997 resultados para Physiology, Comparative.
Two experiments in vitro were conducted to evaluate four Egyptian forage legume browses, i.e., leaves of prosopis (Prosopis juliflora), acacia (Acacia saligna), atriplex (A triplex halimus), and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala), in comparison with Tifton (Cynodon sp.) grass hay for their gas production, methanogenic potential, and ruminal fermentation using a semi-automatic system for gas production (first experiment) and for ruminal and post ruminal protein degradability (second experiment). Acacia and leucaena showed pronounced methane inhibition compared with Tifton, while prosopis and leucaena decreased the acetate:propionate ratio (P<0.01). Acacia and leucaena presented a lower (P<0.01) ruminal NH3-N concentration associated with the decreasing (P<0.01) ruminal protein degradability. Leucaena, however, showed higher (P<0.01) intestinal protein digestibility than acacia. This study suggests that the potential methanogenic properties of leguminous browses may be related not only to tannin content, but also to other factors.
Various types of trill exercises have been used for a long time as a tool in the treatment and preparation of the voice. Although they are reported to produce vocal benefits in most subjects, their physiology has not yet been studied in depth. The aim of this study was to compare the mean and standard deviation of the closed quotient in exercises of lip and tongue trills with the sustained vowel /epsilon/ in opera singers. Ten professional classical (operatic) singers, reportedly in perfect laryngeal health, served as subjects for this study and underwent electroglottography. During the examination, the subjects were instructed to deliver the sustained vowel /epsilon/ and lip and tongue trills in a same preestablished frequency and intensity. The mean values and standard deviation of the closed quotient were obtained using the software developed for this purpose. The comparison of the results was intrasubjects; maximum intensities were compared only among them and so were minimum intensities. The means of closed quotient were statistically significant only in the strong intensities, and the lip trill was different from the tongue trill and the sustained vowel /epsilon/. The standard deviation of the closed quotient distinguished the sustained vowel /epsilon/ from the lip and tongue trills in the two intensities. We concluded that there is oscillation of the closed quotient during the exercises of tongue and lip trills, and the closed quotient is higher during the performance of exercises of the lip trill, when compared with the two other utterances, only in the strong intensities.
CYP3A verstoffwechselt mehr als 50% aller gegenwärtig in der Therapie eingesetzten Wirkstoffe, die häufig an klinisch relevanten Arzneimitttel-Wechselwirkungen beteiligt sind. Das Verständnis über die Bedeutung und die Regulation von einzelnen CYP3A Genen in der Pharmakologie und Physiologie ist unvollständig. Wir untersuchten die Evolution des CYP3 Genlokus über einen Zeitraum von 450 Millionen Jahre mittels genomischer Sequenzen von 16 Tierarten. Neue CYP3 Unterfamilien (CYP3B, C und D) entstanden über eine beschleunigte Evolution aus CYP3A Vorstufen von Clupeocephala Spezies. Ausgeprägte funktionelle Unterschiede traten zwischen CYP3A in Säugern und Clupeocephala CYP3 auf. Alle amnioten CYP3A Gene entwickelten sich aus zwei CYP3A Urgenen. Aufgrund der Entstehung von Säugern mit Plazenta ging eines von ihnen verloren während das andere eine neue genomische Umgebung infolge einer Translokation erlangte. In Primaten unterzog sich CYP3A mit mehreren Genduplikationen, Deletionen, Pseudogenisierung und Genkonversionen einer raschen evolutionären Veränderung. Die Entwicklung von CYP3A in Schmalnasenaffen (Alte Welt Affen, große Menschenaffen und Menschen) unterschieden sich wesentlich von Neue Welt Primaten (z.B. gewöhnlichen Krallenaffen) und Feuchtnasenaffen (z.B. Galago). Stellvertretend für die CYP3A Protein-codierende Sequenz entdeckten wir zwei frühe Episoden von besonders starker positiver Selektion: (1) auf CYP3A7 in der frühen hominoiden Evolution, welche im fetalen Zeitraum von einer Einschränkung der hepatischen Expression begleitet war, und (2) auf humanes CYP3A4 im Anschluss an die Teilung der Abstammungslinie in Schimpansen und Mensch. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden beeinflussen drei von vier positiv ausgewählten Aminosäuren, die in früheren biochemischen CYP3A Studien untersucht wurden, die Aktivität und Regioselektivität. Es ist somit naheliegend, dass CYP3A7 und CYP3A4 katalytische Funktionen erworben haben können, die besonders wichtig waren für die Evolution von Hominoiden und Menschen. Die Charakterisierung von CYP3A Promotoren in Primaten zeigte eine Anreicherung von ER6 Elementen in CYP3A Promotoren von Primaten und einen Trend in Richtung Erhöhung der ER6 Enstehung entlang den Abstammungslinien, die zu humanen und Schimpansen CYP3A4 führten. Die steigende Anzahl an ER6 Elementen kann durch die ausgeprägte CYP3A4 Induzierbarkeit und Expressionsvariabilität im Menschen verursacht sein.
Impairment of cognitive performance during and after high-altitude climbing has been described in numerous studies and has mostly been attributed to cerebral hypoxia and resulting functional and structural cerebral alterations. To investigate the hypothesis that high-altitude climbing leads to cognitive impairment, we used of neuropsychological tests and measurements of eye movement (EM) performance during different stimulus conditions. The study was conducted in 32 mountaineers participating in an expedition to Muztagh Ata (7,546 m). Neuropsychological tests comprised figural fluency, line bisection, letter and number cancellation, and a modified pegboard task. Saccadic performance was evaluated under three stimulus conditions with varying degrees of cortical involvement: visually guided pro- and anti-saccades, and visuo-visual interaction. Typical saccade parameters (latency, mean sequence, post-saccadic stability, and error rate) were computed off-line. Measurements were taken at a baseline level of 440 m and at altitudes of 4,497, 5,533, 6,265, and again at 440 m. All subjects reached 5,533 m, and 28 reached 6,265 m. The neuropsychological test results did not reveal any cognitive impairment. Complete eye movement recordings for all stimulus conditions were obtained in 24 subjects at baseline and at least two altitudes and in 10 subjects at baseline and all altitudes. Measurements of saccade performances showed no dependence on any altitude-related parameter and were well within normal limits. Our data indicates that acclimatized climbers do not seem to suffer from significant cognitive deficits during or after climbs to altitudes above 7,500 m. We demonstrated that investigation of EMs is feasible during high-altitude expeditions.
The electric organ (EO) of weakly electric mormyrids consists of flat, disk-shaped electrocytes with distinct anterior and posterior faces. There are multiple species-characteristic patterns in the geometry of the electrocytes and their innervation. To further correlate electric organ discharge (EOD) with EO anatomy, we examined four species of the mormyrid genus Campylomormyrus possessing clearly distinct EODs. In C. compressirostris, C. numenius, and C. tshokwe, all of which display biphasic EODs, the posterior face of the electrocytes forms evaginations merging to a stalk system receiving the innervation. In C. tamandua that emits a triphasic EOD, the small stalks of the electrocyte penetrate the electrocyte anteriorly before merging on the anterior side to receive the innervation. Additional differences in electrocyte anatomy among the former three species with the same EO geometry could be associated with further characteristics of their EODs. Furthermore, in C. numenius, ontogenetic changes in EO anatomy correlate with profound changes in the EOD. In the juvenile the anterior face of the electrocyte is smooth, whereas in the adult it exhibits pronounced surface foldings. This anatomical difference, together with disparities in the degree of stalk furcation, probably contributes to the about 12 times longer EOD in the adult.
Chronic unremittent low back pain (LBP) is characterised by cognitive barriers to treatment. Combining a motor control training approach with individualised education about pain physiology is effective in this group of patients. This randomized comparative trial (i) evaluates an approach to motor control acquisition and training that considers the complexities of the relationship between pain and motor output, and (ii) compares the efficacy and cost of individualized and group pain physiology education. After an "ongoing usual treatment" period, patients participated in a 4-week motor control and pain physiology education program. Patients received four one-hour individualized education sessions (IE) or one 4-hour group lecture (GE). Both groups reduced pain (numerical rating scale) and disability (Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire). IE showed bigger decreases, which were maintained at 12 months (P < 0.05 for all). The combined motor control and education approach is effective. Although group education imparts a lesser effect, it may be more cost-efficient. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Bi-sensory striped arrays are described in owl and platypus that share some similarities with the other variant of bi-sensory striped array found in primate and carnivore striate cortex: ocular dominance columns. Like ocular dominance columns, the owl and platypus striped systems each involve two different topographic arrays that are cut into parallel stripes, and interdigitated, so that higher-order neurons can integrate across both arrays. Unlike ocular dominance stripes, which have a separate array for each eye, the striped array in the middle third of the owl tectum has a separate array for each cerebral hemisphere. Binocular neurons send outputs from both hemispheres to the striped array where they are segregated into parallel stripes according to hemisphere of origin. In platypus primary somatosensory cortex (SI), the two arrays of interdigitated stripes are derived from separate sensory systems in the bill, 40,000 electroreceptors and 60,000 mechanoreceptors. The stripes in platypus SI cortex produce bimodal electrosensory-mechanosensory neurons with specificity for the time-of-arrival difference between the two systems. This thunder-and-lightning system would allow the platypus to estimate the distance of the prey using time disparities generated at the bill between the earlier electrical wave and the later mechanical wave caused by the motion of benthic prey. The functional significance of parallel, striped arrays is not clear, even for the highly-studied ocular dominance system, but a general strategy is proposed here that is based on the detection of temporal disparities between the two arrays that can be used to estimate distance. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
During metamorphosis, most amphibians undergo rapid shifts in their morphology that allow them to move from an aquatic to a more terrestrial existence. Two important challenges associated with this shift in habitat are the necessity to switch from an aquatic to terrestrial mode of locomotion and changes in the thermal environment. In this study, I investigated the consequences of metamorphosis to the burst swimming and running performance of the European newt Triturus cristatus to determine the nature and magnitude of any locomotor trade-offs that occur across life-history stages. In addition, I investigated whether there were any shifts in the thermal dependence of performance between life-history stages of T. cristatus to compensate for changes in their thermal environment during metamorphosis. A trade-off between swimming and running performance was detected across life-history stages, with metamorphosis resulting in a simultaneous decrease in swimming and increase in running performance. Although the terrestrial habitat of postmetamorphic stages of the newt T. cristatus experienced greater daily fluctuations in temperature than the aquatic habitat of the larval stage, no differences in thermal sensitivity of locomotor performance were detected between the larval aquatic and postmetamorphic stages. The absence of variation across life-history stages of T. cristatus may indicate that thermal sensitivity may be a conservative trait across ontogenetic stages in amphibians, but further studies are required to investigate this assertion.
Many different methods of reporting animal diets have been used in ecological research. These vary greatly in level of accuracy and precision and therefore complicate attempts to measure and compare diets, and quantitites of nutrients in those diets, across a wide range of taxa. For most birds, the carotenoid content of the diet has not been directly measured. Here, therefore, I use an avian example to show how different methods of measuring the quantities of various foods in the diet affect the relative rankings of higher taxa (families, subfamilies, and tribes), and species within these taxa, with regard to the carotenoid contents of their diets. This is a timely example, as much recent avian literature has focused on the way dietary carotenoids may be traded off among aspects of survival, fitness and signalling. I assessed the mean dietary carotenoid contents of representatives of thirty higher taxa of birds using four different carotenoid intake indices varying in precision, including trophic levels, a coarse-scale and a fine-scale categorical index, and quantitative estimates of dietary carotenoids. This last method was used as the benchmark. For comparisons among taxa, all but the trophic level index were significantly correlated with each other. However, for comparisons of species within taxa, the fine-scale index outperformed the coarse-scale index, which in turn outperformed the trophic level index. In addition, each method has advantages and disadvantages, as well as underlying assumptions that must be considered. Examination and comparison of several possible methods of diet assessment appears to highlight these so that the best possible index is used given available data, and it is recommended that such a step be taken prior to the inclusion of estimated nutrient intake in any statistical analysis. Although applied to avian carotenoids here, this method could readily be applied to other taxa and types of nutrients.
Leptin is a multifunctional hormone, produced predominantly in adipocytes. It regulates energy balance through its impact on appetite and fat metabolism, and its concentration indicates the size of body fat reserves. Leptin also plays a vital role in stretch-induced surfactant production during alveolar development in the fetus. The structure, expression pattern, and role of leptin have not previously been explored in marine mammals. Phocid seals undergo cyclical changes in body composition as a result of prolonged fasting and intensive foraging bouts and experience rapid, dramatic, and repeated changes in lung volume during diving. Here, we report the tissue-specific expression pattern of leptin in these animals. This is the first demonstration of leptin expression in the lung tissue of a mature mammal, in addition to its expression in the blubber and bone marrow, in common with other animals. We propose a role for leptin in seal pulmonary surfactant production, in addition to its likely role in long-term energy balance. We identify substitutions in the phocine leptin sequence in regions normally highly conserved between widely distinct vertebrate groups, and, using a purified seal leptin antiserum, we confirm the presence of the leptin protein in gray seal lung and serum fractions. Finally, we report the substantial inadequacies of using heterologous antibodies to measure leptin in unextracted gray seal serum.
The maintenance of glucose homeostasis is complex and involves, besides the secretion and action of insulin and glucagon, a hormonal and neural mechanism, regulating the rate of gastric emptying. This mechanism depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion regulates the speed of gastric emptying, contributing to the control of postprandial glycemia. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of various agents of this class can explain the effects more relevant in fasting or postprandial glucose, and can thus guide the individualized treatment, according to the clinical and pathophysiological features of each patient.
Recently, Physalaemus albifrons (Spix, 1824) was relocated from the Physalaemus cuvieri group to the same group as Physalaemus biligonigerus (Cope, 1861), Physalaemus marmoratus (Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862) and Physalaemus santafecinus Barrio, 1965. To contribute to the analysis of this proposition, we studied the karyotypes of Physalaemus albifrons, Physalaemus santafecinus and three species of the Physalaemus cuvieri group. The karyotype of Physalaemus santafecinus was found to be very similar to those of Physalaemus biligonigerus and Physalaemus marmoratus, which were previously described. A remarkable characteristic that these three species share is a conspicuous C-band that extends from the pericentromeric region almost to the telomere in the short arm of chromosome 3. This characteristic is not present in the Physalaemus albifrons karyotype and could be a synapomorphy of Physalaemus biligonigerus, Physalaemus marmoratus and Physalaemus santafecinus. The karyotype of Physalaemus santafecinus is also similar to those of Physalaemus marmoratus and Physalaemus biligonigerus owing to the presence of several terminal C-bands and the distal localization of the NOR in a small metacentric chromosome. In contrast, the Physalaemus albifrons karyotype has no terminal C-bands and its NOR is located interstitially in the long arm of submetacentric chromosome 8. The NOR-bearing chromosome of Physalaemus albifrons very closely resembles those found in Physalaemus albonotatus (Steindachner, 1864), Physalaemus cuqui Lobo, 1993 and some populations of Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826. Additionally, the Physalaemus albifrons karyotype has an interstitial C-band in chromosome 5 that has been exclusively observed in species of the Physalaemus cuvieri group. Therefore, we were not able to identify any chromosomal feature that supports the reallocation of Physalaemus albifrons.
Unplanned excision of soft tissue sarcomas is common because benign soft tissue lesions are very frequent. This study evaluated the impact of unplanned resections on overall survival, local recurrence and distant metastasis in patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities. In total, 52 patients who were diagnosed with soft tissue sarcomas between May 2001 and March 2011 were analyzed in a retrospective study. Of these patients, 29 (55.8%) had not undergone previous treatment and the remaining 23 (44.2%) patients had undergone prior resection of the tumor without oncological planning. All subsequent surgical procedures were performed at the same cancer referral center. The follow-up ranged from 6 to 122 months, with a mean of 39.89 months. Age, lesion size and depth, histological grade, surgical margins, overall survival, local and distant recurrence and adjuvant therapies were compared. Residual disease was observed in 91.3% of the re-resected specimens in the unplanned excision group, which exhibited greater numbers of superficial lesions, low histological grades and contaminated surgical margins compared with the re-resected specimens in the planned excision group. No differences were observed in local recurrence and 5-year overall survival between the groups, but distant metastases were significantly associated with planned excision after adjustment for the variables. There was no difference between patients undergoing unplanned excision and planned excision regarding local recurrence and overall survival. The planned excision group had a higher risk of distant metastasis, whereas there was a high rate of residual cancer in the unplanned excision group.
By comparing the SEED and Pfam functional profiles of metagenomes of two Brazilian coral species with 29 datasets that are publicly available, we were able to identify some functions, such as protein secretion systems, that are overrepresented in the metagenomes of corals and may play a role in the establishment and maintenance of bacteria-coral associations. However, only a small percentage of the reads of these metagenomes could be annotated by these reference databases, which may lead to a strong bias in the comparative studies. For this reason, we have searched for identical sequences (99% of nucleotide identity) among these metagenomes in order to perform a reference-independent comparative analysis, and we were able to identify groups of microbial communities that may be under similar selective pressures. The identification of sequences shared among the metagenomes was found to be even better for the identification of groups of communities with similar niche requirements than the traditional analysis of functional profiles. This approach is not only helpful for the investigation of similarities between microbial communities with high proportion of unknown reads, but also enables an indirect overview of gene exchange between communities.
To perform a comparative evaluation of the mechanical resistance of simulated fractures of the mandibular body which were repaired using different fixation techniques with two different brands of 2.0 mm locking fixation systems. Four aluminum hemimandibles with linear sectioning simulating a mandibular body fracture were used as the substrates and were fixed using the two techniques and two different brands of fixation plate. These were divided into four groups: groups I and II were fixed with one four-hole plate, with four 6 mm screws in the tension zone and one four-hole plate, with four 10 mm screws in the compression zone; and groups III and IV were fixed with one four-hole plate with four 6 mm screws in the neutral zone. Fixation plates manufactured by Tóride were used for groups I and III, and by Traumec for groups II and IV. The hemimandibles were submitted to vertical, linear load testing in an Instron 4411 servohydraulic mechanical testing unit, and the load/displacement (3 mm, 5 mm and 7 mm) and the peak loads were measured. Means and standard deviations were evaluated applying variance analysis with a significance level of 5%. The only significant difference between the brands was seen at displacements of 7 mm. Comparing the techniques, groups I and II showed higher mechanical strength than groups III and IV, as expected. For the treatment of mandibular linear body fracture, two locking plates, one in the tension zone and another in the compression zone, have a greater mechanical strength than a single locking plate in the neutral zone.