993 resultados para Poster científico
The Sunbeds campaign communicates the long term health effects of sunbeds, including skin cancer and pre-mature ageing, to sunbed users and the wider public. Particularly those under the age of 35 who are at an increased risk of developing melanoma skin cancer from sunbed use. For moreinformation on this issuevisit www.careinthesun.orgThe sunbeds campaign poster highlights that using a sunbed before the age of 35 increases your risk of skin cancer by up to 75%.
The Quit Kit promotional materials were developed as part of the smoking cessation campaign which highlights the range of support available and reinforces the message that quitting is achievable with the right support and motivation. Support highlighted in this part of the campaign includes the smoking support services, GP/pharmacy support, helpline, web site www.want2stop.info and a quit kit. �The Quit Kit poster directs individuals to the smokers helpline 0808 812 8008 and www.want2stop.info to register for free Quit Kit
This poster encourages uptake of the whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women. Cases of whooping cough are on the increase - by getting the vaccine while pregnant you can protect your baby.
This poster shows how grandparents can make a real difference by supporting a daughter or son's partner in their decision to breastfeed and directs them to the leaflet A grandparent's guide to supporting breastfeeding
Patient experience is recognised as a key element in the delivery of quality healthcare. In line with this, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is carrying out an extensive piece of work across all Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs), with the aim of introducing a more patient-focused approach to services and shaping future healthcare in Northern Ireland. This project, called '10,000 Voices', gives patients, as well as their families and carers, the opportunity to share their overall experience and highlight anything important, such as what they particularly liked or disliked about the experience.This A3 poster introduces the '10,000 Voices' idea and gives participants the website and contact details they need to take part.��
This poster has been reproduced and distributed in Northern Ireland to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer among women. The sooner ovarian cancer is detected the easier it is to treat.�
Contact your GP surgery to find out the arrangements for flu vaccination in your practice.
This poster was produced to support the choose to live better campaign aimed at raising awareness of the health risks associated with overweight and obesity in women Northern Ireland.�
The Walking for Health programme was established in 2001 and continues to be an integral part of Government policy to address the health and wellbeing of the population in Northern Ireland. The programme is delivered through HSC Trusts across Northern Ireland and is supported by the Public Health Agency. Walking for Health aims to encourage inactive people to increase their level of physical activity by participating in local led health walks.
Routine childhood immunisations from September 2015
Guidance on healthy breaks for schoolchildren.
Poster: Protect youself, your family and your patients
Poster explaining why a healthy break is important.�
Infanrix IPV Boostrix-IPV Repevax Babies at 2, 3 and 4 months Children at 3 years 4 months (pre-school booster) Pregnant women New vaccines 2014 Two new vaccine brands – Infanrix IPV Hib and Boostrix-IPV – are being introduced into the national routine immunisation schedule in 2014, alongside Infanrix IPV and Repevax. This chart shows who they are for and aims to avoid the possibility of confusion between the brands. from 1 July 2014 from 1 June 2014 until 30 June 2014 Infanrix IPV Infanrix IPV Infanrix IPV Hib Infanrix IPV Hib Boostrix-IPV Repevax