997 resultados para QCD, chiral symmetry, quark action, anisotropy
The Nolen-Schiffer anomaly is the long standing discrepancy between theory and experiment of binding energy differences of mirror nuclei. It appears that the anomaly is largely explained by the charge symmetry breaking force generated by the rho(0)-omega mixing. In this paper I discuss the effect of the rho(0)-omega mixing to the binding energy differences in relativistic models of the nucleus. I also discuss the issue of momentum dependence of rho(0)-omega mixing amplitude and present an alternative explanation of the anomaly based on the partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nucleus.
Complex mass poles, or ghost poles, are present in the Hartree-Fock solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the nucleon propagator in renormalizable models with Yukawa-type meson-nucleon couplings, as shown many years ago by Brown, Puff and Wilets (BPW), These ghosts violate basic theorems of quantum field theory and their origin is related to the ultraviolet behavior of the model interactions, Recently, Krein et.al, proved that the ghosts disappear when vertex corrections are included in a self-consistent way, softening the interaction sufficiently in the ultraviolet region. In previous studies of pi N scattering using ''dressed'' nucleon propagator and bare vertices, did by Nutt and Wilets in the 70's (NW), it was found that if these poles are explicitly included, the value of the isospin-even amplitude A((+)) is satisfied within 20% at threshold. The absence of a theoretical explanation for the ghosts and the lack of chiral symmetry in these previous studies led us to re-investigate the subject using the approach of the linear sigma-model and study the interplay of low-energy theorems for pi N scattering and ghost poles. For bare interaction vertices we find that ghosts are present in this model as well and that the A((+)) value is badly described, As a first approach to remove these complex poles, we dress the vertices with phenomenological form factors and a reasonable agreement with experiment is achieved, In order to fix the two cutoff parameters, we use the A((+)) value for the chiral limit (m(pi) --> 0) and the experimental value of the isoscalar scattering length, Finally, we test our model by calculating the phase shifts for the S waves and we find a good agreement at threshold. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
The δ-expansion is a nonperturbative approach for field theoretic models which combines the techniques of perturbation theory and the variational principle. Different ways of implementing the principle of minimal sensitivity to the δ-expansion produce in general different results for observables. For illustration we use the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for chiral symmetry restoration at finite density and compare results with those obtained with the Hartree-Fock approximation.
We show that the tail of the chiral two-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potential is proportional to the pion-nucleon (πN) scalar form factor and discuss how it can be translated into effective scalar meson interactions. We then construct a kernel for the process NN → πNN, due to the exchange of two pions, which may be used in either three-body forces or pion production in NN scattering. Our final expression involves a partial cancellation among three terms, due to chiral symmetry, but the net result is still important. We also find that, at large internucleon distances, the kernel has the same spatial dependence as the central NN potential and we produce expressions relating these processes directly.
We derive the equation of state for hot nuclear matter using the Walecka model in a non-perturbative formalism. We include here the vacuum polarization effects arising from the nucleon and scalar mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. A ground state structure with baryon-antibaryon condensates yields the results obtained through the relativistic Hartree approximation of summing baryonic tadpole diagrams. Generalization of such a state to include the quantum effects for the scalar meson fields through the σ -meson condensates amounts to summing over a class of multiloop diagrams. The techniques of the thermofield dynamics method are used for the finite-temperature and finite-density calculations. The in-medium nucleon and sigma meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. We examine the liquid-gas phase transition at low temperatures (≈ 20 MeV), as well as apply the formalism to high temperatures to examine a possible chiral symmetry restoration phase transition.
We discuss two aspects of charmonium in medium. First, we present results of a recent study that compares the phenomenology of charmonium spectroscopy using smooth and sudden string breaking potentials. Next, we present results of a study that explores the possibility that J/ψ might be bound in a large nucleus through the excitation of a color singlet intermediate states of D and D* mesons with density masses. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
By means of a triple master action we deduce here a linearized version of the new massive gravity (NMG) in arbitrary dimensions. The theory contains a 4th-order and a 2nd-order term in derivatives. The 4th-order term is invariant under a generalized Weyl symmetry. The action is formulated in terms of a traceless ημνΩμνρ=0 mixed symmetry tensor Ωμνρ=-Ωμρν and corresponds to the massive Fierz-Pauli action with the replacement e μν=∂ρΩμνρ. The linearized 3D and 4D NMG theories are recovered via the invertible maps Ωμνρ=Ïμνρβhβμ and Ωμνρ=ÏμνργδT [γδ]μ respectively. The properties h μν=hνμ and T[[γδ]μ]= 0 follow from the traceless restriction. The equations of motion of the linearized NMG theory can be written as zero curvature conditions ∂νTρμ-∂ρT νμ=0 in arbitrary dimensions. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Assuming that the 125 GeV particle observed at the LHC is a composite scalar and responsible for the electroweak gauge symmetry breaking, we consider the possibility that the bound state is generated by a non-Abelian gauge theory with dynamically generated gauge boson masses and a specific chiral symmetry breaking dynamics motivated by confinement. The scalar mass is computed with the use of the Bethe-Salpeter equation and its normalization condition as a function of the SU(N) group and the respective fermionic representation. If the fermions that form the composite state are in the fundamental representation of the SU(N) group, we can generate such a light boson only for one specific number of fermions for each group. We address the uncertainties underlying this result, when considering the strong dynamics in isolation. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No presente trabalho, estudamos a quebra da simetria quiral na pseudo eletrodinâmica quântica em (2+1) dimensões usando o formalismo das equações de Schwinger-Dyson e investigamos as semelhanças deste modelo com a criticalidade encontrada na EDQ3 e EDQ4. Usando a aproximação “quenched-rainbow”, mostramos que existe um acoplamento crítico αcc = π/16, acima do qual existe a geração de massa para os férmions e portanto, ocorrendo a quebra da simetria quiral. Também estudamos o caso com N campos fermiônicos usando a expansão 1/N na aproximação “unquenched-rainbow”, onde obtemos um número crítico Nc abaixo do qual a simetria quiral é quebrada e, para valores acima, a simetria é restaurada. No limite de acoplamento forte (g -- ∞), mostramos que este número crítico é o mesmo encontrado na EDQ3 na expansão 1/N.
As medidas de amplitude, polarização e vagarosidade contem informações sobre o meio onde a propagação de onda ocorre. Esta tese investiga esses dados com objetivo de estimar as propriedades elásticas deste meio. Coeficientes de reflexão podem ser estimados das amplitudes dos dados e dependem de forma não linear dos contrastes dos parâmetros elásticos e do contraste de densidade entre os meios separados por uma interface. Quando o contraste de impedância é fraco, as aproximações lineares para a refletividade qP são mais convenientes para inversão da densidade e dos parâmetros elásticos usando as análises de amplitude versus ângulo de incidência (AVO) e amplitude versus a direção do plano de incidência (AVD). Escrevendo as equações de Zoepprittz de forma separada nos permite escrever uma solução destas equações em termos das matrizes de impedância e polarização. Usando esta solução são determinadas aproximações lineares para a refletividade da onda qP considerando fraco contraste de impedância, fraca anisotropia mas com classe de simetria de arbitrária. As linearizações são avaliadas para diferentes geometrias de aquisição e várias escolhas do meio de referência. Estas aproximações apresentam bom desempenho comparado com o valor exato do coeficiente de reflexão da onda qP e de suas ondas convertidas para incidências de até 30° e meios que obedecem à hipótese de fraca anisotropia. Um conjunto de fraturas orientado é representado efetivamente por um meio transversalmente isotrópico (TI), as aproximações lineares da refletividade da onda qP podem ser usadas para estimar a orientação de fratura. Partindo deste pressuposto este problema consiste em estimar a orientação do eixo de simetria a partir de dados de refletividade de onda qP. Este trabalho mostra que são necessários múltiplos azimutes e múltiplas incidências para se obter uma estimativa estável. Também é mostrado que apenas os coeficientes das ondas qS e qT são sensíveis ao mergulho da fratura. Foi investigada a estimativa da anisotropia local através de dados de VSP multiazimutal dos vetores de polarização e vagarosidade. Foram usadas medidas da componente vertical do vetor de vagarosidade e o vetor de polarização de ondas qP diretas e refletidas. O esquema de inversão é validado através de exemplos sintéticos considerando diferentes escolhas do vetor normal à frente de onda no meio de referência, meios de referências e geometria de aquisição. Esta análise mostra que somente um subgrupo dos parâmetros elástico pode ser estimado. Uma importante aplicação desta metodologia é o seu potencial para a determinação de classes de anisotropia. A aplicação desta metodologia aos dados do mar de Java mostra que os modelos isotrópicos e TIV são inadequados para o ajuste desses dados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The vacuum energy of QED, as a function of the coupling constant α, is shown to have an absolute minimum at the critical coupling αc=π/3. The effect of chiral symmetry breaking diminishes as the coupling is increased. We argue that these aspects of the vacuum energy shall remain unaltered beyond the ladder approximation.
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
We review the status of integrable models from the point of view of their dynamics and integrability conditions. A few integrable models are discussed in detail. We comment on the use it is made of them in string theory. We also discuss the SO(6) symmetric Hamiltonian with SO(6) boundary. This work is especially prepared for the 70th anniversaries of Andr, Swieca (in memoriam) and Roland Koberle.