971 resultados para Poisson theorem
23 p. -- An extended abstract of this work appears in the proceedings of the 2012 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
The simplest multiplicative systems in which arithmetical ideas can be defined are semigroups. For such systems irreducible (prime) elements can be introduced and conditions under which the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds have been investigated (Clifford (3)). After identifying associates, the elements of the semigroup form a partially ordered set with respect to the ordinary division relation. This suggests the possibility of an analogous arithmetical result for abstract partially ordered sets. Although nothing corresponding to product exists in a partially ordered set, there is a notion similar to g.c.d. This is the meet operation, defined as greatest lower bound. Thus irreducible elements, namely those elements not expressible as meets of proper divisors can be introduced. The assumption of the ascending chain condition then implies that each element is representable as a reduced meet of irreducibles. The central problem of this thesis is to determine conditions on the structure of the partially ordered set in order that each element have a unique such representation.
Part I contains preliminary results and introduces the principal tools of the investigation. In the second part, basic properties of the lattice of ideals and the connection between its structure and the irreducible decompositions of elements are developed. The proofs of these results are identical with the corresponding ones for the lattice case (Dilworth (2)). The last part contains those results whose proofs are peculiar to partially ordered sets and also contains the proof of the main theorem.
Artificial feeding constitutes a very important aspect for intensive fish culture. Then, the physical properties, particularly water stability of feed, wider influence the fish production. By trying to find some answers to these problems, a preliminary study on water stability has been conducted at the LAYO aquaculture research station. This work consisted in incorporating different types of binders available in tropical countries in fish pellets of 3.5 mm and 6.0 mm diameters in order to identify an efficient binder allowing the improvement of the water stability of feed. From this experiment, it comes out that the use of wheat flour (A1) gives excellent quality pellets followed by cassava flour residue (A3). Moreover, this study shows that it exists an influence of the diameter on the crumbling of the pellets.
Biological tests were carried out using static bioassay systems to determine the median lethal concentration of total sulfide (H2S, HS, S2) for African catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis, Valenciennes, 1840) at fry and juvenile stages.
Cynoglossus canariensis has a very rapid growth. The rate of the males is 0,36 and the female one is 0,32. The asymptotic size is 55,0cm for the females and 50,5cm for the males. Females and males younger than three years (40cm), which represent 90 per cent of the Côte d'Ivoire stock have a similar growth, so the average equation: Lt=53,5 (1-e -0,34(t+1)) will be used.
Coincidence and common fixed point theorems for a class of 'Ciric-Suzuki hybrid contractions involving a multivalued and two single-valued maps in a metric space are obtained. Some applications including the existence of a common solution for certain class of functional equations arising in a dynamic programming are also discussed..
In this paper, inspired by two very different, successful metric theories such us the real view-point of Lowen's approach spaces and the probabilistic field of Kramosil and Michalek's fuzzymetric spaces, we present a family of spaces, called fuzzy approach spaces, that are appropriate to handle, at the same time, both measure conceptions. To do that, we study the underlying metric interrelationships between the above mentioned theories, obtaining six postulates that allow us to consider such kind of spaces in a unique category. As a result, the natural way in which metric spaces can be embedded in both classes leads to a commutative categorical scheme. Each postulate is interpreted in the context of the study of the evolution of fuzzy systems. First properties of fuzzy approach spaces are introduced, including a topology. Finally, we describe a fixed point theorem in the setting of fuzzy approach spaces that can be particularized to the previous existing measure spaces.
Unstructured pressure-correction solver based on a consistent discretization of the Poisson equation
Neste trabalho, a partição iônica e o potencial de membrana em um eritrócito são analisados via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann modificada, considerando as interações não eletrostáticas presentes entre os íons e macromoléculas, assim como, o potencial β. Este potencial é atribuído à diferença de potencial químico de referência entre os meios intracelular e extracelular e ao transporte ativo de íons. O potencial de Gibbs-Donnan via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann na presença de carga fixa em um sistema contendo uma membrana semipermeável também é estudado. O método de aproximação paraboloide em elementos finitos em um sistema estacionário e unidimensionalé aplicado para resolver a equação de Poisson-Boltzmann em coordenadas cartesianas e esféricas. O parâmetro de dispersão relativo às interações não eletrostáticas écalculado via teoria de Lifshitz. Os resultados em relação ao potencial de Gibbs-Donnan mostram-se adequados, podendo ser calculado pela equação de Poisson-Boltzmann. No sistema contendo um eritrócito, quando o potencial β é considerado igual a zero, não se verifica a diferença iônica observada experimentalmente entre os meios intracelular e extracelular. Dessa forma, os potenciais não eletrostáticos calculados via teoria de Lifshitz têm apenas uma pequena influência no que se refere à alta concentração de íon K+ no meio intracelular em relação ao íon Na+