998 resultados para Photo-refractive


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Purpose: To compare lens dimensions and refractive index distributions in type 1 diabetes and age-matched control groups. Methods: There were 17 participants with type 1 diabetes, consisting of two subgroups (7 young [23 ± 4 years] and 10 older [54 ± 4 years] participants), with 23 controls (13 young, 24 ± 4 years; 10 older, 55 ± 4 years). For each participant, one eye was tested with relaxed accommodation. A 3T clinical magnetic resonance imaging scanner was used to image the eye, employing a multiple spin echo (MSE) sequence to determine lens dimensions and refractive index profiles along the equatorial and axial directions. Results: The diabetes group had significantly smaller lens equatorial diameters and larger lens axial thicknesses than the control group (diameter mean ± 95% confidence interval [CI]: diabetes group 8.65 ± 0.26 mm, control group 9.42 ± 0.18 mm; axial thickness: diabetes group 4.33 ± 0.30 mm, control group 3.80 ± 0.14 mm). These differences were also significant within each age group. The older group had significantly greater axial thickness than the young group (older group 4.35 ± 0.26 mm, young group 3.70 ± 0.25 mm). Center refractive indices of diabetes and control groups were not significantly different. There were some statistically significant differences between the refractive index fitting parameters of young and older groups, but not between diabetes and control groups of the same age. Conclusions: Smaller lens diameters occurred in the diabetes groups than in the age-matched control groups. Differences in refractive index distribution between persons with and without diabetes are too small to have important effects on instruments measuring axial thickness.


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Non-invasive measurements of the age dependence of refractive index distribution in human eye lenses in vitro using a novel X-ray Talbot Interferometry method. In their paper, the authors make frequent reference to our own work in which we employed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to make similar non-invasive measurements of the refractive index distribution in the human eye lens [2, 3]. Prior to the current work, ours was the only method for making such measurements both non-invasively and without prior assumptions about the shape of the refractive index distribution. For this reason, the latest work is to be welcomed. However at several points in the paper, Pierscionek et al. [1] make statements about our technique which are factually incorrect...


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Verso: Handwritten descriptions


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Verso: Die Anfahrt der Gaeste zur Hochzeitsfeier von Hans u. Licie am 10. Oktober 1909


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A simple moire method for the direct measurement of refractive indices is presented. The change of magnification and/or distortion of the image of a linear grating when viewed through a refractive index field is amplified by means of moire fringes and is measured directly. Relations between the index of refraction and fringe spacing are derived and have been verified experimentally.


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"wurden fuer die Pfundspende gekauft. die Pfundspende gab 15000 Pakete aus und hatte 1300 ehrenamtliche Helfer"


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"50 Veranstaltungen der 'Seelischen Winterhilfe' wurden von 24000 Betreuten besucht"


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"3615 Kinder wurden zu Chanukka mit Bekleidung im Gesamtwertvon: 40000 Mark bedacht und erhielten fuer 2000 Mark Spielzeung und Suessigkeiten"


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Includes F 34652a - F 34699


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Digital image


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Conventional methods for determining the refractive index demand specimens of optical quality, the preparation of which is often very difficult. An indirect determination by matching the refractive indices of specimen and immersion liquid is a practical alternative for photoelastic specimen of nonoptical quality. An experimental arrangement used for this technique and observations made while matching the refractive indices of three different specimens are presented.


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A numerical method is suggested for separation of stresses in photo-orthotropic elasticity using the numerical solution of compatibility equation for orthotropic case. The compatibility equation is written in terms of a stress parameter S analogous to the sum of principal stresses in two-dimensional isotropic case. The solution of this equation provides a relation between the normal stresses. The photoelastic data give the shear stress and another relation between the two normal stresses. The accuracy of the numerical method and its application to practical problems are illustrated with examples.


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In anisometropia, the two eyes have unequal refractive power. Anisometropia is a risk factor for amblyopia. The visual deficiencies are thought to be irreversible after the first decade of life. There is, however, accumulating evidence that neural plasticity exists also in adult brains. The aim of this study was to investigate functional outcome of excimer laser refractive surgery in adult anisometropic and visually impaired patients. Additional goal was to examine changes in the primary visual cortex (V1) using multifocal functional magnetic resonance imaging (mffMRI) after laser refractive surgery. Study I comprised of 57 anisometropic patients (anisometropia of ≥3.25 diopters) and 174 isometropic myopic subjects formed the control group. A significant improvement in best-spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) among myopic control subjects was evident 3 months postoperatively. The improvement in BSCVA was significantly slower for anisometropic patients and the improvement appeared to persist to the end of the follow-up (24 months). In study II we found that refractive surgery may be also successfully used for iathrogenic anisometropia. In Study III we evaluated mildly visually impaired adult patients after refractive surgery. There was a statistically significant improvement in BSCVA among visually impaired patients and the difference in the mean BSCVA between visually impaired patients and isometropic myopic control subjects diminished during follow-up. Study IV was a prospective follow-up trial examining the changes in the primary visual cortex after refractive surgery. Two anisometropic patients and two isometropic myopic patients were examined with a 61-region mffMRI before refractive surgery and at three, six, nine and twelve months postoperatively. In this study, a dramatic decrease in the number of active voxels in the fovea was found among anisometropic patients. The results presented in this thesis revealed that refractive surgery may be successfully used for the treatment of anisometropic adults with both congenital and iatrogenic anisometropia and for mildly visually impaired adults. The findings in conclusion strengthen our hypothesis of plastic changes in the visual cortex of adult anisometropic and mildly visually impaired patients after refractive surgery.


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Visual acuities at the time of referral and on the day before surgery were compared in 124 patients operated on for cataract in Vaasa Central Hospital, Finland. Preoperative visual acuity and the occurrence of ocular and general disease were compared in samples of consecutive cataract extractions performed in 1982, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000 in two hospitals in the Vaasa region in Finland. The repeatability and standard deviation of random measurement error in visual acuity and refractive error determination in a clinical environment in cataractous, pseudophakic and healthy eyes were estimated by re-examining visual acuity and refractive error of patients referred to cataract surgery or consultation by ophthalmic professionals. Altogether 99 eyes of 99 persons (41 cataractous, 36 pseudophakic and 22 healthy eyes) with a visual acuity range of Snellen 0.3 to 1.3 (0.52 to -0.11 logMAR) were examined. During an average waiting time of 13 months, visual acuity in the study eye decreased from 0.68 logMAR to 0.96 logMAR (from 0.2 to 0.1 in Snellen decimal values). The average decrease in vision was 0.27 logMAR per year. In the fastest quartile, visual acuity change per year was 0.75 logMAR, and in the second fastest 0.29 logMAR, the third and fourth quartiles were virtually unaffected. From 1982 to 2000, the incidence of cataract surgery increased from 1.0 to 7.2 operations per 1000 inhabitants per year in the Vaasa region. The average preoperative visual acuity in the operated eye increased by 0.85 logMAR (in decimal values from 0.03to 0.2) and in the better eye 0.27 logMAR (in decimal values from 0.23 to 0.43) over this period. The proportion of patients profoundly visually handicapped (VA in the better eye <0.1) before the operation fell from 15% to 4%, and that of patients less profoundly visually handicapped (VA in the better eye 0.1 to <0.3) from 47% to 15%. The repeatability visual acuity measurement estimated as a coefficient of repeatability for all 99 eyes was ±0.18 logMAR, and the standard deviation of measurement error was 0.06 logMAR. Eyes with the lowest visual acuity (0.3-0.45) had the largest variability, the coefficient of repeatability values being ±0.24 logMAR and eyes with a visual acuity of 0.7 or better had the smallest, ±0.12 logMAR. The repeatability of refractive error measurement was studied in the same patient material as the repeatability of visual acuity. Differences between measurements 1 and 2 were calculated as three-dimensional vector values and spherical equivalents and expressed by coefficients of repeatability. Coefficients of repeatability for all eyes for vertical, torsional and horisontal vectors were ±0.74D, ±0.34D and ±0.93D, respectively, and for spherical equivalent for all eyes ±0.74D. Eyes with lower visual acuity (0.3-0.45) had larger variability in vector and spherical equivalent values (±1.14), but the difference between visual acuity groups was not statistically significant. The difference in the mean defocus equivalent between measurements 1 and 2 was, however, significantly greater in the lower visual acuity group. If a change of ±0.5D (measured in defocus equivalents) is accepted as a basis for change of spectacles for eyes with good vision, the basis for eyes in the visual acuity range of 0.3 - 0.65 would be ±1D. Differences in repeated visual acuity measurements are partly explained by errors in refractive error measurements.