717 resultados para Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes
L’infertilité affecte jusqu’à 15-20% des couples en âge de se reproduire. C’est pourquoi, mieux comprendre les mécanismes à la base de la fécondation est essentiel pour l’identification de nouvelles causes d’infertilité et l’optimisation des techniques de reproduction assistée. La capacitation est une étape de la maturation des spermatozoïdes qui se déroule dans le tractus génital femelle. Elle est requise pour la fécondation d’un ovocyte. Notre laboratoire a démontré que des protéines du plasma séminal bovin, appelées protéines Binder of SPerm (BSP), se lient aux phospholipides portant des groupements choline à la surface de la membrane des spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et promeuvent la capacitation. Ces protéines exprimées par les vésicules séminales sont ubiquitaires chez les mammifères et ont été étudiées chez plusieurs espèces dont l’étalon, le porc, le bouc et le bélier. Récemment, l’expression de gènes homologues aux BSP a été découverte dans les épididymes d’humains (BSPH1) et de souris (Bsph1 et Bsph2). Notre hypothèse est que les BSP chez ces deux espèces sont ajoutées aux spermatozoïdes lors de la maturation épididymaire et ont des rôles dans les fonctions spermatiques, similaires à ceux des protéines BSP bovines. Les protéines BSP humaines et murines représentent une faible fraction des protéines totales du plasma séminal. Pour cette raison, afin d’étudier leurs caractéristiques biochimiques et fonctionnelles, des protéines recombinantes ont été produites. Les protéines recombinantes ont été exprimées dans des cellules Escherichia coli origami B(DE3)pLysS en utilisant un vecteur d’expression pET32a. Suivant la lyse cellulaire, les protéines ont été dénaturées avec de l’urée et purifiées par chromatographie d’affinité sur ions métalliques immobilisés. Une fois liées à la colonne, les protéines ont été repliées à l’aide d’un gradient d’urée décroissant avant d’être éluées. Cette méthode a mené à la production de trois protéines recombinantes (rec-BSPH1 humaine, rec-BSPH1 murine et rec-BSPH2 murine) pures et fonctionnelles. Des expériences de chromatographie d’affinité et de co-sédimentation nous ont permis de démontrer que les trois protéines peuvent se lier à des ligands connus des protéines BSP comme la gélatine et l’héparine en plus de pouvoir se lier aux spermatozoïdes. Nos études ont également révélées que les deux protéines rec-BSPH1 peuvent se lier aux liposomes de phosphatidylcholine (PC) et sont capable de promouvoir la capacitation des spermatozoïdes. À l’opposé, rec-BSPH2 ne peut ni se lier aux liposomes de PC, ni stimuler la capacitation. Finalement, les protéines recombinantes n’ont aucun effet sur la réaction acrosomique ou sur la motilité des spermatozoïdes. Chez les bovins, les protéines BSP induisent la capacitation grâce des interactions avec les lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL) et les glycosaminoglycanes. Puisque le HDL est également un joueur important de la capacitation chez la souris, le rôle de la protéine native BSPH1 murine au niveau de la capacitation induite par le HDL a été étudié. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que, in vivo, la protéine BSPH1 de souris serait impliquée dans la capacitation via une interaction directe avec le HDL. Comme les protéines BSPH1 humaines et murines sont orthologues, ces résultats pourraient aussi s’appliquer à la fertilité humaine. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse pourraient mener à une meilleure compréhension de la fertilité masculine et aider à améliorer les techniques de reproduction assistée. Ils pourraient également mener au développement de nouveaux tests diagnostiques ou de contraceptifs masculins.
1,2-sn-Diacylglycerols (DAGs) are activators of protein kinase C (PKQ, which is involved in the regulation of colonic mucosal proliferation. Extracellular DAG has been shown to stimulate the growth of cancer cell lines in vitro and may therefore play an important role in tumor promotion. DAG has been detected in human fecal extracts and is thought to be of microbial origin. Hitherto, no attempts have been made to identify the predominant fecal bacterial species involved in its production. We therefore used anaerobic batch culture systems to determine whether fecal bacteria could utilize phosphatidylcholine (0.5% [wt/vol]) to produce DAG. Production was found to be dependent upon the presence of the substrate and was enhanced in the presence of high concentrations of deoxycholate (5 and 10 mM) in the growth medium. Moreover, its production increased with the pH, and large inter- and intraindividual variations were observed between cultures seeded with inocula from different individuals. Clostridia and Escherichia coli multiplied in the fermentation systems, indicating their involvement in phosphatidylcholine metabolism. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease in the number of Bifidobacterium spp. in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. Pure-culture experiments showed that 10 of the 12 strains yielding the highest DAG levels (>50 nmol/ml) were isolated from batch culture enrichments run at pH 8.5. We found that the strains capable of producing large amounts of DAG were predominantly Clostridium bifermentans (8 of 12), followed by Escherichia coli (2 of 12). Interestingly, one DAG-producing strain was Bifidobacterium infantis, which is often considered a beneficial gut microorganism. Our results have provided further evidence that fecal bacteria can produce DAG and that specific bacterial groups are involved in this process. Future strategies to reduce DAG formation in the gut should target these species.
Aims: To investigate the production of the tumour promoter 1,2-sn-diacylglycerol (DAG) by a human gut isolate of Bifidobacterium longum biovar infantis. Methods and Results: Bifidobacterium longum biovar infantis was grown in vitro using anaerobic static batch cultures in the presence of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and trans-galactooligosaccharides (TOS). Production of DAG was found to be dependent upon the presence of PC, while TOS had a reducing effect. Considerable differences in morphology, growth and metabolic end products from the micro-organism were observed under the different culture conditions. Conclusions: Our results have provided evidence that B. longum biovar infantis can produce DAG in vitro and that a prebiotic exerted a reducing effect upon this production. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results presented in this study demonstrate an ability of ostensibly beneficial member of the colonic environment to produce unwanted compounds under certain conditions. Therefore, it may be important that a combination of substrates and other factors are assessed when studying the behaviour of any bacterial group or species, especially when designing the dietary interventions.
The antioxidant activity of hydroxytyrosol, hydroxytyrosol acetate, oleuropein, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylelenolic acid (3,4-DHPEA-EA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyielenolic acid dialdehyde (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) towards oxidation initiated by 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride in a soybean phospholipid liposome system was studied. The antioxidant activity of these olive oil phenols was similar and the duration of the lag phase was almost twice that of alpha-tocopherol. Trolox(R), a water-soluble analogue of alpha-tocopherol, showed the worst antioxidant activity. However, oxidation before the end of the lag phase was inhibited less effectively by the olive oil phenols than by alpha-tocopherol and Trolox(R). Synergistic effects (11-20% increase in lag phase) were observed in the antioxidant activity of combinations of alpha-tocopherol with olive oil phenols both with and without ascorbic acid. Fluorescence anisotropy of probes and fluorescence quenching studies showed that the olive oil phenols did not penetrate into the membrane, but their effectiveness as antioxidants showed they were associated with the surface of the phospholipid bilayer. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The early eighties saw the introduction of liposomes as skin drug delivery systems, initially promoted primarily for localised effects with minimal systemic delivery. Subsequently, a novel ultradeformable vesicular system (termed "Transfersomes" by the inventors) was reported for transdermal delivery with an efficiency similar to subcutaneous injection. Further research illustrated that the mechanisms of liposome action depended on the application regime and the vesicle composition and morphology. Ethical, health and supply problems with human skin have encouraged researchers to use skin models. 'IYaditional models involved polymer membranes and animal tissue, but whilst of value for release studies, such models are not always good mimics for the complex human skin barrier, particularly with respect to the stratum corneal intercellular lipid domains. These lipids have a multiply bilayered organization, a composition and organization somewhat similar to liposomes, Consequently researchers have used vesicles as skin model membranes. Early work first employed phospholipid liposomes and tested their interactions with skin penetration enhancers, typically using thermal analysis and spectroscopic analyses. Another approach probed how incorporation of compounds into liposomes led to the loss of entrapped markers, analogous to "fluidization" of stratum corneum lipids on treatment with a penetration enhancer. Subsequently scientists employed liposomes formulated with skin lipids in these types of studies. Following a brief description of the nature of the skin barrier to transdermal drug delivery and the use of liposomes in drug delivery through skin, this article critically reviews the relevance of using different types of vesicles as a model for human skin in permeation enhancement studies, concentrating primarily on liposomes after briefly surveying older models. The validity of different types of liposome is considered and traditional skin models are compared to vesicular model membranes for their precision and accuracy as skin membrane mimics. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using liposomes to deliver drugs to and through human skin is controversial, as their function varies with type and composition. Thus they may act as drug carriers controlling release of the medicinal agent. Alternatively, they may provide a localized depot in the skin so minimizing systemic effects or can be used for targeting delivery to skin appendages (hair follicles and sweat glands). Liposomes may also enhance transdermal drug delivery, increasing systemic drug concentrations. With such a multiplicity of functions, it is not surprising that mechanisms of liposomal delivery of therapeutic agents to and through the skin are unclear. Accordingly, this article provides an overview of the modes and mechanisms of action of different vesicles as drug delivery vectors in human skin. Our conclusion is that vesicles, depending on the composition and method of preparation, can vary with respect to size, lamellarity, charge, membrane fluidity or elasticity and drug entrapment. This variability allows for multiple functions ranging from local to transdermal effects. Application to dissimilar skins (animal or human) via diverse protocols may reveal different mechanisms of action with possible vesicle skin penetration reaching different depths, from surface assimilation to (rarely) the viable tissue and subsequent systemic absorption.
An important step in liposome characterization is to determine the location of a drug within the liposome. This work thus investigated the interaction of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes with drugs of varied water solubility, polar surface area (PSA) and partition coefficient using high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. Lipophilic estradiol (ES) interacted strongest with the acyl chains of the lipid membrane, followed by the somewhat polar 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Strongly hydrophilic mannitol (MAN) showed no evidence of interaction but water soluble polymers inulin (IN) and an antisense oligonucleotide (OLG), which have very high PSAs, interacted with the lipid head groups. Accordingly, the drugs could be classified as: hydrophilic ones situated in the aqueous core and which may interact with the head groups; those located at the water-bilayer interface with some degree of penetration into the lipid bilayer; those lipophilic drugs constrained within the bilayer. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Incorporating edge activators (surfactants) into liposomes was shown previously to improve estradiol vesicular skin delivery; this phenomenon was concentration dependent with low or high concentrations being less effective. Replacing surfactants with limonene produced similar behaviour, but oleic acid effects were linear with concentration up to 16% (w/w), beyond which it was incompatible with the phospholipid. This present study thus employed high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry to probe interactions of additives with ipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes to explain such results. Cholesterol was included as an example of a membrane stabiliser that removed the DPPC pre-transition and produced vesicles with a higher transition temperature (Tm). Surfactants also removed the lipid pre-transition but reduced Tm and co-operativity of the main peak. At higher concentrations, surfactants also formed new species, possibly mixed micelles with a lower Tm. The formation of mixed micelles may explain reduced skin delivery from liposomes containing high concentrations of surfactants. Limonene did not remove the pre-transition but reduced Tm and co-operativity of the main peak, apparently forming new species at high concentrations, again correlating with vesicular delivery of estradiol. Oleic acid obliterated the pre-transition. The Tm and the co-operativity of the main peak were reduced with oleic acid concentrations up to 33.2 mol%, above which there was no further change. At higher concentrations, phase separation was evident, confirming previous skin transport findings.
The use of melanin in bioinspired applications is mostly limited by its poor stability in solid films. This problem has been addressed here by incorporating melanin into dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG) liposomes, which were then immobilized onto a solid substrate as an LbL film. Results from steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence indicated an increased stability for melanin incorporated into DPPG liposomes. If not protected by liposomes, melanin looses completely its fluorescence properties in LbL films. The thickness of the liposome-melanin layer obtained from neutron reflectivity data was 4.1 +/- 0.2 nm, consistent with the value estimated for the phospholipid bilayer of the liposomes, an evidence of the collapse of most liposomes. On the other hand, the final roughness indicated that some of the liposomes had their structure preserved. In summary, liposomes were proven excellent for encapsulation, thus providing a suitable environment, closer to the physiological conditions without using organic solvents or high pHs. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effects of nitrosative species on cyt c structure and peroxidase activity were investigated here in the presence of O(2)(center dot-) and anionic and zwitterionic vesicles. Nitrosative species were generated by 3-morpholinesydnonymine (SIN1) decomposition, using cyt c heme iron and/or molecular oxygen as electron acceptor. Far-and near-UV CD spectra of SIN1-treated cyt c revealed respectively a slight decrease of a-helix content (from 39 to 34%) and changes in the tryptophan structure accompanied by increased fluorescence. The Soret CD spectra displayed a significant decrease of the positive signal at 403 nm. EPR spectra revealed the presence of a low-spin cyt c form (S = 1/2) with g(1) = 2.736, g(2) = 2.465, and g(3) = 2.058 after incubation with SIN1. These data suggest that the concomitant presence of NO(center dot) and O(2)(center dot-) generated from dissolved oxygen, in a system containing cyt c and liposomes, promotes chemical and conformational modi. cations in cyt c, resulting in a hypothetical bis-histidine hexacoordinated heme iron. We also show that, paradoxically, O(2)(center dot-) prevents not only membrane lipoperoxidation by peroxide-derived radicals but also oxidation of cyt c itself due to the ability of O(2)(center dot-) to reduce heme iron. Finally, lipoperoxidation measurements showed that, although it is a more efficient peroxidase, SIN1-treated cyt c is not more effective than native cyt c in promoting damage to anionic liposomes in the presence of tert-ButylOOH, probably due to loss of affinity with negatively charged lipids. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The alpha-aminoketone 1,4-diamino-2-butanone (DAB), a putrescine analogue, is highly toxic to various microorganisms, including Trypanosoma cruzi. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying DAB`s cytotoxic properties. We report here that DAB (pK(a) 7.5 and 9.5) undergoes aerobic oxidation in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 37 degrees C, catalyzed by Fe(II) and Cu(II) ions yielding NH(4)(+) ion, H(2)O(2), and 4-amino-2-oxobutanal (oxoDAB). OxoDAB, like methylglyoxal and other alpha-oxoaldehydes, is expected to cause protein aggregation and nucleobase lesions. Propagation of DAB oxidation by superoxide radical was confirmed by the inhibitory effect of added SOD (50 U ml(-1)) and stimulatory effect of xanthine/xanthine oxidase, a source of superoxide radical. EPR spin trapping studies with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide (DMPO) revealed an adduct attributable to DMPO-HO(center dot), and those with alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone or 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzenesulfonic acid, a six-line adduct assignable to a DAB(center dot) resonant enoyl radical adduct. Added horse spleen ferritin (HoSF) and bovine apo-transferrin underwent oxidative changes in tryptophan residues in the presence of 1.0-10 mM DAB. Iron release from HoSF was observed as well. Assays performed with fluorescein-encapsulated liposomes of cardiolipin and phosphatidylcholine (20:80) incubated with DAB resulted in extensive lipid peroxidation and consequent vesicle permeabilization. DAB (0-10 mM) administration to cultured LLC-MK2 epithelial cells caused a decline in cell viability, which was inhibited by preaddition of either catalase (4.5 mu M) or aminoguanidine (25 mM). Our findings support the hypothesis that DAB toxicity to several pathogenic microorganisms previously described may involve not only reported inhibition of polyamine metabolism but also DAB pro-oxidant activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Artificial vesicles or liposomes composed of lipid bilayers have been widely exploited as building blocks for artificial membranes, in attempts to mimic membrane interaction with drugs and proteins and to investigate drug delivery processes. In this study we report on the immobilization of liposomes of 1,2-dipalmitoyi-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (Sodium Salt) (DPPG) in layer-by-layer (LbL) films, alternated with poly (amidoamine) G4 (PAMAM) dendrimer layers. The average size of the liposomes in solution was 120 nm as determined by dynamic light scattering, with their spherical shape being inferred from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in cast films. LbL films containing up to 20 PAMAM/DPPG bilayers were assembled onto glass and/or silicon wafer substrates. The growth of the multilayers was achieved by alternately immersing the substrates into the PAMAM and DPPG solutions for 5 and 10 min, respectively. The formation of PAMAM/DPPG liposome multilayers and its ability to interact with BSA were confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The structural features and film thickness were obtained using X-ray diffraction and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)