971 resultados para Phylogenetic Relatedness


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An examination of ex-type and authentic cultures of 34 species of Bipolaris and Curvularia by phylogenetic analysis of four loci (EF-1α, GAPDH, ITS and LSU) resulted in nine new combinations in Curvularia, as well as new synonymies for some species of Bipolaris and Curvularia. Lectotypes are designated for Bipolaris secalis and Curvularia richardiae, and an epitype is designated for Curvularia crustacea. A new monotypic genus, Johnalcornia, is introduced to accommodate Bipolaris aberrans, which clusters sister to the newly described Porocercospora. Johnalcornia differs morphologically from this taxon by producing distinctive conidia-like chlamydospores as well as comparatively thick-walled, geniculate conidiophores, with conidiogenous cells that have conspicuous scars. Johnalcornia further differs from related genera by forming the second conidial septum in the apical cell.


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Background The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common respiratory pathogen, which has been found in a range of hosts including humans, marsupials and amphibians. Whole genome comparisons of human C. pneumoniae have previously highlighted a highly conserved nucleotide sequence, with minor but key polymorphisms and additional coding capacity when human and animal strains are compared. Results In this study, we sequenced three Australian human C. pneumoniae strains, two of which were isolated from patients in remote indigenous communities, and compared them to all available C. pneumoniae genomes. Our study demonstrated a phylogenetically distinct human C. pneumoniae clade containing the two indigenous Australian strains, with estimates that the most recent common ancestor of these strains predates the arrival of European settlers to Australia. We describe several polymorphisms characteristic to these strains, some of which are similar in sequence to animal C. pneumoniae strains, as well as evidence to suggest that several recombination events have shaped these distinct strains. Conclusions Our study reveals a greater sequence diversity amongst both human and animal C. pneumoniae strains, and suggests that a wider range of strains may be circulating in the human population than current sampling indicates.


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The ongoing climate change along with increasing levels of pollutants, diseases, habitat loss and fragmentation constitute global threats to the persistence of many populations, species and ecosystems. However, for the long-term persistence of local populations, one of the biggest threats is the intrinsic loss of genetic variation. In order to adapt to changes in the environment, organisms must have a sufficient supply of heritable variation in traits important for their fitness. With a loss of genetic variation, the risk of extinction will increase. For conservational practices, one should therefore understand the processes that shape the genetic population structure and also the broader (historical) phylogenetic patterning of the species in focus. In this thesis, microsatellite markers were applied to study genetic diversity and population differentiation of the protected moor frog (Rana arvalis) in Fennoscandia from both historical (evolutionary) and applied (conservation) perspectives. The results demonstrate that R. arvalis populations are highly structured over rather short geographic distances. Moreover, the results suggest that R. arvalis recolonized Fennoscandia from two directions after the last ice age. This has had implications for the genetic structuring and population differentiation, especially in the northernmost parts where the two lineages have met. Compared to more southern populations, the genetic variation decreases and the interpopulation differentiation increases dramatically towards north. This could be an outcome of serial population bottlenecking along the recolonization route. Also, current isolation and small population sizes increase the effect of drift, thus reinforcing the observed pattern. The same pattern can also be seen in island populations. However, though R. arvalis on the island of Gotland has lost most of its neutral genetic variability, our results indicate that the levels of additive genetic variation have remained high. This conforms to the conjecture that though neutral markers are widely used in conservation purposes, they may be quite uninformative about the levels of genetic variation in ecologically important traits. Finally, the evolutionary impact of the typical amphibian mating behaviour on genetic diversity was investigated. Given the short time available for larval development, it is important that mating takes place as early as possible. The genetic data and earlier capture-recapture data suggest that R. arvalis gather at mating grounds they are familiar with. However, by forming leks in random to relatedness, and having multiple paternities in single clutches, the risk of inbreeding may be minimized in this otherwise highly philopatric species.


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Phylogenetic studies of cyanobacterial lichens Lichens are symbiotic assemblages between fungi (mycobiont) and green algae (phycobiont) or/and cyanobacteria (cyanobiont). Fossil records show that lichen-like symbioses occurred already 600 million years ago. Lichen symbiosis has since then become an important life strategy for the Fungi, particularly for species in the phylum Ascomycota as approximately 98% of the lichenized fungal species are ascomycetes. The taxonomy of lichen associations is based on the mycobiont. We reconstructed, using DNA sequence data, hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships of lichen-forming fungi that include species associated with cyanobacteria. These hypotheses of phylogeny should form the basis for the taxonomy. They also allowed studies of the origin and the evolution of specific symbioses. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic cyanobionts were also studied in order to examine selectivity of cyanobionts and mycobionts as well as possible co-evolution between partners involved in lichen associations. The suggested circumscription of the family Stereocaulaceae to include Stereocaulon and Lepraria is supported. The recently described crustose Stereocaulon species seem to be correctly placed in the genus, although Stereocaulon traditionally included only fruticose species. The monospecific crustose genus Muhria is also shown to be best placed in Stereocaulon. Family Lobariaceae as currently delimited is monophyletic. Within Lobariaceae genus Sticta including Dendriscocaulon dendroides form a monophyletic group while the genera Lobaria and Pseudocyphellaria are non-monophyletic. A new classification of Lobariaceae is obviously needed. Further studies are however required before a final proposal for a new classification can be made. Our results show that the cyanobacterial symbiotic state has been gained repeatedly in the Ascomycota while losses of symbiotic cyanobacteria appear to be rare. The symbiosis with green algae is confirmed to have been gained repeatedly in Ascomycota but also repeatedly lost. Cyanobacterial symbioses therefore seem to be more stable than green algal associations. Cyanobacteria are perhaps more beneficial for the lichen fungi and therefore maintained. The results indicate a dynamic association of the lichen symbiosis. This evolutionary instability will perhaps be important for the lichen fungi as the utilization of options will perhaps enable lichens to colonize new substrates and survive environmental changes. Some cyanobacterial lichen genera seem to be highly selective towards the cyanobiont while others form symbioses with a broad spectrum of cyanobacteria. No evidence of co-evolution between fungi and cyanobacteria in cyanolichens could be demonstrated.


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The insulin receptor (IR), the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) and the insulin receptor-related receptor (IRR) are covalently-linked homodimers made up of several structural domains. The molecular mechanism of ligand binding to the ectodomain of these receptors and the resulting activation of their tyrosine kinase domain is still not well understood. We have carried out an amino acid residue conservation analysis in order to reconstruct the phylogeny of the IR Family. We have confirmed the location of ligand binding site 1 of the IGF1R and IR. Importantly, we have also predicted the likely location of the insulin binding site 2 on the surface of the fibronectin type III domains of the IR. An evolutionary conserved surface on the second leucine-rich domain that may interact with the ligand could not be detected. We suggest a possible mechanical trigger of the activation of the IR that involves a slight ‘twist’ rotation of the last two fibronectin type III domains in order to face the likely location of insulin. Finally, a strong selective pressure was found amongst the IRR orthologous sequences, suggesting that this orphan receptor has a yet unknown physiological role which may be conserved from amphibians to mammals.


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Social behaviour affects dispersal of animals and is an important modifier of genetic population structures. The female sex is often philopatric, which maintains coancestry within the breeding groups and promotes cooperative behaviours. This enables also inclusive fitness returns from altruism and explains why some individuals sacrifice personal reproduction for the good of others in social insects such as ants. However, reduced dispersal and population substructuring at the level of colonies may also entail inbreeding, loss of genetic diversity, and vulnerability. In addition, the most vulnerable ants are species that are evolved to parasitize colonies of other ants, and which compromise between abilities to disperse and the efficiency to parasitize the host. On the other hand, certain social organisations of ant colonies may facilitate a species to disperse outside its natural range and become a pest. Altogether, knowledge on genetic structuring of ant populations, as well as the evolution of their life histories can contribute to conservation biology and population management. The aim of this thesis was to investigate population structures and phylogenetic evolution of the ant Plagiolepis pygmaea and its two obligatory, workerless social parasites (inquilines) P. xene and P. grassei with genetic markers and DNA sequence data. The results support the general assumption that populations of inquiline parasites are highly fragmented and genetically vulnerable. Comparison of the two parasites suggests that differences in their relative abundance may follow from their interaction with the host, i.e. how well the species is adapted to reproduce in the host colonies. The results also indicate that the most recent free living ancestor to these two parasite species is their common host. This is considered to provide evidence for the controversial issue of sympatric speciation. Further, given that the level of adaptations to parasitic life history depends on the evolutionary time since the free-living ancestor, the results establish a link between species rarity and its evolutionary age. The populations of the host species P. pygmaea displayed significantly reduced dispersal both among the females (queens) and males, and high levels of inbreeding which may enhance worker altruism. In addition, the queens were found to mate with multiple males. Given the high relatedness between the queens and their mates, this occurs probably for non-genetic reasons, e.g. without benefits associated in genetically more diverse offspring. The results hence caution that the contribution of non-genetic factors to the prevailing mating patterns and genetic population structures should not be underestimated.


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Throughout the history of Linnean taxonomy, species have been described with varying degrees of justification. Many descriptions have been based on only a few ambiguous morphological characters. Moreover, species have been considered natural, well-defined units whereas higher taxa have been treated as disparate, non-existent creations. In the present thesis a few such cases were studied in detail. Often the species-level descriptions were based on only a few specimens and the variation previously thought to be interspecific was found to be intraspecific. In some cases morphological characters were sufficient to resolve the evolutionary relationships between the taxa, but generally more resolution was gained by the addition of molecular evidence. However, both morphological and molecular data were found to be deceptive in some cases. The DNA sequences of morphologically similar specimens were found to differ distinctly in some cases, whereas in other closely related species the morphology of specimens with identical DNA sequences differed substantially. This study counsels caution when evolutionary relationships are being studied utilizing only one source of evidence or a very limited number of characters (e.g. barcoding). Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of high quality data as well as the utilization of proper methods when making scientific inferences. Properly conducted analyses produce robust results that can be utilized in numerous interesting ways. The present thesis considered two such extensions of systematics. A novel hypothesis on the origin of bioluminescence in Elateriformia beetles is presented, tying it to the development of the clicking mechanism in the ancestors of these animals. An entirely different type of extension of systematics is the proposed high value of the white sand forests in maintaining the diversity of beetles in the Peruvian Amazon. White sand forests are under growing pressure from human activities that lead to deforestation. They were found to harbor an extremely diverse beetle fauna and many taxa were specialists living only in this unique habitat. In comparison to the predominant clay soil forests, considerably more elateroid beetles belonging to all studied taxonomic levels (species, genus, tribus, and subfamily) were collected in white sand forests. This evolutionary diversity is hypothesized to be due to a combination of factors: (1) the forest structure, which favors the fungus-plant interactions important for the elateroid beetles, (2) the old age of the forest type favoring survival of many evolutionary lineages and (3) the widespread distribution and fragmentation of the forests in the Miocene, favoring speciation.


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Phylogenetic analyses of the Hypnales usually show the same picture of poorly resolved trees with a large number of polyphyletic taxa and low support for the few reconstructed clades. One odd clade, however, consisting of three genera that are currently treated either within the Leskeaceae (Miyabea) or Neckeraceae (Homaliadelphus and Bissetia), was retrieved in a previously published phylogeny based on chloroplast rbcL. In order to elucidate the reliability of the observed Homaliadelphus - Miyabea - Bissetia - clade (HMB-clade) and to reveal its phylogenetic relationships a molecular study based on a representative set of hypnalean taxa was performed. Sequence data from all three genomes, namely the ITS1 and 2 (nuclear), the trnS-rps4-trnT-trnL-trnF cluster (plastid), the nad5 intron (mitochondrial), were analyzed. Although the phylogenetic reconstruction of the combined data set was not fully resolved regarding the backbone it clearly indicated the polyphyletic nature of various hypnalean families, such as the Leskeaceae, Hypnaceae, Hylocomiaceae, Neckeraceae, Leptodontaceae and Anomodontaceae with respect to the included taxa. In addition the results favor the inclusion of the Leptodontaceae and Thamnobryaceae in the Neckeraceae. The maximally supported HMB-clade consisting of the three genera Homaliadelphus (2-3 species), Miyabea (3 species) and Bissetia (1 species) is resolved sister to a so far unnamed clade comprising Taxiphyllum aomoriense, Glossadelphus ogatae and Leptopterigynandrum. The well-resolved and supported HMB-clade, here formally described as the Miyabeaceae, fam. nov. is additionally supported by morphological characters such as strongly incrassate, porose leaf cells, a relatively weak and diffuse costa and the presence of dwarf males. The latter are absent in the Neckeraceae and the Leskeaceae. It is essentially an East Asian family, with one species occurring in North America.


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Background of the Work: The phylogenetic position and evolution of Hemidactylus anamallensis (family Gekkonidae) has been much debated in recent times. In the past it has been variously assigned to genus Hoplodactylus (Diplodactylidae) as well as a monotypic genus `Dravidogecko' (Gekkonidae). Since 1995, this species has been assigned to Hemidactylus, but there is much disagreement between authors regarding its phylogenetic position within this genus. In a recent molecular study H. anamallensis was sister to Hemidactylus but appeared distinct from it in both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. However, this study did not include genera closely allied to Hemidactylus, thus a robust evaluation of this hypothesis was not undertaken. Methods: The objective of this study was to investigate the phylogenetic position of H. anamallensis within the gekkonid radiation. To this end, several nuclear and mitochondrial markers were sequenced from H. anamallensis, selected members of the Hemidactylus radiation and genera closely allied to Hemidactylus. These sequences in conjunction with published sequences were subjected to multiple phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore the nuclear dataset was also subjected to molecular dating analysis to ascertain the divergence between H. anamallensis and related genera. Results and Conclusion: Results showed that H. anamallensis lineage was indeed sister to Hemidactylus group but was separated from the rest of the Hemidactylus by a long branch. The divergence estimates supported a scenario wherein H. anamallensis dispersed across a marine barrier to the drifting peninsular Indian plate in the late Cretaceous whereas Hemidactylus arrived on the peninsular India after the Indian plate collided with the Eurasian plate. Based on these molecular evidence and biogeographical scenario we suggest that the genus Dravidogecko should be resurrected.


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Thiolases are enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. Thiolases remove the acetyl-CoA moiety from 3-ketoacyl-CoAs in the degradative reaction. They can also catalyze the reverse Claisen condensation reaction, which is the first step of biosynthetic processes such as the biosynthesis of sterols and ketone bodies. In human, six distinct thiolases have been identified. Each of these thiolases is different from the other with respect to sequence, oligomeric state, substrate specificity and subcellular localization. Four sequence fingerprints, identifying catalytic loops of thiolases, have been described. In this study genome searches of two mycobacterial species (Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis), were carried out, using the six human thiolase sequences as queries. Eight and thirteen different thiolase sequences were identified in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis, respectively. In addition, thiolase-like proteins (one encoded in the Mtb and two in the Msm genome) were found. The purpose of this study is to classify these mostly uncharacterized thiolases and thiolase-like proteins. Several other sequences obtained by searches of genome databases of bacteria, mammals and the parasitic protist family of the Trypanosomatidae were included in the analysis. Thiolase-like proteins were also found in the trypanosomatid genomes, but not in those of mammals. In order to study the phylogenetic relationships at a high confidence level, additional thiolase sequences were included such that a total of 130 thiolases and thiolase-like protein sequences were used for the multiple sequence alignment. The resulting phylogenetic tree identifies 12 classes of sequences, each possessing a characteristic set of sequence fingerprints for the catalytic loops. From this analysis it is now possible to assign the mycobacterial thiolases to corresponding homologues in other kingdoms of life. The results of this bioinformatics analysis also show interesting differences between the distributions of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis thiolases over the 12 different classes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Island systems from around the world have provided fascinating opportunities for studies pertaining to various evolutionary processes. One recurring feature of isolated islands is the presence of endemic radiations. In this regard, the Indian subcontinent is an interesting entity given it has been an island during much of its history following separation from Madagascar and currently is isolated from much of Eurasia by the Himalayas in the north and the Indian Ocean in the south. Not surprisingly, recent molecular studies on a number of endemic taxa from India have reported endemic radiations. These studies suggest that the uniqueness of Indian biota is not just due to its diverse origin, but also due to evolution in isolation. The isolation of India has generated some peculiarities typically seen on oceanic islands. However, these patterns might be confined to, groups with low dispersal ability.


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Lipocalins constitute a superfamily of extracellular proteins that are found in all three kingdoms of life. Although very divergent in their sequences and functions, they show remarkable similarity in 3-D structures. Lipocalins bind and transport small hydrophobic molecules. Earlier sequence-based phylogenetic studies of lipocalins highlighted that they have a long evolutionary history. However the molecular and structural basis of their functional diversity is not completely understood. The main objective of the present study is to understand functional diversity of the lipocalins using a structure-based phylogenetic approach. The present study with 39 protein domains from the lipocalin superfamily suggests that the clusters of lipocalins obtained by structure-based phylogeny correspond well with the functional diversity. The detailed analysis on each of the clusters and sub-clusters reveals that the 39 lipocalin domains cluster based on their mode of ligand binding though the clustering was performed on the basis of gross domain structure. The outliers in the phylogenetic tree are often from single member families. Also structure-based phylogenetic approach has provided pointers to assign putative function for the domains of unknown function in lipocalin family. The approach employed in the present study can be used in the future for the functional identification of new lipocalin proteins and may be extended to other protein families where members show poor sequence similarity but high structural similarity.


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Skinks of the genus Eutropis represent one of the most widespread and speciose lizard groups in tropical Asia. Numerous recent studies have utilized a variety of genes and methods to reconstruct the phylogeny of these lizards, however these studies have not resolved the placement of one of the widely distributed Eutropis Fitzinger, E. dissimilis. We have sequenced a specimen of E. dissimilis from the type locality and our result suggests that it is part of the Indian radiation of Eutropis and not related to African Trachylepis Fitzinger or Southeast Asian Dasia Gray as previously suggested. Furthermore, we report that the sequence of E. dissimilis used in an earlier study of the once cosmopolitan genus `Mabuya' may have been erroneously identified and appears to be a sequence of E. novemcarinata. We also demonstrate that the evolution of a clear lower eyelid, which was considered a synapomorphy for the sister genus Trachylepis, has arisen multiple times in Eutropis.