955 resultados para Progettazione verifica riduttore aereonautico


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Studio di un sistema informativo che permetta di tenere traccia del flusso di informazioni relative ad ogni singolo inverter da quando viene assemblato dal terzista fino a quando viene finito di collaudare dentro Elettronica Santerno e dichiarato pronto per la spedizione al cliente finale.


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CHAPTER 1:FLUID-VISCOUS DAMPERS In this chapter the fluid-viscous dampers are introduced. The first section is focused on the technical characteristics of these devices, their mechanical behavior and the latest evolution of the technology whose they are equipped. In the second section we report the definitions and the guide lines about the design of these devices included in some international codes. In the third section the results of some experimental tests carried out by some authors on the response of these devices to external forces are discussed. On this purpose we report some technical schedules that are usually enclosed to the devices now available on the international market. In the third section we show also some analytic models proposed by various authors, which are able to describe efficiently the physical behavior of the fluid-viscous dampers. In the last section we propose some cases of application of these devices on existing structures and on new-construction structures. We show also some cases in which these devices have been revealed good for aims that lies outside the reduction of seismic actions on the structures. CHAPTER 2:DESIGN METHODS PROPOSED IN LITERATURE In this chapter the more widespread design methods proposed in literature for structures equipped by fluid-viscous dampers are introduced. In the first part the response of sdf systems in the case of harmonic external force is studied, in the last part the response in the case of random external force is discussed. In the first section the equations of motion in the case of an elastic-linear sdf system equipped with a non-linear fluid-viscous damper undergoing a harmonic force are introduced. This differential problem is analytically quite complex and it’s not possible to be solved in a closed form. Therefore some authors have proposed approximate solution methods. The more widespread methods are based on equivalence principles between a non-linear device and an equivalent linear one. Operating in this way it is possible to define an equivalent damping ratio and the problem becomes linear; the solution of the equivalent problem is well-known. In the following section two techniques of linearization, proposed by some authors in literature, are described: the first technique is based on the equivalence of the energy dissipated by the two devices and the second one is based on the equivalence of power consumption. After that we compare these two techniques by studying the response of a sdf system undergoing a harmonic force. By introducing the equivalent damping ratio we can write the equation of motion of the non-linear differential problem in an implicit form, by dividing, as usual, for the mass of the system. In this way, we get a reduction of the number of variables, by introducing the natural frequency of the system. The equation of motion written in this form has two important properties: the response is linear dependent on the amplitude of the external force and the response is dependent on the ratio of the frequency of the external harmonic force and the natural frequency of the system only, and not on their single values. All these considerations, in the last section, are extended to the case of a random external force. CHAPTER 3: DESIGN METHOD PROPOSED In this chapter the theoretical basis of the design method proposed are introduced. The need to propose a new design method for structures equipped with fluid-viscous dampers arises from the observation that the methods reported in literature are always iterative, because the response affects some parameters included in the equation of motion (such as the equivalent damping ratio). In the first section the dimensionless parameterε is introduced. This parameter has been obtained from the definition of equivalent damping ratio. The implicit form of the equation of motion is written by introducing the parameter ε, instead of the equivalent damping ratio. This new implicit equation of motions has not any terms affected by the response, so that once ε is known the response can be evaluated directly. In the second section it is discussed how the parameter ε affects some characteristics of the response: drift, velocity and base shear. All the results described till this point have been obtained by keeping the non-linearity of the behavior of the dampers. In order to get a linear formulation of the problem, that is possible to solve by using the well-known methods of the dynamics of structures, as we did before for the iterative methods by introducing the equivalent damping ratio, it is shown how the equivalent damping ratio can be evaluated from knowing the value of ε. Operating in this way, once the parameter ε is known, it is quite easy to estimate the equivalent damping ratio and to proceed with a classic linear analysis. In the last section it is shown how the parameter ε could be taken as reference for the evaluation of the convenience of using non-linear dampers instead of linear ones on the basis of the type of external force and the characteristics of the system. CHAPTER 4: MULTI-DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS In this chapter the design methods of a elastic-linear mdf system equipped with non-linear fluidviscous dampers are introduced. It has already been shown that, in the sdf systems, the response of the structure can be evaluated through the estimation of the equivalent damping ratio (ξsd) assuming the behavior of the structure elastic-linear. We would to mention that some adjusting coefficients, to be applied to the equivalent damping ratio in order to consider the actual behavior of the structure (that is non-linear), have already been proposed in literature; such coefficients are usually expressed in terms of ductility, but their treatment is over the aims of this thesis and we does not go into further. The method usually proposed in literature is based on energy equivalence: even though this procedure has solid theoretical basis, it must necessary include some iterative process, because the expression of the equivalent damping ratio contains a term of the response. This procedure has been introduced primarily by Ramirez, Constantinou et al. in 2000. This procedure is reported in the first section and it is defined “Iterative Method”. Following the guide lines about sdf systems reported in the previous chapters, it is introduced a procedure for the assessment of the parameter ε in the case of mdf systems. Operating in this way the evaluation of the equivalent damping ratio (ξsd) can be done directly without implementing iterative processes. This procedure is defined “Direct Method” and it is reported in the second section. In the third section the two methods are analyzed by studying 4 cases of two moment-resisting steel frames undergoing real accelerogramms: the response of the system calculated by using the two methods is compared with the numerical response obtained from the software called SAP2000-NL, CSI product. In the last section a procedure to create spectra of the equivalent damping ratio, affected by the parameter ε and the natural period of the system for a fixed value of exponent α, starting from the elasticresponse spectra provided by any international code, is introduced.


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L'oggetto della seguente tesi riguarda la valutazione di impatto ambientale del ciclo di vita di un concentratore solare, mediante l'applicazione della metodologia LCA – Life Cycle Assessment. Il lavoro di tesi presenta una breve introduzione su tematiche ambientali e sociali, quali lo Sviluppo sostenibile e le energie rinnovabili, che conducono verso l'importanza della misurazione del così detto impatto ambientale, e soprattutto dell'aspetto fondamentale di una valutazione di questo tipo, vale a dire l'analisi dell'intero ciclo di vita legato ad un prodotto. Nella tesi viene presentata inizialmente la metodologia utilizzata per la valutazione, la Life Cycle Assessment, descrivendone le caratteristiche, le potenzialità, la normalizzazione in base a regolamenti internazionali ed analizzando una ad una le 4 fasi principali che la caratterizzano: Definizione dell'obiettivo e del campo di applicazione, Analisi di inventario, Valutazione degli impatti e Interpretazione dei risultati. Il secondo capitolo presenta una descrizione dettagliata dello strumento applicativo utilizzato per l'analisi, il SimaPro nella versione 7.1, descrivendone le caratteristiche principali, l'interfaccia utente, le modalità di inserimento dei dati, le varie rappresentazioni possibili dei risultati ottenuti. Sono descritti inoltre i principali database di cui è fornito il software, che contengono una moltitudine di dati necessari per l'analisi di inventario, ed i così detti metodi utilizzati per la valutazione, che vengono adoperati per “focalizzare” la valutazione su determinate categorie di impatto ambientale. Il terzo capitolo fornisce una descrizione dell'impianto oggetto della valutazione, il CHEAPSE, un concentratore solare ad inseguimento per la produzione di energia elettrica e termica. La descrizione viene focalizzata sui componenti valutati per questa analisi, che sono la Base e la struttura di sostegno, il Pannello parabolico in materiale plastico per convogliare i raggi solari ed il Fuoco composto da celle fotovoltaiche. Dopo aver analizzato i materiali ed i processi di lavorazione necessari, vengono descritte le caratteristiche tecniche, le possibili applicazioni ed i vantaggi del sistema. Il quarto ed ultimo capitolo riguarda la descrizione dell'analisi LCA applicata al concentratore solare. In base alle varie fasi dell'analisi, vengono descritti i vari passaggi effettuati, dalla valutazione e studio del progetto al reperimento ed inserimento dei dati, passando per la costruzione del modello rappresentativo all'interno del software. Vengono presentati i risultati ottenuti, sia quelli relativi alla valutazione di impatto ambientale dell'assemblaggio del concentratore e del suo intero ciclo di vita, considerando anche lo scenario di fine vita, sia i risultati relativi ad analisi comparative per valutare, dal punto di vista ambientale, modifiche progettuali e processuali. Per esempio, sono state comparate due modalità di assemblaggio, tramite saldatura e tramite bulloni, con una preferenza dal punto di vista ambientale per la seconda ipotesi, ed è stato confrontato l'impatto relativo all'utilizzo di celle in silicio policristallino e celle in silicio monocristallino, la cui conclusione è stata che l'impatto delle celle in silicio policristallino risulta essere minore. Queste analisi comparative sono state possibili grazie alle caratteristiche di adattabilità del modello realizzato in SimaPro, ottenute sfruttando le potenzialità del software, come l'utilizzo di dati “parametrizzati”, che ha permesso la creazione di un modello intuitivo e flessibile che può essere facilmente adoperato, per ottenere valutazioni su scenari differenti, anche da analisti “alle prime armi”.