952 resultados para Physical layer security


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Lattice-based cryptographic primitives are believed to offer resilience against attacks by quantum computers. We demonstrate the practicality of post-quantum key exchange by constructing cipher suites for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol that provide key exchange based on the ring learning with errors (R-LWE) problem, we accompany these cipher suites with a rigorous proof of security. Our approach ties lattice-based key exchange together with traditional authentication using RSA or elliptic curve digital signatures: the post-quantum key exchange provides forward secrecy against future quantum attackers, while authentication can be provided using RSA keys that are issued by today's commercial certificate authorities, smoothing the path to adoption. Our cryptographically secure implementation, aimed at the 128-bit security level, reveals that the performance price when switching from non-quantum-safe key exchange is not too high. With our R-LWE cipher suites integrated into the Open SSL library and using the Apache web server on a 2-core desktop computer, we could serve 506 RLWE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 HTTPS connections per second for a 10 KiB payload. Compared to elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, this means an 8 KiB increased handshake size and a reduction in throughput of only 21%. This demonstrates that provably secure post-quantum key-exchange can already be considered practical.


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Many wireless applications demand a fast mechanism to detect the packet from a node with the highest priority ("best node") only, while packets from nodes with lower priority are irrelevant. In this paper, we introduce an extremely fast contention-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node and requires only local information of the priorities of the nodes. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities onto the receive power. It is based on a key result that shows that mapping onto a set of discrete receive power levels is optimal, when the power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture, idle channel, or collision. We also show how reliable information regarding the total received power at the receiver can be used to improve the algorithm by enhancing the feedback mechanism. The algorithm detects the packet from the best node in 1.5 to 2.1 slots, which is considerably lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date.


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The WiFiRe (WiFi Rural Extension) proposal for rural broadband access is being developed under the aegis of CEWIT. The system leverages the widely available, and highly cost-reduced, WiFi chipsets. However, only the physical layer from these chipsets is retained. A single base station carries several WiFi transceivers, each serving one sector of the cell, and all operating on the same WiFi channel in a time division duplex (TDD) manner. We replace the contention based WiFi MAC with a single-channel TDD multisector TDM MAC similar to the WiMax MAC. In this paper we discuss in detail the issues in designing such a MAC for the purpose of carrying packet voice telephony and for Internet access. The problem of determining the optimal spatial reuse is formulated and the optimal spatial reuse and the corresponding cell size is derived. Then the voice and data scheduler is designed. It is shown how throughput fairness can be implemented in the data scheduler. A capacity assessment of the system is also provided.


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Content delivery networks (CDNs) are an essential component of modern website infrastructures: edge servers located closer to users cache content, increasing robustness and capacity while decreasing latency. However, this situation becomes complicated for HTTPS content that is to be delivered using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol: the edge server must be able to carry out TLS handshakes for the cached domain. Most commercial CDNs require that the domain owner give their certificate's private key to the CDN's edge server or abandon caching of HTTPS content entirely. We examine the security and performance of a recently commercialized delegation technique in which the domain owner retains possession of their private key and splits the TLS state machine geographically with the edge server using a private key proxy service. This allows the domain owner to limit the amount of trust given to the edge server while maintaining the benefits of CDN caching. On the performance front, we find that latency is slightly worse compared to the insecure approach, but still significantly better than the domain owner serving the content directly. On the security front, we enumerate the security goals for TLS handshake proxying and identify a subtle difference between the security of RSA key transport and signed-Diffie--Hellman in TLS handshake proxying; we also discuss timing side channel resistance of the key server and the effect of TLS session resumption.


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The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is currently developing the next version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, version 1.3. The transparency of this standardization process allows comprehensive cryptographic analysis of the protocols prior to adoption, whereas previous TLS versions have been scrutinized in the cryptographic literature only after standardization. This is even more important as there are two related, yet slightly different, candidates in discussion for TLS 1.3, called draft-ietf-tls-tls13-05 and draft-ietf-tls-tls13-dh-based. We give a cryptographic analysis of the primary ephemeral Diffie–Hellman-based handshake protocol, which authenticates parties and establishes encryption keys, of both TLS 1.3 candidates. We show that both candidate handshakes achieve the main goal of providing secure authenticated key exchange according to an augmented multi-stage version of the Bellare–Rogaway model. Such a multi-stage approach is convenient for analyzing the design of the candidates, as they establish multiple session keys during the exchange. An important step in our analysis is to consider compositional security guarantees. We show that, since our multi-stage key exchange security notion is composable with arbitrary symmetric-key protocols, the use of session keys in the record layer protocol is safe. Moreover, since we can view the abbreviated TLS resumption procedure also as a symmetric-key protocol, our compositional analysis allows us to directly conclude security of the combined handshake with session resumption. We include a discussion on several design characteristics of the TLS 1.3 drafts based on the observations in our analysis.


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With the increasing adoption of wireless technology, it is reasonable to expect an increase in file demand for supporting both real-time multimedia and high rate reliable data services. Next generation wireless systems employ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) physical layer owing, to the high data rate transmissions that are possible without increase in bandwidth. Towards improving file performance of these systems, we look at the design of resource allocation algorithms at medium-access layer, and their impact on higher layers. While TCP-based clastic traffic needs reliable transport, UDP-based real-time applications have stringent delay and rate requirements. The MAC algorithms while catering to the heterogeneous service needs of these higher layers, tradeoff between maximizing the system capacity and providing fairness among users. The novelly of this work is the proposal of various channel-aware resource allocation algorithms at the MAC layer. which call result in significant performance gains in an OFDM based wireless system.


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Next generation wireless systems employ Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) physical layer owing to the high data rate transmissions that are possible without increase in bandwidth. While TCP performance has been extensively studied for interaction with link layer ARQ, little attention has been given to the interaction of TCP with MAC layer. In this work, we explore cross-layer interactions in an OFDM based wireless system, specifically focusing on channel-aware resource allocation strategies at the MAC layer and its impact on TCP congestion control. Both efficiency and fairness oriented MAC resource allocation strategies were designed for evaluating the performance of TCP. The former schemes try to exploit the channel diversity to maximize the system throughput, while the latter schemes try to provide a fair resource allocation over sufficiently long time duration. From a TCP goodput standpoint, we show that the class of MAC algorithms that incorporate a fairness metric and consider the backlog outperform the channel diversity exploiting schemes.


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A link failure in the path of a virtual circuit in a packet data network will lead to premature disconnection of the circuit by the end-points. A soft failure will result in degraded throughput over the virtual circuit. If these failures can be detected quickly and reliably, then appropriate rerouteing strategies can automatically reroute the virtual circuits that use the failed facility. In this paper, we develop a methodology for analysing and designing failure detection schemes for digital facilities. Based on errored second data, we develop a Markov model for the error and failure behaviour of a T1 trunk. The performance of a detection scheme is characterized by its false alarm probability and the detection delay. Using the Markov model, we analyse the performance of detection schemes that use physical layer or link layer information. The schemes basically rely upon detecting the occurrence of severely errored seconds (SESs). A failure is declared when a counter, that is driven by the occurrence of SESs, reaches a certain threshold.For hard failures, the design problem reduces to a proper choice;of the threshold at which failure is declared, and on the connection reattempt parameters of the virtual circuit end-point session recovery procedures. For soft failures, the performance of a detection scheme depends, in addition, on how long and how frequent the error bursts are in a given failure mode. We also propose and analyse a novel Level 2 detection scheme that relies only upon anomalies observable at Level 2, i.e. CRC failures and idle-fill flag errors. Our results suggest that Level 2 schemes that perform as well as Level 1 schemes are possible.


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In many wireless applications, it is highly desirable to have a fast mechanism to resolve or select the packet from the user with the highest priority. Furthermore, individual priorities are often known only locally at the users. In this paper we introduce an extremely fast, local-information-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node in 1.8 to 2.1 slots,which is much lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities into the receive power.It is inherently distributed and scales well with the number of users. We show that mapping onto a discrete set of receive power levels is optimal, and provide a complete characterization for it. The power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture,idle channel, or collision.


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two-way MIMO relaying scenario is considered, with the denoise-and-forward protocol which employs two phases: Multiple Access phase and Broadcast phase. It is shown that for MIMO two-way relaying, the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay becomes zero when all the rows of the channel fade coefficient matrix belong to a finite number of vector subspaces referred to as the singular fade subspaces. The singular fade subspaces can be classified into two kinds based on whether their harmful effects can be removed or not: (i) the removable and (ii) the non-removable singular fade subspaces. It is shown that network coding maps obtained by the completion of appropriate partially filled Latin Rectangles can remove the harmful effects of all the removable singular fade subspaces. For 2(lambda)-PSK signal set, the removable and non-removable singular fade subspaces are characterized and, it is shown that the number of non-removable singular fade subspaces is a small fraction of the total number of singular fade subspaces and this fraction tends to zero as the constellation size tends to infinity. The Latin Rectangles for the case when the end nodes use different number of antennas are shown to be obtainable from the Latin Squares for the case when they use the same number of antennas. Also, the network coding maps which remove all the removable singular singular fade subspaces are shown to be obtainable from a small set of Latin Squares. The removal of all the singular fade subspaces by properly choosing the network coding map, provides a gain of 5.5 dB over the conventional Exclusive-OR network coding, in a Rayleigh fading scenario with 2 antennas at the end nodes and one antenna at the relay node, for 4-PSK signal set.


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two-way relaying scenario is considered with a protocol which employs two phases: multiple access (MA) phase and broadcast (BC) phase. It was observed by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of MA interference which occurs at the relay during the MA phase and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called the exclusive law. We show that every network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law is representable by a Latin Square and conversely, that this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. The channel fade states for which the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay become zero are referred to as the singular fade states. For M - PSK modulation (M any power of 2), it is shown that there are (M-2/4 - M/2 + 1) M singular fade states. Also, it is shown that the constraints which the network coding maps should satisfy so that the harmful effects of the singular fade states are removed, can be viewed equivalently as partially filled Latin Squares (PFLS). The problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps for M - PSK constellations (any power of 2), obtained by the completion of PFLS. Even though the completability of M x M PFLS using M symbols is an open problem, specific cases where such a completion is always possible are identified and explicit construction procedures are provided. Having obtained the network coding maps, the set of all possible channel realizations (the complex plane) is quantized into a finite number of regions, with a specific network coding map chosen in a particular region. It is shown that the complex plane can be partitioned into two regions: a region in which any network coding map which satisfies the exclusive law gives the same best performance and a region in which the choice of the network coding map affects the performance. The quantization thus obtained analytically, leads to the same as the one obtained using computer search for M = 4-PSK signal set by Koike-Akino et al., when specialized for Simulation results show that the proposed scheme performs better than the conventional exclusive-OR (XOR) network coding and in some cases outperforms the scheme proposed by Koike-Akino et al.


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way wireless relaying scenario is considered. It was observed by Koike-Akino et al. for the two way relaying scenario, that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple access interference which occurs at the relay during the MA Phase and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called exclusive law. We extend this approach to an Accumulate-Compute and Forward protocol which employs two phases: Multiple Access (MA) phase consisting of two channel uses with independent messages in each channel use, and Broadcast (BC) phase having one channel use. Assuming that the two users transmit points from the same 4-PSK constellation, every such network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law can be represented by a Latin Square with side 16, and conversely, this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. Two methods of obtaining this network coding map to be used at the relay are discussed. Using the structural properties of the Latin Squares for a given set of parameters, the problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps. Having obtained all the Latin Squares, the set of all possible channel realizations is quantized, depending on which one of the Latin Squares obtained optimizes the performance. The quantization thus obtained, is shown to be the same as the one obtained in [7] for the 2-stage bidirectional relaying.


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded three-way wireless relaying scenario is considered. The protocol employs two phases: Multiple Access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase with each phase utilizing one channel use. For the two-way relaying scenario, it was observed by Koike-Akino et al. [4], that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple access interference which occurs at the relay during the MA phase and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called exclusive law. This paper does the equivalent for the three-way relaying scenario. We show that when the three users transmit points from the same 4-PSK constellation, every such network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law can be represented by a Latin Cube of Second Order. The network code map used by the relay for the BC phase is explicitly obtained and is aimed at reducing the effect of interference at the MA stage.


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way relaying scenario is considered with the protocol which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) Phase and Broadcast (BC) Phase. It was observed by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple access interference which occurs at the relay during the MA Phase and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called the exclusive law. We show that every network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law is representable by a Latin Square and conversely, and this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. Using the structural properties of the Latin Squares for a given set of parameters, the problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps for M-PSK constellations. This is achieved using the notions of isotopic and transposed Latin Squares. Furthermore, the channel conditions for which the bit-wise XOR will perform well is analytically obtained which holds for all values of M (for M any power of 2). We illustrate these results for the case where both the end users use QPSK constellation.


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In this paper, we study a problem of designing a multi-hop wireless network for interconnecting sensors (hereafter called source nodes) to a Base Station (BS), by deploying a minimum number of relay nodes at a subset of given potential locations, while meeting a quality of service (QoS) objective specified as a hop count bound for paths from the sources to the BS. The hop count bound suffices to ensure a certain probability of the data being delivered to the BS within a given maximum delay under a light traffic model. We observe that the problem is NP-Hard. For this problem, we propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm based on iteratively constructing shortest path trees and heuristically pruning away the relay nodes used until the hop count bound is violated. Results show that the algorithm performs efficiently in various randomly generated network scenarios; in over 90% of the tested scenarios, it gave solutions that were either optimal or were worse than optimal by just one relay. We then use random graph techniques to obtain, under a certain stochastic setting, an upper bound on the average case approximation ratio of a class of algorithms (including the proposed algorithm) for this problem as a function of the number of source nodes, and the hop count bound. To the best of our knowledge, the average case analysis is the first of its kind in the relay placement literature. Since the design is based on a light traffic model, we also provide simulation results (using models for the IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer and medium access control) to assess the traffic levels up to which the QoS objectives continue to be met. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.