984 resultados para Pisum-sativum-l


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Pathogenesis-related proteins from intercellular fluid washings of stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves were analyzed to determine their binding to various water-insoluble polysaccharides. Three proteins (19, 16, and 15 kD) bound specifically to several water-insoluble β-1,3-glucans. Binding of the barley proteins to pachyman occurred quickly at 22°C at pH 5.0, even in the presence of 0.5 m NaCl, 0.2 m urea, and 1% (v/v) Triton X-100. Bound barley proteins were released by acidic treatments or by boiling in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Acid-released barley proteins could bind again specifically and singly to pachyman. Water-soluble laminarin and carboxymethyl-pachyman competed for the binding of the barley proteins to pachyman. The N-terminal sequence of the 19-kD barley β-1,3-glucan-binding protein showed near identity to the barley seed protein BP-R and high homology to other thaumatin-like (TL) permatins. The 16-kD barley protein was also homologous to TL proteins, whereas the 15-kD barley protein N-terminal sequence was identical to the pathogenesis-related Hv-1 TL protein. Antifungal barley protein BP-R and corn (Zea mays) zeamatin were isolated by binding to pachyman. Two extracellular proteins from stressed pea (Pisum sativum L.) also bound to pachyman and were homologous to TL proteins.


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The initial rate of Ca2+ movement across the inner-envelope membrane of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts was directly measured by stopped-flow spectrofluorometry using membrane vesicles loaded with the Ca2+-sensitive fluorophore fura-2. Calibration of fura-2 fluorescence was achieved by combining a ratiometric method with Ca2+-selective minielectrodes to determine pCa values. The initial rate of Ca2+ influx in predominantly right-side-out inner-envelope membrane vesicles was greater than that in largely inside-out vesicles. Ca2+ movement was stimulated by an inwardly directed electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane vesicles, an effect that was diminished by the addition of valinomycin in the presence of K+. In addition, Ca2+ was shown to move across the membrane vesicles in the presence of a K+ diffusion potential gradient. The potential-stimulated rate of Ca2+ transport was slightly inhibited by diltiazem and greatly inhibited by ruthenium red. Other pharmacological agents such as LaCl3, verapamil, and nifedipine had little or no effect. These results indicate that Ca2+ transport across the chloroplast inner envelope can occur by a potential-stimulated uniport mechanism.


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Although the occurrence of intracellular glasses in seeds and pollen has been established, physical properties such as rotational correlation times and viscosity have not been studied extensively. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we examined changes in the molecular mobility of the hydrophilic nitroxide spin probe 3-carboxy-proxyl during melting of intracellular glasses in axes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds and cattail (Typha latifolia L.) pollen. The rotational correlation time of the spin probe in intracellular glasses of both organisms was approximately 10−3 s. Using the distance between the outer extrema of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum (2Azz) as a measure of molecular mobility, we found a sharp increase in mobility at a definite temperature during heating. This temperature increased with decreasing water content of the samples. Differential scanning calorimetry data on these samples indicated that this sharp increase corresponded to melting of the glassy matrix. Molecular mobility was found to be inversely correlated with storage stability. With decreasing water content, the molecular mobility reached a minimum, and increased again at very low water content. Minimum mobility and maximum storage stability occurred at a similar water content. This correlation suggests that storage stability might be at least partially controlled by molecular mobility. At low temperatures, when storage longevity cannot be determined on a realistic time scale, 2Azz measurements can provide an estimate of the optimum storage conditions.


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Two distinct types of debranching enzymes have been identified in developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos using native gel analysis and tests of substrate preference on purified or partially purified activities. An isoamylase-like activity capable of hydrolyzing amylopectin and glycogen but not pullulan is present throughout development and is largely or entirely confined to the plastid. Activities capable of hydrolyzing pullulan are present both inside and outside of the plastid, and extraplastidial activity increases relative to the plastidial activity during development. Both types of debranching enzyme are also present in germinating embryos. We argue that debranching enzymes are likely to have a role in starch metabolism in the plastid of the developing embryo and in starch degradation during germination.


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Growth of a zone of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles and pea (Pisum sativum L.) internodes was greatly suppressed when the organ was decapitated or ringed at an upper position with the auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) mixed with lanolin. The transport of apically applied 3H-labeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was similarly inhibited by NPA. The growth suppressed by NPA or decapitation was restored by the IAA mixed with lanolin and applied directly to the zone, and the maximal capacity to respond to IAA did not change after NPA treatment, although it declined slightly after decapitation. The growth rate at IAA saturation was greater than the rate in intact, nontreated plants. It was concluded that growth is limited and controlled by auxin supplied from the apical region. In maize coleoptiles the sensitivity to IAA increased more than 3 times when the auxin level was reduced over a few hours with NPA treatment. This result, together with our previous result that the maximal capacity to respond to IAA declines in pea internodes when the IAA level is enhanced for a few hours, indicates that the IAA concentration-response relationship is subject to relatively slow adaptive regulation by IAA itself. The spontaneous growth recovery observed in decapitated maize coleoptiles was prevented by an NPA ring placed at an upper position of the stump, supporting the view that recovery is due to regenerated auxin-producing activity. The sensitivity increase also appeared to participate in an early recovery phase, causing a growth rate greater than in intact plants.


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The de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to antheraxanthin (Anth) and zeaxanthin (Zeax) in the xanthophyll cycle of higher plants and the generation of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching in the antenna of photosystem II (PSII) are induced by acidification of the thylakoid lumen. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) has been shown (a) to bind to lumen-exposed carboxy groups of antenna proteins and (b) to inhibit the pH-dependent fluorescence quenching. The possible influence of DCCD on the de-epoxidation reactions has been investigated in isolated pea (Pisum sativum L.) thylakoids. The Zeax formation was found to be slowed down in the presence of DCCD. The second step (Anth → Zeax) of the reaction sequence seemed to be more affected than the violaxanthin → Anth conversion. Comparative studies with antenna-depleted thylakoids from plants grown under intermittent light and with unstacked thylakoids were in agreement with the assumption that binding of DCCD to antenna proteins is probably responsible for the retarded kinetics. Analyses of the DCCD-induced alterations in different antenna subcomplexes showed that Zeax formation in the PSII antenna proteins was predominantly influenced by DCCD, whereas Zeax formation in photosystem I was nearly unaffected. Our data support the suggestion that DCCD binding to PSII antenna proteins is responsible for the observed alterations in xanthophyll conversion.


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The effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on water relations, leaf development, and gas-exchange characteristics in pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Meteor) plants subjected to drought were investigated. Plants grown throughout their development under a high irradiance of UV-B radiation (0.63 W m−2) were compared with those grown without UV-B radiation, and after 12 d one-half of the plants were subjected to 24 d of drought that resulted in mild water stress. UV-B radiation resulted in a decrease of adaxial stomatal conductance by approximately 65%, increasing stomatal limitation of CO2 uptake by 10 to 15%. However, there was no loss of mesophyll light-saturated photosynthetic activity. Growth in UV-B radiation resulted in large reductions of leaf area and plant biomass, which were associated with a decline in leaf cell numbers and cell division. UV-B radiation also inhibited epidermal cell expansion of the exposed surface of leaves. There was an interaction between UV-B radiation and drought treatments: UV-B radiation both delayed and reduced the severity of drought stress through reductions in plant water-loss rates, stomatal conductance, and leaf area.


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Although it is well established that the plant host encodes and synthesizes the apoprotein for leghemoglobin in root nodules, the source of the heme moiety has been uncertain. We recently found that the transcript for coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, one of the later enzymes of heme synthesis, is highly elevated in soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules compared with roots. In this study we measured enzyme activity and carried out western-blot analysis and in situ hybridization of mRNA to investigate the levels during nodulation of the plant-specific coproporphyrinogen oxidase and four other enzymes of the pathway in both soybean and pea (Pisum sativum L.). We compared them with the activity found in leaves and uninfected roots. Our results demonstrate that all of these enzymes are elevated in the infected cells of nodules. Because these are the same cells that express apoleghemoglobin, the data strongly support a role for the plant in the synthesis of the heme moiety of leghemoglobin.


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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) fruit discs fed with [2,3-14C]1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) formed 1-malonyl-ACC (MACC) as the major conjugate of ACC in fruit throughout all ripening stages, from immature-green through the red-ripe stage. Another conjugate of ACC, γ-glutamyl-ACC (GACC), was formed only in mature-green fruit in an amount about 10% of that of MACC; conjugation of ACC into GACC was not detected in fruits at other ripening stages. No GACC formation was observed from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek) hypocotyls, etiolated common vetch (Vicia sativum L.) epicotyls, or pea (Pisum sativum L.) root tips, etiolated epicotyls, and green stem tissue, where active conversion of ACC into MACC was observed. GACC was, however, formed in vitro in extracts from fruit of all ripening stages. GACC formation in an extract from red fruit at pH 7.15 was only about 3% of that at pH 8.0, the pH at which most assays were run. Our present in vivo data support the previous contention that MACC is the major conjugate of ACC in plant tissues, whereas GACC is a minor, if any, conjugate of ACC. Thus, our data do not support the proposal that GACC formation could be more important than MACC formation in tomato fruit.


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Plant accumulation of Fe and other metals can be enhanced under Fe deficiency. We investigated the influence of Fe status on heavy-metal and divalent-cation uptake in roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Sparkle) seedlings using Cd2+ uptake as a model system. Radiotracer techniques were used to quantify unidirectional 109Cd influx into roots of Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient pea seedlings. The concentration-dependent kinetics for 109Cd influx were graphically complex and nonsaturating but could be resolved into a linear component and a saturable component exhibiting Michaelis-Menten kinetics. We demonstrated that the linear component was apoplastically bound Cd2+ remaining in the root cell wall after desorption, whereas the saturable component was transporter-mediated Cd2+ influx across the root-cell plasma membrane. The Cd2+ transport system in roots of both Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient seedlings exhibited similar Michaelis constant values, 1.5 and 0.6 μm, respectively, for saturable Cd2+ influx, whereas the maximum initial velocity for Cd2+ uptake in Fe-deficient seedlings was nearly 7-fold higher than that in Fe-grown seedlings. Investigations into the mechanistic basis for this response demonstrated that Fe-deficiency-induced stimulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase did not play a role in the enhanced Cd2+ uptake. Expression studies with the Fe2+ transporter cloned from Arabidopsis, IRT1, indicated that Fe deficiency induced the expression of this transporter, which might facilitate the transport of heavy-metal divalent cations such as Cd2+ and Zn2+, in addition to Fe2+.


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Plants synthesize several classes of small (15- to 30-kD monomer) heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) in response to heat stress, including a nuclear-encoded, chloroplast-localized sHSP (HSP21). Cytosolic sHSPs exist as large oligomers (approximately 200–800 kD) composed solely or primarily of sHSPs. Phosphorylation of mammalian sHSPs causes oligomer dissociation, which appears to be important for regulation of sHSP function. We examined the native structure and phosphorylation of chloroplast HSP21 to understand this protein's basic properties and to compare it with cytosolic sHSPs. The apparent size of native HSP21 complexes was > 200 kD and they did not dissociate during heat stress. We found no evidence that HSP21 or the plant cytosolic sHSPs are phosphorylated in vivo. A partial HSP21 complex purified from heat-stressed pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves contained no proteins other than HSP21. Mature recombinant pea and Arabidopsis thaliana HSP21 were expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified recombinant Arabidopsis HSP21 assembled into homo-oligomeric complexes with the same apparent molecular mass as HSP21 complexes observed in heat-stressed leaf tissue. We propose that the native, functional form of chloroplast HSP21 is a large, oligomeric complex containing nine or more HSP21 subunits, and that plant sHSPs are not regulated by phosphorylation-induced dissociation.


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The role of the apical shoot as a source of inhibitors preventing fruit growth in the absence of a stimulus (e.g. pollination or application of gibberellic acid) has been investigated in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Plant decapitation stimulated parthenocarpic growth, even in derooted plants, and this effect was counteracted by the application of indole acetic acid (IAA) or abscisic acid (ABA) in agar blocks to the severed stump. The treatment of unpollinated ovaries with gibberellic acid blocked the effect of IAA or ABA applied to the stump. [3H]IAA and [3H]ABA applied to the stump were transported basipetally, and [3H]ABA but not [3H]IAA was also detected in unpollinated ovaries. The concentration of ABA in unpollinated ovaries increased significantly in the absence of a promotive stimulus. The application of IAA to the stump enhanced by 2- to 5-fold the concentration of ABA in the inhibited ovary, whereas the inhibition of IAA transport from the apical shoot by triiodobenzoic acid decreased the ovary content of ABA (to approximately one-half). Triiodobenzoic acid alone, however, was unable to stimulate ovary growth. Thus, in addition to removing IAA transport from the apical shoot, the accumulation of a promotive factor is also necessary to induce parthenocarpic growth in decapitated plants.


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Mg-chelatase catalyzes the ATP-dependent insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin-IX to form Mg-protoporphyrin-IX. This is the first step unique to chlorophyll synthesis, and it lies at the branch point for porphyrin utilization; the other branch leads to heme. Using the stromal fraction of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Spring) chloroplasts, we have prepared Mg-chelatase in a highly active (1000 pmol 30 min−1 mg−1) and stable form. The reaction had a lag in the time course, which was overcome by preincubation with ATP. The concentration curves for ATP and Mg2+ were sigmoidal, with apparent Km values for Mg2+ and ATP of 14.3 and 0.35 mm, respectively. The Km for deuteroporphyrin was 8 nm. This Km is 300 times lower than the published porphyrin Km for ferrochelatase. The soluble extract was separated into three fractions by chromatography on blue agarose, followed by size-selective centrifugal ultrafiltration of the column flow-through. All three fractions were required for activity, clearly demonstrating that the plant Mg-chelatase requires at least three protein components. Additionally, only two of the components were required for activation; both were contained in the flow-through from the blue-agarose column.


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A cDNA of pea (Pisum sativum L.) RbcS 3A, encoding a small subunit protein (S) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), has been expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, and the transcript and mature S protein were detected. Specific antibodies revealed two protein spots for the four Arabidopsis S and one additional spot for pea S. Pea S in chimeric Rubisco amounted to 15 to 18% of all S, as judged by separation on two-dimensional isoelectric focusing/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels from partially purified enzyme preparations and quantitation of silver-stained protein spots. The chimeric enzyme had 11 ± 1% fewer carbamylated sites and a 11 ± 1% lower carboxylase activity than wild-type Arabidopsis Rubisco. Whereas pea S expression, preprotein transport, and processing and assembly resulted in a stable holoenzyme, the chimeric enzyme was reproducibly catalytically less efficient. We suggest that the presence of, on average, one foreign S per holoenzyme is responsible for the altered activity. In addition, higher-plant Rubisco, unlike the cyanobacterial enzyme, seems to have evolved species-specific interactions between S and the large subunit protein that are involved in carbamylation of the active site.


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Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC. plants accumulate the osmoprotectant 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), particularly when salinized. DMSP is known to be synthesized in the chloroplast from S-methylmethionine (SMM) imported from the cytosol, but the sizes of the chloroplastic and extrachloroplastic pools of these compounds are unknown. We therefore determined DMSP and SMM in mesophyll protoplasts and chloroplasts. Salinization with 30% (v/v) artificial seawater increased protoplast DMSP levels from 4.6 to 6.0 μmol mg−1 chlorophyll (Chl), and chloroplast levels from 0.9 to 1.9 μmol mg−1 Chl. The latter are minimum values because intact chloroplasts leaked DMSP during isolation. Correcting for this leakage, it was estimated that in vivo about one-half of the DMSP is chloroplastic and that stromal DMSP concentrations in control and salinized plants are about 60 and 130 mm, respectively. Such concentrations would contribute significantly to chloroplast osmoregulation and could protect photosynthetic processes from stress injury. SMM levels were measured using a novel mass-spectrometric method. About 40% of the SMM was located in the chloroplast in unsalinized W. biflora plants, as was about 80% in salinized plants; the chloroplastic pool in both cases was approximately 0.1 μmol mg−1 Chl. In contrast, ≥85% of the SMM was extrachloroplastic in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), which lack DMSP. DMSP synthesis may be associated with enhanced accumulation of SMM in the chloroplast.