985 resultados para Quarantine pest


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Develop a remote-sensing system that can identify canegrub infestations and provide early- warning to growers via the internet.


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The seeds of the majority of commercial crops must be grown for one generation in post-entry plant quarantine on arrival in Australia. Live plants and cuttings must also undergo quarantine screening on arrival, and spend a minimum of three months in quarantine.


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Flat grain beetle (FGB) is a major emergency plant pest (EPP) of stored grain in Australia. Populations of FGB have recently developed high level resistance to phosphine (the only viable fumigant available for non-quarantine use) resulting in control failures with current dosage regimes. As there is no practical alternative to phosphine, failure to control FGB with phosphine places at risk market access for Australian grain worth up to $7 billion in annual trade. Therefore there is an urgent need to develop appropriate phosphine fumigation protocols to eradicate outbreaks of strongly resistant FGB. Research outcomes: - Characterisation of high resistance to phosphine in flat grain beetles (FGB) for the first time internationally. - Establishment of fumigation protocols and an eradication strategy that will enable industry to eradicate infestations of phosphine-resistant flat grain beetle and prevent or delay further selection for resistance to phosphine. - Development of a rapid test to detect highly resistant FGB. -Facilitate continued market access of Australian grain.


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Trichogramma Westwood egg parasitoids alone generally fail to suppress heliothine pests when released in established cotton-growing regions. Factors hindering their success include indiscriminate use of detrimental insecticides, compensation for minimal pest larval hatch due to their activity via reduced larval cannibalism or mortality in general, singly laid heliothine eggs avoiding detection and asynchronous development benefiting host over parasitoid. Yet, despite these limitations, relatively large Trichogramma pretiosum Riley populations pervade and effectively suppress Helicoverpa (Hardwick) pests in Australian Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner)-transgenic cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., crops, especially in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) of tropical northern Australia, where their impact on the potentially resistant pest species, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), is considered integral to the local insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategy for continued, sustainable Bt-transgenic cotton production. When devoid of conventional insecticides, relatively warm and stable conditions of the early dry season in winter grown ORIA Bt-transgenic cotton crops are conducive to Trichogramma proliferation and biological control appears effective. Further, there is considerable scope to improve Trichogramma's biological control potential, in both the ORIA and established cotton-growing regions, via habitat manipulation. It is proposed that Trichogramma may prove equally effective in developing agricultural regions of monsoonal northern Australia, and that environmental constraints on Trichogramma survival, and those of other natural enemies, require due consideration prior to their successful application in biological control programs.


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Understanding the host range for all of the fruit fly species within the South Pacific region is vital to establishing trade and quarantine protocols. This is important for the countries within the region and their trade partners. A significant aspect of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and Regional Fruit Fly Projects (RFFP) has been host fruit collecting which has provided information on fruit fly host records in the seven participating countries. This work is still continuing in all project countries at different intensities. In the Cook Islands, Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa, fruit surveys have assumed a quarantine surveillance role, with a focus on high risk fruits, such as guava, mango, citrus, bananas, cucurbits and solanaceous fruits. In the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), fruit surveys are still at the stage where host ranges are far from complete. By the end of the current project a more complete picture of the fruit fly hosts in these countries will have been gained. A brief summary of the data collected to date is as follows: 23 947 fruit samples collected to date; 2181 positive host fruit records; 31 fruit fly species reared from fruit; 12 species reared from commercial fruit. A commercial fruit is classed as an edible fruit with potential for trade at either a local or international level. This allows for the inclusion of endemic fruit species that have cultural significance as a food source. On the basis of these results, there are fruit fly species of major economic importance in the South Pacific region. However, considerably more fruit survey work is required in order to establish a detailed understanding of all the pest species.


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This work evaluated the following aspects of the use of exclusion netting in low chill stone fruit: the efficacy of protection from fruit fly for this highly susceptible crop; the effects on environmental factors; and the effects on crop development. Concurrently, an economic viability study on the use of exclusion netting was undertaken. The trial site was a 0.6-ha block of low chill stone fruit at Nambour, south-east Queensland, Australia. In this area, populations of Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) are known to be substantial, particularly in spring and summer. The trial block contained healthy 4-year-old trees as follows: 96 peach trees (Prunus persica cv. Flordaprince) and 80 nectarine trees (40 P. persica var. nucipersica cv. White Satin and 40 P. persica var. nucipersica cv. Sunwright). Exclusion netting was installed over approximately half of the block in february 2001. The net was a UV-stabilized structural knitted fabric made from high-density polyethylene yarn with a 10-year prorated UV degradation warranty. The results demonstrated the efficacy of exclusion netting in the control of fruit flies. Exclusion netting increased maximum temperatures by 4.4 deg C and decreased minimum temperatures by 0.5 deg C. Although exclusion netting reduced irradiance by approximately 20%, it enhanced fruit development by 7-10 days and improved fruit quality by increasing sugar concentration by 20-30% and colour intensity by 20%.


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The layout of this second edition follows that of the first, though the content has been substantially rewritten to reflect 10 years of research and development, as well as the emergence of new pest species. Chapter 1 presents an overview, from a somewhat entomological perspective, of tropical forestry in its many guises. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 then discuss the 'pure' biology and ecology of tropical insects and their co-evolved relationships with the trees and forests in which they live. Chapter 5 is necessarily the largest chapter in the book, looking in detail at a selection of major pest species from all over the tropical world. Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 then discuss the theory and practice of insect pest management, starting at the fundamental planning stage, before any seeds hit the soil. Nursery management and stand management were considered in Chapters 7 and 8. Chapter 9 covers the topics of forest health surveillance, quarantine and forest invasive species, topics which again have significance at all stages of forestry but for convenience are presented after nursery and forest management. This, in fact, we attempt to do in the final chapter, Chapter 10, which combines most of the previous nine chapters in examples illustrating the concept of integrated pest management. ©CABI Publishing CABI Publishing


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A suite of co-occurring eriophyid mite species are significant pests in subtropical Australia, causing severe discolouration, blistering, necrosis and leaf loss to one of the region's most important hardwood species, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (F. Muell.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Myrtaceae). In this study, we examined mite population dynamics and leaf damage over a 1-year period in a commercial plantation of C. citriodora subsp. variegata. Our aims were to link the incidence and severity of mite damage, and mite numbers, to leaf physical traits (moisture content and specific leaf weight (SLW)); to identify any seasonal changes in leaf surface occupancy (upper vs. lower lamina); and host tree canopy strata (upper, mid or lower canopy). We compared population trends with site rainfall, temperature and humidity. We also examined physical and anatomical changes in leaf tissue in response to mite infestation to characterize the plants' physiological reaction to feeding, and how this might affect photosynthesis. Our main findings included positive correlations with leaf moisture content and mite numbers and with mite numbers and damage severity. Wet and dry leaf mass and SLW were greater for damaged tissue than undamaged tissue. Mites were distributed equally throughout the canopy and on both leaf surfaces. No relationships with climatic factors were found. Damage symptoms occurred equally and were exactly mirrored on both leaf surfaces. Mite infestation increased the overall epidermal thickness and the number and size of epidermal cells and was also associated with a rapid loss of chloroplasts from mesophyll cells beneath damage sites. The integrity of the stomatal complex was severely compromised in damaged tissues. These histological changes suggest that damage by these mites will negatively impact the photosynthetic efficiency of susceptible plantation species.


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A suite of co-occurring eriophyid mite species are significant pests in subtropical Australia, causing severe discolouration, blistering, necrosis and leaf loss to one of the region's most important hardwood species, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (F. Muell.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Myrtaceae). In this study, we examined mite population dynamics and leaf damage over a 1-year period in a commercial plantation of C. citriodora subsp. variegata. Our aims were to link the incidence and severity of mite damage, and mite numbers, to leaf physical traits (moisture content and specific leaf weight (SLW)); to identify any seasonal changes in leaf surface occupancy (upper vs. lower lamina); and host tree canopy strata (upper, mid or lower canopy). We compared population trends with site rainfall, temperature and humidity. We also examined physical and anatomical changes in leaf tissue in response to mite infestation to characterize the plants' physiological reaction to feeding, and how this might affect photosynthesis. Our main findings included positive correlations with leaf moisture content and mite numbers and with mite numbers and damage severity. Wet and dry leaf mass and SLW were greater for damaged tissue than undamaged tissue. Mites were distributed equally throughout the canopy and on both leaf surfaces. No relationships with climatic factors were found. Damage symptoms occurred equally and were exactly mirrored on both leaf surfaces. Mite infestation increased the overall epidermal thickness and the number and size of epidermal cells and was also associated with a rapid loss of chloroplasts from mesophyll cells beneath damage sites. The integrity of the stomatal complex was severely compromised in damaged tissues. These histological changes suggest that damage by these mites will negatively impact the photosynthetic efficiency of susceptible plantation species.


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We review here research on semiochemicals for cotton pest management carried out in successive Cotton Co-operative Research Centres from 1998 to 2012. Australian cotton is now dominated by transgenic (Bt) varieties, which provide a strong platform for integrated pest management of key pests such as Helicoverpa spp., but new technologies are required to manage the development of resistance in Helicoverpa spp. to transgenic cotton and the problems posed by emerging and secondary pests, especially sucking insects. A long-range attractant for Helicoverpa moths, based on plant volatiles, has been commercialised as Magnet®. The product has substantial area-wide impacts on moth populations, and only limited effects on beneficial insects. Potential roles are being investigated for this product in resistance management of Helicoverpa spp. on transgenic cotton. Short-range, non-volatile compounds on organ surfaces of plants that do not support development of Helicoverpa spp. have been identified; these compounds deter feeding or oviposition, or are toxic to insect pests. One such product, Sero X®, is effective on Helicoverpa spp. and sucking pests such as whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci), green mirids (Creontiades dilutus), and other hemipteran insects, and is in the advanced stages of commercialisation.


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The paper describes the QC3 quarantine facility and supporting infrastructure which were purpose built for weed biological control at the Ecosciences Precinct. The quarantine is one of two new weed quarantine facilities in Australia and will service northern Australia. An account of the sharing philosophy between CSIRO and the Queensland Government and the necessity of working very closely with architects, project managers, builders and quarantine personnel is also given. This philosophy contributed to certification of the facility without any undue delays.


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Bactrocera cucumis (French 1907), the ‘cucumber fruit fly’, is a horticultural pest in Australia that primarily infests cucurbits and has also been recorded from tomatoes, papaw and several other hosts. It does not respond to known male lures, cue-lure and methyl eugenol, making monitoring and control difficult. A cucumber volatile blend lure was recently developed in Hawaii and found to be an effective female-biased attractant for the melon fly B. cucurbitae. This lure was field tested in north Queensland, Australia in McPhail traps in comparison with orange ammonia, Cera Trap® and a control, and was found to more consistently trap B. cucumis than the other lures. B. cucumis were caught at 41% of the cucumber volatile lure trap clearances, compared with 27% of the orange ammonia, 18% of the Cera Trap and 16% of the control trap clearances. The cucumber volatile lure was more attractive to B. cucumis in low population densities and also trapped B. cucumis earlier on average than the other lures. Data analysed from the site with highest trap catches (Spring Creek) showed that the cucumber volatile lure caught significantly more B. cucumis than the other traps in four of the 11 trap clearance periods, and for the remaining clearances, no other trap type caught significantly more flies than the cucumber volatile lure. The cucumber volatile lure had a strong female-biased attraction but it was not significantly more female-biased than orange ammonia or Cera Trap. Cucumber volatile lure traps were cleaner to service resulting in better quality specimens than the orange ammonia trap or Cera Trap. These findings have potential implications for market access monitoring for determining pest freedom, and for biosecurity monitoring programmes in other countries that wish to detect B. cucumis early.