999 resultados para Proteção ambiental, Brasil
The goal of this study is to investigate about the existence or absence of environmental dumping in the production of fuel ethanol in Brazil, as well as identifying the reasons why the figure of ecological dumping is pernicious to the principles enumerated in constitutional economic order, in particular the principle of free competition. In the twenty-first century environmental issues gained momentum and importance in these terms, which was seen as a mere fallacy given the concern of governments of various countries, after all, environmental protection shows up as the only means of bringing about the maintenance of life at planet. Indeed, it is essential to halt the drastic effects of climate change, and think fast and efficient solutions. Undoubtedly, the contemporary requirements that resulted in the transition to a new economy brings with it the duty of enterprise search for sustainability, and this behavior can not be passive, otherwise it is imperative to work hard and incessant economic agents, even if initially costs are high, this step will ensure a production accountable, transparent and free from accusations of environmental degradation. It is also intended to study the importance of the sector not only as a source of economic growth, but mainly, its contribution to national development, without forgetting that this is devoted in the Constitution of 1988 as one of the objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil. In fact, the criticism most common perceptions about the production of biofuels, said the interests of the countries producing them in large scale, will eventually generate a exhaustion of soil and a significant increase in food prices. However, the ethanol produced in Brazil is unique in that it is produced from cane sugar, a product is not intended for human or animal, not to mention that the recovery of land just to the rotation with the planting other cultures. It is expected that environmental certifications are useful to demonstrate the quality of ethanol for export and to refute unfounded criticism. Finally, this study will be analyzed further solutions for the plants to develop an economic activity without damaging the environment and in compliance with Brazilian law
As a result of the prediction of irreversible changes on necessary conditions to maintain life, including human, on the planet, environmental education got the spotlight in the political scenario, due to social pressure for the development of individual and collective values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences towards environmental preservation. In Brazil, only in 1999 the right for environmental education was officially granted to people, having the status of essential and permanent component in the country s education. Since then, it has been Government s duty, in each federal branch, to plan actions to make it happen, in an articulate way in all levels and modalities of the education process, both formally and informally. This work of research has environmental education in the school as subject matter, and aims on analyzing social and political mediations established between this National Environmental Education policy and the contexts associated to the legislative production process, the political nature of the conceptions about environmental education that underlie Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) and also Rio Grande do Norte Government s actions and omissions related to the imperative nature of the insertion of environmental education in the schools ran by the state, during the ten years this law has been in force. The investigation of the subject matter was led by a social and historical understanding of the social and environmental phenomena, as well as of the education system as a whole, considering that only through a dialectical view we can see the real world, by destroying the pseudo-concreteness that surrounds the topic. While analyzing, we assumed that in face of the dominance of a social organization in which market regulations rule on environmental ones, by developing individual and collective critical conscience, environmental education can become a threat to dominant economical interests in exploiting natural resources. The results of this research suggest that as an educational practice to be developed in an integrated, continuous and permanent fashion in all levels and modalities of formal education, environmental education has not yet come to pass in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, due to the neglect and disrespect of the government when facing the need of promoting the necessary and legally appointed measures to make it present in the basic education provided by the state. The legislators silence when it comes to approving a regulation on environmental education essential to define policies, rules and criteria to teaching the subject in the state and the omission from the public administration regarding critical actions in order to integrate in public schools the activities related to the National Environmental Education Policy, represent a political decision for not doing anything, despite the legal demand for an active position. This neglecting attitude for the actualizing of strategically concrete actions, urgent and properly planned for the implementation of environmental education in schools in a multidisciplinary way, exposes the lack of interest the predominant classes have in such kind of education being made available, as it could be developed based on a critic political view, becoming a political and educational action against dominance. When analyzing the basic principles and fundamental goals in Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) the development of a critic environmental education is really possible and concurs with the National Environmental Education Policy, reflecting the social and political mediations established between this public policy and the contexts associated to its legislative production process, which are responsible for approving a regulation which also represents the mind of the people about environmental protection above anything else
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has becoming very important in fields where detailed and precise study of earth surface features is required. Applications in environmental protection are such an example that requires the use of GIS tools for analysis and decision by managers and enrolled community of protected areas. In this specific field, a challenge that remains is to build a GIS that can be dynamically fed with data, allowing researchers and other agents to recover actual and up to date information. In some cases, data is acquired in several ways and come from different sources. To solve this problem, some tools were implemented that includes a model for spatial data treatment on the Web. The research issues involved start with the feeding and processing of environmental control data collected in-loco as biotic and geological variables and finishes with the presentation of all information on theWeb. For this dynamic processing, it was developed some tools that make MapServer more flexible and dynamic, allowing data uploading by the proper users. Furthermore, it was also developed a module that uses interpolation to aiming spatial data analysis. A complex application that has validated this research is to feed the system with data coming from coral reef regions located in northeast of Brazil. The system was implemented using the best interactivity concept provided by the AJAX model and resulted in a substantial contribution for efficiently accessing information, being an essential mechanism for controlling events in the environmental monitoring
One of the most important natural resources for sustaining human life, water, has been losing the basic requirements of quality and quantity sufficient enough to attend the population due to water contamination'problems, often caused by human beings themselves. Because of this, the sources of this resource are often located in remote places of the natural environment to ensure the quality of the water. However, when urban expansion began to occupy these areas, which were once regarded as distant, environmental pollution problems began to occur due to occupation of the land without planning. Based on this occurrence, this study aims to propose environmental zoning for the Maxaranguape river watershed in order to protect its water resources. This is important because this river can serve as a source of supply for the metropolitan area of Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. In accordance to this proposition, the model of natural soil loss vulnerability (CREPANI et al., 2001), the model of aquifer pollution vulnerability (FOSTER et al., 2006), and the legal incompatibility map (CREPANI et al., 2001) were used to delimit the zones. All this was done with Geographic Information System (GIS) and also created a geographic database update of the basin. The results of the first model mentioned indicated that 63.67% of the basin was classified as moderately stable / vulnerable, 35.66% as moderately vulnerable, and 0.67% as vulnerable. The areas with high vulnerability degree correspond with sand dunes and river channels areas. The second model indicated that 2.84% of the basin has low vulnerability, 70.27%) has median vulnerability, and 26.76% and 0.13% has high vulnerability and extreme vulnerability, respectively. The areas with the highest vulnerability values also refer to part of the sand dunes and river channels besides other areas such as Pureza urban area. The legal incompatibility map indicated that the basin has 85.02 km2 of Permanent Protection Area (PPA) and 14.62% of this area has some incongruity of use. Based on these results it was possible to draw three main zones: Protection and Sustainable Use Zone (PSUZ), Protection and Environmental Restoration Zone (PERZ) and Environmental Control Zone, which are divided into A, B and C. The PSUZ refer to the coastal areas of the basin, where the sand dunes are located. These sites should be areas of environmental protection and of sustainable urban expansion. The ZPRA refer to river channels, which are in high need of rehabilitation. The third zone corresponds to the rest of the basin which should have, in general, the mapping of possible sources of contamination for further control on the use and occupation of the river
Fungos gasteroides (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) de trs reas de semirido no Estado do Cear, Brasil
Gasteroid fungi include several distinct lineages of basidiomycetes that were grouped by presenting some striking features in common like angiocarpic development and passive release of basidiospores. For a long period these fungi were accomodate in Gasteromycetes class. However, biochemistry and molecular studies showed the polyphyly of this group and curriently this class lies devoid of taxonomic value. These organisms influence the ecology of the various biomes, however, are poorly studied and knowledge of their diversity in neotropical ecosystems remains insufficient, despite studies that have been developed in recent years. The Brazilian semiarid region has many areas with an unexplored mycobiota. Cear State has many areas of extreme biological importance and for this study three protected areas were chosen: rea de Proteção Ambiental da Serra da Ibiapaba, Parque Nacional de Ubajara and rea de Proteção Ambiental de Baturit. Therefore, the aim of this study was to inventory gasteroid fungi ocorring in these three areas in the semiarid region of Cear. The expeditions, herborization and analysis of specimes were based in traditional methodology used to identify gasteroid fungi. Were identified 16 species belong to 5 families: Agaricaceae, Clathraceae, Geastraceae, Nidulariceae and Phallaceae. Morganella nuda Alfredo & Baseia is recorded for the second time in the world, Blumenavia angolensis (Welw. & Curr) Dring and Mutinus elegans (Mont.) E. Fisch. corresponds to a first record in the Brazilian Northeastern. Except for Abrachium floriforme (Baseia & Calonge) Baseia & T.S. Cabral and Geastrum lloydianum Rick, all remaining species are new records for Cear, increasing the list of gasteroid fungi in the region of 3 for 17 species. Identified species were deposited in the collection of the Herbarium of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Although these areas have proved conducive to the study of gasteroid fungi, more efforts are still needed to increase knowledge of these fungi in the region
Incluye Bibliografa
Ps-graduao em Direito - FCHS
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Cincias Biolgicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCLAS
As fibras naturais vem se destacando no cultivo de orqudeas, entre elas a fibra do coco a mais promissora. Entretanto, existem outros resduos orgnicos naturais que podem usados no cultivo. Foi realizado um estudo na rea de Proteção Ambiental Ilha do Combu, localizada no municpio de Belm, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de substratos orgnicos no cultivo de orqudeas. As orqudeas selecionadas foram Brassia chloroleuca Barb.Rodr. e Sobralia macrophylla Rchb f. ambas nativas da APA. Entre os substratos testados, incluiu-se produto do aproveitamento do aa, a palmeira mais freqente na ilha. As orqudeas foram submetidas a quatro substratos considerados como tratamentos (T1 - fibra do caule do aaizeiro; T2 - fibra do coco; T3 - sementes do aaizeiro e T4 - serragem). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 4 tratamentos e 4 repeties (10 indivduos/repetio). Os parmetros avaliados foram: o dimetro, o comprimento, o nmero de brotaes, nmero de folhas e Taxa de Sobrevivncia para pseudobulbos de Brassia chloroleuca e para rebrotaes de Sobralia macrophylla. Os dados foram inseridos em planilhas do Programa Bioestat 5.0. e submetidos anlise de varincia e as mdias comparadas pelo teste Tuckey a 5% para avaliar o grau de significncia dos efeitos dos tratamentos. Os resultados mostraram que a fibra do caule do aa promoveu o melhor desenvolvimento das estruturas vegetativas seguida da serragem em pseudobulbos de B. chloroleuca e para S. macrophylla a fibra do caule e a semente do aa promoveram o maior desenvolvimento vegetativo. Conclui-se que a fibra do caule do aaizeiro pode ser utilizada no cultivo das espcies com aproveitamento sustentvel e ecolgico aps o corte do palmito do aaizeiro.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
O trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrncia de fungos conidiais (hyphomycetes) associados decomposio de material vegetal morto de Euterpe oleracea Mart. (aaizeiro) na rea de Proteção Ambiental da ilha do Combu, municpio de Belm, Par. Entre agosto de 2008 e abril de 2009, foram coletadas partes em decomposio de palmeiras de E. oleracea e mantidas em cmara-mida durante sete dias. As estruturas reprodutivas dos fungos foram retiradas e montadas em lminas semipermanentes para o estudo morfolgico em microscopia ptica. O presente trabalho contm descries, comentrios, distribuio geogrfica e ilustraes dos novos registros para o Brasil. Como resultados deste estudo foram identificados 45 txons de hifomicetos. Todos so novos registros para a rea de estudo, destes 11 representam novos registro para o Brasil e 12 para a Amaznia brasileira.
A degradao ambiental um problema global, afetando as sociedades de modo profundo. As geraes presentes e futuras percebem que as mudanas imprimidas no meio ambiente produziram perda de qualidade de vida, ao ponto de ser revisto o modo de produo de bens e principalmente o modo como a sociedade se relaciona com o meio ambiente. O crescimento urbano uma tendncia igualmente global, entretanto, a qualidade de vida dos centros urbanos no acompanha seu crescimento, gerando uma srie de problemas ambientais que devem ser enfrentados pelo Poder Pblico e pela sociedade como um todo. Os tributos ambientais vm sendo adotados como instrumentos de interveno na economia, com objetivo de produzir comportamentos ambientalmente favorveis, seja por meio de incentivos, seja por meio de encargos sobre fatos que prejudicam o meio ambiente. Os Municpios, no Brasil, pela importncia histrica que possuem e pela competncia tributria definida constitucionalmente, tem sua disposio o Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano, um tributo que pode ser utilizado como ferramenta de proteção ambiental. A Constituio Federal de 1988 prev a utilizao deste imposto como meio de proteção ambiental nos centros urbanos, sendo que ainda permite aos municpios a criao de impostos prediais que atendam s realidades locais, transformando esta exao em interessante ferramenta de proteção do meio ambiente.
O artigo trata do papel da mobilidade espacial de famlias camponesas entre assentamentos da chamada reforma agrria no desenvolvimento local da regio Transamaznica, Estado do Par. A anlise das prticas e narrativas de sujeitos locais no contexto de polticas pblicas fundirias e ambientais evidencia que essa execuo vigente no se coaduna com os processos de territorializao concebidos pelos chamados beneficirios de reforma agrria.