104 resultados para Polyculture


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应用稳定碳、氮同位素比值法和脂肪酸标志分析法,较为系统地研究了贝藻混养系统中滤食性贝类的食物来源,评估了大型藻类对混养系统及滤食性贝类的物质贡献。主要研究结果如下: 1.综述了典型生态系统中大型藻类和滤食性贝类各自的生态学地位和作用,大型藻类与滤食性贝类不仅在水体营养盐方面存在互利关系,二者在物质循环与收支方面同样具有耦合性,大型藻类提供的颗粒态有机质可以为滤食性贝类提供饵料来源。 2.总结了稳定同位素比值法和脂肪酸标志法在海洋生态系统食物来源及食物网分析中的应用,并建立了两种方法的具体操作规程。 3.分析了栉孔扇贝Chlamys farreri和海带Laminaria japonica混养系统中海带碎屑形成及释放不同阶段的生态学特征,评估了碎屑对扇贝的饵料贡献。海带在6周内释放了自身约27%的碳;碎屑形成及释放过程中C:N比值显著下降,同时伴随着旺盛的细菌降解,碎屑中也发现有大量硅藻类和原生动物存在。稳定同位素分析证实海带碎屑是混养期间扇贝的主要食物来源。 4.查明了春季胶州湾潮间带自然分布的长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas、紫贻贝Mytilus galloprovincialis和湾内浅海筏式养殖栉孔扇贝的可能食物来源。湾内栉孔扇贝饵料组成中浮游硅藻类为最主要部分,同时混杂有陆源有机质和细菌类物质;潮间带自然生长的牡蛎和贻贝饵料组成中,浮游植物占86.2-89.0%,种类组成中除硅藻外还包括一定比例的金藻和甲藻类;潮间带繁盛的孔石莼Ulva pertusa藻床为两种贝类提供了8.7-11.0%的补充食物来源。 5.揭示了桑沟湾贝藻混养海区春、夏季栉孔扇贝饵料来源组成情况及其季节变化,评估了海带养殖区碎屑碳量季节变化及海带来源碳对扇贝组织碳的贡献。结果表明,湾内贝藻混养区碎屑碳量为75.52-265.19 μg l-1,其在水体总颗粒态有机碳中的比例为25.6-73.8%。海带来源碎屑碳对栉孔扇贝组织碳的贡献比例为14.1-42.8%,且与水体碎屑碳比例的季节变化存在极显著相关性(F=0.992, P=0.004)。5月份湾外海带养殖区水体碎屑碳量为110.12-144.71 μg l-1,显著高于湾内无海带区(75.52 μg l-1),湾外养殖的扇贝组织中海带来源碳比例为22.0-24.1%,显著高于湾内单养区扇贝(9.6%)。估算结果表明,桑沟湾每年收获的6967吨(总湿重)栉孔扇贝中,海带提供了约57.1吨碳,换算为海带干物质为219.6吨。脂肪酸标志分析结果表明,2月份至8月份硅藻类在扇贝饵料组成中比例逐渐下降,而细菌类比例逐渐升高。整个采样期间,EPA/DHA比例较低,说明扇贝饵料组成中可能包括高DHA含量的组分。


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沉积物再悬浮作为一个比较普遍的物理现象,对浅海生态系统污染物的生物地球化学循环具有强烈的干扰作用。本研究以我国北方重要养殖海湾——桑沟湾为研究对象,从物理、化学、生物三个角度出发,研究了沉积物再悬浮的发生过程以及再悬浮介质-沉积物的源汇转换角色及其与养殖藻类的关系,构建了波流耦合模型和再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。主要研究结果如下: 1)桑沟湾的海湾动力比约为1.54,沉积物具有发生再悬浮的潜在动力条件;推导出波流耦合切应力的计算公式。 2)悬浮颗粒物浓度(SSC)与浊度(NTU)之间符合线性方程SSC=15.908×ln(NTU)+7.0888(n=33,R2=0.7209);碎屑有机碳库是桑沟湾养殖生态系统中最大的有机碳库,占总POC库储量的81.87%。 3)沉积物再悬浮的临界切应力在0.059 N/m2左右,耦合切应力与悬浮颗粒物浓度符合方程= 238.06 SSC + 25.215(n=25,R2 = 0.7298);最大剪切深度可达8.81 cm;桑沟湾沉积物再悬浮通量的数量级在10-5~10-6 kg·m-2·s-1之间,再悬浮临界风速约为5.51 m/s,全年约有171天沉积物处于再悬浮状态;构建了沉积物再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。 4)桑沟湾表层沉积物总氮的含量范围313.09~1094.44µg/g,有机氮是总氮的主要形态,平均占总氮的60.86%;交换态氮是无机氮的主要形式,平均占无机氮的71.40%,交换态氮中NO3--N的含量最大;桑沟湾表层沉积物的TOC/TN比值为9.38,表明沉积物中有机质具有混合来源的特征;无机磷是桑沟湾表层沉积物中磷的主要形态,平均占总磷的73.33%,钙结合磷是无机磷的主要赋存形态;表层沉积物中潜在生物有效性磷的含量占总磷的86.54%,具有很强的释磷潜力。桑沟湾重金属的潜在生态危害指数RI约为36.17,表明重金属的潜在生态危害轻微。 5)再悬浮过程中沉积物春季表现为氮磷源,释放溶解无机氮和磷酸盐;夏、秋季表现为氮汇磷源,释放磷酸盐而吸附溶解无机氮;冬季表现为氮磷汇,吸附磷酸盐和溶解无机氮。


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The redlip mullet, Liza haematocheila, is a common species in polyculture as a scavenger in China. Feeding on detritus, redlip mullet transports nutrients from sediments up into the water column and converts them into forms that can be utilized by phytoplankton and affects the relative abundance of detritus and dissolved inorganic nutrients to phytoplankton, zooplankton and other fishes. We used nitrogen and carbon as the indicators in this study to measure the scavenging ability, which means intake of nitrogen or carbon by redlip mullet, and the loss of nutrients. Temperature and body weight significantly affected growth nitrogen, faecal nitrogen and faecal carbon. At a certain temperature, the proportion of growth nitrogen or growth carbon increased while the proportion of excretion nitrogen or respiration carbon decreased with increasing body weight.


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Experiments on growth characters and ecological functions of the macroalgae Gracilaria lemaneiformis, collected from south China, were conducted in polyculture areas of kelp and filter-feeding bivalve in Sanggou Bay in Weihai City, Shandong, in north China from May 2002 to May 2003. The results of 116 days cultivation showed that the average wet weight of alga increased 89 times from 0.1 to 8.9 kg rope(-1), with an average specific growth rate ( based on wet weight) of 3.95% per day. The most favorable water layer for its growth was 1.0 - 1.8 m below the surface in July and August, with an average specific growth rate of 8.2% per day in 30-day experiments. Photosynthetic activity changed seasonally, with an average of 7.3 mg O-2 g dw(-1) h(-1). The maximum rate (14.4 mg O-2 g dw(-1) h(-1)) was recorded in July, or 19.3 mg CO2 g dw(-1) h(-1), while the minimum (0.40 mg CO2 g dw(-1) h(-1)) was in April. This study indicated that the culture of G. lemaneiformis is an effective way to improve water quality where scallops are cultivated intensively.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Aquacultura, Especialidade de Sistema de Produção, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Les marais filtrants artificiels sont des écosystèmes recréés par l’homme dans le but d’optimiser l’épuration des eaux usées. Lors de la sélection d’espèces végétales pour la mise en place de ces marais filtrants, l’utilisation d’une polyculture ainsi que d’espèces indigènes non invasives est de plus en plus recommandée. Néanmoins, la plupart des marais filtrants existants sont des monocultures utilisant des plantes envahissantes, probablement à cause du manque d’évidences scientifiques sur les avantages de la diversité végétale et de la performance des espèces locales. Ainsi, les questions de recherche autour desquelles s’oriente ma thèse sont: Les polycultures présentent-elles un potentiel épuratoire aussi ou plus grand que les monocultures, et une espèce indigène est-elle aussi efficace et performante qu’une espèce exotique envahissante dans des marais filtrants ? Trois expériences ont été conduites afin de répondre à ces questions. J’ai d’abord testé l’influence de la richesse végétale sur l’élimination des polluants en deux dispositifs expérimentaux: 1) comparant deux espèces de plantes émergentes en monoculture ou combinées séquentiellement, et 2) évaluant la performance de quatre espèces flottantes plantées en monoculture par rapport à des associations de deux (avec toutes les combinaisons possibles) et de quatre espèces. Une troisième expérience a été réalisée afin de comparer l’efficacité épuratoire de l’haplotype européen envahissant du roseau commun (Phragmites australis) et de la sous-espèce locale non-invasive (P. australis subsp. americanus). La composition en espèces végétales a produit un effet notable sur la performance des marais filtrants. La comparaison des performances en mono- et en polyculture n’a pas permis de démontrer clairement les avantages de la diversité végétale pour l’élimination des polluants dans les marais filtrants. Toutefois, les marais filtrants plantés avec une combinaison d’espèces étaient aussi efficaces que les monocultures des espèces les plus performantes. La comparaison entre les deux sous-espèces de P. australis indiquent que la sous-espèce indigène pourrait remplacer le roseau exotique envahissant, évitant ainsi les potentiels risques environnementaux sans toutefois compromettre l’efficacité du traitement. Les résultats prometteurs de la sous-espèce indigène de P. australis doivent encore être testés dans des expériences à grande échelle avant d’utiliser largement cette espèce dans les marais filtrants. Nos résultats suggèrent que, dans des conditions où la performance des macrophytes disponibles est inconnue ou ne peut être déterminée, l’utilisation d’une combinaison d’espèces présente les meilleures chances d’accomplir le plus haut niveau possible d’élimination de polluants. De plus, même si la diversité végétale ne présente pas un avantage mesurable en termes d’efficacité épuratoire, celle-ci améliore la résilience des marais filtrants et leur résistance aux stress et aux maladies.


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We evaluate the profitability and technical efficiency of aquaculture in the Philippines. Farm-level data are used to compare two production systems corresponding to the intensive monoculture of tilapia in freshwater ponds and the extensive polyculture of shrimps and fish in brackish water ponds. Both activities are very lucrative, with brackish water aquaculture achieving the higher level of profit per farm. Stochastic frontier production functions reveal that technical efficiency is low in brackish water aquaculture, with a mean of 53%, explained primarily by the operator's experience and by the frequency of his visits to the farm. In freshwater aquaculture, the farms achieve a mean efficiency level of 83%. The results suggest that the provision of extension services to brackish water fish farms might be a cost-effective way of increasing production and productivity in that sector. By contrast, technological change will have to be the driving force of future productivity growth in freshwater aquaculture.


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Polyculture is traditionally a low-input agricultural system and is important in many developing countries. Polycultures of interplanted crops often support fewer pests at lower densities than monoculture and tend to increase number of natural enemies. Also Yellow Sticky Plastic Sheet Traps have proved useful for trapping aphids. A field study was conducted to study the effectiveness of these potential pest management techniques along with the partially resistant (Cardinal) and susceptible (Desiree) potato cultivars, by using their different combinations for the management of Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Berseem, Trifolium alexandrinum (L.) (family: Leguminosae) was used for intercropping with potatoes. The different combinations (treatments) used in this study were: 1) Cardinal-berseem mixed cropping+yellow sticky plastic sheet traps 2) Cardinal-berseem mixed cropping 3) Cardinal+yellow sticky plastic sheet traps 4) Cardinal separately+berseem (as land area equivalents in relation to the mixed cropping treatments) 5) Cardinal (sole crop). Treatments 6-10 were the same treatments, but with Desiree as the potato cultivar. All these treatments were used to evaluate their effects as management techniques for M. persicae, their percent parasitism, percent emergence rate of the parasitoid, Aphidius matricariae Haliday and yield of Cardinal and Desiree. Mixed cropping of Cardinal and berseem together with the yellow sticky plastic sheet traps reduced aphids by over 90% compared with numbers on the sole Cardinal crop. This combination proved in this experiment the most effective for reducing the aphid populations as compared with all other treatments. Maximum percent parasitism i.e. 6.97 and 6.94% (almost double that in the other treatments) was recorded in the potato berseem mixed cropping, with and without traps respectively. In the same two treatments, yield was increased significantly as compared with all other treatments. However no significant effects of any of the variable was evident on the percent emergence of A. matricariae.


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As a consequence of land use change and the burning of fossil fuels, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing and altering the dynamics of the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems. In a number of studies using single tree species, fine root biomass has been shown to be strongly increased by elevated CO2. However, natural forests are often intimate mixtures of a number of co-occurring species. To investigate the interaction between tree mixture and elevated CO2, Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula and Fagus sylvatica were planted in areas of single species and a three species polyculture in a free-air CO2 enrichment study (BangorFACE). The trees were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 (580 µmol mol-1) for four years. Fine and coarse root biomass, together with fine root turnover and fine root morphological characteristics were measured. Fine root biomass, and morphology responded differentially to elevated CO2 at different soil depths in the three species when grown in monocultures. In polyculture, a greater response to elevated CO2 was observed in coarse roots to a depth of 20 cm, and fine root area index to a depth of 30 cm. Total fine root biomass was positively affected by elevated CO2 at the end of the experiment, but not by species diversity. Our data suggest that existing biogeochemical cycling models parameterised with data from species grown in monoculture may be underestimating the belowground response to global change.


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• In a free-air CO2 enrichment study (BangorFACE) Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula and Fagus sylvatica were planted in areas of one, two and three species mixtures (n=4). The trees were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 (580 µmol mol-1) for four years, and aboveground growth characteristics measured. • In monoculture, the mean effect of CO2 enrichment on aboveground woody biomass was +29, +22 and +16% for A. glutinosa, F. sylvatica, and B. pendula respectively. When the same species were grown in polyculture, the response to CO2 switched to +10, +7 and 0%, for A. glutinosa, B. pendula, and F. sylvatica respectively. • In ambient atmosphere our species grown in polyculture increased aboveground woody biomass from 12.9 ± 1.4 kg m-2 to 18.9 ± 1.0 kg m-2, whereas in an elevated CO2 atmosphere aboveground woody biomass increased from 15.2 ± 0.6 kg m-2 to 20.2 ± 0.6 kg m-2. The overyielding effect of polyculture was smaller (+7%) in elevated CO2 than in an ambient atmosphere (+18%). • Our results show that the aboveground response to elevated CO2 is significantly affected by intra- and inter-specific competition, and that elevated CO2 response may be reduced in forest communities comprised of tree species with contrasting functional traits.


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In modern times, not many primary industries have consistently recorded high yearly growth over a period of two decades. Aquaculture has sustained a global growth, continues to grow, and is expected to increasingly fill the shortfall in aquatic food products resulting from static or declining capture fisheries and population increase well into the year 2025. Its further growth and development will have to occur under a different socio-economic milieu in the new millennium. The basic paradigm changes will be from an increased production at almost any cost, to a sustainable increase in production with minimal environmental perturbations. Despite such paradigm changes, aquaculture will increasingly contribute to food security, poverty alleviation and social equity. The contribution of aquaculture to world food supply of aquatic products has been increasing over the past 10 years, in comparison to capture fisheries, growing from 15 to 28 percent of total production between 1988 and 1997. As the bulk of aquaculture is rural and subsistence, it plays a major role as a provider of direct and indirect employment to the rural poor and, thereby, to poverty alleviation. In many developing countries, aquaculture provides opportunities for diversification on agriculture farms and productive use to otherwise idle land during certain seasons. The main cause for the upsurge in the sector has been the transformation of aquaculture from an “art” form to a “science”. This brought many advantages, ranging from less dependence on wild stock to the development of techniques that optimized yields, such as polyculture, or enabled the achievement of high yields with low inputs. Two major developments also enabled the sector to maintain growth momentum, appropriate institutional frameworks and concerted research and development. Regions or continents have many commonalities. These include the predominance of finfish among the cultivated species, and the predominance of species that feed lower in the food chain, although shrimp, which does not naturally feed high in the trophic level but is mostly reared on artificial feed, has become a significant culture commodity. Notable differences, however, include the fact that all regions, except Africa and the countries of the former USSR, have recorded a significant increase in per capita production between 1984 and 1997. While Asia continues to dominate world aquaculture in overall tonnage, as well as in every major commodity, South America has registered a very high (72.8 percent) average annual growth between 1984 and 1997. The global and regional trends over the last 20 years in the sector from a number of perspectives, such as production trends, contribution of aquaculture to aquatic food consumption etc., are evaluated. Based on these different trends and in the light of changing socio-economic conditions globally, and in particular, in developing nations, the potential changes in the sector in the new millennium are highlighted. Finally, projections are made for the next 20 years, where opportunities, constraints and strategies for achieving the targets are presented and discussed.


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The polyculture among vegetables is an activity that to have good results, needs a proper planning. Although it often requires more labor, has several advantages over monoculture, among them is that polycultures are generally are more productive, provide with productivity of various plant constituents and a more balanced human diet, contribute to economic return, economic and yield stability, social benefits and farmer's direct participation in decision-making. The objective of this study was to evaluate agroeconomic indices of polycultures derived from the combination of two cultivars of lettuce with two cultivars of rocket in two cultures strip-intercropped with carrot cultivar 'Brasilia' through uni-multivariate approaches in semi-arid Brazil. The experimental design used was of randomized complete blocks with five replications and the treatments arranged in a factorial scheme of 2 x 2. The treatments consisted of the combination of two lettuce cultivars (Baba de Verao and Taina) with two rocket cultivars (Cultivada and Folha Larga) in two cultures associated with carrot cv. Brasilia. hi each block were grown plots with two lettuce cultivars and two rocket cultivars, and carrot in sole crop. In each system was determined the lettuce leaf yield, rocket green mass yield and carrot commercial yield. Agrieconomic indices such as operational cost, gross and net income, monetary advantage, rate of return, profit margin, land equivalent ratio and yield efficiency for DEA were used to measure the efficiency of intercropping systems. In the bicropping of lettuce and rocket associated with carrot cv. 'Brasilia', suggests the use of lettuce cultivar 'Taina' combined with rocket cultivars 'Cultivada' or 'Folha Larga'. It was observed significant effect of lettuce cultivars in the evaluation of polycultures of lettuce, carrot and rocket, with strong expression for the lettuce cultivar 'Taina'. Both uni- and multivariate approaches were effective in the discrimination of the best polycultures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fresh water shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) in performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in polyculture system and feeding with ration pelleted and mashed. The work was realized in Centro de Pesquisa em Aqüicultura Ambiental-CPAA/IAP - Toledo/PR during 37 days. Were utilized like experimental unit 16 ponds excavated, covered with concrete but with bottom of soil with dimension the 4 x 3 m and useful volume the 3,5 m 3. Were utilized 30 tilapias e 150 shrimps for experimental unit distributed at an entirely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications, where TF: tilapia feeding with ration mashed; TCF: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration mashed; TP: tilapia feeding with ration pelleted; TCP: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration pelleted. The density used were the 2,6 fishes/m 2 with medium initial weight the 5,58 ± 0,10 g and initial length the 5,56 cm, and the density of shrimp was the 13 shrimps/m 2 with initial length the 1,04 cm. The temperature was gauged daily, while the variables dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity, weekly. The quantity of ration supplied was the 10% of total biomass of fishes, with feed frequency the 4 times a day, being corrected weekly in function of the biometry. During the experimental period the medium values of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity of the ponds water were 23,42 ± 0,83°C, 5,32 ± 0,52 mg/L, 7,02 ± 0,39, e 100,96 ± 1,81 μS/ cm respectively. Won't registering any influence of shrimp during the cultivation and the ration pelleted provide the better conversion alimentary and performance of tilapias.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)