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BACKGROUND: DNA sequence integrity, mRNA concentrations and protein-DNA interactions have been subject to genome-wide analyses based on microarrays with ever increasing efficiency and reliability over the past fifteen years. However, very recently novel technologies for Ultra High-Throughput DNA Sequencing (UHTS) have been harnessed to study these phenomena with unprecedented precision. As a consequence, the extensive bioinformatics environment available for array data management, analysis, interpretation and publication must be extended to include these novel sequencing data types. DESCRIPTION: MIMAS was originally conceived as a simple, convenient and local Microarray Information Management and Annotation System focused on GeneChips for expression profiling studies. MIMAS 3.0 enables users to manage data from high-density oligonucleotide SNP Chips, expression arrays (both 3'UTR and tiling) and promoter arrays, BeadArrays as well as UHTS data using MIAME-compliant standardized vocabulary. Importantly, researchers can export data in MAGE-TAB format and upload them to the EBI's ArrayExpress certified data repository using a one-step procedure. CONCLUSION: We have vastly extended the capability of the system such that it processes the data output of six types of GeneChips (Affymetrix), two different BeadArrays for mRNA and miRNA (Illumina) and the Genome Analyzer (a popular Ultra-High Throughput DNA Sequencer, Illumina), without compromising on its flexibility and user-friendliness. MIMAS, appropriately renamed into Multiomics Information Management and Annotation System, is currently used by scientists working in approximately 50 academic laboratories and genomics platforms in Switzerland and France. MIMAS 3.0 is freely available via http://multiomics.sourceforge.net/.


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Too many children and young people are living in circumstances that make it difficult for them to thrive. That is the key message from the third Annual Report of the Director of Public Health (DPH) for Northern Ireland, which was published on 14th June 2012. This significant report highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland.As Director of Public Health, Dr Carolyn Harper's report describes the main public health challenges across Northern Ireland, and details work being undertaken by the Public Health Agency (PHA) and its partners over the past year to improve the health and wellbeing of people here.A Core Tables report for 2010, available below, produced by the PHA in support of the Director of Public Health's Annual Report for 2011-2012, including information such as estimated home population figures and projections, births information, fertility rates, death rates, information on mortality, life expectancy, immunisation rates and screening uptake rates.


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Improving the health and wellbeing of the elderly is the theme of the fourth Director of Public Health annual report, launched on 12 June 2013. Northern Ireland's elderly population is growing and older people are living longer than ever before, which emphasises the importance of providing health and social care that allows them to live a productive life.This report highlights the many areas of public health work aimed at giving elderly people in Northern Ireland the best opportunity to live active and healthy lives in a safe and secure environment. An in-depth overview also provides statistics on many aspects of life as an elderly person here - life expectancy, mortality, mental wellbeing, lifestyle, social determinants of health etc. Further, more detailed, data is included in an accompanying report available�as a separate document.��The core tables for 2011, also available to download below, include information such as estimated home population figures and projections, birth rates, fertility rates, death rates, information on mortality, life expectancy, immunisation rates and screening uptake rates.The presentation slides from key speakers from the launch event on 12 June 2013 and all parallel sessions are also appended below.�Please note:�The PHA cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright that may exist within individual presentations.Anyone wishing to get a copy of the presentation by Ron McDowell�in the 'Identifying those at risk' category should contact him directly at mcdowell-R3@email.ulster.ac.uk


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This�second annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland.It demonstrates how the public health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors.


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This first annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland and how the�public health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors.


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This is the sixth Director of Public Health (DPH) Annual Report, detailing the main public health challenges in Northern Ireland. It also provides information on the wide variety of work undertaken by the PHA and its partners during 2014 to improve the health and social wellbeing of the population.Each year, the report focuses on an overarching area, which this year is ��'Adults aged 18��-64 years��'.


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A new approach to dengue vector surveillance based on permanent egg-collection using a modified ovitrap and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis(Bti) was evaluated in different urban landscapes in Recife, Northeast Brazil. From April 2004 to April 2005, 13 egg-collection cycles of four weeks were carried out. Geo-referenced ovitraps containing grass infusion, Bti and three paddles were placed at fixed sampling stations distributed over five selected sites. Continuous egg-collections yielded more than four million eggs laid into 464 sentinel-ovitraps over one year. The overall positive ovitrap index was 98.5% (over 5,616 trap observations). The egg density index ranged from 100 to 2,500 eggs per trap-cycle, indicating a wide spread and high density of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) breeding populations in all sites. Fluctuations in population density over time were observed, particularly a marked increase from January on, or later, according to site. Massive egg-collection carried out at one of the sites prevented such a population outbreak. At intra-site level, egg counts made it possible to identify spots where the vector population is consistently concentrated over the time, pinpointing areas that should be considered high priority for control activities. The results indicate that these could be promising strategies for detecting and preventing Ae. aegypti population outbreaks.


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State Agency Audit Report


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Report produced by Iowa Department of Economic Development


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HAMAP (High-quality Automated and Manual Annotation of Proteins-available at http://hamap.expasy.org/) is a system for the automatic classification and annotation of protein sequences. HAMAP provides annotation of the same quality and detail as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, using manually curated profiles for protein sequence family classification and expert curated rules for functional annotation of family members. HAMAP data and tools are made available through our website and as part of the UniRule pipeline of UniProt, providing annotation for millions of unreviewed sequences of UniProtKB/TrEMBL. Here we report on the growth of HAMAP and updates to the HAMAP system since our last report in the NAR Database Issue of 2013. We continue to augment HAMAP with new family profiles and annotation rules as new protein families are characterized and annotated in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot; the latest version of HAMAP (as of 3 September 2014) contains 1983 family classification profiles and 1998 annotation rules (up from 1780 and 1720). We demonstrate how the complex logic of HAMAP rules allows for precise annotation of individual functional variants within large homologous protein families. We also describe improvements to our web-based tool HAMAP-Scan which simplify the classification and annotation of sequences, and the incorporation of an improved sequence-profile search algorithm.


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Trait decoupling, wherein evolutionary release of constraints permits specialization of formerly integrated structures, represents a major conceptual framework for interpreting patterns of organismal diversity. However, few empirical tests of this hypothesis exist. A central prediction, that the tempo of morphological evolution and ecological diversification should increase following decoupling events, remains inadequately tested. In damselfishes (Pomacentridae), a ceratomandibular ligament links the hyoid bar and lower jaws, coupling two main morphofunctional units directly involved in both feeding and sound production. Here, we test the decoupling hypothesis by examining the evolutionary consequences of the loss of the ceratomandibular ligament in multiple damselfish lineages. As predicted, we find that rates of morphological evolution of trophic structures increased following the loss of the ligament. However, this increase in evolutionary rate is not associated with an increase in trophic breadth, but rather with morphofunctional specialization for the capture of zooplanktonic prey. Lineages lacking the ceratomandibular ligament also shows different acoustic signals (i.e. higher variation of pulse periods) from others, resulting in an increase of the acoustic diversity across the family. Our results support the idea that trait decoupling can increase morphological and behavioural diversity through increased specialization rather than the generation of novel ecotypes.