269 resultados para RAINWATER


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通过调查取样的方法对长武塬面不同土地利用条件下(作物地,果园,苜蓿地)土壤水分状况在0~600 cm范围深度内进行对比,结果显示:长武塬区小麦收获期,不同土地利用条件下土壤水分含量总体存在较大差异,其中春玉米地由于上年小麦收获后直到春玉米播种前土地休闲,土壤含水量显著高于其它土地利用方式。其它土地利用条件下土壤平均含水量相对较低,在0~300 cm的范围内含水量分布表现为果园>苜蓿地>小麦地。300 cm以下含水量表现为小麦地>果园>苜蓿地;同时,不同利用条件下土壤水分剖面低湿层的位置深度也不相同,小麦地土壤水分低湿层深度较果园地和多年苜蓿地浅,土壤水分剖面形态与分布特征受利用模式影响显著。


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为更好地掌握黄土丘陵区不同土地利用方式下的土壤水分入渗性能,采用双环法和人工降雨法,分别对陕西省延安市燕沟流域林地、草地、农地3种土地利用方式的土壤水分入渗过程进行了对比试验。结果表明:双环法能较好的反映水向土中的入渗过程;而人工降雨法可以较为真实地反映天然降雨过程中雨水向土中的入渗过程, 两者有很大的不同,主要表现在土壤水分的入渗速率变化过程方面。前者测定的土壤水分入渗速率主要受制于土壤的物理性状,而后者:不但与土壤物理性状有关,还与降雨强度有较密切的关系。在人工模拟短历时暴雨条件下, 对于林地和荒坡草地,土壤水分入渗速率有随雨强增大而增大的趋势,而对于裸耕农地,随着雨强的增大,土壤水分入渗速率有降低的趋势。


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探索基于小流域土壤侵蚀治理基础上的雨水集蓄利用模式和技术,是解决丘陵半干旱区水资源短缺,实现生态环境良性循环和农业可持续发展的重要途径,也是雨水集蓄利用研究的热点。本文运用水土保持、径流叠加与异地利用理论和方法,在小流域入渗产流特征及雨水资源潜力分析基础上,开展了小流域坡耕地集流梯田工程和沟壑荒地窖棚工程雨水集蓄利用试验,对小流域雨水集蓄利用工程设计、集流蓄水与高效利用效果进行了系统研究。利用Philip入渗理论和逐步回归分析方法对人工降雨和自然降雨结果处理分析,建立了小流域坡耕地、林地和荒地土壤的入渗产流及其相关因子数学模型。雨水潜力分析表明,该地区典型小流域水资源供需态势基本上都处于用水高度紧张状态,而且生态需水比重最高,占总需水量的69.29%。研究建立了小流域坡耕地—集流梯田雨水集蓄叠加利用模式和技术,确定了集流梯田工程的平坡比、田面宽度和田坎高度等断面参数。集流梯田和坡耕地相比土壤含水量提高16.61%-25.87%,增加产值70.98%-114.30%;该区坡耕地适宜修建1: 1平坡比的集流梯田,集流坡面种植矮秆作物和林果。研究建立了小流域沟壑荒地—窖棚雨水集蓄异地利用模式和技术,确定了坡面窖群集蓄型、沟道坝窖结合型和山泉窖池长蓄短用型等雨水集蓄工程及其断面参数。窖棚模式渗灌比畦灌节水50.0%以上,灌溉效率提高19.01kg·m-3·hm-2,单位水产值增加 107.1%-143.2%,而且较好地改善了大棚内的环境条件。


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根据在甘肃子午岭 ,安塞墩滩和延安燕儿沟的试验观测资料 ,研究了梢林区植被对降水的拦蓄和消耗情况 ;分析了农区基本农田上和退耕还林 (草 )坡地上作物和植物对降水的拦蓄和土壤水分季节动态 ;计算了本区主要农作物和几种有代表性的乔、灌、草植物的全生育期内需水量和降水资源补给的盈亏状况 ;并提出了几种利用降水资源和河川径流的模式


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根据黄土高原( 陕西部分) 的145 个雨量观测站的30a 逐月降水资料,分析了陕西雨水资源的时空分布特征,并在次基础上,分别对西北地区的作物地土壤拦蓄潜力,陕北、渭北、关中3 地区居民工矿与交通用地的雨水汇流潜力进行了测算。初步结果为:两北地区作物地年总无效蒸发耗水达33 ×108 m3 ,若采取集流保墒措施,年可减少蒸发损失6-4 ×108 m3 ;3 地区居民工矿与交通用地年可汇流6-27 ×108 m 3 ,若一半用于粮食生产,并采取节水灌溉,初步推算黄土高原地区可增产粮食约28-8 ×108 kg。


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由于干旱、人口增长、地表水地下水污染等问题 ,人们对雨水资源的开发利用产生了极大的兴趣并进行了广泛的研究 ,而且已初步显示出雨水资源开发利用的巨大潜力。文中对雨水的汇集、蓄存、利用技术,雨水利用对区域环境的影响,雨水资源的评价,雨水利用的效益评估等方面的最新研究进行了全面的分析总结 ,同时 ,提出了目前研究中亟待解决的问题。


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合理高效地利用雨水资源对西北干旱半干旱地区尤其是地表水缺乏地下水不易利用地区的经济发展具有十分重要的意义。基于此 ,我们在陕西省“窖灌农业”试验示范基地对蓄水设施的修筑、运行、维护及水质、雨水利用现状等进行了调研和考察 ,指出了其存在的问题、解决措施及进一步发展的思路 ,为该地及整个渭北地区雨水集流灌溉的进一步发展提供指导和参考


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旱地农业建设是我国农业生产的重要方面 ,通过对我国旱地农业战略地位和主要特征的分析 ,从持续发展角度 ,提出了旱地农业建设的技术路线 ,总结分析了旱地农业建设的技术途径。指出我国旱地农业建设应以降水的高效利用为中心 ,提高降水利用率、降水生产潜力开发利用率和水分利用效率 ,积极发展并完善集雨补灌技术


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通过对黄土高原地区雨水集蓄利用技术发展现状的全面分析 ,指出了目前该地区雨水集蓄利用技术推广应用中存在的主要问题 ,最后提出了发展本地区先进、高效、适用雨水集蓄利用技术的具体对策


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针对黄土高原地区水资源严重短缺的态势和生态环境建设的需要 ,以小流域为单元 ,以雨水资源为研究对象 ,在分析不同雨水利用形式的基础上 ,提出雨水资源化理论潜力、可实现潜力和现实潜力三种不同潜力 ,并探讨了小流域雨水资源化潜力的计算原理和办法 ,结合设立在黄土高原的11个国家攻关试验区小流域 ,初步提出雨水资源开发利用程度的评价办法。


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基于西北地区黄土资源丰富、地形复杂、外源材料运输困难的实际状况 ,提出将 HEC(High Strength andWater Stability Earth Consolidator)和 AAM(Active Aluminate Mixture)材料添加剂与黄土混掺 ,以期提高其集流效率。通过室内人工降雨模拟试验 ,探讨了典型黄土与 HEC和 AAM材料添加剂分别混掺后集流效率和性能的变化过程。同时 ,对照其它几种集雨材料 ,对不同雨强、雨量及坡度下的起流历时、集流效率和材料性能进行了比较。结果表明 :黄土与 HEC和 AAM添加剂混掺后形成的黄土复合集流材料具有较强的抗拉、抗压能力 ,不同雨强和雨量等级范围均具有较高的集流效率 (>78% ) ,已达到混凝土的集流效果 ,其成本仅为混凝土的 1/ 3~ 1/ 2。


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Combining some information from field investigation of algae along the coastal areas in China and a few pictures materialized from the western Yellow Sea in 2008, authors analyze the necessary conditions and possible water area in China producing a large biomass, some reasons for firestorm, and the possibility of the reappearance of marine bloom green alga Enteromorpha prolifera. The change of habitats and the increase of nutritional levels related to the water area could be considered as direct reasons. It was transferred northward by the combination of the flow of rainwater, wind and alongshore marine current. The original region of large biomass produced is possibly located in the southwestern Yellow sea. It will possibly be appearing again in the coming years or in the future. A summary is also given referring to its reproduction, development and distribution worldwide.


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With development of industry and acceleration of urbanization, problems of air quality as well as their influences on human health have recently been regarded highly by current international communities and governments. Generally, industrializations can result in exhausting of a lot of industry gases and dusts, while urbanization can cause increasing of modern vehicles. Comparing with traditional chemical methods, magnetic method is simple, rapid, exact, low-cost and non-destructive for monitoring air pollution and has been widely applied in domestic and international studies. In this thesis, with an aim of better monitoring air pollution, we selected plants (highroad-side perennial pine trees (Pinus pumila Regel) along a highroad linking Beijing City and the Capital International Airport, and tree bark and tree ring core samples (willow, Salix matsudana) nearby a smelting industry in northeast Beijing) for magnetic studies. With systemic magnetic measurements on these samples, magnetic response mechanism of contamination(e.g. tree leaves, tree ring)to both short- and long-term environmental pollution has been constructed, and accordingly the pollution range, degree and process of different time-scale human activities could be assessed. A series of rock magnetic experiments of tree leaves show that the primary magnetic mineral of leaf samples was identified to be magnetite, in pseudo-single domain (PSD) grain size range of 0.2-5.0 μm. Magnetite concentration and grain size in leaves are ascertained to decrease with increasing of sampling distance to highroad asphalt surface, suggesting that high magnetic response to traffic pollution is localized within a distance of about 2 m away from highroad asphalt surface. On the other hand, highroad-side trees and rainwater can effectively reduce the concentration of traffic pollution-induced particulate matters (PMs) in the atmosphere. This study is the first time to investigate the relationship of smelting factory activities and vicissitudes of environment with tree rings by magnetic methods. Results indicate that magnetic particles are omnipresent in tree bark and trunk wood. Magnetic techniques including low-temperature experiment, successive acquisition of IRM, hysteresis loops and SIRM measurements suggest that magnetic particles are predominated by magnetite in pseudo-single domain state. Comparison of magnetic properties of tree trunk and branch cores collected from different directions and heights implies that collection of magnetic particles depends on both sampling direction and height. Pollution source-facing tree trunk wood contains significantly more magnetic particles than other sides. These indicate that magnetic particles are most likely intercepted and collected by tree bark first, then enter into tree xylem tissues by translocation during growing season, and are finally enclosed in a tree ring by lignifying. Correlation between magnetic properties such as time-dependent SIRM values of tree ring cores and the annual steel yields of the smelting factory is significant. Considering the dependence of magnetic properties in sampling directions, heights, and ring cores, we proposed that magnetic particles in the xylem cannot move between tree rings. Accordingly, the SIRM and some other magnetic parameters of tree ring cores from the source-facing side could be contributed to historical study of atmospheric pollution produced by heavy metal smelting activities, isoline diagrams of SIRM values of all the tree rings indicate that air pollution is increasing worse. We believed that a synthetic rock magnetic study is an effective method for determining concentration and grain size of ferromagnets in the atmospheric PMs, and then it should be a rapid and feasible technique for monitoring atmospheric pollution.


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River is a major component of the global surface water and CO2 cycles. The chemistry of river waters reveals the nature of weathering on a basin-wide scale and helps us understand the exogenic cycles of elements in the continent-river-ocean system. In particular, geochemical investigation of large river gives important information on the biogeochemical cycles of the elements, chemical weathering rates, physical erosion rates and CO2 consumption during the weathering of the rocks within the drainage basin. Its importance has led to a number of detailed geochemical studies on some of the world's large and medium-size river systems. Flowing in the south of China, the Xijiang River is the second largest river in the China with respect to its discharge, after the Yangtze River. Its headwaters drain the YunGui Plateau, where altitude is approximately 2000 meters. Geologically, the carbonate rocks are widely spread in the river drainage basin, which covers an area of about 0.17xl06 km2, i.e., 39% of the whole drainage basin. This study focuses on the chemistry of the Xijiang river system and constitutes the first geochemical investigation into major and trace elements concentrations for both suspended and dissolved loads of this river and its main tributaries, and Sr isotopic composition of the dissolved load is also investigated, in order to determine both chemical weathering and mechanical erosion rates. As compared with the other large rivers of the world, the Xijiang River is characterized by higher major element concentration. The dissolved major cations average 1.17, 0.33, 0.15, and 0.04 mmol I"1 for Ca, Mg, Na, and K, respectively. The total cation concentrations (TZ+) in these rivers vary between 2.2 and 4.4 meq I'1. The high concentration of Ca and Mg, high (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K) ratio (7.9), enormous alkalinity and low dissolved SiO2/HCO3 ratio (0.05) in river waters reveal the importance of carbonate weathering and relatively weak silicate weathering over the river drainage basin. The major elements in river water, such as the alkalis and alkaline-earths, are of different origins: from rain water, silicate weathering, carbonate and evaporite weathering. A mixing model based on mass budget equation is used in this study, which allows the proportions of each element derived from the different source to be calculated. The carbonate weathering is the main source of these elements in the Xijiang drainage basin. The contribution of rainwater, especially for Na, reaches to approximately 50% in some tributaries. Dissolved elemental concentration of the river waters are corrected for rain inputs (mainly oceanic salts), the elemental concentrations derived from the different rock weathering are calculated. As a consequence, silicate, carbonate and total rock weathering rates, together with the consumption rates of atmospheric CO2 by weathering of each of these lithologies have been estimated. They provide specific chemical erosion rates varying between 5.1~17.8 t/km2/yr for silicate, 95.5~157.2 t/km2/yr for carbonate, and 100.6-169.1 t/km2/yr for total rock, respectively. CO2 consumptions by silicate and carbonate weathering approach 13><109and 270.5x10 mol/yr. Mechanical denudation rates deduced from the multi-year average of suspended load concentrations range from 92-874 t/km2/yr. The high denudation rates are mainly attributable to high relief and heavy rainfall, and acid rain is very frequent in the drainage basin, may exceed 50% and the pH value of rainwater may be <4.0, result from SO2 pollution in the atmosphere, results in the dissolution of carbonates and aluminosilicates and hence accelerates the chemical erosion rate. The compositions of minerals and elements of suspended particulate matter are also investigated. The most soluble elements (e.g. Ca, Na, Sr, Mg) are strongly depleted in the suspended phase with respect to upper continent crust, which reflects the high intensity of rock weathering in the drainage basin. Some elements (e.g. Pb, Cu, Co, Cr) show positive anomalies, Pb/Th ratios in suspended matter approach 7 times (Liu Jiang) to 10 times (Nanpan Jiang) the crustal value. The enrichment of these elements in suspended matter reflects the intensity both of anthropogenic pollution and adsorption processes onto particles. The contents of the soluble fraction of rare earth elements (REE) in the river are low, and REE mainly reside in particulate phase. In dissolved phase, the PAAS-normalized distribution patterns show significant HREE enrichment with (La/Yb) SN=0.26~0.94 and Ce depletion with (Ce/Ce*) SN=0.31-0.98, and the most pronounced negative Ce anomalies occur in rivers of high pH. In the suspended phase, the rivers have LREE-enriched patterns relative to PAAS, with (La/Yb) SN=1 -00-1 .40. The results suggest that pH is a major factor controlling both the absolute abundances of REE in solution and the fractionation of REE of dissolved phase. Ce depletion in river waters with high pH values results probably from both preferential removal of Ce onto Fe-Mn oxide coating of particles and CeC^ sedimentation. This process is known to occur in the marine environment and may also occur in high pH rivers. Positive correlations are also observed between La/Yb ratio and DOC, HCO3", PO4", suggesting that colloids and (or) adsorption processes play an important role in the control of these elements.