955 resultados para Polydnavirus Sequences
Three species of flatworms from the genus Echinococcus (E. granulosus, E. multilocularis and E. vogeli) and four strains of E. granulosus (cattle, horse, pig and sheep strains) were analysed by the PCR-SSCP method followed by sequencing, using as targets two non-coding and two coding (one nuclear and one mitochondrial) genomic regions. The sequencing data was used to evaluate hypothesis about the parasite breeding system and the causes of genetic diversification. The calculated recombination parameters suggested that cross-fertilisation was rare in the history of the group. However, the relative rates of substitution in the coding sequences showed that positive selection (instead of purifying selection) drove the evolution of an elastase and neutrophil chemotaxis inhibitor gene (AgB/1). The phylogenetic analyses revealed several ambiguities, indicating that the taxonomic status of the E. granulosus horse strain should be revised
This report describes a partial amino acid sequences from three putative outer envelope proteins from Leptospira serovar pomona. In order to obtain internal fragments for protein sequencing, enzymatic and chemical digestion was performed. The enzyme clostripain was used to digest the proteins 32 and 45 kDa. In situ digestion of 40 kDa molecular weight protein was accomplished using cyanogen bromide. The 32 kDa protein generated two fragments, one of 21 kDa and another of 10 kDa that yielded five residues. A fragment of 24 kDa that yielded nineteen residues of amino acids was obtained from 45 kDa protein. A fragment with a molecular weight of 20 kDa, yielding a twenty amino acids sequence from the 40 kDa protein.
Mammalian genomes contain highly conserved sequences that are not functionally transcribed. These sequences are single copy and comprise approximately 1-2% of the human genome. Evolutionary analysis strongly supports their functional conservation, although their potentially diverse, functional attributes remain unknown. It is likely that genomic variation in conserved non-genic sequences is associated with phenotypic variability and human disorders. So how might their function and contribution to human disorders be examined?
OBJECTIVE: To compare three spin-echo sequences, transverse T1-weighted (T1WI), transverse fat-saturated (FS) T2-weighted (T2WI), and transverse gadolinium-enhanced (Gd) FS T1WI, for the visualisation of normal and abnormal finger A2 pulley with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 3 tesla (T). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-three fingers from 21 patients were consecutively investigated. Two musculoskeletal radiologists retrospectively compared all sequences to assess the visibility of normal and abnormal A2 pulleys and the presence of motion or ghost artefacts. RESULTS: Normal and abnormal A2 pulleys were visible in 94% (59/63) and 95% (60/63) on T1WI sequences, in 63% (40/63) and 60% (38/63) on FS T2WI sequences, and in 87% (55/63) and 73% (46/63) on Gd FS T1WI sequences when read by the first and second observer, respectively. Motion and ghost artefacts were higher on FS T2WI sequences. Seven among eight abnormal A2 pulleys were detected, and were best depicted with Gd FS T1WI sequences in 71% (5/7) and 86% (6/7) by the first and the second observer, respectively. CONCLUSION: In 3-T MRI, the comparison between transverse T1WI, FS T2WI, and Gd FS T1WI sequences shows that transverse T1WI allows excellent depiction of the A2 pulley, that FS T2WI suffers from a higher rate of motion and ghost artefacts, and transverse Gd FS T1WI is the best sequence for the depiction of abnormal A2 pulley.
hilA gene promoter, component of the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1, has been found in Salmonella serovar Typhimurium, being important for the regulation of type III secretion apparatus genes. We detected hilA gene sequences in Salmonella serovars Typhi, Enteritidis, Choleraesuis, Paratyphi A and B, and Pullorum, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridization techniques. The primers to carry out PCR were designed according to hilA sequence. A low stringency hybridization with the probe pVV441 (hilA open-reading-frame plasmid) was carried out. To find hilA gene sequences in other Salmonella sp. suggest that these serovars could have similar sequences of this kind of virulence genes.
The study of the Schistosoma mansoni genome, one of the etiologic agents of human schistosomiasis, is essential for a better understanding of the biology and development of this parasite. In order to get an overview of all S. mansoni catalogued gene sequences, we performed a clustering analysis of the parasite mRNA sequences available in public databases. This was made using softwares PHRAP and CAP3. The consensus sequences, generated after the alignment of cluster constituent sequences, allowed the identification by database homology searches of the most expressed genes in the worm. We analyzed these genes and looked for a correlation between their high expression and parasite metabolism and biology. We observed that the majority of these genes is related to the maintenance of basic cell functions, encoding genes whose products are related to the cytoskeleton, intracellular transport and energy metabolism. Evidences are presented here that genes for aerobic energy metabolism are expressed in all the developmental stages analyzed. Some of the most expressed genes could not be identified by homology searches and may have some specific functions in the parasite.
In the last decade microsatellites have become one of the most useful genetic markers used in a large number of organisms due to their abundance and high level of polymorphism. Microsatellites have been used for individual identification, paternity tests, forensic studies and population genetics. Data on microsatellite abundance comes preferentially from microsatellite enriched libraries and DNA sequence databases. We have conducted a search in GenBank of more than 16,000 Schistosoma mansoni ESTs and 42,000 BAC sequences. In addition, we obtained 300 sequences from CA and AT microsatellite enriched genomic libraries. The sequences were searched for simple repeats using the RepeatMasker software. Of 16,022 ESTs, we detected 481 (3%) sequences that contained 622 microsatellites (434 perfect, 164 imperfect and 24 compounds). Of the 481 ESTs, 194 were grouped in 63 clusters containing 2 to 15 ESTs per cluster. Polymorphisms were observed in 16 clusters. The 287 remaining ESTs were orphan sequences. Of the 42,017 BAC end sequences, 1,598 (3.8%) contained microsatellites (2,335 perfect, 287 imperfect and 79 compounds). The 1,598 BAC end sequences 80 were grouped into 17 clusters containing 3 to 17 BAC end sequences per cluster. Microsatellites were present in 67 out of 300 sequences from microsatellite enriched libraries (55 perfect, 38 imperfect and 15 compounds). From all of the observed loci 55 were selected for having the longest perfect repeats and flanking regions that allowed the design of primers for PCR amplification. Additionally we describe two new polymorphic microsatellite loci.
During genetic recombination a heteroduplex joint is formed between two homologous DNA molecules. The heteroduplex joint plays an important role in recombination since it accommodates sequence heterogeneities (mismatches, insertions or deletions) that lead to genetic variation. Two Escherichia coli proteins, RuvA and RuvB, promote the formation of heteroduplex DNA by catalysing the branch migration of crossovers, or Holliday junctions, which link recombining chromosomes. We show that RuvA and RuvB can promote branch migration through 1800 bp of heterologous DNA, in a reaction facilitated by the presence of E.coli single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein. Reaction intermediates, containing unpaired heteroduplex regions bound by SSB, were directly visualized by electron microscopy. In the absence of SSB, or when SSB was replaced by a single-strand binding protein from bacteriophage T4 (gene 32 protein), only limited heterologous branch migration was observed. These results show that the RuvAB proteins, which are induced as part of the SOS response to DNA damage, allow genetic recombination and the recombinational repair of DNA to occur in the presence of extensive lengths of heterology.
Biased gene conversion and GC-content evolution in the coding sequences of reptiles and vertebrates.
Mammalian and avian genomes are characterized by a substantial spatial heterogeneity of GC-content, which is often interpreted as reflecting the effect of local GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC), a meiotic repair bias that favors G and C over A and T alleles in high-recombining genomic regions. Surprisingly, the first fully sequenced nonavian sauropsid (i.e., reptile), the green anole Anolis carolinensis, revealed a highly homogeneous genomic GC-content landscape, suggesting the possibility that gBGC might not be at work in this lineage. Here, we analyze GC-content evolution at third-codon positions (GC3) in 44 vertebrates species, including eight newly sequenced transcriptomes, with a specific focus on nonavian sauropsids. We report that reptiles, including the green anole, have a genome-wide distribution of GC3 similar to that of mammals and birds, and we infer a strong GC3-heterogeneity to be already present in the tetrapod ancestor. We further show that the dynamic of coding sequence GC-content is largely governed by karyotypic features in vertebrates, notably in the green anole, in agreement with the gBGC hypothesis. The discrepancy between third-codon positions and noncoding DNA regarding GC-content dynamics in the green anole could not be explained by the activity of transposable elements or selection on codon usage. This analysis highlights the unique value of third-codon positions as an insertion/deletion-free marker of nucleotide substitution biases that ultimately affect the evolution of proteins.
The first and second internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA of Biomphalaria tenagophila complex (B. tenagophila, B. occidentalis, and B. t. guaibensis) were sequenced and compared. The alignment lengths of these regions were about 655 bp and 481 bp, respectively. Phylogenetic relationships among the Biomphalaria species were inferred by Maximum Parsimony and Neighbor-joining methods. The phylogenetic trees produced, in most of the cases, were in accordance with morphological systematics and other molecular data previously obtained by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The present results provide support for the proposal that B. tenagophila represents a complex comprising B. tenagophila, B. occidentalis and B. t. guaibensis.
Electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes between the most distantly related Xenopus vitellogenin genes (A genes X B genes) has revealed the distribution of homologous regions that have been preferentially conserved after the duplication events that gave rise to the multigene family in Xenopus laevis. DNA sequence analysis was limited to the region downstream of the transcription initiation site of the Xenopus genes A1, B1 and B2 and a comparison with the Xenopus A2 and the major chicken vitellogenin gene is presented. Within the coding regions of the first three exons, nucleotide substitutions resulting in amino acid changes accumulate at a rate similar to that observed in globin genes. This suggests that the duplication event which led to the formation of the A and B ancestral genes in Xenopus laevis occurred about 150 million years ago. Homologous exons of the A1-A2 and B1-B2 gene pairs, which formed about 30 million years ago, show a quite similar sequence divergence. In contrast, A1-A2 homologous introns seem to have evolved much faster than their B1-B2 counterparts.
The expression of a hybrid gene formed by the promoter region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 and the CAT coding region is regulated by estrogen when the gene is transfected into hormone-responsive MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, the 5' flanking region of the gene B1 alone can confer inducibility to heterologous promoters, although to a varying extent depending on the promoter used. Deletion mapping of he vitellogenin hormone-responsive sequences revealed that a 13 bp element 5'-AGTCACTGTGACC-3' at position -334 is essential for estrogen inducibility. We have shown previously that this 13 bp element is present upstream of several liver-specific estrogen-inducible genes.