996 resultados para Planetary systems


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Kepler-454 (KOI-273) is a relatively bright (V = 11.69 mag), Sun-like star that hosts a transiting planet candidate in a 10.6 day orbit. From spectroscopy, we estimate the stellar temperature to be 5687 ± 50 K, its metallicity to be [m/H] = 0.32 ± 0.08, and the projected rotational velocity to be v sin i <2.4 km s-1. We combine these values with a study of the asteroseismic frequencies from short cadence Kepler data to estimate the stellar mass to be , the radius to be 1.066 ± 0.012 Ro, and the age to be Gyr. We estimate the radius of the 10.6 day planet as 2.37 ± 0.13 R. Using 63 radial velocity observations obtained with the HARPS-N spectrograph on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and 36 observations made with the HIRES spectrograph at the Keck Observatory, we measure the mass of this planet to be 6.8 ± 1.4 M. We also detect two additional non-transiting companions, a planet with a minimum mass of 4.46 ± 0.12 MJ in a nearly circular 524 day orbit and a massive companion with a period >10 years and mass >12.1 MJ. The 12 exoplanets with radii ⊕ and precise mass measurements appear to fall into two populations, with those ⊕ following an Earth-like composition curve and larger planets requiring a significant fraction of volatiles. With a density of 2.76 ± 0.73 g cm-3, Kepler-454b lies near the mass transition between these two populations and requires the presence of volatiles and/or H/He gas.


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Kepler-93b is a 1.478 ± 0.019 R ⊕ planet with a4.7 day period around a bright (V = 10.2), astroseismicallycharacterized host star with a mass of 0.911 ± 0.033 M⊙ and a radius of 0.919 ± 0.011 R⊙. Based on 86 radial velocity observations obtainedwith the HARPS-N spectrograph on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and 32archival Keck/HIRES observations, we present a precise mass estimate of4.02 ± 0.68 M ⊕. The corresponding high densityof 6.88 ± 1.18 g cm-3 is consistent with a rockycomposition of primarily iron and magnesium silicate. We compareKepler-93b to other dense planets with well-constrained parameters andfind that between 1 and 6 M ⊕, all dense planetsincluding the Earth and Venus are well-described by the same fixed ratioof iron to magnesium silicate. There are as of yet no examples of suchplanets with masses >6 M ⊕. All known planets inthis mass regime have lower densities requiring significant fractions ofvolatiles or H/He gas. We also constrain the mass and period of theouter companion in the Kepler-93 system from the long-term radialvelocity trend and archival adaptive optics images. As the sample ofdense planets with well-constrained masses and radii continues to grow,we will be able to test whether the fixed compositional model found forthe seven dense planets considered in this paper extends to the fullpopulation of 1-6 M ⊕ planets.Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo(TNG) operated on the island of La Palma by the Fundación GalileoGalilei of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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We present new radial velocity measurements of eight stars that were secured with the spectrograph SOPHIE at the 193 cm telescope of the Haute-Provence Observatory. The measurements allow detecting and characterizing new giant extrasolar planets. The host stars are dwarfs of spectral types between F5 and K0 and magnitudes of between 6.7 and 9.6; the planets have minimum masses Mp sin i of between 0.4 to 3.8 MJup and orbitalperiods of several days to several months. The data allow only single planets to be discovered around the first six stars (HD 143105, HIP 109600, HD 35759, HIP 109384, HD 220842, and HD 12484), but one of them shows the signature of an additional substellar companion in the system. The seventh star, HIP 65407, allows the discovery of two giant planets that orbit just outside the 12:5 resonance in weak mutual interaction. The last star, HD 141399, was already known to host a four-planet system; our additional data and analyses allow new constraints to be set on it. We present Keplerian orbits of all systems, together with dynamical analyses of the two multi-planet systems. HD 143105 is one of the brightest stars known to host a hot Jupiter, which could allow numerous follow-up studies to be conducted even though this is not a transiting system. The giant planets HIP 109600b, HIP 109384b, and HD 141399c are located in the habitable zone of their host star.


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In this paper, we present a formalism designed to model tidal interaction with a viscoelastic body made of Maxwell material. Our approach remains regular for any spin rate and orientation, and for any orbital configuration including high eccentricities and close encounters. The method is to integrate simultaneously the rotation and the position of the planet as well as its deformation. We provide the equations of motion both in the body frame and in the inertial frame. With this study, we generalize preexisting models to the spatial case and to arbitrary multipole orders using a formalism taken from quantum theory. We also provide the vectorial expression of the secular tidal torque expanded in Fourier series. Applying this model to close-in exoplanets, we observe that if the relaxation time is longer than the revolution period, the phase space of the system is characterized by the presence of several spin-orbit resonances, even in the circular case. As the system evolves, the planet spin can visit different spin-orbit configurations. The obliquity is decreasing along most of these resonances, but we observe a case where the planet tilt is instead growing. These conclusions derived from the secular torque are successfully tested with numerical integrations of the instantaneous equations of motion on HD 80606 b. Our formalism is also well adapted to close-in super-Earths in multiplanet systems which are known to have non-zero mutual inclinations.


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One of the most exciting discoveries in astrophysics of the last last decade is of the sheer diversity of planetary systems. These include "hot Jupiters", giant planets so close to their host stars that they orbit once every few days; "Super-Earths", planets with sizes intermediate to those of Earth and Neptune, of which no analogs exist in our own solar system; multi-planet systems with planets smaller than Mars to larger than Jupiter; planets orbiting binary stars; free-floating planets flying through the emptiness of space without any star; even planets orbiting pulsars. Despite these remarkable discoveries, the field is still young, and there are many areas about which precious little is known. In particular, we don't know the planets orbiting Sun-like stars nearest to our own solar system, and we know very little about the compositions of extrasolar planets. This thesis provides developments in those directions, through two instrumentation projects.

The first chapter of this thesis concerns detecting planets in the Solar neighborhood using precision stellar radial velocities, also known as the Doppler technique. We present an analysis determining the most efficient way to detect planets considering factors such as spectral type, wavelengths of observation, spectrograph resolution, observing time, and instrumental sensitivity. We show that G and K dwarfs observed at 400-600 nm are the best targets for surveys complete down to a given planet mass and out to a specified orbital period. Overall we find that M dwarfs observed at 700-800 nm are the best targets for habitable-zone planets, particularly when including the effects of systematic noise floors caused by instrumental imperfections. Somewhat surprisingly, we demonstrate that a modestly sized observatory, with a dedicated observing program, is up to the task of discovering such planets.

We present just such an observatory in the second chapter, called the "MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array," or MINERVA. We describe the design, which uses a novel multi-aperture approach to increase stability and performance through lower system etendue, as well as keeping costs and time to deployment down. We present calculations of the expected planet yield, and data showing the system performance from our testing and development of the system at Caltech's campus. We also present the motivation, design, and performance of a fiber coupling system for the array, critical for efficiently and reliably bringing light from the telescopes to the spectrograph. We finish by presenting the current status of MINERVA, operational at Mt. Hopkins observatory in Arizona.

The second part of this thesis concerns a very different method of planet detection, direct imaging, which involves discovery and characterization of planets by collecting and analyzing their light. Directly analyzing planetary light is the most promising way to study their atmospheres, formation histories, and compositions. Direct imaging is extremely challenging, as it requires a high performance adaptive optics system to unblur the point-spread function of the parent star through the atmosphere, a coronagraph to suppress stellar diffraction, and image post-processing to remove non-common path "speckle" aberrations that can overwhelm any planetary companions.

To this end, we present the "Stellar Double Coronagraph," or SDC, a flexible coronagraphic platform for use with the 200" Hale telescope. It has two focal and pupil planes, allowing for a number of different observing modes, including multiple vortex phase masks in series for improved contrast and inner working angle behind the obscured aperture of the telescope. We present the motivation, design, performance, and data reduction pipeline of the instrument. In the following chapter, we present some early science results, including the first image of a companion to the star delta Andromeda, which had been previously hypothesized but never seen.

A further chapter presents a wavefront control code developed for the instrument, using the technique of "speckle nulling," which can remove optical aberrations from the system using the deformable mirror of the adaptive optics system. This code allows for improved contrast and inner working angles, and was written in a modular style so as to be portable to other high contrast imaging platforms. We present its performance on optical, near-infrared, and thermal infrared instruments on the Palomar and Keck telescopes, showing how it can improve contrasts by a factor of a few in less than ten iterations.

One of the large challenges in direct imaging is sensing and correcting the electric field in the focal plane to remove scattered light that can be much brighter than any planets. In the last chapter, we present a new method of focal-plane wavefront sensing, combining a coronagraph with a simple phase-shifting interferometer. We present its design and implementation on the Stellar Double Coronagraph, demonstrating its ability to create regions of high contrast by measuring and correcting for optical aberrations in the focal plane. Finally, we derive how it is possible to use the same hardware to distinguish companions from speckle errors using the principles of optical coherence. We present results observing the brown dwarf HD 49197b, demonstrating the ability to detect it despite it being buried in the speckle noise floor. We believe this is the first detection of a substellar companion using the coherence properties of light.


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La présence de disques circumstellaires signale la formation actuelle ou passée de systèmes planétaires, pour lesquels les processus de formation sont encore mal compris. Ce mémoire porte sur la détection et la caractérisation de disques circumstellaires autour d’étoiles de faibles masses (types spectraux > K5) et de naines brunes qui sont candidates ou membres d’associations cinématiques jeunes. Nous présentons ici les résultats de cette recherche ainsi que son implication pour la compréhension des processus de formation et d’évolution des systèmes planétaires. De l’échantillon initial composé de ∼ 1600 objets provenant des relevés BANYAN de Malo et al. ainsi que Gagné et al., dont seulement 600 satisfont nos critères de qualité sur les données, quatre nouveaux candidats de disque ont été découverts en détectant leur excès d’émission infrarouge dans les données d’archive de la mission WISE. Les données du relevé 2MASS ainsi que les spectres synthétiques BT-Settl ont été conjointement utilisés pour modéliser l’émission des étoiles. Les nouveaux candidats, dont les types spectraux sont tardifs (M4.5 à L0) et les masses se situent entre ∼ 13 et 120 M_Jup, ont des températures de disque de ∼ 135–520 K et des luminosités fractionnaires de 0,021–0,15. Pour deux des cibles, nous avons obtenu des spectres dans les longueurs d’onde visibles et infrarouges proches. Ces nouveaux spectres montrent respectivement des signes d’émission en Hα et Paβ, indiquant la présence d’accrétion, et ainsi de gaz, et renforçant l’hypothèse que ces objets sont réellement jeunes. Ces deux objets, vraisemblablement âgés de 40 Ma, pourraient représenter la première détection et caractérisation de disques porteurs de gaz plus vieux que 20 Ma.


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La présence de disques circumstellaires signale la formation actuelle ou passée de systèmes planétaires, pour lesquels les processus de formation sont encore mal compris. Ce mémoire porte sur la détection et la caractérisation de disques circumstellaires autour d’étoiles de faibles masses (types spectraux > K5) et de naines brunes qui sont candidates ou membres d’associations cinématiques jeunes. Nous présentons ici les résultats de cette recherche ainsi que son implication pour la compréhension des processus de formation et d’évolution des systèmes planétaires. De l’échantillon initial composé de ∼ 1600 objets provenant des relevés BANYAN de Malo et al. ainsi que Gagné et al., dont seulement 600 satisfont nos critères de qualité sur les données, quatre nouveaux candidats de disque ont été découverts en détectant leur excès d’émission infrarouge dans les données d’archive de la mission WISE. Les données du relevé 2MASS ainsi que les spectres synthétiques BT-Settl ont été conjointement utilisés pour modéliser l’émission des étoiles. Les nouveaux candidats, dont les types spectraux sont tardifs (M4.5 à L0) et les masses se situent entre ∼ 13 et 120 M_Jup, ont des températures de disque de ∼ 135–520 K et des luminosités fractionnaires de 0,021–0,15. Pour deux des cibles, nous avons obtenu des spectres dans les longueurs d’onde visibles et infrarouges proches. Ces nouveaux spectres montrent respectivement des signes d’émission en Hα et Paβ, indiquant la présence d’accrétion, et ainsi de gaz, et renforçant l’hypothèse que ces objets sont réellement jeunes. Ces deux objets, vraisemblablement âgés de 40 Ma, pourraient représenter la première détection et caractérisation de disques porteurs de gaz plus vieux que 20 Ma.


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SpicA FAR infrared Instrument, SAFARI, is one of the instruments planned for the SPICA mission. The SPICA mission is the next great leap forward in space-based far-infrared astronomy and will study the evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. SPICA will utilize a deeply cooled 2.5m-class telescope, provided by European industry, to realize zodiacal background limited performance, and high spatial resolution. The instrument SAFARI is a cryogenic grating-based point source spectrometer working in the wavelength domain 34 to 230 μm, providing spectral resolving power from 300 to at least 2000. The instrument shall provide low and high resolution spectroscopy in four spectral bands. Low Resolution mode is the native instrument mode, while the high Resolution mode is achieved by means of a Martin-Pupplet interferometer. The optical system is all-reflective and consists of three main modules; an input optics module, followed by the Band and Mode Distributing Optics and the grating Modules. The instrument utilizes Nyquist sampled filled linear arrays of very sensitive TES detectors. The work presented in this paper describes the optical design architecture and design concept compatible with the current instrument performance and volume design drivers.


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Relatives to Planetary Nebulae, such as barium stars or symbiotic systems, can shed light on the connection between Planetary Nebulae and binarity. Because of the observational selection effects against direct spectroscopic detection of binary PNe cores with orbital periods longer than a few dozen days, at present these "awkward relatives" are a critical source of our knowledge about the binary PNe population at longer periods. Below a few examples are discussed, posing constraints on the attempts to model nebula, ejection process in a binary. © 2006 International Astronomical Union.


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Position estimation for planetary rovers has been typically limited to odometry based on proprioceptive measurements such as the integration of distance traveled and measurement of heading change. Here we present and compare two methods of online visual odometry suited for planetary rovers. Both methods use omnidirectional imagery to estimate motion of the rover. One method is based on robust estimation of optical flow and subsequent integration of the flow. The second method is a full structure-from-motion solution. To make the comparison meaningful we use the same set of raw corresponding visual features for each method. The dataset is an sequence of 2000 images taken during a field experiment in the Atacama desert, for which high resolution GPS ground truth is available.


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Motion planning for planetary rovers must consider control uncertainty in order to maintain the safety of the platform during navigation. Modelling such control uncertainty is difficult due to the complex interaction between the platform and its environment. In this paper, we propose a motion planning approach whereby the outcome of control actions is learned from experience and represented statistically using a Gaussian process regression model. This model is used to construct a control policy for navigation to a goal region in a terrain map built using an on-board RGB-D camera. The terrain includes flat ground, small rocks, and non-traversable rocks. We report the results of 200 simulated and 35 experimental trials that validate the approach and demonstrate the value of considering control uncertainty in maintaining platform safety.


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This article presents an approach to improve and monitor the behavior of a skid-steering rover on rough terrains. An adaptive locomotion control generates speeds references to avoid slipping situations. An enhanced odometry provides a better estimation of the distance travelled. A probabilistic classification procedure provides an evaluation of the locomotion efficiency on-line, with a detection of locomotion faults. Results obtained with a Marsokhod rover are presented throughout the paper


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For future planetary robot missions, multi-robot-systems can be considered as a suitable platform to perform space mission faster and more reliable. In heterogeneous robot teams, each robot can have different abilities and sensor equipment. In this paper we describe a lunar demonstration scenario where a team of mobile robots explores an unknown area and identifies a set of objects belonging to a lunar infrastructure. Our robot team consists of two exploring scout robots and a mobile manipulator. The mission goal is to locate the objects within a certain area, to identify the objects, and to transport the objects to a base station. The robots have a different sensor setup and different capabilities. In order to classify parts of the lunar infrastructure, the robots have to share the knowledge about the objects. Based on the different sensing capabilities, several information modalities have to be shared and combined by the robots. In this work we propose an approach using spatial features and a fuzzy logic based reasoning for distributed object classification.