841 resultados para Polyvinylidene fluoride (PDVF) membrane


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In this paper, a supervisor system, able to diagnose different types of faults during the operation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is introduced. The diagnosis is developed by applying Bayesian networks, which qualify and quantify the cause-effect relationship among the variables of the process. The fault diagnosis is based on the on-line monitoring of variables easy to measure in the machine such as voltage, electric current, and temperature. The equipment is a fuel cell system which can operate even when a fault occurs. The fault effects are based on experiments on the fault tolerant fuel cell, which are reproduced in a fuel cell model. A database of fault records is constructed from the fuel cell model, improving the generation time and avoiding permanent damage to the equipment. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fluoride (F) is an air pollutant that causes phytotoxicity. Besides the importance of this, losses of agricultural crops in the vicinity of F polluting industries in Brazil have been recently reported. Injuries caused to plant leaf cell structures by excess F are not well characterized. However, this may contribute to understanding the ways in which plant physiological and biochemical processes are altered. A study evaluated the effects of the atmospheric F on leaf characteristics and growth of young trees of sweet orange and coffee exposed to low (0.04 mol L(-1)) or high (0.16 mol L(-1)) doses of HF nebulized in closed chamber for 28 days plus a control treatment not exposed. Gladiolus and ryegrass were used as bioindicators in the experiment to monitor F exposure levels. Fluoride concentration and dry mass of leaves were evaluated. Leaf anatomy was observed under light and electron microscopy. High F concentrations (similar to 180 mg kg(-1)) were found in leaves of plants exposed at the highest dose of HF. Visual symptoms of F toxicity in leaves of citrus and coffee were observed. Analyses of plant tissue provided evidence that F caused degeneration of cell wall and cytoplasm and disorganization of bundle sheath, which were more evident in Gladiolus and coffee. Minor changes were observed for sweet orange and ryegrass. Increase on individual stomatal area was also marked for the Gladiolus and coffee, and which were characterized by occurrence of opened ostioles. The increased F absorption by leaves and changes at the structural and ultrastructural level of leaf tissues correlated with reduced plant growth.


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The soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces two siderophores, a pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin, and its proteome includes 45 TonB-dependent outer-membrane proteins, which commonly function in uptake of siderophores and other substrates from the environment. The 45 proteins share the conserved beta-barrel and plug domains of TonB-dependent proteins but only 18 of them have an N-terminal signaling domain characteristic of TonB-dependent transducers (TBDTs), which participate in cell-surface signaling systems. Phylogenetic analyses of the 18 TBDTs and 27 TonB-dependent receptors (TBDRs), which lack the N-terminal signaling domain, suggest a complex evolutionary history including horizontal transfer among different microbial lineages. Putative functions were assigned to certain TBDRs and TBDTs in clades including well-characterized orthologs from other Pseudomonas spp. A mutant of Pf-5 with deletions in pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was constructed and characterized for iron-limited growth and utilization of a spectrum of siderophores. The mutant could utilize as iron sources a large number of pyoverdines with diverse structures as well as ferric citrate, heme, and the siderophores ferrichrome, ferrioxamine B, enterobactin, and aerobactin. The diversity and complexity of the TBDTs and TBDRs with roles in iron uptake clearly indicate the importance of iron in the fitness and survival of Pf-5 in the environment.


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An experiment was implemented to study fluid flow in a pressure media. This procedure successfully combines nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with a pressure membrane chamber in order to visualize the non-wetting and wetting fluid flows with controlled boundary conditions. A specially designed pressure membrane chamber, made of non-magnetic materials and able to withstand 4 MPa, was designed and built for this purpose. These two techniques were applied to the drainage of Douglas fir sapwood. In the study of the longitudinal flow, narrow drainage fingers are formed in the latewood zones. They follow the longitudinal direction of wood and spread throughout the sample length. These fingers then enlarge in the cross-section plane and coalesce until drainage reaches the whole latewood part. At the end of the experiments, when the drainage of liquid water in latewood is completed, just a few sites of percolation appear in earlywood zones. This difference is a result of the wood anatomical structure, where pits, the apertures that allow the sap to flow between wood cells, are more easily aspirated in earlywood than in latewood. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (AMA-1) of Plasmodium sp. has been suggested as a vaccine candidate against malaria. This protein seems to be involved in merozoite invasion and its extra-cellular portion contains three distinct domains: DI, DII, and DIII. Previously, we described that Plasmodium vivax AMA-1 (PvAMA-1) ectodomain is highly immunogenic in natural human infections. Here, we expressed each domain, separately or in combination (DI-II or DII-III), as bacterial recombinant proteins to map immunodominant epitopes within the PvAMA-1 ectodomain. IgG recognition was assessed by ELISA using sera of P. vivax-infected individuals collected from endemic regions of Brazil or antibodies raised in immunized mice. The frequencies of responders to recombinant proteins containing the DII were higher than the others and similar to the ones observed against the PvAMA-1 ectodomain. Moreover, ELISA inhibition assays using the PvAMA-1 ectodomain as substrate revealed the presence of many common epitopes within DI-II that are recognized by human immune antibodies. Finally, immunization of mice with the PvAMA-1 ectodomain induced high levels of antibodies predominantly to DI-II. Together, our results indicate that DII is particularly immunogenic during natural human infections, thus indicating that this region could be used as part of an experimental sub-unit vaccine to prevent vivax malaria. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Sunless tanning formulas have become increasingly popular in recent years for their ability to give people convincing tans without the dangers of skin cancer. Most sunless tanners currently on the market contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a keto sugar with three carbons. The temporary pigment provided by these formulasis designed to resemble a UV-induced tan. This study evaluated the effectiveness of carbomer gels and cold process self emulsifying bases on skin pigmentation, using different concentrations of a chemical system composed of DHA and N-acetyl tyrosine, which are found in moulted snake skins and their effectiveness was tested by Mexameter (R) MX 18. Eight different sunless tanning formulas were developed, four of which were gels and four of which were emulsions (base, base plus 4.0%, 5.0% and 6.0% (w/w) of a system of DHA and N-acetyl tyrosine). Tests to determine the extent of artificial tanning were done by applying 30 mg cm(-2) of each formula onto standard sizes of moulted snake skin (2.0 cm x 3.0 cm). A Mexameter (R) MX 18 was used to evaluate the extent of coloration in the moulted snake skin at T(0) (before the application) and after 24, 48, 72, 168, 192 and 216 h. The moulted snake skins can be used as an alternative membrane model for in vitro sunless tanning efficacy tests due to their similarity to the human stratum corneum. The DHA concentration was found to influence the initiation of the pigmentation in both sunless tanning systems (emulsion and gel) as well as the time required to increases by a given amount on the tanning index. In the emulsion system, the DHA concentration also influenced the final value on the tanning index. The type of system (emulsion or gel) has no influence on the final value in the tanning index after 216 h for samples with the same DHA concentration.


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The Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA-1) is considered a promising candidate for development of a malaria vaccine against asexual stages of Plasmodium. We recently identified domain II (DII) of Plasmodium vivax AMA-1 (PvAMA-1) as a highly immunogenic region recognised by IgG antibodies present in many individuals during patent infection with P. vivax. The present study was designed to evaluate the immunogenic properties of a bacterial recombinant protein containing PvAMA-1 DII. To accomplish this, the recombinant protein was administered to mice in the presence of each of the following six adjuvants: Complete/Incomplete Freund`s Adjuvant (CFA/IFA), aluminium hydroxide (Alum), Quil A, QS21 saponin, CpG-ODN 1826 and TiterMax. We found that recombinant DII was highly immunogenic in BALB/c mice when administered in the presence of any of the tested adjuvants. Importantly, we show that DII-specific antibodies recognised the native AMA-1 protein expressed on the surface of P. vivax merozoites isolated from the blood of infected patients. These results demonstrate that a recombinant protein containing PvAMA-1 DII is immunogenic when administered in different adjuvant formulations, and indicate that this region of the AMA-1 protein should continue to be evaluated as part of a subunit vaccine against vivax malaria. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Guttiferone-A (GA) is a natural occurring polyisoprenylated benzophenone with cytotoxic action in vitro and anti-tumor action in rodent models. We addressed a potential involvement of mitochondria in GA toxicity (1-25 mu M) toward cancer cells by employing both hepatic carcinoma (HepG2) cells and succinate-energized mitochondria, isolated from rat liver. In HepG2 cells GA decreased viability, dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, depleted ATP and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. In isolated rat-liver mitochondria GA promoted membrane fluidity increase, cyclosporine A/EGTA-insensitive membrane permeabilization, uncoupling (membrane potential dissipation/state 4 respiration rate increase), Ca(2+) efflux, ATP depletion, NAD(P)H depletion/oxidation and ROS levels increase. All effects in cells, except mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation, as well as NADPH depletion/oxidation and permeabilization in isolated mitochondria, were partly prevented by the a NAD(P)H regenerating substrate isocitrate. The results suggest the following sequence of events: 1) GA interaction with mitochondrial membrane promoting its permeabilization; 2) mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation; 3) NAD(P)H oxidation/depletion due to inability of membrane potential-sensitive NADP(+) transhydrogenase of sustaining its reduced state; 4) ROS accumulation inside mitochondria and cells; 5) additional mitochondrial membrane permeabilization due to ROS; and 6) ATP depletion. These GA actions are potentially implicated in the well-documented anti-cancer property of GA/structure related compounds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The intra-buccal polymeric bioadhesive systems that can stay adhered to the oral soft tissues for drug programmed release, with the preventive and/or therapeutic purpose has been employed for large clinical situations. A system based on hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose/Carbopol 934`/magnesium stearate (HPMC/Cp/StMg) was developed having the sodium fluoride as active principle. This kind of system was evaluated according to its resistance to the removal by means of physical test of tensile strength. Swine buccal mucosa extracted immediately after animals` sacrifice was employed as substrate for the physical trials, to obtain 16 test bodies. Artificial saliva with or without mucin was used to involve the substrate/bioadhesive system sets during the trials. Artificial salivas viscosity was determined by means of Brookfield viscometer, showing the artificial saliva with mucin 10.0 cP, and the artificial saliva without mucin 7.5 cP. The tensile strength assays showed the following averages: for the group ""artificial saliva with mucin"" - 12.89 Pa, and for the group ""without mucin"" - 12.35 Pa. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the assays for both artificial salivas, and it was possible to conclude that the variable mucin did not interfered with the bioadhesion process for the polymeric devices. The device was able to release fluoride in a safe, efficient and constant way up to 8 hours.


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Higher blood lead (BPb) levels have been reported in children living in communities that receive fluoride-treated water. Here, we examined whether fluoride co-administered with lead increases BPb and lead concentrations in calcified tissues in Wistar rats exposed to this metal from the beginning of gestation. We exposed female rats and their offspring to control water (Control Group), 100 mg/L of fluoride (F Group), 30 mg/L of lead (Pb Group), or 100 mg/L of fluoride and 30 mg/L of lead (F+ Pb Group) from 1 week prior to mating until offspring was 81 days old. Blood and calcified tissues (enamel, dentine, and bone) were harvested at day 81 for lead and fluoride analyses. Higher BPb concentrations were found in the F+ Pb Group compared with the Pb Group (76.7 +/- 11.0 mu g/dL vs. 22.6 +/- 8.5 mu g/dL, respectively: p <0.001). Two-to threefold higher lead concentrations were found in the calcified tissues in the F+ Pb Group compared with the Pb Group (all p <0.001). Fluoride concentrations were similar in the F and in the F+ Pb Groups. These findings show that fluoride consistently increases BPb and calcified tissues Pb concentrations in animals exposed to low levels of lead and suggest that a biological effect not yet recognized may underlie the epidemiological association between increased BPb lead levels in children living in water-fluoridated communities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the fluoride intake of 2-6-year-old Brazilian children using a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) which also estimated fluoride intake from dentifrice. Methods: The FFQ was previously validated through application to 78 2-6-year-old Brazilian children and then administered to 379 children residing in an optimally fluoridated community in Brazil (Bauru, State of Sao Paulo). The FFQ was applied to the parents and used to estimate the food intake of the children. The constituents of the diet were divided into solids, water and other beverages. The fluoride content of the diet items was analyzed with the fluoride electrode. The questionnaire also estimated fluoride intake from dentifrice. Results: The average (+/- SD) fluoride intake from solids, water, other beverages and dentifrice was 0.008 +/- 0.005; 0.011 +/- 0.004; 0.009 +/- 0.014 and 0.036 +/- 0.028 mg F/kg body weight/day, respectively, totalizing 0.064 +/- 0.035 mg F/kg body weight/day. The dentifrice and the diet contributed with 56.3% and 43.7% of the daily fluoride intake, respectively. Among the children evaluated, 31.2% are estimated to have risk to develop dental fluorosis (intake > 0.07 mg F/kg body weight/day). Conclusions: The dentifrice was the main source of fluoride intake by the children evaluated. However, the fluoride concentration in food items also significantly contributed to the daily ingestion by 2-6-year-old children. The questionnaire used seems to be a promising alternative to duplicate diet to estimate the fluoride intake at this age range and may have potential to be used in broad epidemiological surveys.


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The three-dimensional solution structure of the 40 residue amyloid beta-peptide, A beta(1-40), has been determined using NMR spectroscopy at pH 5.1, in aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles, In this environment, which simulates to some extent a water-membrane medium, the peptide is unstructured between residues 1 and 14 which are mainly polar and likely solvated by water. However, the rest of the protein adopts an alpha-helical conformation between residues 15 and 36 with a kink or hinge at 25-27. This largely hydrophobic region is likely solvated by SDS. Based on the derived structures, evidence is provided in support of a possible new location for the transmembrane domain of A beta within the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Studies between pH 4.2 and 7.9 reveal a pH-dependent helix-coil conformational switch. At the lower pH values, where the carboxylate residues are protonated, the helix is uncharged, intact, and lipid-soluble. As the pH increases above 6.0, part of the helical region (15-24) becomes less structured, particularly near residues E22 and D23 where deprotonation appears to facilitate unwinding of the helix. This pH-dependent unfolding to a random coil conformation precedes any tendency of this peptide to aggregate to a beta-sheet as the pH increases. The structural biology described herein for A beta(1-40) suggests that (i) the C-terminal two-thirds of the peptide is an alpha-helix in membrane-like environments, (ii) deprotonation of two acidic amino acids in the helix promotes a helix-coil conformational transition that precedes aggregation, (iii) a mobile hinge exists in the helical region of A beta(1-40) and this may be relevant to its membrane-inserting properties and conformational rearrangements, and (iv) the location of the transmembrane domain of amyloid precursor proteins may be different from that accepted in the Literature. These results may provide new insight to the structural properties of amyloid beta-peptides of relevance to Alzheimer's disease.