973 resultados para Processos de leitura


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This paper is the result of discussions held during the initial research on ways of reading and reading activities, to obtain the title of the Ph.D. graduate program in Education at UNESP - Marilia. The paper seeks to rethink the practice followed the reality historically constructed as reference, creating a dialectic movement, and a constant construction, and the overcoming of it. In this perspective, we approach possible practices that can enhance the student's prior knowledge, and from it, to propose ways of action that lead to the development of the subject through the processes of teaching and learning of reading in school. From the study of actions that are agreed as reading practices, the study proposes to work with the Reading Strategies to promote the development of the individual. Among the different results that have been announced in the research, we highlight the need for conscious mediation of the teacher in the act of teaching reading and conscious participation of the student in the process. Partial results give evidence to confirm the hypothesis that: intentional actions are driving the learning of children in activity in the classroom, considering their experiences and choices of the teacher as mediator in the process. Students in third grade of elementary school are the subjects of research, theory and practice. The researcher is the mediator and proposer of the actions based on microgenetic research.


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This article aims to present a discussion of the methodological aspects of teaching and learning to read and write in adult education, in an attempt to seek a dialogue with the Early Childhood Education by pointing convergent elements between these two instances. And, therefore, it proposes a reflection on the construction of human nature and ownership of reading and writing as a humanizing process from the perspective of historical-cultural theory advocated by Vygotsky and his collaborators. In this context it is presented a pedagogical situation in a public school for kindergarten in the state of Sao Paulo, followed by analysis from the perspective of Bakhtin in order to make some approximations in the teaching and learning of the mother tongue with adults and children.


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Reading is a complex process that involves cognitive and linguistic skills, such as decoding and comprehension. When the skill to understand texts is not performed there is a commitment throughout the learning process interfering with the development of the student as a whole. Ensuring that the student carries out reading efficiently is one of the main challenges of schools. Considering these aspects, this study, through reflection of previous studies, presents the processes involved in reading comprehension, as well as problems that can interfere with these processes, assessment and intervention strategies with the students so that possible difficulties in the educational context can be minimized.


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The constructivist methodology of literacy has been adopted in many schools, however, there are many criticism regarding the way teacher are devising the way how to teach children. To reflect on this aspect this research were carried out theoretical studies about the subject, as well as observations and reflections about the current process of literacy in Brazilian schools. Thus, in this research, the constructivist methodology of literacy was analyzed from its bases, in order to observe if the teachers are actually accomplishing their practice according to this “theory”, as well as the difficulties encountered by students on this methodology. Also was analyzed the methodology syllabic literacy, to be able to make a mapping of the positive aspects and the limitations presented by this method, in this way being able to reflect about adequacy of the analyzed methods of a better learning process of written language by children. This research aims to show that more important than the stark choice between a literacy method and the another is the commitment of the literacy teacher with the students who want to alphabetize, noting that the teacher should used, sometimes several methods to get the largest number of literate children in the classroom, emphasizing the work with good texts, so that children feel the taste and enjoyment of reading in their daily lives


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes a project called “Development of educational workshops on text reading, interpretation and writing in elementary school”, which took place at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) with financial support given by the PROEX-UNESP (Pro-Rectorate of Extension). This project aimed to organize and run educational workshops on reading, interpreting and writing different genres for students enrolled at a public elementary school in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state. The analysis of the texts produced by the students unfolded the project into two essential approaches. In the first one, it was possible to identify problems and inaccuracies in language usage, which was the starting point to prepare the minicourses that would be offered. These mini-courses promoted a deep involvement of undergraduate students (in Portuguese Language and Literature) with the practice of Portuguese teaching at the school. In the second one, 5.468 texts, which were produced during the four-year project, founded researches whose goal is to describe processes in which there is a relation between speech and writing, and are based on a theoretical framework that values the multiplicity of literacies associated with social practices experienced by the students. Thus, this extension project aimed to articulate the service to the external community – in this case, public school students - to the internal community – undergraduate students in Portuguese Language and Literature.


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This text aims to present some ideas of the philosopher Walter Benjamin, one of the most intriguing intellectuals of our time, trying to outline in his work the relationship that the author establishes between childhood playing and ludic culture, more precisely regarding the memory of playing, childhood, culture, history and memory in contemporary society after the twentieth century. Thus, in order to identify reinterpreted experiments, as places, forms of playing and types of toys made out of this paradigm, we were guided by the notes, essays, translations and articles in which Benjamin identified conceptions of childhood and ludic culture. Benjamin's view of childhood is not childish, simplistic or reductive. His works allow us to discuss and justify the need for a more detailed analysis on the phenomenon of development and teaching practice within the everyday schoolchildren. By revisiting the original ideas, and irreverent criticism of Benjamin, thinking education from his account, we hope to contribute with other studies in the field of education, by elucidating the process of development and teaching practice in relation to the ludic childhood culture, specifically regarding childhood and the places of childhood in the contemporary context.


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Mastering reading and writing brings itself social, cultural political, economic, cognitive and linguistic consequences to the learner. Soon, those who do not acquire that knowledge are excluded from the sphere of literate society. Considering this, the objective of this study was to discuss the relation between learning to read and write and in this sense, think about academic performance of students/ children, and to discusses the conceptual advances in literacy area of the permanent necessity to transport them to the teaching practice starting with questions about knowledge, attitudes and pedagogical interventions necessary for literacy teachers and that can serve as a basis for directing the training processes of teachers and to a better understanding of school performance.


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Dans cet article, nous présentons l'analyse des erreurs commises par rapport à l'épistémologie génétique et la psychologie de Jean Piaget. Nous nous appuyons sur un essai publié dans un périodique brésilien concernant la constitution du sujet d’enfance et la théorie de Piaget. Nous avons comme but d’aider à reprendre la «vraie» théorie de Piaget et de donner un aperçu aux lecteurs à fin de ne pas reproduire de telles erreurs ou être confrontés à de différents sens donnés à la même théorie. En ce qui concerne l'analyse, les auteurs du rapport disent que l'homme est le résultat de différents stades de développement et de ses phases. Cependant, en cherchant à expliquer comment les structures logiques deviennent nécessaires, Piaget a affirmé de ne pas rien avoir inventé. Il a conclu que la constitution des structures opératoires est le résultat de l'interaction du sujet avec le milieu, à condition qu'il dispose de certaines conditions prealables et qu’il soit capable d' établir ses rapports De cette manière, s'il a identifié des moments de la psychogenèse cognitive, il l’a fait grace à la constatation de que les sujets, dans cette interaction avec le milieu, finissaient par construire des manières qualitativement différentes de comprendre et gérer la réalité. Ainsi, Piaget n'a pas cherché de mettre les individus dans des phases ou périodes, artificiellement. Une autre erreur est celui de considérer que Piaget soit adepte de la dicotomie normalité/ anormalité. Ses préoccupations sont de nature épistémologique, et s'il est parvenu à formuler une psychologie, cela avait comme but de donner une base scientifique à sa théorie de la connaissance. Encore une autre confusion a lieu quand on affirme que Piaget a identifié les enfants aux peuples primitifs. Il a seulement dit que la nécessité d’entrer en relation avec le milieu est égale pour l'homme primitif comme pour celui d'aujourd'hui; par conséquent, le fonctionnement est le seul élément biologique considéré par Piaget, vu que tous les êtres vivants cherchent à s’adapter à la réalité. D’après cet angle, on constate que, de la même manière que l’homme primitif a été un enfant - comme ceux d’aujourd'hui - il a cherché à interagir avec le milieu à fin d'assurer sa survie. Il arrive que ses demandes étaient élémentaires du point de vue logico-mathématique, contrairement à nos jours. Une autre erreur consiste à dire qu'il a soupçonné ou admis que les processus de pensée reconnaissaient une organisation logique. Il ne s’agit pas de soupçon ni d'admission, mais d´une nécéssité. Faute de cette fondation, tout le bâtiment piagétien s’effondrerait. Nous concluons que le concept de progrès et l'état de l'intelligence sous-entendent la critique des auteurs. Malgré cela, et même pas sans admettre les explications formulées par Piaget, c’est le fait de que les censeurs doivent faire face à une vérité: indépendamment de la culture ou du moment historique, les enfants agissent toujours de la même manière, en cherchant à donner un sens à la réalité. Nous pouvons donc être d’accord ou en désaccord avec l'explication de Piaget. Cependant, il y a quelque chose qui ne doit pas être ignorée: la contribution apportée par Piaget vers la compréhension de la logique du fonctionnement mental.


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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This paper intended to observe the alphabetization process in Brazil, looking for the constructivist model and its difficulties also observing the phonic and the syllabic methods in order to consider the adaptations of these methods for the children’s learning writing language. Without choose between one method in particular this article purposes to do a study of the difficulties that the children shows during the learning of the lecture and writing, in order to help the teachers to think about the problems found and how they may obtain solutions for them when they are in the front of a different group of students.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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This work aims to understand in what way the relation between reading and writing works in the writing tests of two major entrance exams from the state of São Paulo, used as a form of admission to two great universities - UNICAMP and UNESP -, as well as analyze in what way the candidates who got grades above the average dialogue with the collection of texts which is offered in the writing test proposal. In order to found these questions on theoretical material, we have done some reading of the Bakhtin circle to understand the questions that are related to the dialogism and had support in other linguists to solidify our interpretations and analyses. We understood, after the studies and analyses, that the materialization of the relation between reading and writing is present in the majority of the texts used as the corpus of our work and that the dialogue with the collection of texts is very appreciated and present in the texts that got the highest grades or were considered above the average. The writing test has always had an unique importance in the selection processes to admission to undergraduate courses, and we believe that the analyses that were proposed here can help students and teachers to better understand the valuation which is attributed to the relation between reading and writing and the use of the collection of texts in the elaboration of a text in the entrance exams


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This work aims to understand in what way the relation between reading and writing works in the writing tests of two major entrance exams from the state of São Paulo, used as a form of admission to two great universities - UNICAMP and UNESP -, as well as analyze in what way the candidates who got grades above the average dialogue with the collection of texts which is offered in the writing test proposal. In order to found these questions on theoretical material, we have done some reading of the Bakhtin circle to understand the questions that are related to the dialogism and had support in other linguists to solidify our interpretations and analyses. We understood, after the studies and analyses, that the materialization of the relation between reading and writing is present in the majority of the texts used as the corpus of our work and that the dialogue with the collection of texts is very appreciated and present in the texts that got the highest grades or were considered above the average. The writing test has always had an unique importance in the selection processes to admission to undergraduate courses, and we believe that the analyses that were proposed here can help students and teachers to better understand the valuation which is attributed to the relation between reading and writing and the use of the collection of texts in the elaboration of a text in the entrance exams