876 resultados para Progressive collapse


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A discussion of a technical note with the aforementioned title by Day and Marsh, published in this journal (Volume 121, Number 7, July 1995), is presented. Discussers Robinson and Allam assert that the authors' application of the pore-pressure parameter A to predict and quantify swell or collapse of compacted soils is hard to use because the authors visualize the collapse-swell phenomenon to occur in compacted soils broadly classified as sands and clays. The literature demonstrates that mineralogy has an important role in the volume change behavior of fine-grained soils. Robinson and Allam state that the A-value measurements may not completely predict the type of volume change anticipated in compacted soils on soaking without soil clay mineralogy details. Discussion is followed by closure from the authors.


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We show analytically that in dilute solutions of high molecular weight polymers, a collapse transition of the chain can be induced by proximity to the critical point of the solvent. The transition is driven by the fluctuations in the medium, which lead to an effective attractive interaction of long range between different parts of the polymer. At the critical point itself, however, the chain adopts the same average conformations that characterize its size in the off-critical limit. In other words, on approach to the critical point, the polymer is found first to contract and collapse, and then subsequently to return to its original dimensions. This behavior has recently been observed in simulations of polymer-solvent mixtures near the lower critical solution temperature of the system, and it is also known to be characteristic of solutions of polymers in bicomponent solvent mixtures near the critical consolute point of the two solvents. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)50431-5].


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Residually derived red soils occur in Bangalore District of Karnataka State, India. The porous and unsaturated nature of the red soils makes them susceptible to collapse on wetting under load. The present study analyses the collapse behaviour of an unsaturated bonded (undisturbed) red soil from Bangalore referenced to tests on samples in an unbonded (remoulded) state. A filter paper method was used to determine the matric suction of the bonded and unbonded specimens, and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) was used to determine their soil structure. Analysis of the experimental results shows that bonding plays an important role in the collapse behaviour of the unsaturated residual soil. The results of the study also provide insight into the volume change behaviour of unsaturated bonded soils on wetting within and beyond the yield locus.


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This paper examines the role of microstructure and matric suction in the collapse behavior of a compacted clay soil from Bangalore District in Karnataka State, India. The microstructure of the compacted specimens was examined by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), and the ASTM Filter Paper Method was used to determine their matric suction. The microstructure and matric suction of the compacted specimens were changed by varying their compaction water content, dry density, and clay content (< 2 mum fraction). Experimental results showed that relative abundance of coarse (60 to 6 mum) pores was mainly affected by increasing the dry density of the specimens from 1.49 to 1.77 g/cm(3). The relative abundance of coarse and fine (0.01 to 0.002 mum) pores was affected by increasing the compaction water content from 10.6 to 26.4%. Variations in dry density, compaction water content, and clay contents notably affected the matric suction of the compacted specimens. The collapse behavior of the compacted specimens is explained from analysis of the MIP and matric suction results.


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Binary mixtures have strong influence on activities of polymers and biopolymers even at low cosolvent concentration. Among the several aqueous binary mixtures studied, water-DMSO especially stands out for its unusual behavior at certain specific concentrations of DMSO. In the present work, we study the effect of water-DMSO binary mixture on polymers and biopolymers by taking a simple linear hydrocarbon chain of intermediate length (n = 30) and the protein lysozyme, respectively. We find that at a mole fraction of 0.05 of DMSO (x(DMSO) = 0.05) in aqueous solution, the hydrocarbon chain adopts the collapsed conformation as the most stable and rigid state. In this case of 0.05 mole fraction of DMSO in bulk, the DMSO concentration in the first hydration layer around the polymer is found to be as large as 17%. Formation of such hydrophobic environment around the polymer is the reason for the collapsed state gaining so much stability. Interestingly, similar quench of conformational fluctuation is also observed for the protein investigated. It is observed that in the case of alkane polymer chains, long wavelength fluctuation gets easily quenched, the polymer being purely hydrophobic. However, in case of the protein, quench of fluctuation is prominent only at the hydrophobic surface, and quench of long wavelength fluctuation becomes insignificant for the full protein. As protein contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, the extent of quench of conformational fluctuation with respect to that in pure water is almost half for the biopolymer complex (16.83%) than the same for pure hydrophobic polymer chain (32.43%).


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Water-ethanol mixtures exhibit many interesting anomalies, such as negative excess partial molar volume of ethanol, excess sound absorption coefficient at low concentrations, and positive deviation from Raoult's law for vapor pressure, to mention a few. These anomalies have been attributed to different, often contradictory origins, but a quantitative understanding is still lacking. We show by computer simulation and theoretical analyses that these anomalies arise from the sudden emergence of a bicontinuous phase that occurs at a relatively low ethanol concentration of x(eth) approximate to 0.06-0.10 (that amounts to a volume fraction of 0.17-0.26, which is a significant range!). The bicontinuous phase is formed by aggregation of ethanol molecules, resulting in a weak phase transition whose nature is elucidated. We find that the microheterogeneous structure of the mixture gives rise to a pronounced nonmonotonic composition dependence of local compressibility and nonmonotonic dependence in the peak value of the radial distribution function of ethyl groups. A multidimensional free energy surface of pair association is shown to provide a molecular explanation of the known negative excess partial volume of ethanol in terms of parallel orientation and hence better packing of the ethyl groups in the mixture due to hydrophobic interactions. The energy distribution of the ethanol molecules indicates additional energy decay channels that explain the excess sound attenuation coefficient in aqueous alcohol mixtures. We studied the dependence of the solvation of a linear polymer chain on the composition of the water-ethanol solvent. We find that there is a sudden collapse of the polymer at x(eth) approximate to 0.05-a phenomenon which we attribute to the formation of the microheterogeneous structures in the binary mixture at low ethanol concentrations. Together with recent single molecule pulling experiments, these results provide new insight into the behavior of polymer chain and foreign solutes, such as enzymes, in aqueous binary mixtures.


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Comparison of multiple protein structures has a broad range of applications in the analysis of protein structure, function and evolution. Multiple structure alignment tools (MSTAs) are necessary to obtain a simultaneous comparison of a family of related folds. In this study, we have developed a method for multiple structure comparison largely based on sequence alignment techniques. A widely used Structural Alphabet named Protein Blocks (PBs) was used to transform the information on 3D protein backbone conformation as a ID sequence string. A progressive alignment strategy similar to CLUSTALW was adopted for multiple PB sequence alignment (mulPBA). Highly similar stretches identified by the pairwise alignments are given higher weights during the alignment. The residue equivalences from PB based alignments are used to obtain a three dimensional fit of the structures followed by an iterative refinement of the structural superposition. Systematic comparisons using benchmark datasets of MSTAs underlines that the alignment quality is better than MULTIPROT, MUSTANG and the alignments in HOMSTRAD, in more than 85% of the cases. Comparison with other rigid-body and flexible MSTAs also indicate that mulPBA alignments are superior to most of the rigid-body MSTAs and highly comparable to the flexible alignment methods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.


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In this work the collapsing process of a spherically symmetric star, made of dust cloud, in the background of dark energy is studied for two different gravity theories separately, i.e., DGP Brane gravity and Loop Quantum gravity. Two types of dark energy fluids, namely, Modified Chaplygin gas and Generalised Cosmic Chaplygin gas are considered for each model. Graphs are drawn to characterize the nature and the probable outcome of gravitational collapse. A comparative study is done between the collapsing process in the two different gravity theories. It is found that in case of dark matter, there is a great possibility of collapse and consequent formation of Black hole. In case of dark energy possibility of collapse is far lesser compared to the other cases, due to the large negative pressure of dark energy component. There is an increase in mass of the cloud in case of dark matter collapse due to matter accumulation. The mass decreases considerably in case of dark energy due to dark energy accretion on the cloud. In case of collapse with a combination of dark energy and dark matter, it is found that in the absence of interaction there is a far better possibility of formation of black hole in DGP brane model compared to Loop quantum cosmology model.


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We study the collapse of a fuzzy sphere, that is a spherical membrane built out of D0-branes, in the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind model. At weak coupling, as the sphere shrinks, open strings are produced. If the initial radius is large then open string production is not important and the sphere behaves classically. At intermediate initial radius the backreaction from open string production is important but the fuzzy sphere retains its identity. At small initial radius the sphere collapses to form a black hole. The crossover between the later two regimes is smooth and occurs at the correspondence point of Horowitz and Polchinski.


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Solid-solid collapse transition in open framework structures is ubiquitous in nature. The real difficulty in understanding detailed microscopic aspects of such transitions in molecular systems arises from the interplay between different energy and length scales involved in molecular systems, often mediated through a solvent. In this work we employ Monte-Carlo simulation to study the collapse transition in a model molecular system interacting via both isotropic as well as anisotropic interactions having different length and energy scales. The model we use is known as Mercedes-Benz (MB), which, for a specific set of parameters, sustains two solid phases: honeycomb and oblique. In order to study the temperature induced collapse transition, we start with a metastable honeycomb solid and induce transition by increasing temperature. High density oblique solid so formed has two characteristic length scales corresponding to isotropic and anisotropic parts of interaction potential. Contrary to the common belief and classical nucleation theory, interestingly, we find linear strip-like nucleating clusters having significantly different order and average coordination number than the bulk stable phase. In the early stage of growth, the cluster grows as a linear strip, followed by branched and ring-like strips. The geometry of growing cluster is a consequence of the delicate balance between two types of interactions, which enables the dominance of stabilizing energy over destabilizing surface energy. The nucleus of stable oblique phase is wetted by intermediate order particles, which minimizes the surface free energy. In the case of pressure induced transition at low temperature the collapsed state is a disordered solid. The disordered solid phase has diverse local quasi-stable structures along with oblique-solid like domains. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Recently, it has been shown that fusion of the estimates of a set of sparse recovery algorithms result in an estimate better than the best estimate in the set, especially when the number of measurements is very limited. Though these schemes provide better sparse signal recovery performance, the higher computational requirement makes it less attractive for low latency applications. To alleviate this drawback, in this paper, we develop a progressive fusion based scheme for low latency applications in compressed sensing. In progressive fusion, the estimates of the participating algorithms are fused progressively according to the availability of estimates. The availability of estimates depends on computational complexity of the participating algorithms, in turn on their latency requirement. Unlike the other fusion algorithms, the proposed progressive fusion algorithm provides quick interim results and successive refinements during the fusion process, which is highly desirable in low latency applications. We analyse the developed scheme by providing sufficient conditions for improvement of CS reconstruction quality and show the practical efficacy by numerical experiments using synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present experimental results on the generation and collapse of multielectron bubbles in liquid helium. By applying voltage pulses to a tungsten tip above the surface of the liquid, millimetre sized deformations were formed. Using high speed photography, we have imaged the disintegration of these deformations into bubbles of sizes ranging from ten to few hundred microns. At temperatures less than 2 K, the bubbles split into smaller bubbles and then disappeared in a time scale of few milliseconds. Smaller bubbles were formed at temperatures around 3 K, but were visible for more than hundreds of milliseconds. Although we have not been able to measure their charge directly, some of these bubbles responded to electric fields, implying these were indeed multielectron bubbles. With the existing theoretical picture, it is not possible to understand the strong dependence of the lifetime of multielectron bubbles on temperature.


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A fundamental question in protein folding is whether the coil to globule collapse transition occurs during the initial stages of folding (burst phase) or simultaneously with the protein folding transition. Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments disagree on whether Protein L collapse transition occurs during the burst phase of folding. We study Protein L folding using a coarse-grained model and molecular dynamics simulations. The collapse transition in Protein L is found to be concomitant with the folding transition. In the burst phase of folding, we find that FRET experiments overestimate radius of gyration, R-g, of the protein due to the application of Gaussian polymer chain end-to-end distribution to extract R-g from the FRET efficiency. FRET experiments estimate approximate to 6 angstrom decrease in R-g when the actual decrease is approximate to 3 angstrom on guanidinium chloride denaturant dilution from 7.5 to 1 M, thereby suggesting pronounced compaction in the protein dimensions in the burst phase. The approximate to 3 angstrom decrease is close to the statistical uncertainties of the R-g data measured from SAXS experiments, which suggest no compaction, leading to a disagreement with the FRET experiments. The transition-state ensemble (TSE) structures in Protein L folding are globular and extensive in agreement with the Psi-analysis experiments. The results support the hypothesis that the TSE of single domain proteins depends on protein topology and is not stabilized by local interactions alone.