997 resultados para Popular houses


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This publication lists the more important wood properties of commercial timbers used for construction in Queensland. It also provides requirements and conditions of use for these timbers to provide appropriate design service life in various construction applications. The correct specification of timber considers a range of timber properties including, but not limited to, stress grade; durability class; moisture content and insect resistance. For the specification of timber sizes and spans, relevant Australian Standards and design manuals should be consulted—e.g. Australian Standard AS 1684 series Residential timber—framed construction parts 2 and 3 (Standards Australia 2006a;b.) Book 1 explains the terms used; with reference to nomenclature; origin and timber properties presented under specific column headings in the schedules (Book 2). It also explains target design life; applications and decay hazard zones; presented in the Book 2 Schedules. Book 2 consists of reference tables; presented as schedules A; B and C: • Schedule A contains commercial mixtures of unidentified timbers and of some Australian and imported softwoods. Index numbers 1–10 • Schedule B contains Australian-grown timber species; including both natural forests and plantations. Index numbers 11–493 • Schedule C contains timbers imported into Australia from overseas. Index numbers 494–606 Each schedule has two parts presenting data in tables. • Part 1: Nomenclature, origin and properties of imported timber species • Part 2: Approved uses for commercial mixtures of imported timber species The recommendations made in this publication assume that good building practice will be carried out.


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Mrs. Schames, 1967


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The Schoolman Papers reflect Dr. Albert P. and Mrs. Bertha Schoolmans' staunch dedication to Jewish education, Jewish causes, and Israel. Bertha Schoolman, a lifelong member of Hadassah, assisted thousands of Israeli youth as chairman of the Youth Aliyah Committee. Her diaries, photos, scrapbooks, and correspondence record her numerous visits to Israel on which she helped set up schools, met with Israeli dignitaries, and participated in Zionist Conferences and events. The collection includes a 1936 letter from Hadassah founder, Henrietta Szold, praising Mrs. Schoolman's work as well as a letter from the father of Anne Frank, thanking Mrs. Schoolman for naming a Youth Aliyah center the "Anne Frank Haven" after his later daughter.


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In this paper we consider the problem of computing an “optimal” popular matching. We assume that our input instance View the MathML source admits a popular matching and here we are asked to return not any popular matching but an optimal popular matching, where the definition of optimality is given as a part of the problem statement; for instance, optimality could be fairness in which case we are required to return a fair popular matching. We show an O(n2+m) algorithm for this problem, assuming that the preference lists are strict, where m is the number of edges in G and n is the number of applicants.


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We study the problem of matching applicants to jobs under one-sided preferences: that is, each applicant ranks a non-empty subset of jobs under an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching M is said to be rnore popular than T if the applicants that prefer M to T outnumber those that prefer T to M. A matching is said to be popular if there is no matching more popular than it. Equivalently, a matching M is popular if phi(M,T) >= phi(T, M) for all matchings T, where phi(X, Y) is the number of applicants that prefer X to Y. Previously studied solution concepts based oil the popularity criterion are either not guaranteed to exist for every instance (e.g., popular matchings) or are NP-hard to compute (e.g., least unpopular matchings). This paper addresses this issue by considering mixed matchings. A mixed matching is simply a probability distributions over matchings in the input graph. The function phi that compares two matchings generalizes in a natural manner to mixed matchings by taking expectation. A mixed matching P is popular if phi(P,Q) >= phi(Q,P) for all mixed matchings Q. We show that popular mixed matchings always exist. and we design polynomial time algorithms for finding them. Then we study their efficiency and give tight bounds on the price of anarchy and price of stability of the popular matching problem.


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In the first half of the twentieth century the dematerializing of boundaries between enclosure and exposure problematized traditional acts of “occupation” and understandings of the domestic environment. As a space of escalating technological control, the modern domestic interior offered new potential to re-define the meaning and means of habitation. This shift is clearly expressed in the transformation of electric lighting technology and applications for the modern interior in the mid-twentieth century. Addressing these issues, this paper examines the critical role of electric lighting in regulating and framing both the public and private occupation of Philip Johnson’s New Canaan estate. Exploring the dialectically paired transparent Glass House and opaque Guest House (both 1949), this study illustrates how Johnson employed artificial light to control the visual environment of the estate as well as to aestheticize the performance of domestic space. Looking closely at the use of artificial light to create emotive effects as well as to intensify the experience of occupation, this revisiting of the iconic Glass House and lesser-known Guest House provides a more complex understanding of Johnson’s work and the means with which he inhabited his own architecture. Calling attention to the importance of Johnson serving as both architect and client, and his particular interest in exploring the new potential of architectural lighting in this period, this paper investigates Johnson’s use of electric light to support architectural narratives, maintain visual order and control, and to suit the nuanced desires of domestic occupation.


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Amongst social players, the prank, as a social performance form, holds a lot of potential to impact on personal, relational and social status within a group or between one group and another group. More than simply showing off, a prank in the strictest definition of the term, is a social performance in which one player, a prankster, deploys mischief, trickery or deceit, to cause a moment of anxiety, fear or anger about a happening for another spectator-become-collaborating-player, a prankee – to enhance social bonds, entertain, or comment on a social, cultural or political phenomenon. During a prank, the prankster’s ability to be creative, clever or culturally astute, and the prankee’s ability to be duped, be a good sport, play along, or even play/pay the prankster back, both become fodder for other spectators and society to scrutinize. In Australia, pranking traditions are popular with many social groups, from the community-building pranks of footballers, bucks parties and ‘drop bear’ tales told to tourists, to the more controversial pranks of radio shock jocks, activists and artists. In this paper, I consider whether theatrical terms – theoretical terms from the stage such as actor, acting, objective, arc, performance, audience and emotion, such as those offered by Joseph Roach – are useful in understanding the passion some social players show for pranksterism. Are theatrical terms such as Roach’s as useful as analysts of social self-performance such as Erving Goffman suggest they are? Do they assist in understanding the personal actions, reactions and emotions of prankster and prankee? Do they assist in understanding the power relations between prankster and prankee? Do they assist in understanding the relation between the prank – be it an everyday prank amongst families, friends and coworkers, an entertainment program prank of the sort seen on Prank Patrol, Punked or Scare Tactics, or an activist pranks perpetrated by a guerrilla artist, ‘jammers’ or ‘hackers’ intent on turning dominant social systems back on themselves – the social players, and the public sphere in which the prank takes place? I reflect on how reading pranks as performances, by players, for highly participatory audiences, helps understand why they are so prevalent, and so recurrent across times, cultures and contexts, and also so controversial when not performed well enough – or when performed too well – prompting outrage from the prankster, prankee or society as passionate as any debate about a performance by players in a theatre.


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The most difficult operation in the flood inundation mapping using optical flood images is to separate fully inundated areas from the ‘wet’ areas where trees and houses are partly covered by water. This can be referred as a typical problem the presence of mixed pixels in the images. A number of automatic information extraction image classification algorithms have been developed over the years for flood mapping using optical remote sensing images. Most classification algorithms generally, help in selecting a pixel in a particular class label with the greatest likelihood. However, these hard classification methods often fail to generate a reliable flood inundation mapping because the presence of mixed pixels in the images. To solve the mixed pixel problem advanced image processing techniques are adopted and Linear Spectral unmixing method is one of the most popular soft classification technique used for mixed pixel analysis. The good performance of linear spectral unmixing depends on two important issues, those are, the method of selecting endmembers and the method to model the endmembers for unmixing. This paper presents an improvement in the adaptive selection of endmember subset for each pixel in spectral unmixing method for reliable flood mapping. Using a fixed set of endmembers for spectral unmixing all pixels in an entire image might cause over estimation of the endmember spectra residing in a mixed pixel and hence cause reducing the performance level of spectral unmixing. Compared to this, application of estimated adaptive subset of endmembers for each pixel can decrease the residual error in unmixing results and provide a reliable output. In this current paper, it has also been proved that this proposed method can improve the accuracy of conventional linear unmixing methods and also easy to apply. Three different linear spectral unmixing methods were applied to test the improvement in unmixing results. Experiments were conducted in three different sets of Landsat-5 TM images of three different flood events in Australia to examine the method on different flooding conditions and achieved satisfactory outcomes in flood mapping.


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We consider the problem of matching people to jobs, where each person ranks a subset of jobs in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. There are several notions of optimality about how to best match each person to a job; in particular, popularity is a natural and appealing notion of optimality. However, popular matchings do not always provide an answer to the problem of determining an optimal matching since there are simple instances that do not adroit popular matchings. This motivates the following extension of the popular rnatchings problem:Given a graph G; = (A boolean OR J, E) where A is the set of people and J is the set of jobs, and a list < c(1), c(vertical bar J vertical bar)) denoting upper bounds on the capacities of each job, does there exist (x(1), ... , x(vertical bar J vertical bar)) such that setting the capacity of i-th, job to x(i) where 1 <= x(i) <= c(i), for each i, enables the resulting graph to admit a popular matching. In this paper we show that the above problem is NP-hard. We show that the problem is NP-hard even when each c is 1 or 2.


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Objective : The main objective of this work was to study the antipyretic and antibacterial activity of C. erectus (Buch.-Ham.) Verdcourt leaf extract in an experimental albino rat model. Materials and Methods : The methanol extract of C. erectus leaf (MECEL) was evaluated for its antipyretic potential on normal body temperature and Brewers yeast-induced pyrexia in albino rats model. While the antibacterial activity of MECEL against five Gram (-) and three Gram () bacterial strains and antimycotic activity was investigated against four fungi using agar disk diffusion and microdilution methods. Result : Yeast suspension (10 mL/kg b.w.) elevated rectal temperature after 19 h of subcutaneous injection. Oral administration of MECEL at 100 and 200 mg/kg b.w. showed significant reduction of normal rectal body temperature and yeast-provoked elevated temperature (38.8 0.2 and 37.6 0.4, respectively, at 2-3 h) in a dose-dependent manner, and the effect was comparable to that of the standard antipyretic drug-paracetamol (150 mg/kg b.w.). MECEL at 2 mg/disk showed broad spectrum of growth inhibition activity against both groups of bacteria. However, MECEL was not effective against the yeast strains tested in this study. Conclusion : This study revealed that the methanol extract of C. erectus exhibited significant antipyretic activity in the tested models and antibacterial activity as well, and may provide the scientific rationale for its popular use as antipyretic agent in Khamptiss folk medicines.


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We consider the problem of matching people to items, where each person ranks a subset of items in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. There are several notions of optimality about how to best match a person to an item; in particular, popularity is a natural and appealing notion of optimality. A matching M* is popular if there is no matching M such that the number of people who prefer M to M* exceeds the number who prefer M* to M. However, popular matchings do not always provide an answer to the problem of determining an optimal matching since there are simple instances that do not admit popular matchings. This motivates the following extension of the popular matchings problem: Given a graph G = (A U 3, E) where A is the set of people and 2 is the set of items, and a list < c(1),...., c(vertical bar B vertical bar)> denoting upper bounds on the number of copies of each item, does there exist < x(1),...., x(vertical bar B vertical bar)> such that for each i, having x(i) copies of the i-th item, where 1 <= xi <= c(i), enables the resulting graph to admit a popular matching? In this paper we show that the above problem is NP-hard. We show that the problem is NP-hard even when each c(i) is 1 or 2. We show a polynomial time algorithm for a variant of the above problem where the total increase in copies is bounded by an integer k. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the problem of matching applicants to jobs under one-sided preferences; that is, each applicant ranks a non-empty subset of jobs under an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching M is said to be more popular than T if the applicants that prefer M to T outnumber those that prefer T to M. A matching is said to be popular if there is no matching more popular than it. Equivalently, a matching M is popular if phi(M, T) >= phi(T, M) for all matchings T, where phi(X, Y) is the number of applicants that prefer X to Y. Previously studied solution concepts based on the popularity criterion are either not guaranteed to exist for every instance (e.g., popular matchings) or are NP-hard to compute (e.g., least unpopular matchings). This paper addresses this issue by considering mixed matchings. A mixed matching is simply a probability distribution over matchings in the input graph. The function phi that compares two matchings generalizes in a natural manner to mixed matchings by taking expectation. A mixed matching P is popular if phi(P, Q) >= phi(Q, P) for all mixed matchings Q. We show that popular mixed matchings always exist and we design polynomial time algorithms for finding them. Then we study their efficiency and give tight bounds on the price of anarchy and price of stability of the popular matching problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The advent and evolution of geohazard warning systems is a very interesting study. The two broad fields that are immediately visible are that of geohazard evaluation and subsequent warning dissemination. Evidently, the latter field lacks any systematic study or standards. Arbitrarily organized and vague data and information on warning techniques create confusion and indecision. The purpose of this review is to try and systematize the available bulk of information on warning systems so that meaningful insights can be derived through decidable flowcharts, and a developmental process can be undertaken. Hence, the methods and technologies for numerous geohazard warning systems have been assessed by putting them into suitable categories for better understanding of possible ways to analyze their efficacy as well as shortcomings. By establishing a classification scheme based on extent, control, time period, and advancements in technology, the geohazard warning systems available in any literature could be comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. Although major advancements have taken place in geohazard warning systems in recent times, they have been lacking a complete purpose. Some systems just assess the hazard and wait for other means to communicate, and some are designed only for communication and wait for the hazard information to be provided, which usually is after the mishap. Primarily, systems are left at the mercy of administrators and service providers and are not in real time. An integrated hazard evaluation and warning dissemination system could solve this problem. Warning systems have also suffered from complexity of nature, requirement of expert-level monitoring, extensive and dedicated infrastructural setups, and so on. The user community, which would greatly appreciate having a convenient, fast, and generalized warning methodology, is surveyed in this review. The review concludes with the future scope of research in the field of hazard warning systems and some suggestions for developing an efficient mechanism toward the development of an automated integrated geohazard warning system. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000078. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de Evaluar los resultados alcanzados por el Proyecto del Trópico Húmedo e:n la Zona de Pancasan del Departamento de Matagalpa quien fuera ejecutado por la Asociación Agrícola para el Desarrollo Agrícola Comunal (ADDAC) durante la segunda fase de ejecución del Proyecto, comprendida desde Septiembre de 1993 a Febrero de 1996, flnanciado por la Agencia Noruega para el Desarrollo (NORAD). La metodología empleada en el presente Estudio se basó en el tipo de Evaluación Ex­ post de la Dirección de Proyectos y Programación de Inversiones de las Naciones Unidas CEPAL y se resume en cuatro etapas: - Primera etapa Revisión de Información Escrita. - Segunda etapa Levantado de Datos de Campo. - Tercera etapa Procesamiento y Análisis de la Información de Campo. - Cuata y última etapa Elaboración y Presentacion del Informe Final. Los resultados alcanzados por el proyecto según el estudio, muestra que los ingresos percibidos por los productores participantes del Proyecto o Poblacion Meta (PM) se consideran que han aumentado en un 40% más con la incidencia del Proyecto Trópico Húmedo (PTH) con relación a los ingresos de los productores no participantes del Proyecto o Población No Meta (PNM). Este comportamiento refleja que los participantes del PTH han logrado mejorías sustanciales en la disponibilidad del recurso económico así como la creación de condiciones básicas para mejorar sus condiciones de vida. Además los procesos económicos dan lugar a una diferenciación económica entre los pobladores de la zona, pero por otro lado, establece un grado de interés y motivación para Integrarse de una manera activa como participantes del proyecto. En lo que se refiere a capacitación, se estima un 139% de sobrecumplimiento, según la planificación de eventos de capacitación, sobre todo en los años 1993 y 1994. Es importante destacar que este sobrecumplimiento de las capacitaciones tienen un producto y se refleja con la aplicación de las actividades del tipo agroforestal por parte de los participantes del proyecto y con la concepción creada en éstos sobre la preservación de los recursos naturales- Otro elemento Importante que pone de manifiesto el producto de las capacitaciones es el haber desarrollado capacidades en un buen grupo de productores estimados en 60 como futuros promotores de acciones de desarrollo. Por otro lado, han sido diversos los factores que determinaron una disminución en los rendimientos de los principales cultivos (maíz y frijol) entre ellos las variaciones climáticas y el mal manejo, sobre todo en la época de Apante de los productores de la PM con relación a los productores de la PNM. En el rubro Maíz los rendimientos del año 1995 disminuyeron en un 31% con relación a los del año de 1993, contrario a los rendimientos de la PNM que se incrementaron en un 2.1%. En el rubro frijol durante el mismo período, en las dos poblaciones en estudio, se redujo en un 35 y 34 % para la PM y la PNM respectivamente. Sin embargo, la tendencia de este comportamiento es revertirse, ya que los productores de la PNM realizan aplicaciones de agroquímicos para poder obtener estos resultados y los de la PM utilizan prácticas de Conservación de Suelo que a un corto plazo se reflejarán en un incremento de los rendimientos. El rubro pecuario mostró un comportamiento relativamente bajo con relación a los índices zootécnicos previstos, encontrándose mejores resultados en la PNM. Esto se atribuye fundamentalmente a la poca incidencia de las acciones que ha tenido el proyecto hacia este rubro justificado por el alto costo de Inversión que requiere tanto en material biológico como en Infraestructura. En las especies menores (cerdos y aves) no existen indicadores en los registros productivos ni en los resultados esperados por el proyecto. Esto puede valorarse como negativo y como debilidad manifiesta en el proceso de definición para la ampliación de las acciones del proyecto, de manera que no permite cuantificar ni cualificar el comportamiento de éstas ni el Impacto que pueden generar en los sistemas productivos de las unidades de producción. De tal manera que referirnos promedios de 2.66 cerdos por productor (de 13 productores), a diferencia de la PNM que 9 productores reportan un promedio de 1.33 unidades, a esto se agrega que ambas poblaciones reportan el suministro del mismo tipo de alimento (maíz, yuca, guineo, suero y sal). En aves se reportan productores de la PM con mayor número con relación a los de la PNM, con un promedio de 17 y 13 respectivamente. La alimentación suministrada por parte de la PM, se basa fundamentalmente en maíz y concentrados caseros (técnica promovida por el proyecto), este manejo aplicado a las aves por la PM tiene como resultado un aumento en la disponibilidad de alimento para la dieta familiar haciendo uso de los recursos locales de la unidad de producción, sucediendo lo contrario en los productores de la PNM, que para alimentar a las aves por lo general se destina el grano de maíz, compitiendo de esta manera, aves y familia por el alimento. Referente a la diversificación de la producción en la PM1 existe un fuerte predominio (del 32%) de 6 rubros establecidos en la finca y hay una tendencia (de un 21%) a incrementarse hasta 8 rubros como lo manifiestan las metas propuestas por el proyecto inicial. Un elemento importante que explica estos comportamientos la participación activa del personal técnico con los participantes del proyecto, ya que se establecen en un proceso de acción-reflexión-acción. Sucede lo contrario con los productores del grupo de la PNM que siendo 5 los rubros que mayor predominan en las fincas y con poca tendenda (16%) a incrementarse hasta 7 rubros por finca. En lo que adopción de tecnología se refiere, se manifiesta un número de productores (PM) que han adoptado de 3-4 prácticas por año y ha ido en aumento a lo largo de los tres años, desde el 11% en 1993 al 30% en 1995, y se establecen en los rubros de Maíz, Frijol y café. Mucho ha influido y de manera positiva en este proceso de adopción los niveles de comunicación desarrollados por los técnicos con los participantes del proyecto, sin embargo han sido diversos los factores que han influido de manera negativa en el proceso los cuales se reflejaron como: los resultados de las técnicas no son a corto plazo; hay mucha inversión de mano de obra; se hace uso de Insumas externos; hay una resistencia al uso de las tecnologías. La participación de la mujer de la PM en las actividades del proyecto es muy marcado, 124 jornales/año contra 62 jornales de la PNM, fundamentalmente en las actividades de carácter agropecuario, lo cual refleja una clara influencia del PTH en las mujeres de la comarca. A esto se le agrega el involucramiento en un 81% de las mujeres en al menos, un evento de capacitación del PTH a lo largo de tres años. Una evidencia de la diferencia en el comportamiento de las mujeres participantes en el Proyecto o PM es que al aplicar el Instrumento individual se evidencio una mayor fluidez, menor temor de expresión y un ambiente de mayor confianza, mientras que en la mayoría de las no participantes o PNM, se mostró mayor temor a expresar sus ideas y con muy poca alocución a las preguntas formuladas. La experiencia organizativa en la zona de Influencia del proyecto históricamente ha sido muy negativa, por la gran influencia política en dichas organizaciones. El proyecto influyó de una manera muy positiva en el aspecto de la organizacion campesina/ debido a la dinámica neutral de trabajo y en fundón de un bien colectivo, como es la preservación de los recursos naturales. Esto hace posible que en dinámicas de capacitación, surjan expresiones de participantes del proyecto sobre el beneficio de la organización, tales como "El pecado no está en la organización en sí, si no en la forma en cómo es concebida y coordinada"; es importante destacar que estas concepciones de los participantes, dan pautas para la valoración de que se han establecido las bases para desarrollar de una manera más efectiva las acciones impulsadas con un carácter sostenible. Considerando que los resultados obtenidos en el estudio muestran mejoras considerables y sustanciales en los aspectos socioeconómicos de las familias campesinas participantes del proyecto, es importante implementar una tercera fase de ejecución, de manera que se logre fortalecer y ampliar los componentes del proyecto, tomando en cuenta en la planificación una dotación de recursos humanos y económicos para garantizar la influencia a otras zonas aledañas a Pancasan.


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Introducción: El Tinkunaco en la provincia de La Rioja, Argentina, es una fiesta que, arraigada en este pueblo desde 1593, tiene una hondura inigualable. Puede ser leída desde diversos ángulos: realizando un recorrido histórico a lo largo de sus más de 400 años de historia, estudiándola desde la teología, la etnografía, el folklore, la lingüística, la política. Cada ciencia y línea de investigación tendrá su propio método, pero separadas unas de otras no accederán acabadamente a la fiesta. Nosotros realizaremos en esta tesis un acercamiento desde la Teología Práctica integrando también a ciencias tales como la historia, la sociología, la psicología...