87 resultados para Positronium


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Faddeev-type equations are applied to three-charged particle systems. The rather satisfactory results are obtained for low energy e(+)H elastic scattering and muonic transfer reactions. The cross sections for antihydrogen formation from antiproton-positronium collisions are calculated using a six state model (Ps[1s2s2p], (H) over bar[1s2s2p]).


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We present results for medium-energy elastic, inelastic [transition to He(1s2(1)s), He(1s2(1)p), He(1s3(1)s), and He(1s3(1)p) states], capture [to Ps(1s), Ps(2s), and Ps(2p) states of the positronium (Ps) atom] and total cross sections of positron-helium scattering in the close coupling approach using realistic wave functions.


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A narrow S-wave resonance has been found in the positron-helium system at about 30 eV, using the close-coupling approach, in excitation and rearrangement cross sections to He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s) and Ps(2s) states by employing different combinations of the following basis functions: He(1s1s), He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s) and Ps(2s), where Ps stands for the positronium atom.


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We present results for low-energy elastic S-, P-, and D-wave phase shifts, capture and total cross sections of positron-helium scattering with different basis sets in the close coupling approach using realistic wave functions for He(1s1s), He(1s2(1)s), He(1s2(1)p) and positronium (1s) states. A resonance is found in the S-wave capture cross section at 84 eV.


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We study positron-helium scattering using close coupling approximation (CCA) employing different combinations of the following basis functions: He(1s1s), He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s). and Ps(2s), where Ps stands for the positronium atom. We observe a prominent S wave resonance of width 2 eV at about 30 eV, in excitation and rearrangement cross sections to He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s) and Ps(2s) states. We also report results of differential cross sections for the excitation of helium and positronium formation.


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Low-energy muon-transfer cross sections and rates in collisions of muonic atoms with hydrogen isotopes are calculated using a six-state close-coupling approximation to coordinate-space Faddeev-Hahn-type equations. In the muonic case satisfactory results are obtained for all hydrogen isotopes and the experimentaly observed strong isotopic dependence of transfer rates is also reproduced. A comparison with results of other theoretical and available experimental works is presented. The present model also leads to good transfer cross sections in the well-understood problem of antihydrogen formation in antiproton-positronium collision.


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We present experimental and theoretical cross sections for positron collisions with ethene molecules. The experimental total cross sections (TCSs) were obtained with a linear transmission technique, for energies from 0.1 eV up to 70 eV. The calculations employed the Schwinger multichannel method and were performed in the static plus polarization approximation for energies up to 10 eV. Our calculated elastic cross sections indicate a Ramsauer-Townsend minimum around 2.8 eV and a virtual state, in agreement with previous calculations by da Silva et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1028 (1996)]. We found reasonable agreement between the calculated elastic integral cross section and the measured total cross section below the positronium formation threshold. The present results are also in quite good agreement with available theoretical and experimental data, although for the experiments this is only true for TCSs above about 7 eV.


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Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition of antihydrogen confined in a neutral atom trap and comparison with the equivalent spectral line in hydrogen will provide an accurate test of CPT symmetry and the first one in a mixed baryon-lepton system. Also, with neutral antihydrogen atoms, the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter can be tested unperturbed by the much stronger Coulomb forces.rnAntihydrogen is regularly produced at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator by three-body-recombination (TBR) of one antiproton and two positrons. The method requires injecting antiprotons into a cloud of positrons, which raises the average temperature of the antihydrogen atoms produced way above the typical 0.5 K trap depths of neutral atom traps. Therefore only very few antihydrogen atoms can be confined at a time. Precision measurements, like laser spectroscopy, will greatly benefit from larger numbers of simultaneously trapped antihydrogen atoms.rnTherefore, the ATRAP collaboration developed a different production method that has the potential to create much larger numbers of cold, trappable antihydrogen atoms. Positrons and antiprotons are stored and cooled in a Penning trap in close proximity. Laser excited cesium atoms collide with the positrons, forming Rydberg positronium, a bound state of an electron and a positron. The positronium atoms are no longer confined by the electric potentials of the Penning trap and some drift into the neighboring cloud of antiprotons where, in a second charge exchange collision, they form antihydrogen. The antiprotons remain at rest during the entire process, so much larger numbers of trappable antihydrogen atoms can be produced. Laser excitation is necessary to increase the efficiency of the process since the cross sections for charge-exchange collisions scale with the fourth power of the principal quantum number n.rnThis method, named double charge-exchange, was demonstrated by ATRAP in 2004. Since then, ATRAP constructed a new combined Penning Ioffe trap and a new laser system. The goal of this thesis was to implement the double charge-exchange method in this new apparatus and increase the number of antihydrogen atoms produced.rnCompared to our previous experiment, we could raise the numbers of positronium and antihydrogen atoms produced by two orders of magnitude. Most of this gain is due to the larger positron and antiproton plasmas available by now, but we could also achieve significant improvements in the efficiencies of the individual steps. We therefore showed that the double charge-exchange can produce comparable numbers of antihydrogen as the TBR method, but the fraction of cold, trappable atoms is expected to be much higher. Therefore this work is an important step towards precision measurements with trapped antihydrogen atoms.


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The Antihydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy (AEgIS) experiment is conducted by an international collaboration based at CERN whose aim is to perform the first direct measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antihydrogen in the local field of the Earth, with Δg/g = 1% precision as a first achievement. The idea is to produce cold (100 mK) antihydrogen ( ¯H) through a pulsed charge exchange reaction by overlapping clouds of antiprotons, from the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) and positronium atoms inside a Penning trap. The antihydrogen has to be produced in an excited Rydberg state to be subsequently accelerated to form a beam. The deflection of the antihydrogen beam can then be measured by using a moir´e deflectometer coupled to a position sensitive detector to register the impact point of the anti-atoms through the vertex reconstruction of their annihilation products. After being approved in late 2008, AEgIS started taking data in a commissioning phase in 2012. This paper presents an outline of the experiment with a brief overview of its physics motivation and of the state-of-the-art of the g measurement on antimatter. Particular attention is given to the current status of the emulsion-based position detector needed to measure the ¯H sag in AEgIS.


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AEgIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is an experiment that aims to perform the first direct measurement of the gravitational acceleration g of antihydrogen in the Earth’s field. A cold antihydrogen beam will be produced by charge exchange reaction between cold antiprotons and positronium excited in Rydberg states. Rydberg positronium (with quantum number n between 20 and 30) will be produced by a two steps laser excitation. The antihydrogen beam, after being accelerated by Stark effect, will fly through the gratings of a moir´e deflectometer. The deflection of the horizontal beam due to its free fall will be measured by a position sensitive detector. It is estimated that the detection of about 103 antihydrogen atoms is required to determine the gravitational acceleration with a precision of 1%. In this report an overview of the AEgIS experiment is presented and its current status is described. Details on the production of slow positronium and its excitation with lasers are discussed.


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Isomerism is ubiquitous in chemistry, physics, and biology. In atomic and molecular physics, in particular, isomer effects are well known in electron-impact phenomena; however, very little is known for positron collisions. Here we report on a set of experimental and theoretical cross sections for low-energy positron scattering from the three structural isomers of pentane: normal-pentane, isopentane, and neopentane. Total cross sections for positron scattering from normal-pentane and isopentane were measured at the University of Trento at incident energies between 0.1 and 50 eV. Calculations of the total cross sections, integral cross sections for elastic scattering, positronium formation, and electronic excitations plus direct ionization, as well as elastic differential cross sections were computed for all three isomers between 1 and 1000 eV using the independent atom model with screening corrected additivity rule. No definitive evidence of a significant isomer effect in positron scattering from the pentane isomers appears to be present. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Predicted 20 years ago, positron binding to neutral atoms has not yet been observed experimentally. A scheme is proposed to detect positron-atom bound states by colliding Rydberg positronium (Ps) with neutral atoms. Estimates of the charge-transfer reaction cross section are obtained using the first Born approximation for a selection of neutral atom targets and a wide range of incident Ps energies and principal quantum numbers. We also estimate the corresponding Ps ionization cross section. The accuracy of the calculations is tested by comparison with earlier predictions for charge transfer in Ps collisions with hydrogen and antihydrogen. We describe an existing Rydberg Ps beam suitable for producing positron-atom bound states and estimate signal rates based on the calculated cross sections and realistic experimental parameters. We conclude that the proposed methodology is capable of producing such states and of testing theoretical predictions of their binding energies.