933 resultados para Project 2002-043-B : Smart Building For Healthy and Sustainable Workplaces – Scoping Study


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<p>High spectral resolution (~80 000) and signal-to-noise observations from the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph Paranal Observatory Project (UVES-POP) are used to study the interstellarmolecular lines CN (3874 ), CH<sup>+</sup> (3957, 4232 ) and CH (3886, 4300 ) towards 74 O- and B-type stellar sightlines. Additionally, archive data are presented for 140 ELODIE early-type stellar sightlines at R = 42 000, plus 25 FEROS at R = 48 000 and 3 UVES at R &gt; 50 000, mainly in the CH<sup>+</sup> (4232 ) and CH (3886, 4300 ) transitions. Detection rates are ~45 per cent for CN and ~67 per cent for the other lines in the POP sample, and ~10-15 per cent for CH<sup>+</sup> and CH lines in the additional sample. CH and CH<sup>+</sup> are well correlated between log[N(CH) cm<sup>-2</sup>]~12-14, implying that these clouds are CH<sup>+</sup>-like CH and not CN-like CH. CH is also very well correlated with Na I D in the range log[N(Na I cm<sup>-2</sup>]) ~12.2-14.2. A few sightlines show tentative velocity shifts of ~2 km s<sup>-1</sup> between CH and CH<sup>+</sup>, which appear to be caused by differences in component strength in blends, and hence do not provide firm evidence for shocks. Finally, we describe a search for <sup>13</sup>CH<sup>+</sup> in a sightline towards HD 76341. No <sup>13</sup>CH<sup>+</sup> is detected, placing a limit on the <sup>13</sup>CH<sup>+</sup> to <sup>12</sup>CH<sup>+</sup> ratio of ~0.01. If a formal fit is attempted, the equivalent width ratio in the two isotopes is a factor ~90 but with large errors.</p>


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Chapter in Merrill, Barbara (ed.) (2009) Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publishers. URL: http://www.peterlang.com/ index.cfm?vID=58279&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=2&vUUR=1


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Cette thse traite de la rsistance du VIH-1 aux antirtroviraux, en particulier de l'activit antivirale de plusieurs inhibiteurs non nuclosidiques de la transcriptase inverse (INNTI) ainsi que des inhibiteurs de protase (IP). Nous avons explor lmergence et la spcificit des voies de mutations qui confrent la rsistance contre plusieurs nouveaux INNTI (travirine (ETR) et rilpivirine (RPV)) (chapitres 2 et 3). En outre, le profil de rsistance et le potentiel antirtroviral d'un nouvel IP, PL-100, est prsent dans les chapitres 4 et 5. Pour le premier projet, nous avons utilis des sous-types B et non-B du VIH-1 pour slectionner des virus rsistants ETR, et ainsi montr que ETR favorise lmergence des mutations V90I, K101Q, E138K, V179D/E/F, Y181C, V189I, G190E, H221H/Y et M230L, et ce, en 18 semaines. Fait intressant, E138K a t la premire mutation merger dans la plupart des cas. Les clones viraux contenant E138K ont montr un faible niveau de rsistance phnotypique ETR (3,8 fois) et une diminution modeste de la capacit de rplication (2 fois) par rapport au virus de type sauvage. Nous avons galement examin les profils de rsistance ETR et RPV dans les virus contenant des mutations de rsistance aux INNTI au dbut de la slection. Dans le cas du virus de type sauvage et du virus contenant la mutation unique K103N, les premires mutations apparatre en prsence dETR ou de RPV ont t E138K ou E138G suivies dautres mutations de rsistance aux INNTI. linverse, dans les mmes conditions, le virus avec la mutation Y181C a volu pour produire les mutations V179I/F ou A62V/A, mais pas E138K/G. L'ajout de mutations la position 138 en prsence de Y181C n'augmente pas les niveaux de rsistance ETR ou RPV. Nous avons galement observ que la combinaison de Y181C et E138K peut conduire un virus moins adapt par rapport au virus contenant uniquement Y181C. Sur la base de ces rsultats, nous suggrons que les mutations Y181C et E138K peuvent tre antagonistes. Lanalyse de la rsistance au PL-100 des virus de sous-type C et CRF01_AE dans les cellules en culture est dcrite dans le chapitre 4. Le PL-100 slectionne pour des mutations de rsistance utilisant deux voies distinctes, l'une avec les mutations V82A et L90M et l'autre avec T80I, suivi de laddition des mutations M46I/L, I54M, K55R, L76F, P81S et I85V. Une accumulation d'au moins trois mutations dans le rabat protique et dans le site actif est requise dans chaque cas pour quun haut niveau de rsistance soit atteint, ce qui dmontre que le PL-100 dispose d'une barrire gntique leve contre le dveloppement de la rsistance. Dans le chapitre 5, nous avons valu le potentiel du PL-100 en tant quinhibiteur de protase de deuxime gnration. Les virus rsistants au PL-100 mergent en 8-48 semaines alors quaucune mutation napparat avec le darunavir (DRV) sur une priode de 40 semaines. La modlisation molculaire montre que la haute barrire gntique du DRV est due de multiples interactions avec la protase dont des liaison hydrognes entre les groupes di-ttrahydrofuranne (THF) et les atomes d'oxygne des acides amins A28, D29 et D30, tandis que la liaison de PL-100 est principalement base sur des interactions polaires et hydrophobes dlocalises travers ses groupes diphnyle. Nos donnes suggrent que les contacts de liaison hydrogne et le groupe di-THF dans le DRV, ainsi que le caractre hydrophobe du PL-100, contribuent la liaison la protase ainsi qu la haute barrire gntique contre la rsistance et que la refonte de la structure de PL-100 pour inclure un groupe di-THF pourrait amliorer lactivit antivirale et le profil de rsistance.


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The Palma Project is an experiment in the use of cultural identity as a social trigger to address ecological degradation. The research methodology draws from environmental, social and urban analyses to unveil the best strategy to address the ecological, river restoration and water treatment challenges in Berkeley, Californias Sister City in southeast Cuba, Palma Soriano. The objective is to provide a better quality of life and to create new opportunities for the local community to reconnect with natural cycles of water and the cultivation of their own land. The project aim is to promote the strength and capacity of local communities to protect their own environment based upon a master plan, which includes natural wastewater treatment, reforestation, urban agriculture and the facilitation and utilization of a public space bordering the major river which flows by Palma Soriano, the Cauto. This project will contribute and produce healthy water recycling for Palma, provide a potable water source for the city, encourage ecological restoration of the riparian zone of the Cauto, and provide new opportunities for food production. It is designed to preserve the cultural identity of the local community, and to restore the essential balance between the communitys need to sustain both itself and the natural environment.


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The People's Republic of China and its 1.3 billion people have experienced a rapid economic growth in the past two decades. China's urbanisation ratio rose from around 20% in the early 1980s to 45% in 2007 [China Urban Research Committee. Green building. Beijing: Chinese Construction Industrial Publish House; 2008. ISBN 978-7-112-09925-2.]. The large volume and rapid speed of building construction rarely have been seen in global development and cause substantial pressure on resources and the environment. Government policy makers and building professionals, including architects, building engineers, project managers and property developers, should play an important role in enhancing the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the building energy efficiency process in forming the sustainable urban development. This paper addresses the emerging issues relating to building energy consumption and building energy efficiency due to the fast urbanisation development in China.


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Rapid urbanisation in China has resulted in great demands for energy, resources and pressure on the environment. The progress in China's development is considered in the context of energy efficiency in the built environment, including policy, technology and implementation. The key research challenges and opportunities are identified for delivering a low carbon built environment. The barriers include the existing traditional sequential design process, the lack of integrated approaches, and insufficient socio-technical knowledge. A proposed conceptual systemic model of an integrated approach identifies research opportunities. The organisation of research activities should be initiated, operated, and managed in a collaborative way among policy makers, professionals, researchers and stakeholders. More emphasis is needed on integrating social, economic and environmental impacts in the short, medium and long terms. An ideal opportunity exists for China to develop its own expertise, not merely in a technical sense but in terms of vision and intellectual leadership in order to flourish in global collaborations.


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This paper reports on the construction of a full-scale Bronze Age-type sewn-plank boat based on the Ferriby boats. The boat, which was named Morgawr, was constructed in the National Maritime Museum Cornwall in Falmouth, England, during 2012 and the first months of 2013, as part of a larger exhibition in the museum. This paper provides the background and context of the project, describes the process of building the craft, and reflects in particular on differences between Morgawr and the hypothetical reconstruction of a complete sewn-plank boat published in 1990 by Ted Wright and John Coates which formed the basis for this project.


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Recent studies have shown that the optical properties of building exterior surfaces are important in terms of energy use and thermal comfort. While the majority of the studies are related to exterior surfaces, the radiation properties of interior surfaces are less thoroughly investigated. Development in the coil-coating industries has now made it possible to allocate different optical properties for both exterior and interior surfaces of steel-clad buildings. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of surface radiation properties with the focus on the thermal emittance of the interior surfaces, the modeling approaches and their consequences in the context of the building energy performance and indoor thermal environment. The study consists of both numerical and experimental investigations. The experimental investigations include parallel field measurements on three similar test cabins with different interior and exterior surface radiation properties in Borlnge, Sweden, and two ice rink arenas with normal and low emissive ceiling in Lule, Sweden. The numerical methods include comparative simulations by the use of dynamic heat flux models, Building Energy Simulation (BES), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and a coupled model for BES and CFD. Several parametric studies and thermal performance analyses were carried out in combination with the different numerical methods. The parallel field measurements on the test cabins include the air, surface and radiation temperatures and energy use during passive and active (heating and cooling) measurements. Both measurement and comparative simulation results indicate an improvement in the indoor thermal environment when the interior surfaces have low emittance. In the ice rink arenas, surface and radiation temperature measurements indicate a considerable reduction in the ceiling-to-ice radiation by the use of low emittance surfaces, in agreement with a ceiling-toice radiation model using schematic dynamic heat flux calculations. The measurements in the test cabins indicate that the use of low emittance surfaces can increase the vertical indoor air temperature gradients depending on the time of day and outdoor conditions. This is in agreement with the transient CFD simulations having the boundary condition assigned on the exterior surfaces. The sensitivity analyses have been performed under different outdoor conditions and surface thermal radiation properties. The spatially resolved simulations indicate an increase in the air and surface temperature gradients by the use of low emittance coatings. This can allow for lower air temperature at the occupied zone during the summer. The combined effect of interior and exterior reflective coatings in terms of energy use has been investigated by the use of building energy simulation for different climates and internal heat loads. The results indicate possible energy savings by the smart choice of optical properties on interior and exterior surfaces of the building. Overall, it is concluded that the interior reflective coatings can contribute to building energy savings and improvement of the indoor thermal environment. This can be numerically investigated by the choice of appropriate models with respect to the level of detail and computational load. This thesis includes comparative simulations at different levels of detail.


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Post-war cities epitomise both a disjuncture and resonance between the end of the nation-state, on the one hand, and a preoccupation with reinventing the city through building, on the other. Programs of 'reconstruction' and 'remaking a city' are preceded by destruction: a destructive force has altered the face of the city, buildings have been destroyed and damaged, their ordered and ordering materiality is eroded, and the city is no longer an image of an idealized symbol of unity and identity. Belying the mythical power of architecture as a material and symbolic force, is also its fragility. Architecture can be monumentally erected and can have a presence and persistence that inspires awe and wonder, but it can also, just as easily be de-erected, demolished, destroyed. It can be de-constructed in a way that the literal sense of the term signals its symbolic frailty. Perceiving the symbolic as intrinsically tied to the physical articulation and presence of the architectural edifice, both reveals and conceals that the symbolic is also tied to fantasy, memory and fiction. Drawings that precede construction are projections of an idealized image of something that does not yet exist, and photographs that remain after a building is demolished are representations of a past realist that is now fictional.<br />