963 resultados para Playing cards


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[eus] Lan hau 3 urteko umeen gelan egindako ikerketa bat da, bertan, jolas tradizionalak praktikan jarriko dira eta hauek umeen emozioetan duten eragina aztertuko da. Horretarako ikerketa hau 3 fase desberdinetan planteatu dugu: lehenengo pausua, jolas tradizionalak irudien bidez zer diren azaltzea izan da; ondoren, kontinente desberdinetako jolas tradizional batzuk burutu egin ditugu; eta, jarraian, umeak sentitu dutena marrazki batean adierazi dute. Praktikatutako jardueren barne logika aztertu dugu, espazio, denbora, harremanak eta objektuak eta umeek marraztutako marrazkiekin erlazionatu ditugu.


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Two systems of mixed oxides, La2-xSrxCuO4 +/- lambda (0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.0) and La(2-x)Tn(x)CuO(4 +/-) (lambda) (0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4), with K2NiF4 structure were prepared. The average valence of Cu ions and oxygen nonstoichiometry (lambda) were determined by means of chemical analysis. Meanwhile, the adsorption and activation of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and the mixture of NO + CO over the mixed oxide catalysts were studied by means of mass spectrometry temperature-programmed desorption (MS-TPD). The catalytic behaviors in the reactions of direct decomposition of NO and its reduction by CO were investigated, and were discussed in relation with average valence of Cu ions, A and the activation and adsorption of reactant molecules. It has been proposed that both reactions proceed by the redox mechanism, in which the oxygen vacancies and the lower-valent Cu ions play important roles in the individual step of the redox cycle. Oxygen vacancy is more significant for NO decomposition than for NO + CO reaction. For the NO + CO reaction, the stronger implication of the lower-valent Cu ions or oxygen vacancy depends on reaction temperature and the catalytic systems (Sr- or Th-substituted). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Celem artykułu jest nakreślenie możliwych kierunków badań w zakresie analizy dyskursu i szerzej pragmalingwistyki. Służy temu wyodrębnienie najważniejszych relacji komunikacyjnych zachodzących w klasycznych grach fabularnych (ang. Role-Playing Games), a także wskazanie zbieżności zachodzących pomiędzy relacjami uczestników techniki gier fabularnych jako komunikacyjnej techniki nauczania języków obcych a założeniami autonomizacji glottodydaktyki na poziomie akademickim, związanymi z ideą współpracy dydaktycznej i relacji wielopodmiotowej.


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To Augustyn Surdyk numerous assumptions of constructivism and constructionism in the educational context seem to correspond with the idea of autonomisation in foreign language didactics. He presents a comparison of selected aspects of the three theories in question on the example of an innovative communicative technique of Role-Playing Games applied in the process of teaching foreign languages at an advanced level. The conventions of the technique with its simplified rules have been borrowed from popular parlour games and adapted by the author to the conditions of language didactics. The elements of play and simulation incorporated in the technique allow it to be rated among techniques of ludic strategy. (from Preface to the book)


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Very long-term memory for popular music was investigated. Older and younger adults listened to 20-sec excerpts of popular songs drawn from across the 20th century. The subjects gave emotionality and preference ratings and tried to name the title, artist, and year of popularity for each excerpt. They also performed a cued memory test for the lyrics. The older adults' emotionality ratings were highest for songs from their youth; they remembered more about these songs, as well. However, the stimuli failed to cue many autobiographical memories of specific events. Further analyses revealed that the older adults were less likely than the younger adults to retrieve multiple attributes of a song together (i.e., title and artist) and that there was a significant positive correlation between emotion and memory, especially for the older adults. These results have implications for research on long-term memory, as well as on the relationship between emotion and memory.


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© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2014.Motivated by recent findings in the field of consumer science, this paper evaluates the causal effect of debit cards on household consumption using population-based data from the Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). Within the Rubin Causal Model, we focus on the estimand of population average treatment effect for the treated (PATT). We consider three existing estimators, based on regression, mixed matching and regression, propensity score weighting, and propose a new doubly-robust estimator. Semiparametric specification based on power series for the potential outcomes and the propensity score is adopted. Cross-validation is used to select the order of the power series. We conduct a simulation study to compare the performance of the estimators. The key assumptions, overlap and unconfoundedness, are systematically assessed and validated in the application. Our empirical results suggest statistically significant positive effects of debit cards on the monthly household spending in Italy.