994 resultados para Plasma polymer


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ate studies(2) and fusion energy research(3,4). Laser-driven implosions of spherical polymer shells have, for example, achieved an increase in density of 1,000 times relative to the solid state(5). These densities are large enough to enable controlled fusion, but to achieve energy gain a small volume of compressed fuel (known as the 'spark') must be heated to temperatures of about 10(8) K (corresponding to thermal energies in excess of 10 keV). In the conventional approach to controlled fusion, the spark is both produced and heated by accurately timed shock waves(4), but this process requires both precise implosion symmetry and a very large drive energy. In principle, these requirements can be significantly relaxed by performing the compression and fast heating separately(6-10); however, this 'fast ignitor' approach(7) also suffers drawbacks, such as propagation losses and deflection of the ultra-intense laser pulse by the plasma surrounding the compressed fuel. Here we employ a new compression geometry that eliminates these problems; we combine production of compressed matter in a laser-driven implosion with picosecond-fast heating by a laser pulse timed to coincide with the peak compression. Our approach therefore permits efficient compression and heating to be carried out simultaneously, providing a route to efficient fusion energy production.


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To visualize the development of an atmospheric pressure glow discharge in He and the influence of polymer film on the discharge, short exposure time images were recorded using a gated intensified charge coupled detector. If the polymer film is stretched in the middle of the gap, a discharge region on each side of the polymer is created with the characteristic structure of a glow discharge. In this case, strongly asymmetric discharge current pulses can be generated depending on the frequency and the applied voltage.


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A novel type of submicron ion radiography designed to image low-contrast objects, including nanofoils, membranes and biological structures, is proposed. It is based on femtosecond-laser-driven-cluster- plasma source of multicharged ions and polymer dosimeter film CR-39. The intense isotropic ion flow was produced by femtosecond Ti:Sa laser pulses with intensity similar to 4x10(17) W/cm(2) absorbed in the supersonic jet of the mixed He and CO2 gases. Two Focusing Spectrometers with Spatial Resolution (FSSR) were used to measure X-ray spectra of H-and He-like multicharged oxygen ions. The spectra testify that ions with energy more than 300 keV were radiated in different directions from the plasma source. High contrast ion radiography images were obtained for 2000 dpi metal mesh, 1 mu m polypropylene and 100 nm Zr foils as well as for the different biological objects. Images were recorded on a 1 mm thick CR-39 detector, placed in contact with back surface of the imaged samples at the distances 140 -160 mm from the ion source. The spatial resolution of the image no worse than 600 nm was provided. A difference in object thickness of 100 nm was very well resolved for both Zr and polymer foils. The ion radiography images recorded at different angles from the source, demonstrated almost uniform spatial distribution of ion with total number of 10(8) per shot. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Vertag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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UC781 is a potent and poorly water-soluble nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor being investi- gated as a potential microbicide for preventing sexual transmission of HIV-1. This study was designed to evaluate the in vivo release and pharmacokinetics of UC781 delivered from matrix-type intravaginal ring segments in rabbits. Three polymer matrices (polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, and silicone elastomer) and two drug loadings (5 and 15 mg/segment) were evaluated in at least one of two independent studies for up to 28 days in vivo. Inter-study comparison of in vivo release, vaginal tissue, and plasma concentrations for similar formulations demonstrated good reproducibility of the animal model. Mean estimates for a 28-day in vivo release ranged from 0.35 to 3.17 mg UC781 per segment. Mean proximal vaginal tissue levels (adjacent to the IVR segment) were 8– 410 ng/g and did not change significantly with time for most formulations. Distal vaginal tissue levels of UC781 were 6- to 49-fold lower than proximal tissue levels. Mean UC781 plasma levels were low for all formulations, at 0.09–0.58 ng/mL. All formulations resulted in similar UC781 concentrations in vaginal tissue and plasma, except the low loading polyurethane group which provided significantly lower levels. Loading dependent release and pharmacokinetics were only clearly observed for the polyurethane matrix. Based on these results, intravaginal ring segments loaded with UC781 led to vaginal tissue concen- trations ranging from below to approximately two orders of magnitude higher than UC781’s EC50 under in vitro conditions (2.8 ng/mL), with little influence by polymer matrix or UC781 loading. Moreover, these findings support the use of rabbit vaginal pharmacokinetic studies in preclinical testing of microbicide intravaginal rings.


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In this work we demonstrate the synthesis of a TiO2/PEDOT:PSS nanocomposite material in aqueous solution through atmospheric pressure direct current (DC) plasma processing at room temperature. The dispersion of the TiO2 nanoparticles is enhanced after microplasma processing, and TiO2/polymer hybrid nanoparticles with a distinct core shell structure have been obtained. We have observed increased TiO2/PEDOT:PSS nanocomposite electrical conductivity due to microplasma processing. The improvement in nanocomposite properties is due to the enhanced dispersion and stability in liquid polymer of microplasma treated TiO2 nanoparticles. Both plasma induced surface charge and nanoparticle surface termination with specific plasma chemical species are thought to provide an enhanced barrier to nanoparticle agglomeration and promote nanoparticle-polymer bonding, which is expected to have a significant benefit in materials processing with inorganic nanoparticles for wide range of applications.


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A facile method to synthesize a TiO2/PEDOT:PSS hybrid nanocomposite material in aqueous solution through direct current (DC) plasma processing at atmospheric pressure and room temperature has been demonstrated. The dispersion of the TiO2 nanoparticles is enhanced and TiO2/polymer hybrid nanoparticles with a distinct core shell structure have been obtained. Increased electrical conductivity was observed for the plasma treated TiO2/PEDOT:PSS nanocomposite. The improvement in nanocomposite properties is due to the enhanced dispersion and stability in liquid polymer of microplasma treated TiO2 nanoparticles. Both plasma induced surface charge and nanoparticle surface termination with specific plasma chemical species are proposed to provide an enhanced barrier to nanoparticle agglomeration and promote nanoparticle-polymer binding.


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This paper reports on the enhancement of the thermal transport properties of nanocomposite materials containing hexagonal boron nitride in poly (vinyl alcohol)through room-temperature atmospheric pressure direct-current microplasma processing. Results show that the microplasma treatment leads to exfoliation of the hexagonal boron nitride in isopropyl alcohol, reducing the number of stacks from >30to a few or single layers. The thermal diffusivity of the resulting nanocomposites reaches 8.5 mm2 s-1, 50 times greater than blank poly (vinyl alcohol) and twice that ofnanocomposites containing non-plasma treated boron nitride nanosheets. From TEM analysis, we observe much less aggregation of the nanosheets after plasma processing along with indications of an amorphous carbon interfacial layer which may contribute to stable dispersion of boron nitride nanosheets in the resulting plasma treated colloids.


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Photothermal effect refers to heating of a sample due to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Photothermal (PT) heat generation which is an example of energy conversion has in general three kinds of applications. 1. PT material probing 2. PT material processing and 3. PT material destruction. The temperatures involved increases from 1-. 3. Of the above three, PT material probing is the most important in making significant contribution to the field of science and technology. Photothermal material characterization relies on high sensitivity detection techniques to monitor the effects caused by PT material heating of a sample. Photothermal method is a powerful high sensitivity non-contact tool used for non-destructive thermal characterization of materials. The high sensitivity of the photothermal methods has led to its application for analysis of low absorbance samples. Laser calorimetry, photothermal radiometry, pyroelectric technique, photoacoustic technique, photothermal beam deflection technique, etc. come under the broad class ofphotothermal techniques. However the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of the sample, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used, etc. The present investigations are done on polymer thin films employing photothermal beam deflection technique, for the successful determination of their thermal diffusivity. Here the sample is excited by a He-Ne laser (A = 6328...\ ) which acts as the pump beam. Due to the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, another optical beam called probe beam (diode laser, A= 6500A ) when passed through this region experiences a deflection and is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in amplifier from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the signal is suitably analysed for determining the thermal diffusivity.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Plasma polymerization is an inexpensive tool for fabricating organic thin films. It refers to formation of polymeric materials under the influence of plasma, which is generated by some kind of electric discharge. Here plasma of the monomer vapour is generated by employing radio frequency (MHz) techniques. Plasma polymerization technique results in homogeneous, highly adhesive, thermally stable, pinhole free, dielectric, highly branched and cross-linked polymer films. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer.Near IR overtone investigations on some organic molecules using local mode model are also done. Higher vibrational overtones often provide spectral simplification and greater resolution of peaks corresponding to nonequivalent X-H bonds where X is typically C, N or O. Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of molecules containing X-H oscillators is now a well established tool for molecular investigations. Conformational and steric differences between bonds and structural inequivalence ofCH bonds (methyl, aryl, acetylenic, etc.) are resolvable in the higher overtone spectra. The local mode model in which the X-H oscillators are considered to be loosely coupled anharmonic oscillators has been widely used for the interpretation of overtone spectra. If we are exciting a single local oscillator from the vibrational ground state to the vibrational state v, then the transition energy of the local mode overtone is given by .:lE a......v = A v + B v2 • A plot of .:lE / v versus v will yield A, the local mode frequency as the intercept and B, the local mode diagonal anharmonicity as the slope. Here A - B gives the mechanical frequency XI of the oscillator and B = X2 is the anharmonicity of the bond. The local mode parameters XI and X2 vary for non-equivalent X-H bonds and are sensitive to the inter and intra molecular environment of the X-H oscillator.


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Plasma polymerization is found to be an excellent technique for the preparation of good quality, pinhole-free, polymer thin films from different monomer precursors. The present work describes the preparation and characterization of polypyrrole (PPy) thin films by ac plasma polymerization technique in their pristine and in situ iodine doped forms. The electrical conductivity studies of the aluminiumpolymeraluminium (AlpolymerAl) structures have been carried out and a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism is identified as the most probable mechanism of carrier transport in these polymer films. The electrical conductivity shows an enhanced value in the iodine doped sample. The reduction of optical band gap by iodine doping is correlated with the observed conductivity results.


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This thesis Entitled Electrical switching studies on the thin flims of polyfuran and polyacrylonitrile prepared by plasma polymerisation and vacuum evaporated amorphous silicon.A general introduction to the switching and allied phenomena is presented. Subsequently, developments of switching in thin films are described. The Mott transition is qualitatively presented. The working of a switching transitor is outlined and compared to the switching observed in thin films. Characteristic parameters of switching such as threshold voltage, time response to a, voltage pulse, and delay time are described. The various switching configurations commonly used are discussed. The mechanisms used to explain the switching behaviour like thermal, electrothermal and purely electronic are reviewed. Finally the scope, feasibility and the importance of polymer thin films in switching are highlighted.


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Due to the great versatility of the properties of polymer thin films, special interest has been taken in recent years on their preparation and electrical properties. The present thesis is entirely devoted to the study of the formation, structure and electrical properties of plasma» polymerised polyacrylonitrile (PAN) thin films. Eventhough the studies are confined to a single polymer film, the results in general are applicable to similar polar polymer films.


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Polyaniline thin films were prepared by ac plasma polymerization technique. Capacitance, dielectric loss, dielectric constant and ac conductivity of these films were investigated in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1MHz and in the temperature range from 300 to 373 K. Capacitance and dielectric loss decreased with frequency and increased with temperature. This type of behaviour was found to be in good agreement with an existing model. The ac conductivity σ(ω) was found to vary as ωs with the index s 1. Annealing of polyaniline thin films in high vacuum at 373K for 1 h was found to reduce the dielectric loss. FTIR studies reveal that the aromatic ring is retained in the polyaniline thin films, which enhances the thermal stability of the polymer films