898 resultados para Promoting healthy living


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Este artigo analisa criticamente como é abordada a dimensão psicossocial na promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis. Realizou-se busca no Lilacs e no modo multipurpose do Medline, de 2000 a 2011, utilizando os termos intervenção, promoção da saúde, psicossocial e todos aqueles correlatos à nutrição. Observou-se que nesta última década as abordagens sociocognitivas e modelos de crença racional ainda predominam nesse campo, prevalecendo trabalhos de intervenção focados no indivíduo e pouco críticos ao contexto social mais amplo que produz práticas alimentares. Conclui-se que para a promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis no contexto de assistência integral, o debate sobre o que chamamos de psicossocial deve ser ampliado para incorporar as contribuições recentes das abordagens em saúde com base nos direitos humanos, atentas à multidimensionalidade do processo saúde-doença-cuidado.


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Thin, human-like sculptures by the artist Alberto Giacometti, applied as environmental cues, have been found to facilitate dieting by reducing chocolate intake and promoting healthy snack choices. However, the processes underlying this “Giacometti effect” have been left unexplored so far. The present study therefore first examines the effortlessness of the effect. More specifically, it aims to determine whether the sculptures reduce unhealthy food intake when only few cognitive resources for their influence are available. For this purpose, the participants in a chip tasting were given the cognitive load task of memorizing either 10 or two digits during the tasting. The results indicate that the sculptures reduced participants’ chip intake independent of the cognitive load. Thus, they influenced participants’ eating behavior even when only few cognitive resources were available. The results also indicate that the sculptures reduced chip intake only when the participants liked the chips. The sculptures could thus exert their influence when individuals were motivated to eat and the dieting cues were useful. The finding that the Giacometti sculptures, applied as environmental dieting or health cues, influenced individuals when only few cognitive resources were available, could indicate a crucial advantage for the application of these cues in complex, real-world settings.


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For decades, American towns and cities have expanded from their established cores into the surrounding rural areas. U.S. population has grown but the land that we use has grown at an even faster pace, and our country has now become a largely suburban nation. Americans moved and continue to move out to the suburbs in search of better lives – for clean and healthy living, for larger homes, and for better resources. In many ways and for many Americans, the suburban lifestyle has been a great success. However, there are some unintended public health consequences of urban sprawl that must be recognized. As most Americans no longer walk or bicycle, increasingly sedentary lifestyles now contribute to greater levels of obesity, diabetes and other associated chronic diseases. This thesis reviewed the impacts of urban sprawl on the public's health specifically, as sprawl relates to decreased physical activity rates and increased obesity rates. The health effects and their connection with sprawl were identified, and available evidence was reviewed. Finally, this thesis described legal and policy solutions for addressing the health effect through improving the design of our built environment and by recommending that governments adopt and implement Smart Growth statutes that incorporate a public health component and require public health involvement. ^


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Background. Similar to parent support in the home environment, teacher support at school may positively influence children's fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption. This study assessed the relationship between teacher support for FV consumption and the FV intake of 4th and 5th grade students in low-income elementary schools in central Texas. Methods. A secondary analysis was performed on baseline data collected from 496 parent-child dyads during the Marathon Kids study carried out by the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at the University of Texas School of Public Health. A hierarchical linear regression analysis adjusting for key demographic variables, parent support, and home FV availability was conducted. In addition, separate linear regression models stratified by quartiles of home FV availability were conducted to assess the relationship between teacher support and FV intake by level of home FV availability. Results. Teacher support was not significantly related to students' FV intake (p = .44). However, the interaction of teacher support and home FV availability was positively associated with students' FV consumption (p < .05). For students in the lowest quartile of home FV availability, teacher support accounted for approximately 6% of the FV intake variance (p = .02). For higher levels of FV availability, teacher support and FV intake were not related. Conclusions. For lower income elementary school-aged children with low FV availability at home, greater teacher support may lead to modest increases in FV consumption.^


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This text is part of a broader study addressing the development of discourses on healthy living in modernity. Based on Zygmunt Bauman's sociology, we aim at interpreting how concerns about health and body care are widespread in contemporary society. The central argument in this paper is that there is, in these demands, an intersection of scientific pretensions and a crusade in the name of a "correct" lifestyle


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This text is part of a broader study addressing the development of discourses on healthy living in modernity. Based on Zygmunt Bauman's sociology, we aim at interpreting how concerns about health and body care are widespread in contemporary society. The central argument in this paper is that there is, in these demands, an intersection of scientific pretensions and a crusade in the name of a "correct" lifestyle


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This text is part of a broader study addressing the development of discourses on healthy living in modernity. Based on Zygmunt Bauman's sociology, we aim at interpreting how concerns about health and body care are widespread in contemporary society. The central argument in this paper is that there is, in these demands, an intersection of scientific pretensions and a crusade in the name of a "correct" lifestyle


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En el presente trabajo se ha analizado la situación actual de los hábitos de alimentación en los snack de media mañana en la población ESO y Bachillerato y los motivos de esta situación. También se ha estudiado la labor de los centros educativos y de los profesores respecto a la educación alimenticia de los estudiantes. Se ha realizado un estudio en dos centros escolares de la Comunidad de Madrid a los alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato, el Colegio Castilla de Torrejón de la Calzada y el IES Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, de las tendencias nutricionales durante los recreos. Se han obtenido hábitos y conductas alimenticias inadecuadas, por lo que se han propuesto varias aplicaciones educativas para emplear dentro del aula. Los centros educativos necesitan fomentar políticas acerca de educación nutricional que forme a los adolescentes en futuros adultos con hábitos de vida saludables. ABSTRACT The study analyzes the current situation of the eating habits in the mid-morning snack in adolescents at school population and the reasons for this situation. Regarding the type that eating students have, the work of schools regarding nutritional education is also studied. The study was conducted in two schools in the Comunidad de Madrid for ESO and Bachillerato students, (Colegio Castilla from Torrejón de la Calzada and IES Manuel Elkin Patarroyo from Parla), about nutritional trends during playground. The results showed inadequate eating habits and behaviors so it has proposed various educational proposals for use in the classroom. The schools need to promote policies on nutrition education that teach teenagers in future adults with healthy living habits


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Determinados comportamientos pueden ser factores protectores y promotores de salud, o actuar como variables de riesgo de mortalidad prematura, de morbilidad y de discapacidad funcional. Frente a las enfermedades ligadas a la cronología, el comportamiento pasaría a constituir una variable crucial de las enfermedades de biografía. En este artículo se presenta una sucinta revisión de trabajos epidemiológicos que han analizado la relación comportamiento y salud en gerontología. Se presenta también una breve síntesis en relación al estado actual de algunos comportamientos de elección personal implicados en la salud del anciano o de interés para un envejecimiento satisfactorio: fumar, alcohol, ejercicio físico, comportamiento alimentario, hábitos de sueño, y sexo seguro. Finalmente, se sugieren algunas implicaciones prácticas de la revisión, destacando la necesidad de incorporar a las personas de edad en los programas de promoción de comportamientos de salud y de prevención de enfermedad, y de valorar la evidencia científica disponible ala hora de aconsejar cambios en determinados comportamientos de riesgo, sobre todo en aquellos ancianos sin problemas de salud para los que ciertos comportamientos se asocian a un hedonismo ponderado y a disfrute de la vida.


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Contexte : La petite enfance constitue une période importante dans l’acquisition de saines habitudes alimentaires. Par leurs connaissances, attitudes, croyances, pratiques et perceptions en alimentation et nutrition, plusieurs intervenants influencent les jeunes enfants : parents, responsables de l’alimentation et éducatrices en services de garde. Objectifs : Cette étude décrit et analyse les perceptions du « bien manger » de 113 responsables de l’alimentation, de 302 éducatrices et de 709 parents d’enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans en services de garde au Québec. Méthodologie : Ce mémoire porte sur une question ouverte, répétée dans trois questionnaires autoadministrés de la recherche Offres et pratiques alimentaires revues dans les services de garde au Québec. Les réponses ont été recueillies de 2009 à 2010 et analysées au moyen d’une grille de codification construite de manières déductive et inductive. Résultats : L’analyse des données recueillies montre la récurrence des thèmes de la variété, l’équilibre, la modération, des légumes et fruits, mais aussi l’émergence du plaisir, de la santé, du GAC, des qualités organoleptiques, des pratiques coercitives et de la commensalité. Cette recherche dévoile que la variété, la santé et l’équilibre sont communs aux trois catégories d’intervenants, alors que le GAC, le plaisir, la saine alimentation et les qualités organoleptiques figurent plutôt dans les perceptions d’intervenants spécifiques. Conclusion : Ce portrait illustre la compréhension du « bien manger » qu’ont des intervenants jouant un rôle important dans le développement d’enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans. En outre, il permet d’éclairer les acteurs développant messages, interventions et politiques de santé publique faisant la promotion de la saine alimentation et favorisant la mise en place d’environnements appuyant l’adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires dans les services de garde du Québec ainsi que dans les ménages.


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A doença cardiovascular constitui a causa de morte mais relevante em toda a Europa, incluindo Portugal, e é atualmente considerada como uma junção de doença arterial coronária nas suas diversas apresentações clínicas, eventos cerebrovasculares, doença arterial periférica e insuficiência cardíaca. De modo a contribuir para o estudo da importância de uma intervenção baseada numa estratégia populacional integrada na promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, a principal finalidade deste estudo consistiu em definir o perfil de risco cardiovascular tendo por base os dados de prevalência de alguns fatores de risco, numa amostra de adultos (792 de ambos os sexos), em várias regiões de Portugal Continental. Para tal foram: caraterizados os hábitos alimentares, o contexto sociodemográfico dos adultos; analisadas as correlações entre o peso, perímetro da cintura, índice de massa corporal e a pressão arterial para ambos os sexos. Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência do excesso de peso, de obesidade e das respetivas caraterísticas, como o aumento do perímetro abdominal, e do IMC, sugerindo um contínuo de risco de doença cardiovascular. Verificou-se também uma elevada prevalência de hipertensão nos sujeitos com excesso de peso, sugerindo a existência de um risco cardiovascular acrescido. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sustentam a necessidade de serem desenvolvidos planos de intervenção que contribuam para a redução do risco cardiovascular nos adultos. Palavras-chave: Estilos de vida; Hipertensão arterial; Índice de Massa Corporal; Obesidade; Risco Cardiovascular.


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Las reflexiones metodológicas sobre grupos focalizados (GF) de este artículo tienen como punto de partida una investigación con sectores medios del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. El estudio de referencia aborda los discursos y prácticas de cuidado de la salud en el escenario contemporáneo caracterizado por la diversificación de especialistas, la creciente cobertura mediática de recomendaciones sobre la vida sana y el bienestar, la implementación de políticas públicas de promoción de la salud, y el crecimiento de la industria de productos y servicios vinculados con la temática. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar, a partir de nuestra experiencia de investigación, sobre dos aspectos que han recibido especial atención en la literatura metodológica más reciente: los criterios para componer los grupos y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las conversaciones grupales, y las estrategias para dar cuenta de la interacción grupal en el análisis de los datos. En este último eje exploramos el potencial de los GF para observar el trabajo identitario vinculado con el cuidado de la salud. Enmarcamos nuestro estudio y las decisiones metodológicas tomadas en los debates actuales sobre la variedad de usos de los GF.


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Background The tobacco industry has long sought affiliation with major sporting events, including the Olympic Games, for marketing, advertising and promotion purposes. Since 1988, each Olympic Games has adopted a tobacco-free policy. Limited study of the effectiveness of the smoke-free policy has been undertaken to date, with none examining the tobacco industry's involvement with the Olympics or use of the Olympic brand. Methods and Findings A comparison of the contents of Olympic tobacco-free policies from 1988 to 2014 was carried out by searching the websites of the IOC and host NOCs. The specific tobacco control measures adopted for each Games were compiled and compared with measures recommended by the WHO Tobacco Free Sports Initiative and Article 13 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). This was supported by semi-structured interviews of key informants involved with the adoption of tobacco-free policies for selected games. To understand the industry's interests in the Olympics, the Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu) was systematically searched between June 2013 and August 2014. Company websites, secondary sources and media reports were also searched to triangulate the above data sources. This paper finds that, while most direct associations between tobacco and the Olympics have been prohibited since 1988, a variety of indirect associations undermine the Olympic tobacco-free policy. This is due to variation in the scope of tobacco-free policies, limited jurisdiction and continued efforts by the industry to be associated with Olympic ideals. Conclusions The paper concludes that, compatible with the IOC's commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles, a comprehensive tobacco-free policy with standardized and binding measures should be adopted by the International Olympic Committee and all national Olympic committees.


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This thesis explores the role of public space as an integral part of residential design to promote a sense of community, where neighbors can congregate and children can play in safety. ^ Through research and analysis of successful public spaces, I evaluated relationships between dwellings and public spaces that offer progressive levels of privacy, and between indoor and outdoor spaces. Further research of published studies on child development, human behavior and relationships with nature identified a human preference for natural environments, a need for adequate recreation space for children's development and the potential of open spaces to build a strong sense of community. ^ My project develops multiple transitional spaces between the street and the interior of dwellings that provide varying degrees of privacy closely related to the community's green spaces. The result is a community-oriented pedestrian environment that encourages family and community values and contributes to the healthy living of its residents without depriving them of their privacy. ^


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This study examined origins of possible selves and the role of Epiphanies. Specifically, of interest was whether there are demographic or self-regulatory differences in possible selves derived from different origins. The sample consisted of 411 participants, with age ranging from 17–95. The data was taken from two previous research studies on possible selves. The first research question examined the origins of possible selves. Results indicate that possible selves are derived from Epiphany experiences along with internal and external influences, such as another person, or a particular event. The second research question determined whether there were any demographic, ethnic, or cultural differences in the origins of possible selves. Results showed age, cohort, and socioeconomic status had effects. The final research question addressed whether there were differences in the domains of possible selves derived from various origins. Results indicated differences in domains however there were no clear patterns. The first hypothesis was that possible selves derived from an Epiphany would be considered more important than those derived from other origins. This hypothesis was not supported. The second hypothesis was that hoped-for possible selves were more likely to be derived from an Epiphany experience than feared selves. This hypothesis was supported. The second hypothesis also stated that possible selves derived from an Epiphany were more likely to be balanced than selves derived from other origins and this was supported for feared selves only. Finally, the third hypothesis stated that there would be self-regulatory differences between selves derived from Epiphanies compared to other origins but this was not supported. Taken together these findings show that the origins of possible selves are important and especially those derived from epiphany. The role of an Epiphany on the formation and implementation of possible selves paves the way for important prevention programs aimed at promoting healthy development and promoting an individual’s well being.