191 resultados para Puerperal septicemia
Elaborar una propuesta educativa para el fomento y promoción de la lactancia materna y un programa educativo dirigido a los padres sobre las ventajas de la lactancia materna con pautas de promoción y apoyo. El programa se basa en los resultados de un estudio previo de la situación de la lactancia materna en la Región de Murcia y conocer así sus necesidades. De los 6.122 nacimientos durante el año 1998 en el Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca de Murcia, se realizaron 487 entrevistas a mujeres elegidas al azar entre aquellas ingresadas en período puerperal (primera semana después del parto). Las edades estaban comprendidas entre los 14 y los 47 años. Las entrevistas realizadas recogen 45 variables independientes (datos de filiación, laborales, estudios, concimientos previos sobre la lactancia, parto, recien nacido, pareja, etc.). Se realizó un seguimiento a estas mujeres realizando nuevas entrevistas de 20 variables a los tres y seis meses de vida del lactante. Encuesta. Estadística descriptiva de cada variable con distribución de frecuencias. Relación entre variables mediante análisis de tablas de contingencia. Asociaciones entre variables mediante análisis de resíduos. De las 362 mujeres entrevistadas telefónicamente sólo 122, el 33,7 por ciento continuaron dando a sus hijos lactancia materna al cuarto mes de nacidos, dando suplemento de biberón 54. Sólo el 1 por ciento tenía clara su intención de seguir dando el pecho. De los 240 abandonos, 105 lo hicieron antes del primer mes y 103 casos entre el primero y el tercero. Estos datos contrastan con el hecho de que el 90,1 por ciento de las mujeres ingresadas en maternidad comienzan con la lactancia materna después del parto. El programa se organiza alrededor de tres bloques: atención durante el embarazo, durante el puerperio y durante el puerperio tardío.
Previous studies have demonstrated that treatment of postpartum female rats with morphine inhibits maternal behavior and stimulates foraging. Exposure to drugs of abuse may result in a progressive enhancement of their reinforcing effects. Puerperal treatment with morphine leads to reverse tolerance to this drug. The present study investigated whether repeated morphine treatment during late pregnancy may influence the effects of different morphine dosages on behavioral selection in lactating rats. Females were simultaneously exposed to pups and insects, and the choice between taking care of the pups and hunting insects was observed. Female Wistar rats were treated with morphine (3.5 mg/kg/day, subcutaneous [s.c.]) or saline for 5 days beginning on pregnancy day 17. On day 5 of lactation, animals were acutely challenged with morphine (0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mg/kg, s.c.; MM0.5, MM1.0, and MM1.5 groups, respectively) or saline (MS group) and tested for predatory hunting and maternal behavior. Control groups were pretreated with saline and challenged with morphine (SM0.5, SM1.0, and SM1.5 groups) or saline (SS group). Animals treated with morphine during late pregnancy and acutely challenged with 1.0 mg/kg morphine (MM1.0 group) exhibited significantly decreased maternal behavior and enhanced hunting. This effect was not evident with the 0.5 mg/kg dose. The 1.5 mg/kg morphine dose decreased maternal behavior and increased hunting in both the MM1.5 group and in animals challenged with morphine after previous saline treatment (SM1.5 group). These results provide evidence of plasticity of the opioidergic role in behavioral selection during lactation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objetivos Avaliamos a incidência de infecção hospitalar no CTI clínico-cirúrgico de um hospital escola no sul do Brasil. Foram utilizadas taxas ajustadas para o tempo de permanência dos pacientes e para o tempo de exposição aos procedimentos invasivos. Também investigamos a influência da causa básica de internação (trauma, neurológico e clínico-cirúrgico) nas taxas de infecções. Material e Métodos Os pacientes internados no CTI Clínico-cirúrgico de março a dezembro de 1999, foram prospectivamente seguidos para a detecção de infecção hospitalar. Para o diagnóstico de infecção hospitalar utilizou-se as definições do Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças dos EUA (CDC) e as taxas foram calculadas de acordo com a metodologia NNIS (Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica). Resultados Foram acompanhados 686 pacientes (4201 pacientes-dia). Ocorreram 125 infecções hospitalares, sendo que a incidência global foi de 18,2% ou 29,8 infecções por 1000 pacientes-dia. Os sítios de infecção mais freqüente foram: pneumonia (40%), infecção urinária (24%) e septicemia primária (12,8%). As taxas de infecções hospitalares, associadas aos procedimentos invasivos, foram as seguintes: 32,2 pneumonias por 1000 ventiladores mecânico-dia, 9,7 infecções urinárias por 1000 sondas vesicais-dia e 7 septicemias por 1000 cateteres venosos centrais-dia. A incidência global de infecção nos pacientes com trauma (26,8) e neurológicos (20,7%) foi superior quando comparada com o grupo clínico-cirúrgico (12,2%), p < 0,001. Conclusões Encontramos altas taxas de infecções relacionadas com os procedimentos invasivos neste CTI. A causa básica de internação influenciou as taxas de infecção, sugerindo a necessidade de analisar-se estratificadamente os pacientes em CTI clínico-cirúrgico.
A infecção das vias biliares é uma doença freqüente com alta morbidade e mortalidade, que pode variar de 10 a 60% dependendo de sua gravidade. A causa mais comum desta infecção é a presença de cálculos na via biliar principal que propicia o surgimento de bacteriobilia. O profundo conhecimento das características microbiológicas da bile nos casos de coledocolitíase e infecção das vias biliares são fundamentais para o melhor diagnóstico desta infecção e escolha da antibioticoterapia a ser instituída. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi de caracterizar os principais aspectos microbiológicos da bile dos pacientes com e sem coledocolitíase e avaliar sua importância na escolha dos antimicrobianos para o tratamento da infecção das vias biliares. Foram analisados 33 pacientes que foram divididos em um grupo de 10 pacientes sem coledocolitíase (grupo controle) no momento da Colangiografia Endoscópica (CPER) e em outro grupo de 23 pacientes com coledocolitíase. A bile de todos os pacientes foi coletada no início do procedimento endoscópico, através de catater introduzido na via biliar. O exame de microscopia direta com coloração de Gram e as culturas da bile foram negativas nos 10 pacientes que não apresentaram coledocolitíase durante a CPER. Dos 23 pacientes com cálculos na via biliar principal, 19 (83%) apresentaram culturas positivas. Desses 19 pacientes com culturas de bile positivas, 18 (94,7%) apresentaram microorganismos detectáveis à microscopia direta com coloração de Gram. Apenas um paciente apresentou crescimento de germe anaeróbio (Bacteroides fragilis). O cultivo de 28 bactérias teve predominância de microorganismos Gram negativos (18 bactérias- 64,3%). Os germes isolados foram E. coli (9, 32,1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (5, 17,9%), Enterococcus faecalis (5, 17,9%), Streptococcus alfa-haemoliticus (3, 10,7%), Streptococcus viridans (2, 7,1%), Enterobacter cloacae (2, 7,1%), Panteona aglomerans (1, 3,6%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1, 3,6%). Todos os pacientes com microorganismos detectados pela microscopia direta com coloração de Gram tiveram crescimento bacteriano em suas culturas, por outro lado nenhum paciente com cultura negativa apresentou microoorganismos à microsopia direta ( p= 0,0005). Nesses casos, a microsopia direta apresentou uma especificidade de 100% e sensibilidade de 80%. A análise quantitativa das culturas da bile mostrou que das 19 culturas positivas, 12 (63,2%) tiveram pelo menos um germe com contagem superior a 105 ufc/ml. Todas as bactérias Gram positivas isoladas foram sensíveis à ampicilina, da mesma forma que todas as Gram negativas foram sensíveis aos aminoglicosídeos. Os achados deste estudo demonstram uma boa correlação entre a microscopia direta da bile com coloração de Gram e os achados bacteriológicos das culturas da bile coletada por colangiografia endoscópica retrógrada. O esquema terapêutico antimicrobiano tradicionalmente empregado em nosso hospital, que inclui a combinação de ampicilina e gentamicina, parece ser adequado, pois apresenta eficácia terapêutica contra os principais microorganismos responsáveis pela infecção das vias biliares.
A feminização é uma das características atuais da epidemia da Aids e atinge principalmente mulheres em idade fértil, o que vem desencadeando um aumento de gestantes portadoras de HIV/Aids. O Serviço de Assistência Especializada em DST/Aids, que integro como enfermeira, vem desenvolvendo o Grupo de Gestantes Soropositivas para o HIV. Conhecer a opinião das mães HIV+ egressas desses grupos sobre esta atividade, tornou-se, então, o objetivo deste estudo. O interesse pelo tema surgiu da experiência de ter cuidado mulheres que vivenciaram esta trajetória no período gestacional e por entender que, ao escutá-las, têm-se subsídios para qualificar o grupo de gestantes soropositivas para o HIV. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. As participantes do estudo, utilizando o critério de saturação, foram 10 mulheres HIV+ egressas do programa de pré-natal de um Serviço de Assistência Especializada em DST/Aids do município de Porto Alegre. A coleta de dados, realizada no terceiro trimestre de 2004, foi obtida por meio de entrevista, após a leitura e assinatura, pelas entrevistadas, do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido com aprovação do Comitê de Ética em pesquisa da Instituição. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo (MORAES,1999) A complexidade dos resultados aponta várias considerações relacionadas a: perplexidade das mulheres ao conhecerem seu diagnóstico de HIV e conseqüentes desinformações relativas ao processo gravídico puerperal acompanhado de HIV, dilema quanto à clandestinidade do diagnóstico, desamparo familiar e social, impossibilidade de amamentar somado ao despreparo de profissionais de enfermagem na maternidade, à condução de outras alternativas substitutivas do aleitamento materno e a preocupação pela responsabilidade de ser ela a fonte transmissora do HIV para seu filho. Para este mundo singular vivido por estas mulheres, pode-se afirmar ser o Grupo de Gestantes Sororpositivas para o HIV, um espaço coletivo de cuidado especial e humanizado e que independente das experiências de vida pessoal, gestacional e familiar e de diferenças de cada participante, resulta num movimento capaz de imprimir grandes mudanças de atitudes, tornando-se evidente para a autora a necessidade de se oportunizarem cada vez mais, espaços de Educação para Saúde como disponibilizados neste grupo. As mães como atoras sociais trouxeram ao aprimoramento do grupo valiosas sugestões referentes à manutenção dos grupos, à ampliação dos participantes oportunizando que outros membros da família participem e à continuação do grupo após o parto. Entre as recomendações advindas desse estudo destaca-se a de construção de trabalhos interdisciplinares em espaços institucionais, familiares e sociais que contemplem o amplo conjunto de necessidades referido pelas mulheres e as apóiem na busca da qualidade de vida para si e seus bebês.
Mothers with good vitamin A nutritional status during gestation and lactation are better able to nourish and protect their infant with maternal milk. Our hypothesis is that women with more serum retinol have more retinol and secretory immunoglobulin A in colostrum. 190 healthy puerperal women from a Brazilian public maternity were recruited and divided according to the cutoff point for serum retinol (30 μg/dL). A number of the women was supplemented with 200000 UI (60 mg) of retinyl palmitate in the immediate postpartum. Serum and colostrum were collected on the 1st day postpartum and colostrum again on the following day. Retinol (serum and colostrum) was analyzed by HPLC and SIgA (colostrum) by turbidimetry. The mothers presented with adequate biochemical indicators of nutritional status, according to serum retinol (44.6 μg/dL). There were significant differences (p= 0.0017 and p= 0.043, respectively) in retinol and SIgA levels in the colostrum of mothers with serum retinol > 30 μg/dL and < 30 μg/dL. The concentration of SIgA in the colostrum of non-supplemented mothers on the 1st day postpartum was 822.6 mg/dL, decreasing after 24 hours to 343.7 mg/dL. Supplemented mothers showed levels of SIgA in colostrum of 498.9 mg/dL on the 2nd day postpartum (p= 0.00006). The colostrum of women with good vitamin A nutritional status had more retinol and SIgA. Additionally, maternal supplementation increases the levels of SIgA in colostrum. The higher levels of SIgA on the 1st day postpartum showed the importance of early breastfeeding, given that it provides considerable immunological benefits to newborn infants
Vitamins A and E are essential nutrients in many biological processes, so that their adequate supply to the neonate is crucial. However, the bioavailability of vitamins may be limited by factors such as maternal nutritional status and the interaction between nutrients. This study aimed to investigate the effect of biochemical nutritional status of retinol and alpha-tocopherol levels in serum and colostrum. The study included 103 healthy puerperal women treated at the reference state maternity hospital (Natal-RN). Colostrum and serum samples were collected fasting in the immediate postpartum period and the analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Specific cutoff points were adopted to characterize the biochemical status of vitamins A and E. For the total group of lactanting women the average concentration of retinol in serum (1.49 ± 0.4 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (2.18 ± 0.8 μmol/L-1), as well as alpha-tocopherol in serum (26.4 ± 8.0 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (26.1 ± 12.8 μmol/L-1), indicated adequate biochemical state. However, when evaluating the individual, was found a high prevalence of deficient serum (15%) and colostrum retinol (50%), and also alphatocopherol in serum (16%) and colostrum (61%). In women with serum retinol ≥ 1.05 μmol/L-1, found an inverse correlation between serum retinol and alpha-tocopherol in colostrum (p = 0.008, r = -0.28). This association was not observed in women with serum retinol <1.05 μmol/L-1. This situation demonstrates for the first time in humans that high physiological levels of serum retinol, without supplementation, can negatively influence the transfer of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk. Although the diagnosis of satisfactory nutritional status lactanting women showed high risk of subclinical deficiency of vitamins A and E from measurements made in the colostrum
The tendency towards reduction of serum retinol levels, an existing placental barrier and the increase of retinol demand, are factors that place puerperal and lactating women at risk for Vitamin A deficiency. This micronutrient is an essential component of vital processes such as differentiation, cellular proliferation, and apoptosis. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of palmitate retinol supplementation (100.000UI) upon the milk retinollevels in puerperal women at the Januário Cicco University Maternity Hospital. This intervention has been adopted by the Ministry of Health since 2002. The longitudinal experiment was conducted with 106 puerperal women (68 comprised the supplemented group and 38 the control group). The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method was used to dose the retinol of the milk and serum samples, and the creamtocrit method to determine the milk fat levels. The retinol means for the colostrums were 99.0 ± 64.4 ug/dL and 160.1 ± 94,4 ug/dl 6 hours afier supplementation; 68.9 ± 33.5 ug/dL for the transitional milk, and 30.6 ± 15.2 ug/dL for the mature milk of the supplemented group. Ali the difterences between means were statistically significant. The difterence between retinol means in the control group were also significant, with these being greater in the colostrum, 88.6 ± 62.1 ug/dL with 61.9 ± 30.1 ug/dl in the transition milk and 32.9 ±32.9 ± 17.6 ug/dL in the mature milk. No significant difference was observed in the retinol means of the three types ot milk in the supplemented group when compared to their respective means in the control group. The prevalence in serum (35.1 % and 81.1 % for the cutting point 20 ug/dL, respectively) and in milk (51.4%) revealed vitamin A deficiency as a public health problem. COlostrum, transition, and mature milk tats varied similarly in the supplemented group (1,92 ± 0,96; 3,25 ± 1,27 and 3,31 ± 1,36 grams) and in the control group (1,87 ± 1,14; 3,25 ± 1,31 and 3,36 ± 1,67 grams), with an observed difference between the colostrum/transition milk and the colostrum/mature milk fats. No difference was observed between the groups. The study showed that the 200.000UI supplementation was not sufficient to increase the milk retinol to the desired levels nor to meet the demands of the mothers with deprived hepatic reserves. It is suggested that another similar dose be offered within 30 days or less, and within 2 months post-partum, while continual/y monitoring for possible pregnancy
Hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy (HSP) are configured as one of the major complications in the pregnancy and postpartum period and can lead premature newborn and subsequent hospitalization of the newborn to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This study aimed to analyze the perceptions, meanings and feelings of mothers on the hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy and premature obstetric labor. The research was qualitative and has a theoretical methodological the Social Representations Theory(SRT) in the approach to the Central Nucleus Theory. The study included 70 women, mean age 29 years, predominantly school to high school, most of them married or in consensual union, primiparous and prevalence of cesarean delivery occurred between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.The data were collected from may to december 2008 in the Maternity School Januário Cicco in Natal , and obtained through the following instruments for data collection: questionnaire including questions about socio-demographic status; the Free Words Association Test (FWAT) and and verbalized mental image construction used three stimuli: such as pregnancy with high blood pressure, preterm birth and NICU, and interview with the following guiding question: what it meant for you to have a pregnancy with high blood pressure and consequently the birth of a premature baby? Data analysis was performed using multi-method obtained from the data processing by EVOC (Ensemble Programmes Permettant L 'Analyze des Évocations) and ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segment de Texte) and thematic analysis in categories. The results will be presented in four thematic units under the following representative universes: HSP, prematurity as a result of HSP, NICU and the social representations of mothers on the hypertensive disorder of pregnancy sequenced premature birth and hospitalization of the child in the NICU. The results obtained by multimethod analyses showed similar constructions and point to death as the central nucleus and negative aspects, coping strategies, need of care, knowledge about the disease, fragility and meanings of the NICU as peripheral elements. It is considered that the perceptions, meanings and feelings of puerperal women in relation to HSPs and to premature delivery are a negative social representation, with representational elements that may have influenced the adverse effects on the disease and its consequences. We suggest action on the peripheral elements of this representation, with adequate orientation, early diagnosis, effective conduct, receptive attitude on the part of the team, health promotion measures and effective public policies, in order to improve the care provided to puerperal women, making them feel welcome and minimizing their suffering
Preeclampsia is defined as an extremely serious complication of the pregnancy-puerperium cycle with delayed emergence of cardiovascular risk factors, including metabolic syndrome. The research aimed estimate the prevalences of metabolic syndrome and associated factors in women with preeclampsia and normal pregnancy followed five years after childbirth. This is a cross-sectional observational study using a quantitative approach, conducted at a maternity school in the city of Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The sample was composed of 70 women with previous preeclampsia and 75 normal selected by simple random probability sampling. Subjects were analyzed for sociodemographic, obstetric, clinical, anthropometric and biochemical parameters. International Diabetes Federation criteria were adopted to diagnose metabol ic syndrome. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Student s t, Pearson s chi-squared, and Fisher s exact tests, in addition to simple logistic regression, were used for data analysis, at a 5% significance level (p ≤ 0.05). Statistical tests demonstrated elevated body mass index (p = 0.001), predominance of family history of diabetes mellitus (p = 0.022) and significantly higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the preeclampsia group (37.1%) when compared to normal (22.7%) (p = 0.042). Intergroup comparison showed a high number of metabolic syndrome components in women with previous preeclampsia. Altered systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.001) was the most prevalent, followed by low concentrations of high-density lipoproteins (p = 0.049), and hyperglycemia (p=0.030). There was a predominance of the metabolic syndrome in women with schooling 0-9 years (42.4%) (p = 0.005), body mass index above 30Kg.m 2 (52.3%) (p < 0.001), uric acid high (62.5%) (p = 0.050 and family history of hypertension (38.5%) (p< 0.001). Multivariate analysis of the data showed that the body mass index above 30 kg.m2, education level less than 10 years of study (p < 0.001) and family history of hypertension (p = 0.002) remained associated with the metabolic syndrome after multivariate analysis of the data. It is considered Women with previous preeclampsia exhibited high prevalence of metabolic syndrome and their individual components in relation to normal, especially, altered systolic and diastolic blood pressure, low concentrations of high-density lipoproteins and hyperglycemia. The factors associated to this ou tcome were obesity, less than 10 years of schooling, and family history of hypertension. Overall, this study identified young women with a history of PE exposed to a higher cardiovascular risk than normal
Aiming to evaluate the puerperal influence on the proteinogram of Saanen goats, 108 samples of blood serum from 12 goats were collected, and the results were presented at nine times: just after parturition, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 21 and 30 days after parturition. Total amount of serum proteins were determined by the biuret technique, and the sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to the protein fractionation. In this last method, 17 protein bands were observed, from which molecular weights varied between 25 KDa and 275 KDa. In addition, it was possible to identify the following protein fractions: immunoglobulin A (180 KDa), ceruloplasmin (115 KDa), transferrin (79 KDa), albumin (65 KDa), heavy-chain immunoglobulin G (58 KDa), haptoglobin (45 KDa), acid glycoprotein (37 KDa) and light-chain immunoglobulin G (28 KDa). Another 9 nonidentified protein fractions presented, each molecular weights equal to 275 KDa, 140 KDa, 125 KDa, 103 KDa, 95 KDa, 41 KDa, 35 KDa, 30 Kda and 25 KDa. The results allow us to conclude that by the first week of puerperium, an improvement of acid glycoprotein occurs, whereas those others protein fractions do not suffer any puerperal influence.
Um estudo sobre infecção experimental foi realizado em oito suínos, com idade média de 90 dias, machos castrados, da raça Wessex, e distribuídos em dois grupos de quatro suínos cada. Durante 36 dias, foram analisadas as alterações bioquímicas nos soros dos suínos dos dois grupos. O Grupo I foi mantido como testemunho e recebeu 5,0mL de solução fisiológica estéril por via intravenosa (veia cava craniana) e, no Grupo II, os suínos foram inoculados pela mesma via com 5,0mL de cultura de Leptospira interrogans sorovar wolffi , amostra L-10 selvagem isolada de tatu (Dasypus novemcinctus), contendo 1,0 x 10(8) leptospiras/mL. A partir do terceiro dia após a inoculação e em intervalos de 72 horas até o décimo oitavo dia, foram feitas coletas de sangue, sem anticoagulante, dos animais inoculados e testemunhas. Os parâmetros bioquímicos analisados foram: bilirrubina total, direta e indireta, ácidos graxos, glicose e proteínas plasmáticas. Foi detectado um aumento da bilirrubina direta no terceiro dia e um aumento no sexto dia da bilirrubina total e indireta após a inoculação. As dosagens de glicose, ácidos graxos e proteínas plasmáticas apresentaram uma diminuição a partir do terceiro dia da inoculação. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o aumento das taxas de bilirrubinas levam a uma definição de um diagnóstico de hemólise aguda, e que a hipoglicemia, a hipolipidemia e a hipoproteinemia podem estar relacionadas com lesões hepáticas e a uma septcemia.Todas as dosagens em todos os animais retornaram aos seus valores normais a partir do décimo quinto dia.
After the birth of a child, during the post-partum period, the exercise of fatherhood, the sexual relationships either marital or sexual as well as the definition of the male role are all aspects that can change. These changes are guarded and can contribute to strengthen the familiar bond or deprive it. Thus, this study aims to understand the male experience during the partner s puerperal period. In this period, the male interacts and participates according to his understanding of the post-partum period. The male experiences different situations with his partner, family and social environment. This research is descriptive-exploratory and has a qualitative approach. It was developed with 15 men that live with their live with their partners during the puerperal period. The data was collected through a semi-structured interview. These data was treated according to content analysis proposed by Bardin. These were analyzed through Symbolic Interacionism according to Blumer. Thus, three themes emergedshares of care in the home environment, meanings attributed to the puerperium, emotions emerged during the post-partum - the seven subcategories-taking care of the wife and child, supporting the family, moment to rest, fulfillment through fatherhood, sense of joy, feeling of concern and sense of exclusion. It was seen that the subjects experience post-partum mainly by taking care of their partner and child and providing support of the family. Besides the mentioned aspects, there was meaning attributed to the puerperal period, considering it a period of rest for the partner and above all, fatherhood. Thus, even understanding that it is excluded, the subjects expressed joy and worriness towards the child s future, related to the insecurity in which the country goes through in current conjuncture
The consultation for women during the postpartum period should occur between the seventh and tenth days, and 42 days after childbirth, to decrease the incidence of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, the effectiveness of such assistance in primary health care has not been achieved, especially in the forty-second day of puerperium. Facing this reality, the research aimed to understand the views of women about postpartum consultation. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with qualitative approach, developed in the municipality of Lajes/RN, Brazil, with women inscribed on the four teams that make up the Family Health Strategy. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with 15 women who met the following criteria: be enrolled in ESF; have health mental preserved, have been entered in the Humanization Program of Prenatal and Birth, and that was, at maximum, 60 days postpartum. The data were organized according to the precepts of content analysis according to Bardin, generating three categories: prevention of puerperal complications, feelings related to life changes after childbirth, and postpartum care. This process of coding and categorizing a central theme emerged: the experience of women in the postpartum period. The data were analyzed according to the principles of symbolic interactionism, according to Blumer. The study revealed that the meanings attributed to the postpartum period for prevention of complications were directly related to home, to the consultation and postpartum care provided by family members and health professionals. The interviewees strictly complied with the rest under the influence of the context in which they were entered. But that has not happened with the postpartum revision because few mothers underwent this procedure. Therefore, the interaction of the interviewed people in their living standard as well as the feelings that permeated the post-partum were crucial to consider whether or not the post-partum visit as significant. According to the results, it was noted that disability guidelines and counter-references has impaired the access of women to postpartum review. Thus, further studies are needed on the subject, as well as a reorientation of health care activities in view of the consolidation of postpartum consultation in primary care