987 resultados para Providence Public Library (R.I.)
Datos a 31 de diciembre del año 1999. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Estadísticas Sanitarias / Estadísticas Hospitalarias / Estadísticas Hospitalarias de Andalucía
En el present treball de recerca s’ha plantejat la síntesi de forma enantioselectiva d’ambdós enantiòmers de la 4-hidroxi-2-ciclohexenona i derivats O-protegits. Així, s’ha dut a terme una aproximació sintètica a partir de la 1,4- ciclohexandiona parcialment protegida amb etilenglicol, per obtenir els dos enantiòmers de la molècula objectiu i derivats O-protegits, reproduint metodologies ja emprades en el nostre grup de recerca. D’aquesta manera, s’han obtingut ambdós enantiòmers del derivat O-protegit en un total de 5 passos, amb un rendiment del 60% i un 92% d’excés enantiomèric. Amb aquesta síntesi enantioselectiva s’aconsegueix una millora dels resultats del nostre grup de recerca, essent també una estratègia sintètica molt competitiva amb les que ja estan publicades tant pel bons rendiments obtinguts com per l’excés enantiomèric. L’accessibilitat del producte de partida i el fàcil escalatge de les reaccions fan d’aquesta estratègia sintètica una interessant opció a tenir en compte.
The pocket digest for public library statistics highlights pertinent information about public libraries in Iowa.
The pocket digest for public library statistics highlights pertinent information about public libraries in Iowa.
The pocket digest for public library statistics highlights pertinent information about public libraries in Iowa.
"In Service to Iowa : Public Library Measures of Quality, 4th edition" is the manual for the Accreditation and Standards program of the State Library of Iowa.
Public library statistics are taken from the annual survey. The statistics are used at the local, regional, state, and national levels to compare library performance, justify budget requests, track library data over time, assist in planning and evaluation, and provide valuable information for grants and other library programs. The annual survey collects current information from 543 public libraries about public service outlets, holdings, staffing, income, expenditures, circulation, services, and hours open. Furthermore, it helps provide a total picture of libraries on a state and nationwide basis. This report is authorized by law (Iowa Code 256.51 (H)). Each of the 50 states collects public library information according to guidelines established by the Federal State Cooperative System for public library data (FSCS). The information contained in the Iowa Public Library Statistics is based on definitions approved by FSCS. For additional information, contact Gerry Rowland, State Library, gerry.rowland@lib.state.ia.us; 1-800-248-4483.
Public library statistics are taken from the annual survey. The statistics are used at the local, regional, state, and national levels to compare library performance, justify budget requests, track library data over time, assist in planning and evaluation, and provide valuable information for grants and other library programs. The annual survey collects current information from 543 public libraries about public service outlets, holdings, staffing, income, expenditures, circulation, services, and hours open. Furthermore, it helps provide a total picture of libraries on a state and nationwide basis. This report is authorized by law (Iowa Code 256.51 (H)). Each of the 50 states collects public library information according to guidelines established by the Federal State Cooperative System for public library data (FSCS). The information contained in the Iowa Public Library Statistics is based on definitions approved by FSCS. For additional information, contact Gerry Rowland, State Library, gerry.rowland@lib.state.ia.us; 1-800-248-4483.
This document is intended to assist Iowa communities in making informed decisions on combining school and public library services. It provides decision-makers with a means of assessing the feasibility of establishing a combined library and, if the decision is made to proceed, with a Planning Guide that addresses the many areas of library operations that need to be considered if the combined library is to be successful. Alternatives to combining libraries exist. Contracted services provide one such option. There are many areas where school and public libraries can and should collaborate in order to provide better service to the community. These alternatives are also outlined in this document.
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
The 2005-2006 (FY06) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 542 libraries included in this publication; 10 did not report. The Table of Cities and Size Codes lists the libraries alphabetically and gives their size codes. The table allows a user of this publication to locate information about a specific library. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each size code. The total population of the 542 libraries is 2,243,396. Population data is used to determine per capita figures used throughout the publication.
The 2006-2007 (FY07) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals and medians for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 543 libraries included in this publication; 530 submitted a report. The table of size codes (page 6) lists the libraries alphabetically. The libraries in each section of the publication are listed by size code, then alphabetically by city. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each size code. The total population served by the 543 libraries is 2,248,279. Population data is used to determine per capita figures throughout the publication.
The 2007-2008 (FY08) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals and medians for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 543 libraries included in this publication; 522 submitted a report. The table of size codes (page 6) lists the libraries alphabetically. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each sizecode. The total population served by the 543 libraries is 2,248,279. Population data is used to determine per capita figures throughout the publication.
The information in this digest comes from the FY08 Iowa Annual Public Library Survey. It reflects the activities of 522 of the 543 public libraries in Iowa. Full details may be found at http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/ld/statistics. Information for the national rankings on pages 3 to 4 comes from Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2006 by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Washington D.C., December 2008. http://harvester.census.gov/imls/pubs/pls/pub_detail.asp?id=121#
The information in this digest comes from the FY09 Iowa Annual Public Library Survey. It reflects the activities of 522 of the 543 public libraries in Iowa.