997 resultados para Protein fibrillar aggregates
The intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii resides within a specialized compartment, the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), that resists fusion with host cell endocytic and lysosomal compartments. The PV is extensively modified by secretion of parasite proteins, including the dense granule protein GRA5 that is specifically targeted to the delimiting membrane of the PV (PVM). We show here that GRA5 is present both in a soluble form and in hydrophobic aggregates. GRA5 is secreted as a soluble form into the PV after which it becomes stably associated with the PVM. Topological studies demonstrated that GRA5 was inserted into the PVM as a transmembrane protein with its N-terminal domain extending into the cytoplasm and its C terminus in the vacuole lumen. Deletion of 8 of the 18 hydrophobic amino acids of the single predicted transmembrane domain resulted in the failure of GRA5 to associate with the PVM; yet it remained correctly packaged in the dense granules and was secreted as a soluble protein into the PV. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the secretory pathway in Toxoplasma is unusual in two regards; it allows soluble export of proteins containing typical transmembrane domains and provides a mechanism for their insertion into a host cell membrane after secretion from the parasite.
In Alzheimer’s disease the neuronal microtubule-associated protein tau becomes highly phosphorylated, loses its binding properties, and aggregates into paired helical filaments. There is increasing evidence that the events leading to this hyperphosphorylation are related to mitotic mechanisms. Hence, we have analyzed the physiological phosphorylation of endogenous tau protein in metabolically labeled human neuroblastoma cells and in Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with tau. In nonsynchronized cultures the phosphorylation pattern was remarkably similar in both cell lines, suggesting a similar balance of kinases and phosphatases with respect to tau. Using phosphopeptide mapping and sequencing we identified 17 phosphorylation sites comprising 80–90% of the total phosphate incorporated. Most of these are in SP or TP motifs, except S214 and S262. Since phosphorylation of microtubule-associated proteins increases during mitosis, concomitant with increased microtubule dynamics, we analyzed cells mitotically arrested with nocodazole. This revealed that S214 is a prominent phosphorylation site in metaphase, but not in interphase. Phosphorylation of this residue strongly decreases the tau–microtubule interaction in vitro, suppresses microtubule assembly, and may be a key factor in the observed detachment of tau from microtubules during mitosis. Since S214 is also phosphorylated in Alzheimer’s disease tau, our results support the view that reactivation of the cell cycle machinery is involved in tau hyperphosphorylation.
We have identified a novel Ras-interacting protein from Dictyostelium, RIP3, whose function is required for both chemotaxis and the synthesis and relay of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) chemoattractant signal. rip3 null cells are unable to aggregate and lack receptor activation of adenylyl cyclase but are able, in response to cAMP, to induce aggregation-stage, postaggregative, and cell-type-specific gene expression in suspension culture. In addition, rip3 null cells are unable to properly polarize in a cAMP gradient and chemotaxis is highly impaired. We demonstrate that cAMP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase, which is required for chemotaxis, is reduced ∼60% in rip3 null cells. This reduced activation of guanylyl cyclase may account, in part, for the defect in chemotaxis. When cells are pulsed with cAMP for 5 h to mimic the endogenous cAMP oscillations that occur in wild-type strains, the cells will form aggregates, most of which, however, arrest at the mound stage. Unlike the response seen in wild-type strains, the rip3 null cell aggregates that form under these experimental conditions are very small, which is probably due to the rip3 null cell chemotaxis defect. Many of the phenotypes of the rip3 null cell, including the inability to activate adenylyl cyclase in response to cAMP and defects in chemotaxis, are very similar to those of strains carrying a disruption of the gene encoding the putative Ras exchange factor AleA. We demonstrate that aleA null cells also exhibit a defect in cAMP-mediated activation of guanylyl cyclase similar to that of rip3 null cells. A double-knockout mutant (rip3/aleA null cells) exhibits a further reduction in receptor activation of guanylyl cyclase, and these cells display almost no cell polarization or movement in cAMP gradients. As RIP3 preferentially interacts with an activated form of the Dictyostelium Ras protein RasG, which itself is important for cell movement, we propose that RIP3 and AleA are components of a Ras-regulated pathway involved in integrating chemotaxis and signal relay pathways that are essential for aggregation.
Cytoplasmic sequestration of wild-type p53 protein occurs in a subset of primary human tumors including breast cancer, colon cancer, and neuroblastoma (NB). The sequestered p53 localizes to punctate cytoplasmic structures that represent large protein aggregates. One functional consequence of this blocked nuclear access is impairment of the p53-mediated G1 checkpoint after DNA damage. Here we show that cytoplasmic p53 from NB cells is incompetent for specific DNA binding, probably due to its sequestration. Importantly, the C-terminal domain of sequestered p53 is masked, as indicated by the failure of a C-terminally directed antibody to detect p53 in these structures. To determine (i) which domain of p53 is involved in the aggregation and (ii) whether this phenotype is potentially reversible, we generated stable NB sublines that coexpress the soluble C-terminal mouse p53 peptide DD1 (amino acids 302–390). A dramatic phenotypic reversion occurred in five of five lines. The presence of DD1 blocked the sequestration of wild-type p53 and relocated it to the nucleus, where it accumulated. The nuclear translocation is due to shuttling of wild-type p53 by heteroligomerization to DD1, as shown by coimmunoprecipitation. As expected, the nuclear heterocomplexes were functionally inactive, since DD1 is a dominant negative inhibitor of wild-type p53. In summary, we show that nuclear access of p53 can be restored in NB cells.
Fibronectin (FN) forms the primitive fibrillar matrix in both embryos and healing wounds. To study the matrix in living cell cultures, we have constructed a cell line that secretes FN molecules chimeric with green fluorescent protein. These FN–green fluorescent protein molecules were assembled into a typical matrix that was easily visualized by fluorescence over periods of several hours. FN fibrils remained mostly straight, and they were seen to extend and contract to accommodate movements of the cells, indicating that they are elastic. When fibrils were broken or detached from cells, they contracted to less than one-fourth of their extended length, demonstrating that they are highly stretched in the living culture. Previous work from other laboratories has suggested that cryptic sites for FN assembly may be exposed by tension on FN. Our results show directly that FN matrix fibrils are not only under tension but are also highly stretched. This stretched state of FN is an obvious candidate for exposing the cryptic assembly sites.
It is known that the extracellular matrix regulates normal cell proliferation, and it is assumed that anchorage-independent malignant cells escape this regulatory function. Here we demonstrate that human M24met melanoma cells remain responsive to growth regulatory signals that result from contact with type I collagen and that the effect on proliferation depends on the physical structure of the collagen. On polymerized fibrillar collagen, M24met cells are growth arrested at the G1/S checkpoint and maintain high levels of p27KIP1 mRNA and protein. In contrast, on nonfibrillar (denatured) collagen, the cells enter the cell cycle, and p27KIP1 is down-regulated. These growth regulatory effects involve contact between type I collagen and the collagen-binding integrin α2β1, which appears restricted in the presence of fibrillar collagen. Thus melanoma cells remain sensitive to negative growth regulatory signals originating from fibrillar collagen, and the proteolytic degradation of fibrils is a mechanism allowing tumor cells to escape these restrictive signals.
It has been shown in several animal models that HIV infection of accessory cells (ACs) plays an important role in development of AIDS. Here, we report that ACs treated with HIV-1 Tat protein (Tat-ACs) have a decreased ability to organize cellular aggregates as compared with untreated ACs, resulting in incomplete activation of T cells in responses to anti-CD3 mAb or staphylococcal enterotoxin B stimulation. The T cells failed to up-regulate adhesion molecules CD11a and CD2 on the cell surface and had reduced proliferative responses, as determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation, but they obtained lymphoblast-like morphology and expressed early activation antigens on the cell surface such as Fas and CD69 and interleukin 2 receptor, at comparable levels as those T cells undergoing a maximal proliferation. These results suggest that the Tat-AC-induced defect occurs in the late, but not in the early, phases of T cell activation. Normal expression of cell surface Fas antigen accompanied by defects in late activation thus may result in the susceptibility of these T cells to apoptosis. Our studies suggest that dysfunction, hyperactivation, and susceptibility to apoptosis, as observed with T cells isolated from HIV-infected individuals, may be, at least in part, a consequence of abnormal functions of ACs.
Recent measurements of sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity have shown that the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ self-associates to form indefinitely long rod-like linear aggregates in the presence of GDP and Mg2+. In the present study, the newly developed technique of non-ideal tracer sedimentation equilibrium was used to measure the effect of high concentrations—up to 150 g/liter—of each of two inert “crowder” proteins, cyanmethemoglobin or BSA, on the thermodynamic activity and state of association of dilute FtsZ under conditions inhibiting (−Mg2+) and promoting (+Mg2+) FtsZ self-association. Analysis of equilibrium gradients of both FtsZ and crowder proteins indicates that, under the conditions of the present experiment, FtsZ interacts with each of the two crowder proteins essentially entirely via steric repulsion, which may be accounted for quantitatively by a simple model in which hemoglobin, albumin, and monomeric FtsZ are modeled as effective spherical hard particles, and each oligomeric species of FtsZ is modeled as an effective hard spherocylinder. The functional dependence of the sedimentation of FtsZ on the concentrations of FtsZ and either crowder indicates that, in the presence of high concentrations of crowder, both the weight-average degree of FtsZ self-association and the range of FtsZ oligomer sizes present in significant abundance are increased substantially.
Protein synthesis occurs in neuronal dendrites, often near synapses. Polyribosomal aggregates often appear in dendritic spines, particularly during development. Polyribosomal aggregates in spines increase during experience-dependent synaptogenesis, e.g., in rats in a complex environment. Some protein synthesis appears to be regulated directly by synaptic activity. We use “synaptoneurosomes,” a preparation highly enriched in pinched-off, resealed presynaptic processes attached to resealed postsynaptic processes that retain normal functions of neurotransmitter release, receptor activation, and various postsynaptic responses including signaling pathways and protein synthesis. We have found that, when synaptoneurosomes are stimulated with glutamate or group I metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists such as dihydroxyphenylglycine, mRNA is rapidly taken up into polyribosomal aggregates, and labeled methionine is incorporated into protein. One of the proteins synthesized is FMRP, the protein that is reduced or absent in fragile X mental retardation syndrome. FMRP has three RNA-binding domains and reportedly binds to a significant number of mRNAs. We have found that dihydroxyphenylglycine-activated protein synthesis in synaptoneurosomes is dramatically reduced in a knockout mouse model of fragile X syndrome, which cannot produce full-length FMRP, suggesting that FMRP is involved in or required for this process. Studies of autopsy samples from patients with fragile X syndrome have indicated that dendritic spines may fail to assume a normal mature size and shape and that there are more spines per unit dendrite length in the patient samples. Similar findings on spine size and shape have come from studies of the knockout mouse. Study of the development of the somatosensory cortical region containing the barrel-like cell arrangements that process whisker information suggests that normal dendritic regression is impaired in the knockout mouse. This finding suggests that FMRP may be required for the normal processes of maturation and elimination to occur in cerebral cortical development.
Plasma membrane vesicles from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue contain two prominent major intrinsic protein species of 31 and 27 kD (X. Qi, C.Y Tai, B.P. Wasserman [1995] Plant Physiol 108: 387–392). In this study affinity-purified antibodies were used to investigate their localization and biochemical properties. Both plasma membrane intrinsic protein (PMIP) subgroups partitioned identically in sucrose gradients; however, each exhibited distinct properties when probed for multimer formation, and by limited proteolysis. The tendency of each PMIP species to form disulfide-linked aggregates was studied by inclusion of various sulfhydryl agents during tissue homogenization and vesicle isolation. In the absence of dithiothreitol and sulfhydryl reagents, PMIP27 yielded a mixture of monomeric and aggregated species. In contrast, generation of a monomeric species of PMIP31 required the addition of dithiothreitol, iodoacetic acid, or N-ethylmaleimide. Mixed disulfide-linked heterodimers between the PMIP31 and PMIP27 subgroups were not detected. Based on vectorial proteolysis of right-side-out vesicles with trypsin and hydropathy analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence derived from the gene encoding PMIP27, a topological model for a PMIP27 was established. Two exposed tryptic cleavage sites were identified from proteolysis of PMIP27, and each was distinct from the single exposed site previously identified in surface loop C of a PMIP31. Although the PMIP31 and PMIP27 species both contain integral proteins that appear to occur within a single vesicle population, these results demonstrate that each PMIP subgroup responds differently to perturbations of the membrane.
The inwardly rectifying K+ channel ROMK1 has been implicated as being significant in K+ secretion in the distal nephron. ROMK1 has been shown by immunocytochemistry to be expressed in relevant nephron segments. The development of the atomic force microscope has made possible the production of high resolution images of small particles, including a variety of biological macromolecules. Recently, a fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and ROMK1 (ROMK1-GST) has been used to produce a polyclonal antibody for immunolocalization of ROMK1. We have used atomic force microscopy to examine ROMK1-GST and the native ROMK1 polypeptide cleaved from GST. Imaging was conducted with the proteins in physiological solutions attached to mica. ROMK1-GST appears in images as a particle composed of two units of similar size. Analyses of images indicate that the two units have volumes of approximately 118 nm3, which is close to the theoretical volume of a globular protein of approximately 65 kDa (the molecular mass of ROMK1-GST). Native GST exists as a dimer, and the images obtained here are consistent with the ROMK1-GST fusion protein's existence as a heterodimer. In experiments on ROMK1 in aqueous solution, single molecules appear to aggregate, but contact to the mica was maintained. Addition of ATP to the solution produced a change in height of the aggregates. This change (which was reversible) suggests that ATP induces a structural change in the ROMK1 protein. The data show that atomic force microscopy is a useful tool for examination of purified protein molecules under near-physiological conditions, and furthermore, that structural alterations in the proteins may be continuously investigated.
Potato virus X (PVX) is a filamentous plant virus infecting many members of the family Solanaceae. A modified form of PVX, PVX.GFP-CP which expressed a chimeric gene encoding a fusion between the 27-kDa Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein and the amino terminus of the 25-kDa PVX coat protein, assembled into virions and moved both locally and systemically. The PVX.GFP-CP virions were over twice the diameter of wild-type PVX virions. Assembly of PVX.GFP-CP virions required the presence of free coat protein subunits in addition to the fusion protein subunits. PVX.GFP-CP virions accumulated as paracrystalline arrays in infected cells similar to those seen in cells infected with wild-type PVX The formation of virions carrying large superficial fusions illustrates a novel approach for production of high levels of foreign proteins in plants. Aggregates of PVX.GFP-CP particles were fluorescent, emitting green light when excited with ultraviolet light and could be imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The detection of virus particles in infected tissue demonstrates the potential of fusions between the green fluorescent protein and virus coat protein for the non-invasive study of virus multiplication and spread.
Patients with the M4Eo subtype of acute myeloid leukemia almost invariably are found to have an inversion of chromosome 16 in their leukemic cells, which results in a gene fusion between the transcription factor called core binding factor beta (CBFbeta) on 16q and a smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC) gene on 16p. Subcellular localizations of the wild-type CBFbeta and the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein were determined by immunofluorescence of NIH 3T3 cells that overexpress wild-type or fusion protein. Normal CBFbeta showed an unexpected perinuclear pattern consistent with primary localization in the Golgi complex. The CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein had a very different pattern. Nuclear staining included rod-like crystalline structures as long as 11 microm. The heterodimeric partner of CBFbeta, CBFalpha, formed part of this complex. Cytoplasmic staining included stress fibers that colocalized with actin, probably as a consequence of the myosin heavy chain component of the fusion protein. Deletion of different regions of the CBFbeta portion of the fusion protein showed that binding to CBFalpha was not required for nuclear translocation. However, deletion of parts of the SMMHC domain of the fusion protein involved in myosin-mediated filament formation resulted in proteins that did not form rod-like structures. These observations confirm previous indirect evidence that the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein is capable of forming macromolecular nuclear aggregates and suggests possible models for the mechanism of leukemic transformation.
We have studied the fibrillogenesis of synthetic amyloid beta-protein-(1-40) fragment (A beta) in 0.1 M HCl. At low pH, A beta formed fibrils at a rate amenable to detailed monitoring by quasi-elastic light-scattering spectroscopy. Examination of the fibrils with circular dichroism spectroscopy and electron microscopy showed them to be highly similar to those found in amyloid plaques. We determined the hydrodynamic radii of A beta aggregates during the entire process of fibril nucleation and growth. Above an A beta concentration of approximately 0.1 mM, the initial rate of elongation and the final size of fibrils were independent of A beta concentration. Below an A beta concentration of 0.1 mM, the initial elongation rate was proportional to the peptide concentration, and the resulting fibrils were significantly longer than those formed at higher concentration. We also found that the surfactant n-dodecylhexaoxyethylene glycol monoether (C12E6) slowed nucleation and elongation of fibrils in a concentration-dependent manner. Our observations are consistent with a model of A beta fibrillogenesis that includes the following key steps: (i) peptide micelles form above a certain critical A beta concentration, (ii) fibrils nucleate within these micelles or on heterogeneous nuclei (seeds), and (iii) fibrils grow by irreversible binding of monomers to fibril ends. Interpretation of our data enabled us to determine the sizes of fibril nuclei and A beta micelles and the rates of fibril nucleation (from micelles) and fibril elongation. Our approach provides a powerful means for the quantitative assay of A beta fibrillogenesis.
Conversion of the cellular isoform of prion protein (PrPC) into the scrapie isoform (PrPSc) involves an increase in the beta-sheet content, diminished solubility, and resistance to proteolytic digestion. Transgenetic studies argue that PrPC and PrPSc form a complex during PrPSc formation; thus, synthetic PrP peptides, which mimic the conformational pluralism of PrP, were mixed with PrPC to determine whether its properties were altered. Peptides encompassing two alpha-helical domains of PrP when mixed with PrPC produced a complex that displayed many properties of PrPSc. The PrPC-peptide complex formed fibrous aggregates and up to 65% of complexed PrPC sedimented at 100,000 x g for 1 h, whereas PrPC alone did not. These complexes were resistant to proteolytic digestion and displayed a high beta-sheet content. Unexpectedly, the peptide in a beta-sheet conformation did not form the complex, whereas the random coil did. Addition of 2% Sarkosyl disrupted the complex and rendered PrPC sensitive to protease digestion. While the pathogenic A117V mutation increased the efficacy of complex formation, anti-PrP monoclonal antibody prevented interaction between PrPC and peptides. Our findings in concert with transgenetic investigations argue that PrPC interacts with PrPSc through a domain that contains the first two putative alpha-helices. Whether PrPC-peptide complexes possess prion infectivity as determined by bioassays remains to be established.