979 resultados para Pseudomona aeruginosa - Teses
Dissertation for Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia
Objetivos Generales: Mediante el abordaje experimental desde el punto de vista fisiológico, bioquímico y molecular se pretende conocer la respuesta adaptativa de P. aeruginosa frente a diferentes estímulos ambientales tales como osmolaridad, pH y distintos tipos de ayuno nutricional. Objetivos Específicos: Aspectos Bioquímicos a) Se continuarán los estudios de las propiedades cinéticas y fisicoquímicas de la fosforilcolina fosfatasa de P. aeruginosa. b) Se caracterizarán los sistemas de transporte en P. aeruginosa para: compuestos de amonio cuaternario (colina, betaína, carnitina, N-trimetillisina); aminoácidos básicos (lisina, arginina) y ácidos (glutámico); poliaminas y Pi. Se tratará de establecer la presencia o ausencia de proteínas unidoras periplásmicas para estos compuestos. c) Se tratará de establecer la relación entre el metabolismo de colina y otros compuestos de amonio cuaternario con el metabolismo del ácido glutámico y trealosa en P. aeruginosa crecidas en medios iso e hiperosmolares obtenidos con soluciones salinas y solutos no ionizables. d) Se tratará de establecer en P. aeruginosa el recambio o destino metabólico del Pi y colina que se produce cuando la bacteria se enfrenta a diferentes situaciones nutricionales y otros tipos de estímulos tales como pHs extremos y distinta osmolaridad, tanto a nivel de proteínas periplásmicas, citosólicas, de membranas interna y citosólica, fosfolípidos, glucofosfolípidos, glucolípidos y lipopolisacáridos (LPS) y compuestos fosforilados de bajo peso molecular, ej. acetilfosfato, alarmonas, etc. Aspectos Genéticos y Moleculares a) Se obtendrán mutantes de P. aeruginosa con fenotipos característicos relacionados con los puntos anteriores. (...) b) Se construirá la librería genómica de P. aeruginosa en cósmido, plásmido y cDNA. Posteriormente se pretende la identificación, clonado y secuenciación de los genes relacionados con: 1) La síntesis de la fosfatasa ácida, colinesterasa y PLC. 2) El transporte de compuestos de amonio cuaternario, teniendo en cuanta que, al menos para colina, existen dos componententes, uno de alta y otro de baja afinidad. 3) La síntesis de las enzimas responsables de la oxidación de colina hasta betaína, vía la formación de aldehído de betaína. (...) 4) La síntesis de las enzimas responsables de la degradación de betaína hasta glicina. (...) 5) La síntesis de las enzimas responsables del metabolismo de carnitina en condiciones de alta y baja osmolaridad. (...) 6) La adaptabilidad de la bacteria al pH en condiciones de baja osmolaridad. (...)
El objetivo general de este proyecto es dilucidar los mecanismos de acción a nivel molecular de enzimas y proteínas involucradas en el metabolismo de colina en Pseudomonas aeruginosa, con énfasis en la identificación de residuos aminoacídicos críticos y regulación de la expresión de los genes en estudio. Los objetivos específicos que se palntean involucran abordajes bioquímicos y moleculares y serán llevados a cabo mediante técnicas de biología molecular y bioquímica (mutación sitio-dirigida, deleción génica, expresión y purificación de proteínas, fusión transcripcional a genes reporteros, etc). Planteo de hipótesis: las proteínas que se inducen por colina (fosforilcolina fosfatasa (PchP), fosfolipasa C (PlcH), acetilcolinestera (AchE), proteínas periplásmicas unidoras de colina (PUch) podrían compartir: a) una organización génica y responder a la regulación por proteínas regulatorias o a factores ambientales de manera similar; b) residuos aminoacídicos conservados que intervengan en la unión o interacción con diferentes ligandos, principalmente, colina. Para ello, se plantean los siguientes Objetivos Específicos: 1) identificar las zonas promotoras de los genes que codifican para PchP, PlcH, AchE y PUch, a fin de localizar posibles sitios de unión a proteínas reguladoras y los factores ambientales que afectan la actividad promotora. 2) determinar en las proteínas mencionadas los residuos aminoacídicos de importancia involucrados en la catálisis y en la interacción con ligandos, principalmente en la unión a compuestos de alquilamonio; 3) Se iniciarán estudios que demuestren la relación entre la inducción por colina de varios factores de patogenicidad la virulencia del microorganismo, empleando mutantes simples o múltiples en estos factores y como modelo de patogenicidad el nematodo C. elegans. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pretende tener un conocimiento profundo sobre la regulación molecular y bioquímica de varias enzimas comprometidas en la patología que produce P. aeruginosa. Esto más el conocimiento de la fisiología de este microorganismo abre el camino para la búsqueda de posibles blancos de acción de drogas. Por otro lado, se espera tener un conocimiento integral sobre la regulación de la expresión de las actividades enzimáticas relacionadas con el metabolismo de colina y la respuesta de P. aeruginosa ante la presencia de compuestos de alquilamonio utilizados como nutrientes. Se espera conocer el papel que desempeña cada uno de los sitios de unión a los diferentes ligandos para el funcionamiento y control de las enzimas mencionadas y explicar el comportamiento diferencial de las enzimas frente a distintos sustratos y otros ligandos. El conocimiento de los sitios de unión a compuestos de alquilamonio permitirá encontrar esos dominios en diferentes proteínas del género Pseudomonas y otras bacterias Gram negativas. Desde el punto de vista evolutivo, se podrá comparar la similitud de los sitios de unión a colina entre proteínas de organismos eucariotas con procariotas (ej. PUch de bacterias Gram positivas, transportadores de colina, proteína C reactiva, AchE de eucariotas contra las encontradas en bacterias del género Pseudomonas, fosfolipasas A, C o D, etc.). Este proyecto permitirá concretar al menos dos tesis doctorales (Sanchez, Otero) más varios trabajos finales de grado (tesinas) que son y serán realizados por alumnos de la carrera de Microbiología en la UNRC. Les permitirá a los doctorandos y a los alumnos de grado adquirir una formación bastante integral ya que utilizarán herramientas de la fisiología general bacteriana, de la bioquímica clásica, de la biología molecular y de la bioinformática.
Objectives Nosocomial Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia remains a major concern in critically ill patients. We explored the potential impact of microorganism-targeted adjunctive immunotherapy in such patients. Patients and methods This multicentre, open pilot Phase 2a clinical trial (NCT00851435) prospectively evaluated the safety, pharmacokinetics and potential efficacy of three doses of 1.2 mg/kg panobacumab, a fully human monoclonal anti-lipopolysaccharide IgM, given every 72 h in 18 patients developing nosocomial P. aeruginosa (serotype O11) pneumonia. Results Seventeen out of 18 patients were included in the pharmacokinetic analysis. In 13 patients receiving three doses, the maximal concentration after the third infusion was 33.9 ± 8.0 μg/mL, total area under the serum concentration-time curve was 5397 ± 1993 μg h/mL and elimination half-life was 102.3 ± 47.8 h. Panobacumab was well tolerated, induced no immunogenicity and was detected in respiratory samples. In contrast to Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) prediction, all 13 patients receiving three doses survived, with a mean clinical resolution in 9.0 ± 2.7 days. Two patients suffered a recurrence at days 17 and 20. Conclusions These data suggest that panobacumab is safe, with a pharmacokinetic profile similar to that in healthy volunteers. It was associated with high clinical cure and survival rates in patients developing nosocomial P. aeruginosa O11 pneumonia. We concluded that these promising results warrant further trials.
In Pseudomonas aeruginosa carbon catabolite repression (CCR) is exerted by the CbrA/B-CrcZ-Crc global regulatory system. Crc is a translational repressor that, in the presence of preferred carbon sources, such as C4 -dicarboxylates, impairs the utilization of less preferred substrates. When non-preferred substrates are present, the CrcZ sRNA levels increase leading to Crc capture, thereby allowing growth of the bacterium at the expense of the non-preferred substrates. The C4 -dicarboxylate transport (Dct) system in P. aeruginosa is composed of two main transporters: DctA, more efficient at mM succinate concentrations, and DctPQM, more important at μM. In this study, we demonstrate that the Dct transporters are differentially regulated by Crc, depending on the concentration of succinate. At high concentrations, Crc positively regulates the expression of the dctA transporter gene and negatively regulates dctPQM post-transcriptionally. The activation of dctA is explained by a Crc-mediated repression of dctR, encoding a transcriptional repressor of dctA. At low succinate concentrations, Crc regulation is impaired. In this condition, CrcZ levels are higher and therefore more Crc proteins are sequestered, decreasing the amount of Crc available to perform CCR on dctR and dctPQM. As a result, expression of dctA is reduced and that of dctPQM is increased.
Human nasal polyps outgrowth culture were used to study the adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to respiratory cells. By transmission electron microscopy, bacteria associated with ciliated cells were identified trapped at the extremities of cilia, usually as aggregates of several bacterial cells. They were never seen at the interciliary spaces or attached along cilia. Bacteria were also seen to adhere to migrating cells of the periphery of the outgrowth culture. Using a model of repair of wounded respiratory epithelial cells in culture, we observed that the adhesion of P. aeruginosa to migrating cells of the edges of the repairing wounds was significantly higher than the adhesion to non-migrating cells and that adherent bacteria were surrounded by a fibrocnectin-containing fibrillar material The secretion of extracellular matrix components is involved in the process of epithelium repair following injury. To investigate the molecular basis of P. aeruginosa adhesion to migrating cells, bacteria were treated with a fibronectin solution before their incubation with the respiratory cells. P. aeruginosa treatment by fibronectin significantly increased their adhesion to migrating cells. Accordingly, we hypothesize that during cell migration, fibronectin secreted by epithelial cells may favour P. aeruginosa adhesion by establishing a bridge between the bacteria and the epithelial cell receptors. Such a mechanism may represent a critical step for P. aeruginosa infection of healing injured epithelium.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces the toxic secondary metabolite hydrogen cyanide (HCN) at high cell population densities and low aeration. Here, we investigated the impact of HCN as a signal in cell-cell communication by comparing the transcriptome of the wild-type strain PAO1 to that of an HCN-negative mutant under cyanogenic conditions. HCN repressed four genes and induced 12 genes. While the individual functions of these genes are unknown, with one exception (i.e. a ferredoxin-dependent reductase), a highly inducible six-gene cluster (PA4129-PA4134) was found to be crucial for protection of P.aeruginosa from external HCN intoxication. A double mutant deleted for PA4129-PA4134 and cioAB (encoding cyanide-insensitive oxidase) did not grow with 100M KCN, whereas the corresponding single mutants were essentially unaffected, suggesting a synergistic action of the PA4129-PA4134 gene products and cyanide-insensitive oxidase.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between the rates of resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to carbapenems and the levels and diversity of antibiotic consumption. Data were retrospectively collected from 20 acute care hospitals across 3 regions of Switzerland between 2006 and 2010. The main outcome of the present study was the rate of resistance to carbapenems among P. aeruginosa. Putative predictors included the total antibiotic consumption and carbapenem consumption in defined daily doses per 100 bed days, the proportion of very broad-spectrum antibiotics used, and the Peterson index. The present study confirmed a correlation between carbapenem use and carbapenem resistance rates at the hospital and regional levels. The impact of diversifying the range of antibiotics used against P. aeruginosa resistance was suggested by (i) a positive correlation in multivariate analysis between the above-mentioned resistance and the proportion of consumed antibiotics having a very broad spectrum of activity (coefficient = 1.77; 95% confidence interval, 0.58 to 2.96; P < 0.01) and (ii) a negative correlation between the resistance and diversity of antibiotic use as measured by the Peterson homogeneity index (coefficient = -0.52; P < 0.05). We conclude that promoting heterogeneity plus parsimony in the use of antibiotics appears to be a valuable strategy for minimizing the spread of carbapenem resistance in P. aeruginosa in hospitals.
The siderophore pyochelin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is derived from one molecule of salicylate and two molecules of cysteine. Two cotranscribed genes, pchEF, encoding peptide synthetases have been identified and characterized. pchE was required for the conversion of salicylate to dihydroaeruginoate (Dha), the condensation product of salicylate and one cysteine residue and pchF was essential for the synthesis of pyochelin from Dha. The deduced PchE (156 kDa) and PchF (197 kDa) proteins had adenylation, thiolation and condensation/cyclization motifs arranged as modules which are typical of those peptide synthetases forming thiazoline rings. The pchEF genes were coregulated with the pchDCBA operon, which provides enzymes for the synthesis (PchBA) and activation (PchD) of salicylate as well as a putative thioesterase (PchC). Expression of a translational pchE'-'lacZ fusion was strictly dependent on the PchR regulator and was induced by extracellular pyochelin, the end product of the pathway. Iron replete conditions led to Fur (ferric uptake regulator)-dependent repression of the pchE'-'lacZ fusion. A translational pchD'-'lacZ fusion was also positively regulated by PchR and pyochelin and repressed by Fur and iron. Thus, autoinduction by pyochelin (or ferric pyochelin) and repression by iron ensure a sensitive control of the pyochelin pathway in P. aeruginosa.
The pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa utilizes the 3-oxododecanoyl homoserine lactone (3OC(12)-HSL) autoinducer as a signaling molecule to coordinate the expression of virulence genes through quorum sensing. 3OC(12)-HSL also affects responses in host cells, including the upregulation of genes encoding inflammatory cytokines. This proinflammatory response may exacerbate underlying disease during P. aeruginosa infections. The specific mechanism(s) through which 3OC(12)-HSL influences host responses is unclear, and no mammalian receptors for 3OC(12)-HSL have been identified to date. Here, we report that 3OC(12)-HSL increases mRNA levels for a common panel of proinflammatory genes in murine fibroblasts and human lung epithelial cells. To identify putative 3OC(12)-HSL receptors, we examined the expression patterns of a panel of nuclear hormone receptors in these two cell lines and determined that both peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) and PPARgamma were expressed. 3OC(12)-HSL functioned as an agonist of PPARbeta/delta transcriptional activity and an antagonist of PPARgamma transcriptional activity and inhibited the DNA binding ability of PPARgamma. The proinflammatory effect of 3OC(12)-HSL in lung epithelial cells was blocked by the PPARgamma agonist rosiglitazone, suggesting that 3OC(12)-HSL and rosiglitazone are mutually antagonistic negative and positive regulators of PPARgamma activity, respectively. These data identify PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma as putative mammalian 3OC(12)-HSL receptors and suggest that PPARgamma agonists may be employed as anti-inflammatory therapeutics for P. aeruginosa infections.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa has an anabolic (ArgF) and a catabolic (ArcB) ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase). Despite extensive sequence similarities, these enzymes function unidirectionally in vivo. In the dodecameric catabolic OTCase, homotropic cooperativity for carbamoylphosphate strongly depresses the anabolic reaction; the residue Glu1O5 and the C-terminus are known to be essential for this cooperativity. When Glu1O5 and nine C-terminal amino acids of the catabolic OTCase were introduced, by in vitro genetic manipulation, into the closely related, trimeric, anabolic (ArgF) OTCase of Escherichia coli, the enzyme displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and no cooperativity was observed. This indicates that additional amino acid residues are required to produce homotropic cooperativity and a dodecameric assembly. To localize these residues, we constructed several hybrid enzymes by fusing, in vivo or in vitro, the E. coli argF gene to the P. aeruginosa arcB gene. A hybrid enzyme consisting of 101 N-terminal ArgF amino acids fused to 233 C-terminal ArcB residues and the reciprocal ArcB-ArgF hybrid were both trimers with little or no cooperativity. Replacing the seven N-terminal residues of the ArcB enzyme by the corresponding six residues of E. coli ArgF enzyme produced a dodecameric enzyme which showed a reduced affinity for carbamoylphosphate and an increase in homotropic cooperativity. Thus, the N-terminal amino acids of catabolic OTCase are important for interaction with carbamoylphosphate, but do not alone determine dodecameric assembly. Hybrid enzymes consisting of either 26 or 42 N-terminal ArgF amino acids and the corresponding C-terminal ArcB residues were both trimeric, yet they retained some homotropic cooperativity. Within the N-terminal ArcB region, a replacement of motif 28-33 by the corresponding ArgF segment destabilized the dodecameric structure and the enzyme existed in trimeric and dodecameric states, indicating that this region is important for dodecameric assembly. These findings were interpreted in the light of the three-dimensional structure of catabolic OTCase, which allows predictions about trimer-trimer interactions. Dodecameric assembly appears to require at least three regions: the N- and C-termini (which are close to each other in a monomer), residues 28-33 and residues 147-154. Dodecameric structure correlates with high carbamoylphosphate cooperativity and thermal stability, but some trimeric hybrid enzymes retain cooperativity, and the dodecameric Glu1O5-->Ala mutant gives hyperbolic carbamoylphosphate saturation, indicating that dodecameric structure is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure cooperativity.
Virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa include hydrogen cyanide (HCN). This secondary metabolite is maximally produced at low oxygen tension and high cell densities during the transition from exponential to stationary growth phase. The hcnABC genes encoding HCN synthase were identified on a genomic fragment complementing an HCN-deficient mutant of P. aeruginosa PAO1. The hcnA promoter was found to be controlled by the FNR-like anaerobic regulator ANR and by the quorum-sensing regulators LasR and RhlR. Primer extension analysis revealed two transcription starts, T1 and T2, separated by 29 bp. Their function was confirmed by transcriptional lacZ fusions. The promoter sequence displayed an FNR/ANR box at -42.5 bp upstream of T2 and a lux box centered around -42.5 bp upstream of T1. Expression of the hcn genes was completely abolished when this lux box was deleted or inactivated by two point mutations in conserved nucleotides. The lux box was recognized by both LasR [activated by N-(oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lactone] and RhlR (activated by N-butanoyl-homoserine lactone), as shown by expression experiments performed in quorum-sensing-defective P. aeruginosa mutants and in the N-acyl-homoserine lactone-negative heterologous host P. fluorescens CHA0. A second, less conserved lux box lying 160 bp upstream of T1 seems to account for enhanced quorum-sensing-dependent expression. Without LasR and RhlR, ANR could not activate the hcn promoter. Together, these data indicate that expression of the hcn promoter from T1 can occur under quorum-sensing control alone. Enhanced expression from T2 appears to rely on a synergistic action between LasR, RhlR, and ANR.
Genomic islands are foreign DNA blocks inserted in so-called regions of genomic plasticity (RGP). Depending on their gene content, they are classified as pathogenicity, symbiosis, metabolic, fitness or resistance islands, although a detailed functional analysis is often lacking. Here we focused on a 34-kb pathogenicity island of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 (PA14GI-6), which is inserted at RGP5 and carries genes related to those for pyochelin/enantiopyochelin biosynthesis. These enantiomeric siderophores of P. aeruginosa and certain strains of Pseudomonas protegens are assembled by a thiotemplate mechanism from salicylate and two molecules of cysteine. The biochemical function of several proteins encoded by PA14GI-6 was investigated by a series of complementation analyses using mutants affected in potential homologs. We found that PA14_54940 codes for a bifunctional salicylate synthase/salicyl-AMP ligase (for generation and activation of salicylate), that PA14_54930 specifies a dihydroaeruginoic acid (Dha) synthetase (for coupling salicylate with a cysteine-derived thiazoline ring), that PA14_54910 produces a type II thioesterase (for quality control), and that PA14_54880 encodes a serine O-acetyltransferase (for increased cysteine availability). The structure of the PA14GI-6-specified metabolite was determined by mass spectrometry, thin-layer chromatography, and HPLC as (R)-Dha, an iron chelator with antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activity. The conservation of this genomic island in many clinical and environmental P. aeruginosa isolates of different geographical origin suggests that the ability for Dha production may confer a selective advantage to its host.
Water Systems HTM 04-01