but not in parents or caregivers. There is also some limited evidence to suggest that self-management education may result in positively changing a small number of behaviours in both patients and caregivers. Authors' conclusions: The available evidence from this review is of insufficient quantity and quality to draw any firm conclusions about the effects of self-management education for cystic fibrosis. Further trials are needed to investigate the effects of self-management education on a range of clinical and behavioural outcomes in children, adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis and their caregivers.
Weekly injections of Concanavalin A (Con A) were performed in BALB/c mice to evaluate the pattern of cytokine production and liver injury. High serum levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-4, and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) were found in the serum after the first 2 injections of Con A but rapidly decreased from the third injection. Conversely, IL-10 serum levels after repeated Con A challenge increased by 7 times from week 1 to 20. In vivo depletion studies indicated that CD4(+) T cells are essential in IL-10 production. Hepatocyte necrosis was only observed after the first injections of Con A whereas centrilobular inflammatory infiltrates persisted up to 20 weeks. Perisinusoidal liver fibrosis was also increasingly detected in BALB/c mice, whereas no fibrous change was observed in nude mice after 6 weeks of Con A challenge. The number of stellate cells, detected by immunostaining, increased after 20 weeks of Con A injections. Liver cytokine messenger RNA (mRNA) expression after 20 weeks showed expression of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1), IL-10, and IL-4 whereas IL-2 was no more expressed. The present study shows that mice repeatedly injected with Con A develop liver fibrosis. The cytokine-release pattern observed after 1 injection of Con A is rapidly shifted towards an immunomodulatory phenotype characterized by the systemic production of large amounts of IL-10.
Interleukin (IL)-10, a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine, limits the severity of acute pancreatitis and downregulates transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta release by inflammatory cells on stimulation. Proinflammatory mediators, reactive oxygen species, and TGF-beta can activate pancreatic stellate cells and their synthesis of collagen I and III. This study evaluates the role of endogenous IL-10 in the modulation of the regeneration phase following acute pancreatitis and in the development of pancreatic fibrosis. IL-10 knockout (KO) mice and their C57BL/6 controls were submitted to repeated courses (3/wk, during 6 wk, followed by 1 wk of recovery) of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. TGF-beta(1) release was measured on plasma, and its pancreatic expression was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Intrapancreatic IL-10 gene expression was assessed by semiquantitative RT-PCR, and intrapancreatic collagen content was assessed by picrosirius staining. Activated stellate cells were detected by immunohistochemistry. S phase intrapancreatic cells were marked using tritiated thymidine labeling. After repeated acute pancreatitis, IL-10 KO mice had more severe histological lesions and fibrosis (intrapancreatic collagen content) than controls. TGF-beta(1) plasma levels, intrapancreatic transcription, and expression by ductal and interstitial cells, as well as the number of activated stellate cells, were significantly higher. IL-10 KO mice disclosed significantly fewer acinar cells in S phase, whereas the opposite was observed for pseudotubular cells. Endogenous IL-10 controls the regeneration phase and limits the severity of fibrosis and glandular atrophy induced by repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis in mice.