797 resultados para Pregnancy depression
Aim. To compare the measurements of women`s pelvic floor musculature strength (PFMS) during pregnancy and postpartum period. Background. Pregnancy and childbirth can have an influence on the muscles and pelvic floor and can cause morbidities of women`s genito-urinary tract. Design. A prospective cohort study. Methods. There were included 226 primigravidae women, attended by community health services in the city of Itapecerica da Serra, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The participants were followed in four stages: (1) within 12 weeks of pregnancy; (2) between 36-40 weeks of pregnancy; (3) within 48 hours after childbirth; (4) 42-60 days after childbirth. Data were collected from February 2007-August 2008. The pelvic floor musculature strength was evaluated by perineometry and digital vaginal palpation in stages 1, 2 and 4. The final sample included 110 women who completed all four stages of the study. Results. The pelvic floor musculature strength of the women did not change significantly during pregnancy or after delivery (anova: p = 0 center dot 78). In all three examined stages, a low-intensity pelvic floor musculature strength was prevalent (in mmHg: stage 1 = 15 center dot 9; stage 2 = 15 center dot 2, stage 4 = 14 center dot 7), with scores from 0-3 on the Oxford scale. The pelvic floor musculature strength did not differ in relation to maternal age, skin colour, conjugal status, dyspareunia, stool characteristics, type of delivery, or conditions of the perineum. An interaction between maternal nutritional state and newborn`s weight may affect the pelvic floor musculature strength (manova: p = 0 center dot 04). Conclusion. Pregnancy and childbirth did not reduce significantly pelvic floor musculature strength. The perineometry and digital vaginal palpation used to assess the pelvic floor musculature strength were well accepted by the women. Relevance to clinical practice. In clinical practice, digital vaginal palpation is effective for supporting the diagnosis of urinary, intestinal and sexual dysfunctions. Perineometry use is particularly important together with the performance of perineal exercises with biofeedback in the treatment these disorders.
This experiment was designed to examine changes in milk fatty acids during fish oil-induced milk fat depression (MFD) and to test the theory that these changes are related to milk fat fluidity. The experiment was divided into three periods: 1) Baseline: all cows (n = 12) received a high fiber diet without fish oil (FO) for 12 days; 2) Treatment: 4 cows/group received the following treatments for 21 days: a) Low fiber diet without FO (LF), b) High fiber diet+FO (HF+FO) and c) Low fiber diet+FO (LF+FO); 3) Post-treatment: cows returned to the baseline diet and were monitored for 12 days. FO was included at 1.6% DM and HF and LF diets had 40 and 26% NDF, respectively. Milk fat content and yield were unchanged by the LF diet, but were reduced by FO diets at both dietary fiber levels and recovered in the post-treatment period. FO diets caused a pronounced reduction in stearic and oleic acid concentrations in milk fat and an equally pronounced increase in trans-18:1 fatty acid concentrations. Milk fat mean melting point (MMP) was correlated with MFD (r=0.73) and with milk oleic acid concentration (r=-0.92). The ratio of oleic:stearic in milk fat increased gradually and consistently in response to FO. Trans-C18:1 isomers with double bounds at carbon :<= 10 increased with greater MFD and those with double bonds at carbon ! I I decreased with greater MFD. Trans-9 cis-11 CLA explained more than 80% of MFD and was strongly correlated with trans-10 C18:1. Maintenance of MMP below 39-40 degrees C suggests that the mammary gland was able to secrete only milk fat with adequate fluidity and that MFD could be an adaptation mechanism to prevent secretion of milk with higher MMP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pregnant women are one of the most sensitive populations to the toxic effects associated with lead (Pb) exposure. These effects are primarily associated with plasma Pb (Pb-P), which reflects the most rapidly exchangeable fraction of Pb in the bloodstream, and elevated maternal Pb-P may be more relevant to foetal Pb exposure than whole blood Pb (Pb-B). We investigated how pregnancy affects Pb-B, Pb-P and %Pb-P/Pb-B ratios without the influence of the 6-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) G177C polymorphism, which is a major genetic factor influencing Pb-B, Pb-P and %Pb-P/Pb-B ratios. Genotypes for the ALAD G177C polymorphism were determined by PCR and restriction fragment length digestion in nine pregnant and 20 non-pregnant women, aged 18-33, environmentally exposed to Pb. Here, we included only women with ALAD 1-1 genotype. Pb-P and Pb-B were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, respectively. We found no differences in Pb-B (P > 0.05). However, pregnant women had a 2-fold increase in Pb-P and a 3-fold increase in %Pb-P/Pb-B (both P < 0.01) compared to nonpregnant women. These alterations in Pb concentrations associated with pregnancy are similar to those associated with different ALAD gene variants. We can now better appreciate how pregnancy affects foetal exposure to Pb without the influence of this important genetic factor.
CaMKII is a calcium-activated kinase that is abundant in neurons and has been strongly implicated in memory and learning. Here we show that low-frequency stimulation of glutamatergic afferents in hippocampal slices from juvenile domestic chicks results in long-term depression of synaptic transmission. This reduction does not require activation of NMDA or metabotropic glutamate receptors and does not require a rise in postsynaptic calcium. However, buffering presynaptic calcium prevents the reduction of the excitatory postsynaptic potential or current that is induced by low-frequency stimulation. in addition, application of the calmodulin antagonist calmidazolium, or the specific CaMKII antagonist KN-93, completely blocks long-term depression. These findings demonstrate a newsy discovered form of long-term synaptic depression in the avian hippocampus.
Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P
Age of onset is an important variable when considering the cause and course of mental illnesses. Given the debate about the relationship between psychotic disorders it would be useful to compare age-at-first-admission for ICD schizophrenia and for affective psychoses when the latter is differentiated into 'major depression' and 'bipolar disorder'. Data on age-at-first-admission for Australian-born individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia (ICD 295) or affective psychosis (ICD 296) were extracted from the Queensland Mental Health Statistics System -- a comprehensive, namelinked mental health register. Because the ICD 9 category 296.1 was used to code what is now called "major depressive episode', this group was differentiated from other 296 categorieswhich were considered bipolar disorders. Those receiving more than one diagnoses within these categories were excluded. All distributions show a wide age range of onset from early adolescence into the seventies and eighties. However the modal age-group for major depression ('60-69' for both sexes) is clearly different from bipolar disorder ('20-29' for males; '30- 39' for females), the latter distribution being more similar to the SCZ distribution (which had a model age-group of '20-29' for both sexes). While these distributions were similar for males and females, there were sex differences in the proportions within each diagnostic group: more males with schizophrenia, and more females with bipolar disorder and with major depression. Our results suggest heterogeneity within the affective psychoses as categorised by ICD 9, with bipolar disorder having an age-at-first-admission distribution more similar to schizophrenia than major depression. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Long-term depression has recently been shown to occur at glutamatergic synapses in the avian hippocampus and requires activation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in the nerve terminal. Here using whole cell and intracellular recordings from brain slices, we show that the N-type calcium channel contributes significantly to glutamate release in the avian hippocampus. Activation of the metabotrobic gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(B) receptor by the specific agonist baclofen blocks synaptic transmission. The action of baclofen was associated with a change in paired pulse facilitation indicating that it resulted from a reduction in the probability of transmitter release, In contrast, no change in paired pulse facilitation was observed following the induction of long-term depression. These results show that activation of GABA(B) receptors and long-term depression reduce transmitter release by distinct mechanisms. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A longitudinal study of 144 patents (65 fathers, 79 mothers) was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a program of intervention in relieving the psychological distress of parents affected by infant death. Participants were assessed in terms of their psychiatric disturbance, depression, anxiety, physical symptoms, dyadic adjustment, and coping strategies. The experimental group (n = 84) was offered an intervention program comprising the use of specially designed resources and contact with a trained grief worker. A control group (n = 60) was given routine community care. Parental reactions were assessed at four to six weeks postloss (prior to the implementation of the intervention program), at six months postloss, and at 15 months postloss. A series of multivariate analyses of valiance revealed that the intervention was effective in reducing the distress of parents, particularly those assessed prior to the intervention as being at high-risk of developing mourning difficulties. Effects of the intervention were noted in terms of parents' overall psychiatric disturbance, marital quality, and paternal coping strategies.
Objectives. The present study was designed to test the diathesis-stress components of Beck's cognitive theory of depression and the reformulated learned helplessness model of depression in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptomatology. Design and methods. The research used a two-wave longitudinal design-data were collected from 65 primiparous women during their third trimester of pregnancy and then 6 weeks after the birth. Cognitive vulnerability and initial depressive symptomatology were assessed at Time 1, whereas stress and postpartum depressive symptomatology were assessed at Time 2. Results. There was some support for the diathesis-stress component of Beck's cognitive theory, to the extent that the negative relationship between both general and maternal-specific dysfunctional attitudes associated with performance evaluation and Time 2 depressive symptomatology was strongest for women who reported high levels of parental stress. In a similar vein, the effects of dysfunctional attitudes (general and maternal-specific) associated with performance evaluation and need for approval (general measure only) on partner ratings of emotional distress were evident only among those women whose infants were rated as being temperamentally difficult. Conclusion. There was no support for the diathesis-stress component of the reformulated learned helplessness model of depression; however, there was some support for the diathesis-stress component of Beck's cognitive theory.
Screaming and other types of disruptive vocalization are commonly observed among nursing home residents. Depressive symptoms are also frequently seen in this group, although the relationship between disruptive vocalization and depressive symptoms is unclear. Accordingly, we sought to examine this relationship in older nursing home residents. We undertook a controlled comparison of 41 vocally disruptive nursing home residents and 43 non-vocally-disruptive nursing home residents. All participants were selected to have Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores of at least 10. Participants had a mean age of 81.0 years (range 63-97 years) and had a mean MMSE score of 17.8 (range 10-29). Nurse ratings of disruptive vocalization according to a semioperationalized definition were validated against the noisy behavior subscale of the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory. Subjects were independently rated for depressive symptoms by a psychiatrist using the Dementia Mood Assessment Scale, the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, and the Depressive Signs Scale. Vocally disruptive nursing home residents scored significantly higher than controls on each of these three depression-in-dementia scales. These differences remained significant when the effects of possible confounding variables of cognitive impairment, age, and sex were removed. We conclude that depressive symptoms are associated with disruptive vocalization and may have an etiological role in the generation of disruptive vocalization behaviors in elderly nursing home residents.
Evaluated whether a universal school-based program, designed to prevent depression in adolescents, could be effectively implemented within the constraints of the school environment. Participants were 260 Year 9 secondary school students. Students completed measures of depressive symptoms and hopelessness and were then assigned to 1 of 3 groups: (a) Resourceful Adolescent Program Adolescents (RAP A), an 11-session school-based resilience building program, as part of the school curriculum; (b) Resourceful Adolescent Program-Family (RAP-F), the same program as in RAP A, but in which each student's parents were also invited to participate in a 3-session parent program; and (c) Adolescent Watch, a comparison group in which adolescents simply completed the measures. The program was implemented with a high recruitment (88%), low attrition rate (5.8%), and satisfactory adherence to program protocol. Adolescents in either of the RAP programs reported significantly lower levels of depressive symptomatology and hopelessness at post-intervention and 10-month follow-up, compared with those in the comparison group. Adolescents also reported high satisfaction with the program. The study provides evidence for the efficacy of a school-based universal program designed to prevent depression in adolescence.
Gender differences in the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in young adolescents
Objective: This study examined the risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation for young adolescent males and females. Method: A large cohort of students in their first year of high school completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Adolescent Suicide Questionnaire. The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation was modelled using non-parametric kernel-smoothing techniques. Results: Suicidal ideation was more frequently reported by females compared with males which was partly explained by females having higher mean depression scores. At moderate levels of depression females also had a significantly higher risk of suicidal ideation compared with males and this increased risk contributed to the overall higher levels of female ideation. Conclusions: The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation is different for young adolescent males and females. The results indicate that moderate levels of depressive symptomatology can be associated with suicidal ideation (especially among young females) and that for these young people a suicide risk assessment is required.