933 resultados para Psychology, Behavioral|Health Sciences, Public Health|Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies


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The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceptions of success held by Black middle school students in a Miami-Dade County (FL) public school and how these perceptions influence academic performance. The study sought to determine if differences exist among African-American, Haitian-American, and Haitian immigrant subgroups of the Black student population. ^ The study combined qualitative and quantitative methodology in data collection and analysis. The qualitative data consisted of three focus group interviews. Using a semi-structured protocol, questions focused on the student's perceptions of the characteristics of successful people, definitions of success, behaviors associated with achieving success, and peer, family and school support. The quantitative data comprised the responses of 352 Black middle school students to the Inventory of Student Motivation (ISM) developed to measure mastery, performance and social goal orientations. Response similarities and differences were examined using a series of two-way ANOVAs on the success scales by gender and culture. A three-way repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on mastery, performance and social general goal scales by culture and gender. ^ The results of the ISM revealed no statistically significant differences among African-American, Haitian-American, and Haitian students in their mastery, performance or social goal orientations. All three cultural groups scored significantly high on the mastery goal scale. There was a significant effect for gender on the mastery general scale with the females being more concerned with mastery than the males. Qualitative focus group interview results included varying definitions of success. African-American and Haitian-American students defined success in materialistic terms. Haitian students defined success in scholastic achievement terms. All students indicated hard work, persistence and goal setting through completion as important to achieving success. Negative influences included peer pressure, teacher and societal expectations, and classroom environment. Parental reaction to low academic performance varied by culture. ^


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The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of underprepared college students who had participated in learning communities and who persisted to complete developmental classes and earned at least 30 college-level credit hours to graduate and the perceptions of their peers who had dropped out of college. The theories posed by Tinto, Astin, and Freire formed the framework for this case study. The 22 participants were graduates or transfer students now attending a public university, currently-enrolled sophomores, and students no longer enrolled at the time of the study. Semi-structured individual interviews and a group interview provided narrative data which were transcribed, coded, and analyzed to gain insights into the experiences and perspectives of the participants. The group interview provided a form of member checking to increase accuracy in interpreting themes. A peer reviewer provided feedback on the researcher’s data analysis procedures. The analysis yielded four themes and 14 sub-themes which captured the essence of the participants’ experiences. The pre-college characteristics/traits theme described the students’ internal values and attributes acquired prior to college. The external college support/community influence theme described the encouragement to attend college the students received from family, friends, and high school teachers. The social involvement theme described the students’ participation in campus activities and their interactions with other members of the campus. The academic integration theme described students’ use of campus resources and their contacts with the faculty. The persisters reported strong family and peer support, a sense of responsibility, appreciation for dedicated and caring faculty, and a belief that an education can be a liberatory means to achieve their goals. The non-persisters did not report having the same sense of purpose, goal orientation, determination, obligation to meet family expectations, peer support, campus involvement, positive faculty experiences, and time management skills. The researcher offers an emerging model for understanding factors associated with persistence and three recommendations for enhancing the academic experience of underprepared college students: (a) include a critical pedagogy perspective in coursework where possible, (b) integrate co-curricular activities with the academic disciplines, and (c) increase student-faculty interaction.


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The issue of institutional engineering has gained a renewed interest with the democratic transitions of the Central and Eastern European countries, as for some states it has become a matter of state survival. The four countries examined in the study – Macedonia, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria – exemplify the difficulty in establishing a stable democratic society in the context of the resurgence of national identity. The success of ethnonational minorities in achieving the desired policies affirming or expanding their rights as a group was conditioned upon the cohesion of the minority as well as the permissiveness of state institutions in terms of participation and representation of minority members. The Hungarian minorities in Slovakia and Romania, the Turkish minority in Bulgaria, and the Albanian minority in Macedonia, formed their political organizations to represent their interests. However, in some cases the divergence of strategies or goals between factions of the minority group seriously impeded its ability to obtain the desired concessions from the majority. The difficulty in the pursuit of policies favoring the expansion of minority rights was further exacerbated in some of the cases by the impermissiveness of political institutions. The political parties representing the interest of ethnonational minorities were allowed to participate in elections, although not without suspicions about their intent and even strong opposition from majority groups, but participation in elections and subsequent representation in legislative bodies did not translate into adoption of the desired policies. The ethnonational minorities' inability to effectively influence the decision-making process was the result of the inadequacy of democratic institutions to process these demands and channel them through the normal political process in the absence of majority desire to accommodate them. Despite the promise of democratic institutions to bring about a major overhaul of the policies of forceful assimilation and disregard for minority rights, the four cases analyzed in the study demonstrate that in effect ethnonational minorities continued to be at the mercy of the majority, especially if the minority was unable to position itself as a balancing actor.


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This dissertation investigated the relationship between the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the internationalization agenda of U.S. colleges and universities. The construct, post-9/11 syndrome, is used metaphorically to delineate the apparent state of panic and disequilibrium that followed the incident. Three research questions were investigated, with two universities in the Miami-area of South Florida, one private and the other public, as qualitative case studies. The questions are: (a) How are international student advisors and administrators across two types of institutions dealing with the post-9/11 syndrome? (b) What, if any, are the differences in international education after 9/11? (c) What have been the institutional priorities in relation to international education before and after 9/11? Data-gathering methods included interviews with international student/study abroad advisors and administrators with at least 8 years of experience in the function(s) at their institutions, document and institutional data analysis. The interviews were based on the three-part scheme developed by Schuman (1982): context of experience, details of experience and reflection on the meaning of experiences. Taped interviews, researcher insights, and member checks of transcripts constituted an audit trail for this study. Key findings included a progressive decline in Fall to Fall enrollment of international students at UM by 13.05% in the 5 years after 9/11, and by 6.15% at FIU in the seven post-9/11 years. In both institutions, there was an upsurge in interest in study abroad during the same period but less than 5% of enrolled students ventured abroad annually. I summarized the themes associated with the post-9/11 environment of international education as perceived by my participants at both institutions as 3Ms, 3Ts, and 1D: Menace of Anxiety and Fear, Menace of Insularity and Insecurity, Menace of Over-Regulation and Bigotry, Trajectory of Opportunity, Trajectory of Contradictions, Trajectory of Illusion, Fatalism and Futility, and Dominance of Technology. Based on these findings, I recommended an integrated Internationalization At Home Plus Collaborative Outreach (IAHPCO) approach to internationalization that is based on a post-9/11 recalibration of national security and international education as complementary rather than diametrically opposed concepts.


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This research examines the life pathways of 1.5 and second generation Haitian immigrants in South Florida. The purpose of the research is to better understand how integration occurs for the children of Haitian immigrants as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. Building upon a prior study of second-generation immigrant adolescents between 1995 and 2000, a sub-set of the original participants was located to participate in this follow-up research. Qualitative interviews were conducted as well as in-depth ethnographic research, including participant observation. Survey instruments used with other second-generation populations were also administered, enabling comparisons with the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study (CILS). The results indicate that educational and occupational achievements were markedly below the participants’ original expectations as adolescents. Gender figures prominently in participants’ familial roles and relationships, with men and women distinctly incorporating both Haitian and American cultural practices within their households. Contrary to previous research, these results on the identification of participants suggest that these young adults claim attachment to both Haiti and to the United States. The unique longitudinal and ethnographic nature of this study contributes to the ongoing discussion of the integration of the children of immigrants by demonstrating significant variation from the prior integration trends observed with Haitian adolescents. The results cast doubt on existing theory on the children of immigrants for explaining the trajectory of Haitian-American integration patterns. Specifically, this research indicates that Haitians are not downwardly mobile and integrating as African Americans. They have higher education and economic standing than their parents and are continuing their education well into their thirties. The respondents have multiple identities in which they increasingly express identification with Haiti, but in some contexts are also developing racialized identifications with African Americans and others of the African diaspora.


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The theories of orthogonal cultural identification and self-categorization are offered as links in examining the possible racioethnic differences in job satisfaction. It is posited that racioethnicity (Cox & Blake, 1991) is multidimensional with at least three conceptually distinct dimensions. Since there is a need for consistent terminology with respect to these distinct dimensions, the following new terms are offered to differentiate among them: "physioethnicity" refers to the physiological dimension of racioethnicity; "socioethnicity" refers to the sociocultural dimension; and "psychoethnicity" refers to the psychological dimension.^ Results showed that for the dominant group (Hispanics in this case) (1) bicultural and multicultural individuals were more satisfied with coworkers than acultural and monocultural individuals and (2) individuals with higher strength of psychoethnicity were more satisfied with coworkers, the work itself, and supervision than those with lower strength of psychoethnicity. The findings suggest racioethnic differences within the dominant group and between groups beyond race. ^


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Current high school completion rates in Dade County and across the nation are considered to be unacceptable. This has led to the development of student assistance profiles to aid in the early identification of students considered to be at risk to allow for some form of intervention. The purpose of this research was to examine the current Dade County Public Schools profile as applied to one specific high school in which most of the students are Hispanic (mostly of Mexican descent) and Black (African-Americans, as well as recent Haitian immigrants). Additionally, the effectiveness of the alternative intervention program provided at this high school--a school within a school--were evaluated. School records of the 1992 in-coming ninth grade class became the initial data base. The individual student records of this cohort were then examined over a four-year period until their expected date or graduation. The DCPS profile used to identify potential dropouts from this group was evaluated, using chi-square and multivariate analysis, to determine its overall effectiveness, as well as the effectiveness of the individual indicators which comprise the profile. The Student Assistance Profile was found to an effective predictor, but it over-identified students from this cohort, particularly minorities, to the extent that it became largely ineffective, especially considering the limited resources available for intervention. The intervention program was found to be ineffective in reducing the dropout rate. Further analysis of the individual indicators used in the DCPS profile as they applied to this school population resulted in the development of an improved profile. By reducing the number of indicators to those found to be most highly associated with failure to graduate--academic performance and absences--a simpler student assistance profile was developed which appears to be better suited to high schools with similar demographics and budget restraints. ^


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Using a language ecology framework, this dissertation examines the ethnolinguistic vitality (demographic, institutional support and prestige factors) of the immigrant Hispanic population of Miami-Dade County. Using statistical analyses and GIS methods census data are analyzed compared to San Diego County. In addition, the historical, geographical and sociocultural situation in Miami-Dade County on Spanish language use is evaluated. Finally, using a 171-question survey, language attitudes are assessed. The dissertation concludes that because of the unique ethnolinguistic vitality of Hispanics in Miami-Dade County: (1) Significant residential patterns and a unique demographic profile of Hispanics throughout Miami-Dade County have contributed significantly to a stable bilingualism. (2) Although institutional support of Spanish use in Miami-Dade County is relatively robust, a lack of support in the educational institutions threatens the prospects of continued, stable individual bilingualism and community diglossia. (3) Hispanics in Miami-Dade County are likely to support the use of Spanish as a private and public language because they consider it an important part of both their cultural heritage and their daily lives. ^


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Given the significant amount of attention placed upon race within our society, racial identity long has been nominated as a meaningful influence upon human development (Cross, 1971; Sellers et al., 1998). Scholars investigating aspects of racial identity have largely pursued one of two lines of research: (a) describing factors and processes that contribute to the development of racial identities, or (b) empirically documenting associations between particular racial identities and key adjustment outcomes. However, few studies have integrated these two approaches to simultaneously evaluate developmental and related adjustment aspects of racial identity among minority youth. Consequently, relations between early racial identity developmental processes and correlated adjustment outcomes remain ambiguous. Even less is known regarding the direction and function of these relationships during adolescence. To address this gap, the present study examined key multivariate associations between (a) distinct profiles of racial identity salience and (b) adjustment outcomes within a community sample of African-American youth. Specifically, a person-centered analytic approach (i.e., cluster analysis) was employed to conduct a secondary analysis of two archived databases containing longitudinal data measuring levels of racial identity salience and indices of psychosocial adjustment among youth at four different measurement occasions.^ Four separate groups of analyses were conducted to investigate (a) the existence of within-group differences in levels of racial identity salience, (b) shifts among distinct racial identity types between contiguous times of measurement, (c) adjustment correlates of racial identity types at each time of measurement, and (d) predictive relations between racial identity clusters and adjustment outcomes, respectively. Results indicated significant heterogeneity in patterns of racial identity salience among these African-American youth as well as significant discontinuity in the patterns of shifts among identity profiles between contiguous measurement occasions. In addition, within developmental stages, levels of racial identity salience were associated with several adjustment outcomes, suggesting the protective value of high levels of endorsement or internalization of racial identity among the sampled youth. Collectively, these results illustrated the significance of racial identity salience as a meaningful developmental construct in the lives of African-American adolescents, the implications of which are discussed for racial identity and practice-related research literatures. ^


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Nearly 175, 000 Haitian immigrants have settled in South Florida since the 1970s. Their lives are often lived transnationally with persistent connections and obligations to family members in Haiti. Yet, traditional theories of immigrant assimilation focus on the integration of immigrants into host countries, giving little consideration to relationships and activities that extend into migrants' countries of origin. Conversely, studies of transnational families do not explicitly address incorporation into the receiving country. This dissertation, through the experiences of Haitian immigrants in South Florida, reveals a transnational quest "to raise the family up" through migration, remittances, and the pursuit of higher levels of education. I argue that familial duties and obligations, which have cultural foundations in the Haitian lakou, structure the activities of Haitian transnational families as they pursue socioeconomic advancement through migration and education. With the support of transnational families, many students cross boundaries to academic achievement and improve their opportunities for socioeconomic mobility in the US. With higher levels of education, these individuals contributed to a more favorable incorporation into the United States for their extended families, as well. The data were collected through participant observation and 78 in-depth interviews documenting the migration histories of 27 Haitian immigrant families in South Florida. This dissertation contributes to the existing literature on Haitian immigrants in the United States and to an understanding of the transnational dimensions of immigrant incorporation more broadly.


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Les études portant sur l’adéquation entre le niveau de formation des individus et celui requis pour l’emploi occupé se sont peu attardées à la dimension temporelle de cette relation. De plus, peu ont abordé la question chez les immigrants canadiens, et de surcroît chez les travailleurs immigrants sélectionnés du Québec. Une seule étude abordant le sujet sous un angle longitudinal a été recensée et se limite à l’accès des travailleurs qualifiés à un premier emploi correspondant à leur niveau de compétences. Cette thèse cherche à aller au-delà des premières transitions sur le marché du travail et vise à mieux comprendre l’évolution de la relation formation-emploi au fil du temps d’établissement. Plus spécifiquement, l’objectif y est de mieux circonscrire l’évolution de la relation formation-emploi au cours des premières années suivant l’arrivée du migrant, d’en identifier les déterminants, mais également de voir l’impact de cette relation sur d’autres dimensions de la qualité de l’emploi : le statut socioéconomique et le salaire. Afin de mieux comprendre les déterminants de l’occupation d’emplois correspondant à son niveau de compétences et d’emplois pour lesquels l’individu est suréduqué ainsi que leur impact respectif sur le statut d’emploi et le salaire, cette thèse considère l’apport de théories sociologiques et économiques. D’une part, différentes théories s’opposent quant au caractère temporaire ou permanent de la suréducation. Ce faisant, elles soulèvent l’impact potentiel des expériences en emploi passées sur le parcours futur et la nécessité d’une vision longitudinale de l’insertion professionnelle. D’autre part, d’autres approches soulèvent, en plus des déterminants individuels, le rôle du contexte social et institutionnel dans lequel l’individu s’insère. Ces différentes approches trouvent écho dans la perspective empirique du parcours de vie qui permet de considérer l’interrelation entre des facteurs micro, méso et macro sociaux et de se représenter les parcours biographiques au fil du temps. L'Enquête sur les travailleurs sélectionnés (ETS) a rendu possible l'étude des parcours en emploi de cette catégorie d'immigrant sélectionnée en fonction de son potentiel d'insertion à la société québécoise dans la mesure où celle-ci comporte à la fois des données administratives sur la situation prémigratoire des travailleurs immigrants, de même que de l'information datée sur chacun des emplois occupés après la migration. L’analyse a été effectuée en trois temps soit : une description du lien entre le niveau de formation et l’emploi, l’étude des déterminants de la relation formation-emploi et finalement, l’étude des salaires et effet de la relation formation-emploi sur ceux-ci. Chacun de ces trois volets est présenté sous forme d’articles soumis pour publication. Les résultats montrent que la proportion d’individus occupant des emplois correspondant à leur niveau de compétences augmente avec le temps passé dans la société d’accueil. Cependant, la suréducation demeure un phénomène présent chez la catégorie des travailleurs immigrants sélectionnés. À ce titre, les premières expériences en emploi sont déterminantes dans la mesure où elles ont un impact non seulement sur l’évolution de la relation formation-emploi, mais également sur les salaires et les statuts des emplois décrochés par les nouveaux arrivants. La grille de sélection, élément central du processus par lequel un candidat peut devenir immigrant au Québec, à travers les attributs des individus qu’elle retient, contribue aussi à façonner les parcours en emploi. La région de provenance des immigrants distingue également les immigrants entre eux, toutes choses égales par ailleurs. La majorité des groupes sont désavantagés lorsqu’ils sont comparés à leurs compatriotes de l’Europe de l’Ouest et des États-Unis, et ce désavantage perdure au fil des années. Cette thèse a démontré que l’insertion professionnelle et la relation formation-emploi sont des sujets se devant d’être abordés sous un angle longitudinal pour bien saisir la complexité des processus à l’œuvre. Au niveau social, les analyses auront permis de montrer l’importance de se pencher sur les services offerts aux immigrants pour les aider dans leur insertion professionnelle, surtout dans un contexte où des départs à la retraite massifs et des pénuries de main-d'œuvre qualifiée sont à prévoir.


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L’immigration au Québec se caractérise depuis quelques années par une nouvelle dynamique. La présence d’immigrants socialement perçus comme « minorités ethniques », ou plus précisément comme « minorités visibles », est de plus en plus évidente, surtout dans des contextes urbains où la diversité ethnique est une donnée palpable au quotidien. Dans ce mémoire nous proposons de travailler sur l’impact du loisir défini comme un ensemble de pratiques culturelles, c'est-à-dire des pratiques de loisir enracinées dans l’habitus, à l’appui de l’analyse du processus d’intégration sociale d’un groupe d’immigrants péruviens nouvellement arrivés à Montréal. Cette enquête cherche à explorer le rapport entre loisir et intégration, à partir d’un cadre théorique qui nous permet d’aborder le loisir comme un domaine particulièrement fécond sur le plan de la participation à la société d’accueil. Pour ce faire, nous avons privilégié une approche qualitative qui nous a aidé à « reconstruire » la trajectoire d’intégration de cinq nouveaux arrivants péruviens installés à Montréal depuis cinq ans ou moins. L’analyse des données révèle que le processus d’intégration de ces migrants est difficile, en raison des épreuves de l’adaptation (l’acculturation) à la société hôte, et que les activités liées aux loisirs ont un impact positif sur ledit processus, en partie parce qu’elles jouent un rôle stratégique qui favorise l’adaptation et la participation. Ces activités illustrent aussi les modalités d’une incorporation dans certains domaines de la vie sociale (l’emploi, la vie culturelle, la socialisation amicale) qui permet de ne pas rompre totalement les liens avec la communauté d’origine. Au quotidien, les loisirs permettent un rapprochement avec le groupe majoritaire et, plus largement, avec les autres groupes présents à Montréal : des liens d’amitié se développent, des pratiques de sociabilité se déploient, la consommation de certains biens et services est stimulée, l’individu fait de nouvelles connaissances, etc. Le lien entre communalisation ethnique et intégration permet alors de traverser différents espaces et groupes. Le plaisir reste par ailleurs le moteur des loisirs, c'est-à-dire que les activités choisies par les individus correspondent à leurs goûts, leurs intérêts, et que le loisir, en général, va de pair avec le plaisir. Ce lien favorise le déploiement de « réponses » spécifiques par nos interlocuteurs face aux problèmes d’adaptation, et la confirmation d’une sorte de sentiment d’intégration chez eux.


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À travers l’étude du cas de Salwa, féministe musulmane engagée au Québec, ce mémoire a pour objectif de relever divers facteurs qui contraignent et orientent l’engagement politique d’une féministe musulmane en contexte occidental. Si nous avions au départ postulé que l’intersection de ses identités de « femme » et de « musulman(e) », deux catégories hiérarchiques1 qui nous semblaient alors centrales dans l’élaboration de notre problématique, entraînerait chez Salwa divers paradoxes politiques en raison des tensions existant entre le féminisme et le multiculturalisme dans les démocraties occidentales, l’analyse de la gestion identitaire de ces paradoxes politiques chez Salwa, par notre approche interdisciplinaire et intersectionnelle, a révélé l’existence d’une multitude d’identités non hiérarchiques revendiquées - mais occultées au niveau politique par ce même contexte – qui remet en question la centralité de ces catégories de « femme » et de « musulman(e) ». Ainsi, si nous croyions que le contexte énoncé pouvait orienter l’engagement politique des féministes musulmanes dans un sens réducteur en exigeant d’elles qu’elle priorisent, malgré leur identité de femme et de musulmane, un axe de lutte, entre le sexisme et le racisme, nous voyons qu’une prise en compte, même intersectionnelle, des seuls axes d’oppression interagissant dans la construction de l’identité politique d’un individu peut être tout aussi réductrice. Si l’approche intersectionnelle veut arriver à 1 Nous qualifions ces catégories de « hiérarchiques » en ce qu’elles sont présentées dans notre problématique comme des catégories relationnelles co-construites au sein de rapports sociaux inégalitaires dans un ordre social hiérarchique, en opposition à des catégories « non hiérarchiques » que la théorie et/ou l’empirie ne problématise(nt) pas comme hiérarchiques pour le cas spécifique qui nous intéresse. ii prendre en compte l’imbrication des axes d’oppression agissant simultanément chez un même individu, elle doit aussi prendre en compte la façon dont le contexte occulte l’interaction des identités hiérarchiques et non hiérarchiques en réduisant l’individu à son ou ses axe(s) d’oppression présumé(s).


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Comprendre les présupposés qui fondent les rapports au monde des individus selon leur appartenance civilisationnelle nécessite des outils et une méthode permettant de répondre à trois questions principales. D’abord, comment aborder le rapport que des individus et leurs collectivités entretiennent avec le monde et avec l’Autre selon leur propre système d’interprétations et d’explications de ces réalités? Ensuite, comment penser la diversité des collectivités humaines qui établissent de tels rapports? Finalement, comment aborder les dimensions collectives à travers les discours limités d’individus? Deux outils m’ont permis de prendre du recul face à ma subjectivité et d’accéder à un certain niveau de réalité et de validité quant aux faits rapportés et aux résultats atteints. Dans un premier temps, le réseau notionnel articulant les conceptions du monde (Ikenga-Metuh, 1987) comme phénomènes de civilisations (Mauss, 1929) accessibles par l’analyse des représentations sociales (Jodelet, 1997) permet de définir et d’étudier l’interface entre l’individuel et le collectif. Dans un deuxième temps, l’opérationnalisation de la recherche permet de cerner le XVIe siècle comme moment de rencontre propice à l’étude des civilisations andines et occidentales à travers les représentations du Soi espagnol et de l’Autre inca du chroniqueur Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. Finalement, la méthode d’analyse de discours (Sabourin, 2009) lève le voile sur une grammaire sociale polarisante entre le Soi et l’Autre, laquelle traverse les trois univers de sens (religieux, intellectuel et politique) observés dans le discours de Sarmiento. La mise à jour des positions théologiques, intellectuelles et politiques de l’auteur ouvre à son tour sur les récits et discours collectifs propres aux civilisations occidentales et andines de son époque, et permet un questionnement nouveau : cette polarisation est-elle unique à la localisation sociale de Sarmiento ou constitue-t-elle un phénomène civilisationnel proprement occidental ?


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Ce mémoire porte sur les jeunes issus de l’immigration haïtienne à Montréal. Il propose une analyse qualitative des propos recueillis sur les trajectoires sociales de ces jeunes fondée sur l’approche sociologique constructiviste des relations ethniques. L’analyse comparative des expériences vécues par les jeunes femmes et les jeunes hommes tant dans le milieu scolaire, sur le lieu de travail, en matière de logement, de ressources économiques que dans leurs rapports avec les jeunes Montréalais canadien-français, a permis d’observer un effet de genre en matière d’intégration et de vision de la société. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que le parcours des jeunes femmes témoigne d’une intégration sociale plus réussie que celui des jeunes hommes. Ces derniers qui, au cours de leurs trajectoires sociales, rapportent avoir vécu des expériences racistes, s’identifient moins comme Québécois et développent de moins bonnes relations d’amitié avec les jeunes Québécois canadien-français que ne le font les jeunes femmes ayant vécu les expériences similaires. Ce qui semble expliquer un sentiment d’insatisfaction et des propos peu flatteurs dans les discours des jeunes hommes envers la société québécoise.