Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Indicine cattle have lower reproductive performance in comparison to taurine. A chromosomal anomaly characterized by the presence Y markers in females was reported and associated with infertility in cattle. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of the anomaly in Brahman cows. Brahman cows (n = 929) were genotyped for a Y chromosome specific region using real time-PCR. Only six out of 929 cows had the anomaly (0.6%). The anomaly frequency was much lower in Brahman cows than in the crossbred population, in which it was first detected. It also seems that the anomaly doesn't affect pregnancy in the population. Due to the low frequency, association analyses couldn't be executed. Further, SNP signal of the pseudoautosomal boundary region of the Y chromosome was investigated using HD SNP chip. Pooled DNA of non-pregnant and pregnant cows were compared and no difference in SNP allele frequency was observed. Results suggest that the anomaly had a very low frequency in this Australian Brahman population and had no effect on reproduction. Further studies comparing pregnant cows and cows that failed to conceive should be executed after better assembly and annotation of the Y chromosome in cattle.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Programa de doctorado Clínica y Terapéutica Animal
Caracterización del ciclo sexual y del crecimiento folicular terminal en la oveja de la raza canaria
Programa de Medicina y Sanidad Animal
Programa de doctorado: Clínica e investigación terapeútica.
Directores: Marisa Ana Andrada Borzollino y Pedro Manuel Herráez Thomas. Colaboración, Asociación de Criadores de Cochino Negro Canario
Il tema del risparmio energetico nell'industria ceramica sta assumendo una crescente importanza a livello mondiale, non solo in ambito europeo. Data l'importanza dell'efficienza energetica nel settore delle piastrelle ceramiche, negli ultimi anni sono cresciute e si sono sviluppate notevoli proposte tenologiche ed impiantistiche ottimali ed efficienti, a seconda dei processi produttivi. Si è ritenuto interessante, in un momento in cui l'analisi dei costi di produzione nelle industrie italiane diventa determinante per restare competitivi sul mercato, procedere ad un approfondimento sul tema, facendo il punto della situazione sull'efficienza energetica degli impianti, effettuando, nello specifico, una diagnosi, con il Centro Ceramico di Bologna, di uno stabilimento produttivo presso la Ceramica Castelvetro di Solignano.