920 resultados para Push
Se presenta el algoritmo implementado para probar la estabilidad de pilas de puente de forma global, es decir, integradas en la estructura más general del puente. El método planteado constituye una alternativa más general al método habitual de leyes momento-curvatura. Se describe su aplicación al puente atirantado de Bucaramanga de 292 m de luz y pilas de 50 y 70 m de altura (altura total de la torre mayor de 133 m). Su aplicación, considerando confinamiento en determinadas secciones de pilas permite tener en cuenta la generación de rótulas plásticas y demostrar el grado de ductilidad alcanzado en la estructura, constituyendo una aplicación practica del método de calculo sísmico por capacidad o push-over a pilas de puente.The relevance of this article is threefold: 1st It presents in detail the algorithm used to test the stability of bridge piers in a global model, i.e., integrated in the most general structure of the bridge. 2nd The method put forward represents a more general alternative to the commonly used moment-curvature method of sectional analysis for biaxial bending under constant axial force. 3rd It describes the algorithm’s application to a 292 m span cable-stayed bridge with piers of 50 and 70 m in height (total height of the biggest tower 133 m). Its application, considering confinement in some particular cross-sections of piers permits the taking into account of “plastic hinges” phenomena due to earthquakes and demonstrates the degree of ductility achieved in the structure. This constitutes a practical application of the push-over method to bridge piers.
Plant viruses are known to modify the behaviour of their insect vectors, both directly and indirectly,generally adapting to each type of virus?vector relationship in a way that enhances transmissionefficiency. Here, we report results of three different studies showing how a virus transmitted in a non-persistent (NP) manner (Cucumber mosaic virus; CMV, Cucumovirus) can induce changes in its host plant,cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Marumba) that modifies the behaviour of its aphid vector (Aphis gossypiiGlover; Hemiptera: Aphididae) in a way that enhances virus transmission and spread non-viruliferousaphids changed their alighting, settling and probing behaviour activities over time when exposed toCMV-infected and mock-inoculated cucumber plants. Aphids exhibited no preference to migrate fromCMV-infected to mock-inoculated plants at short time intervals (1, 10 and 30 min after release), butshowed a clear shift in preference to migrate from CMV-infected to mock-inoculated plants 60 min afterrelease. Our free-choice preference assays showed that A. gossypii alates preferred CMV-infected overmock-inoculated plants at an early stage (30 min), but this behaviour was reverted at a later stage andaphids preferred to settle and reproduce on mock-inoculated plants. The electrical penetration graph(EPG) technique revealed a sharp change in aphid probing behaviour over time when exposed to CMV-infected plants. At the beginning (first 15 min) aphid vectors dramatically increased the number of shortsuperficial probes and intracellular punctures when exposed to CMV-infected plants. At a later stage (sec-ond hour of recording) aphids diminished their feeding on CMV-infected plants as indicated by much lesstime spent in phloem salivation and ingestion (E1 and E2). This particular probing behaviour includingan early increase in the number of short superficial probes and intracellular punctures followed by aphloem feeding deterrence is known to enhance the transmission efficiency of viruses transmitted in aNP manner. We conclude that CMV induces specific changes in a plant host that modify the alighting,settling and probing behaviour of its main vector A. gossypii, leading to optimum transmission and spreadof the virus. Our findings should be considered when modelling the spread of viruses transmitted in a NPmanner.
Comportamiento a cortante puro de hormigones reforzados con fibras sometidos a ensayos tipo Push-Off
El hormigón como material de construcción constituye la base fundamental del desarrollo de la infraestructura de nuestras sociedades modernas. Este material compuesto en su forma mas básica de material cementoso, áridos finos, gruesos y agua es muy versátil dada la posibilidad de fabricación en obra, su capacidad de moldeo y sus altas prestaciones mecánicas ante cargas de compresión El uso de fibras dentro de la matriz del hormigón surge como una opción para mejorar las capacidades mecánicas del hormigón, tendiente principalmente a un aumento de su capacidad de absorción de energía (Aumento de ductilidad). El objetivo de este trabajo fue el estudio del comportamiento mecánico de hormigones autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de poliolefina y metálicas sometidos a esfuerzos de cortante puro. Para esto se realizaron ensayos tipo “Push-Off” sobre diferentes dosificaciones de fibras agregadas a hormigones patrón de referencia. La campana experimental se realizo sobre hormigones autocompactantes de campanas experimentales anteriores. La campana abarca hormigones reforzados con fibra de poliolefina desde el umbral inferior de 3kg/m3 hasta un valor máximo de 10kg/m3, así como hormigones reforzados con fibra de acero con 26 y 70 kilogramos de fibra por metro cúbico de hormigón, buscando evaluar su comportamiento mecánico en estado endurecido a ensayos de cortante puro tipo “Push-off”. Dichos ensayos fueron instrumentados mediante la colocación de CMOD (Crack mouth open displacement) en las entallas, así como usando la técnica de la video extensometría (DIC por sus siglas en ingles), la cual permite hacer un análisis mas minucioso de los estados de deformaciones de toda la probeta. Se concluyo que los hormigones con bajos y medios contenidos de fibras de poliolefina aumentan en pequeña magnitud su ductilidad, estando condicionados los ensayos tipo “Push-off” de los mismos a la probabilidad de encontrar fibras en la interfaz de la fisura por cortante. En el caso de los hormigones con contenido medio de fibras de acero, se concluyo que tienen una gran mejoría en su comportamiento frente a cortante puro. Su comportamiento post-pico tiene aumentos considerables con respecto a los hormigones no reforzados, ductilidad y capacidad de conservación de cargas residuales, y la capacidad de disipación de energía de estos es intermedia entre los hormigones de bajo contenido de fibras de poliolefina y los de alto contenido tanto de acero como de poliolefina. Estos hormigones constituyen en general un punto medio entre economía y facilidad de fabricación y desempeño mecánico. En el caso de los hormigones de alto contenido de fibras de poliolefina, se obtuvieron comportamientos post-pico con alta ductilidad, con deformaciones que superan valores de 2mm. Las cargas pico de los mismos fueron levemente superiores a los hormigones no reforzados y un poco inferiores a los de alto contenido de fibras de acero sin ser concluyentes los resultados al respecto. Estos hormigones disipan menos energía en la fractura que los hormigones de acero hasta deformaciones de 2mm pero una vez alcanzada la misma se evidencio que el cortante residual de estos superaba la de los hormigones con fibra de acero. Los hormigones con alto contenido de fibra de acero presentaron los mejores resultados de la campana experimental, con cargas pico mayores, ramas de descarga con pendiente reducida (fallas dúctiles) y mayor cantidad de energía disipada. A pesar de esto es importante tener en cuenta que los resultados obtenidos no estuvieron muy alejados de los hormigones con alto contenido de fibras de poliolefina, los cuales son mas económicos, menos densos, mas durables y mas manejables.
The influence of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) content on the fiber/matrix interfacial shear strength (IFSS) in glass/fiber epoxy composites was measured by means of push-in and push-out tests. Both experimental methodologies provided equivalent values of the IFSS for each material. It was found that the dispersion of CNTs increased in IFSS by 19% in average with respect to the composite without CNTs. This improvement was reached with 0.3 wt.% of CNTs and increasing the CNT content up to 0.8 wt.% did not improve the interface strength.
In the last years masses of ice, about 5 km long, have been protruding from the lowest part of an advancing glacier margin of the Kötlujökull in Southern Iceland. In the summer of 1983, they appeared as sediment-covered lobes, 10-60 m long, bordering the glacier rnargin like agarland. 1 to 3 push-rnoraines without ice core, rnostly sickle-shaped, occured first in the frontal parts of the lobes: behind thern came several ice-cored moraines with heights of up to several metres. The active ice in front of the precipice of the glacier is called the "glacier-foot" in this paper. The digging out of 9 lobes and the measuring of the advance of 19 lobes showed that in most cases this glacierfoot had split up at its distal end into several plate- or stem-shaped pieces of ice which were situated one upon the other, separated by moraine deposits and proceeding irregularly into the foreland at the rate of several mm/h, The sometimes different rate of advance in the same lobe and different rates of advanee in adjoining lobes (some being entirely inactive) point to a type of rnovement which is independent of the general advance of the glacier. Research in the winter of 1983/84 showed less activity in 3 examined lobes, but the activity had not ceased. The advancement of the lower parts of the glacier-foot into and across the sands of the foreland implies the following genesis of pushmoraines: Shoving off a plate of sand, folding it and pushing it over the foreland at average rates of up to 7,2 mm/h, according to the investigations in thc summer of 1983. At a certain stage of the folding process, new folds begin to develop in front of the old, and the old folds are shifted onto the backslope of thc folds in front of them until they are completely unired. In this way, "püe-moraines" arise, which become higher and higher. They include two or more folds declining towards the glacier. Systems of small moraines presumably of the same genesis occur on old moraine areas in front of the Kötlujökull. The possible cause of formation of a glacier-foot is discussed, and the moraines of the Kötlujökull are compared with certain pleistocene push-moraines.
"Errata": slip inserted.
On verso of duplicate photo: "An outlet for class rivalry --The Frosh-Soph push ball contest," Ferry Field, 1907. Duplicate from Sam Sturgis Collection
All from the U.P. (Ironwood) so did not go home - left to right Hjalmen Flink (English), Harry Bay (Law), S. Bargquist (later prof at MSU), M. Mickelson (U.S. Forestry), and A.B. Johnson "The jug contains cider"