1000 resultados para Professores de crianças deficientes Formação
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
This paper presents some outcomes of a broader research on Astronomy Education in primary school teacher's education. From the analysis of the main astronomy subjects thought nationwide and the research outcomes, we identified a set of astronomy contents considered fundamental to the teachers practice. Through a research carried out among a sample of primary school teachers, however, we show that, even in these essential contents, persists alternative conceptions among those teachers. Data collected pointed out, thus, to the necessity of improving teacher's education in this area, taking into consideration astronomy edu cation research outcomes, in favor of a teaching which contemplates, at least, the fundamental contents on this subject.
This present article aims to present some results of a PhD research in which intended to answer the following investigation question: In which extent a Program of Teacher Education in service in the early years of elementary school, GESTAR, contributed to the development of positive attitudes about Geometry? The participants were twelve teachers from two schools in the State of Mato Grosso. The instruments for data collection were a range of attitudes towards Geometry (EARG) developed and experimented by Viana and Brito (2004). The results showed a meaningful change in Geometry of the data pre and post-experiment.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program So Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of So Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of So Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..
This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma reviso bibliogrfica dos estudos nacionais acerca do ensino curricular para cegos. Foi realizada uma busca sistemtica em trs bases de dados: Google Acadmico, Scielo e Lilacs, de estudos publicados no perodo de 2004 a 2014, que tivessem em seu ttulo um dos seguintes descritores: alunos cegos; alunos deficientes visuais; crianças cegas; crianças deficientes visuais. Foram localizados 188 estudos e 56 selecionados dentro dos critrios estabelecidos. Fez-se a leitura integral desses e definiram-se cinco categorias de anlise: tipo de estudo; participantes; tipo de abordagem; tipo de discusso e matrizes curriculares. Para cada categoria, foram estabelecidas subcategorias. Ao total 26 subcategorias foram descritas. Os resultados indicam que o Google Acadmico a base de dados com maior nmero de ttulos encontrados (188/156); a Scielo apresenta melhor eficincia na relao encontrado x selecionado (12/10). Nas subcategorias de anlise, as maiores frequncias so identificadas nos estudos empricos (22); junto a crianças (19); de anlises qualitativas (21); na matriz curricular de Educao Fsica (sete) e na subcategoria relacionamento social (16). Contudo, os estudos so convergentes em apontar que as principais dificuldades no ensino s pessoas cegas se referem a deficincias na formação de professores, onde, normalmente, no so discutidos mtodos de ensino e produo de material para trabalhar com essa populao especfica. Em concluso, alm de realizar um mapeamento dos estudos que tm sido conduzidos junto a alunos cegos nos ltimos dez anos, este artigo aponta para lacunas na literatura e direciona futuras investigaes na rea.
The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program So Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of So Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of So Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..
This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepo da fala de crianças deficientes auditivas com o aparelho de amplificao sonora individual (AASI) e sistema de frequncia modulada (FM) em situaes de rudo em campo livre e em sala de aula. MTODOS: Participaram 13 crianças deficientes auditivas entre 7 e 17 anos. Foi aplicado o Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) com AASI e com o FM. Tambm foi aplicado o questionrio Avaliao do Sistema FM, respondido pelos professores das crianças, com o intuito de avaliar, individualmente, o desempenho da criana em diferentes situaes auditivas somente com AASI e com o AASI e o sistema FM. RESULTADOS: Houve diferena para todas as situaes com e sem FM no teste HINT. O mesmo aconteceu com os resultados do questionrio, sendo que sem FM a pontuao foi sempre menor do que com FM, independentemente da condio. CONCLUSO: O uso de medidas subjetivas, como o questionrio, fundamental para determinar a eficcia da indicao dos dispositivos auxiliares para o deficiente auditivo. A efetividade do sistema FM pode ser observada pela "vantagem FM", que a diferena mdia mnima de 10 dB encontrada nas avaliaes de percepo da fala com e sem FM nas diferentes situaes de rudo. Os benefcios encontrados na presente pesquisa com o uso do sistema FM na melhora da percepo da fala podem ser extrapolados no s para a sala de aula e para a legislao da educao inclusiva, mas tambm para atividades sociais e de lazer.
Esta dissertao surgiu de um projeto realizado na rede oficial de ensino do municpio de Santo Andr (SP) no perodo de agosto a dezembro de 2008 junto aos professores inscritos no curso Formação sobre culturas de lngua espanhola e suas possibilidades no trabalho pedaggico . Tal projeto teve como aspecto fundamental inserir os professores dos anos iniciais na lngua e na cultura espanhola, assim como na hispano-americana, direcionando-os a adquirirem uma viso globalizada das novas tendncias existentes na aquisio de uma segunda lngua. O curso permitiu aos professores compartilharem experincias e aprofundarem seus estudos na integrao cultural e lingustica, por meio de metodologias e tcnicas facilitadoras, adequadas faixa etria dos seus alunos crianças de 6 a 10 anos. A partir desse projeto, a pesquisa desenvolvida procurou tericos para estruturar o trabalho, cuja pergunta norteadora possibilidades de introduzir o ensino de uma lngua estrangeira no caso, o espanhol , nos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental I. Como no Brasil, no h um grande nmero de professores habilitados no ensino da lngua espanhola, questionou-se sobre tal possibilidade, considerando ainda que as escolas municipais, que so as escolas que oferecem o Ensino Fundamental I, no apresentam em seu currculo o ensino de lngua estrangeira. Com base em tericos que apontam diferentes caminhos para se aprender uma lngua estrangeira e frente ao exposto, o estudo buscou analisar os depoimentos e observaes ocorridos na execuo dos projetos individuais, que professores da rede municipal tambm sujeitos desta pesquisa elaboraram durante o curso. A anlise dos questionrios, da entrevista e do depoimento realizados junto a onze desses sujeitos possibilitou traar o perfil de sua formação, da sua atuao e da sua trajetria profissional. Os dados colhidos foram analisados tendo como referencial terico Jacques Rancire (2007) em referncia a Jacotot e seu Mestre ignorante , que aborda conceitos de explicao, igualdade e vontade, submetendo-os anlise de contedo. Nesse contexto, foram extradas as reflexes sobre as possibilidades de prtica pedaggica na vivncia dos professores durante a execuo do projeto. O estudo considerou, aps esta experincia, que existe a possibilidade de ministrar uma formação continuada de lngua espanhola a professores que j atuem com alunos dos anos iniciais.(AU)
The present article discusses the directives of the policies of the initial teachers formation introduced in Brazil in the 1990s. These directives have brought new directions and demands, both to the formation institutions and to teachers formation. This work analyzes the enlargement and the variation of the formation locus, a topic criticized by the teaching educators for enabling different and flexible models which have taken to a more technical and instrumental formation to the detriment of a theoretical and practical solid formation. In a general way, the study reveals that the CEFETs use as a space of teachers formation has given priority to the quantitative aspects, the optimization of the resources and the instrumentation of the educators formation, even though under the speech of the quality of the educational process. Differently, the operationalization of this policy at CEFET-RN has favored a formative model, which has joined research, extension and teaching, guaranteeing the specificity of a solid formation, as well as the articulation between theory and practice and the sense of investigation, necessary characteristics to the formation of a devoted educator with the quality of public education.
Os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) consistem em cursos online abertos e, normalmente gratuitos, que permitem a inscrio de um elevado nmero de participantes. A adeso a esta modalidade de educao, normalmente informal, foi o principal repto para propor uma oficina de formação, totalmente online. Com esta formação pretendeu-se fornecer as competncias necessrias para que professores se sentissem capacitados para criar e distribuir os seus prprios MOOC. No presente trabalho recorre-se metodologia de estudo de caso e procura-se inicialmente apresentar, atravs de pesquisa bibliogrfica, a reviso de literatura relativamente aos MOOC. Posteriormente, com base nos dados obtidos pela observao participante e inqurito por questionrio, evidenciam-se os principais resultados da oficina de formação online MOOC: uma tecnologia educativa de futuro.
A reflexo na e sobre a praxis influencia a consciencializao da complexidade do ato de ensinar, pressupe questionamento, anlise e transformação e conduz a mais e melhor aprendizagem e, por conseguinte, a enriquecimento profissional. Usando a reflexo antes, durante e aps a ao (as distintas fases do ciclo supervisivo), a formação do futuro professor vem a ser mais criteriosa e comprometida com o processo de formação profissional, uma vez que possibilita o aperfeioamento e o desenvolvimento de competncias a partir da identificao e tomada de conscincia de fragilidades do eu e do outro e da experienciao de modos de pensar e ser professor. O nosso estudo sustenta-se numa metodologia de natureza qualitativa e o campo de investigao incide, especificamente, sobre as prticas de formação de alunos/futuros professores. Este estudo foca-se no prprio discurso dos participantes com o objetivo de compreender como percepcionam a sua evoluo como pessoas e como profissionais e, servindo-se das categorias da Target Language Observation Scheme (TALOS), procede anlise de contedo das suas reflexes sobre trs aulas observadas onde transparece um autorretrato da prtica profissional. Constatamos um processo de aperfeioamento das capacidades de observao e de auto-observao dos sujeitos do estudo.