714 resultados para Petr,
A key challenge for humanity is how a future global population of 9 billion can all be fed healthily and sustainably. Here, we review how competition for land is influenced by other drivers and pressures, examine land-use change over the past 20 years and consider future changes over the next 40 years. Competition for land, in itself, is not a driver affecting food and farming in the future, but is an emergent property of other drivers and pressures. Modelling studies suggest that future policy decisions in the agriculture, forestry, energy and conservation sectors could have profound effects, with different demands for land to supply multiple ecosystem services usually intensifying competition for land in the future. In addition to policies addressing agriculture and food production, further policies addressing the primary drivers of competition for land (population growth, dietary preference, protected areas, forest policy) could have significant impacts in reducing competition for land. Technologies for increasing per-area productivity of agricultural land will also be necessary. Key uncertainties in our projections of competition for land in the future relate predominantly to uncertainties in the drivers and pressures within the scenarios, in the models and data used in the projections and in the policy interventions assumed to affect the drivers and pressures in the future.
Blood lipid response to a given dietary intervention could be determined by the effect of diet, gene variants or gene–diet interactions. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether variants in presumed nutrient-sensitive genes involved in lipid metabolism modified lipid profile after weight loss and in response to a given diet, among overweight European adults participating in the Diet Obesity and Genes study. By multiple linear regressions, 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes were investigated for SNP main and SNP–diet interaction effects on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TAG after an 8-week low-energy diet (only main effect), and a 6-month ad libitum weight maintenance diet, with different contents of dietary protein or glycaemic index. After adjusting for multiple testing, a SNP–dietary protein interaction effect on TAG was identified for lipin 1 (LPIN1) rs4315495, with a decrease in TAG of − 0·26 mmol/l per A-allele/protein unit (95 % CI − 0·38, − 0·14, P= 0·000043). In conclusion, we investigated SNP–diet interactions for blood lipid profiles for 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes, selected for their involvement in lipid metabolism pathways, and identified one significant interaction between LPIN1 rs4315495 and dietary protein for TAG concentration.
Concern that European forest biodiversity is depleted and declining has provoked widespread efforts to improve management practices. To gauge the success of these actions, appropriate monitoring of forest ecosystems is paramount. Multi-species indicators are frequently used to assess the state of biodiversity and its response to implemented management, but generally applicable and objective methodologies for species' selection are lacking. Here we use a niche-based approach, underpinned by coarse quantification of species' resource use, to objectively select species for inclusion in a pan-European forest bird indicator. We identify both the minimum number of species required to deliver full resource coverage and the most sensitive species' combination, and explore the trade-off between two key characteristics, sensitivity and redundancy, associated with indicators comprising different numbers of species. We compare our indicator to an existing forest bird indicator selected on the basis of expert opinion and show it is more representative of the wider community. We also present alternative indicators for regional and forest type specific monitoring and show that species' choice can have a significant impact on the indicator and consequent projections about the state of the biodiversity it represents. Furthermore, by comparing indicator sets drawn from currently monitored species and the full forest bird community, we identify gaps in the coverage of the current monitoring scheme. We believe that adopting this niche-based framework for species' selection supports the objective development of multi-species indicators and that it has good potential to be extended to a range of habitats and taxa.
Lifestyle factors are responsible for a considerable portion of cancer incidence worldwide, but credible estimates from the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) suggest that the fraction of cancers attributable to toxic environmental exposures is between 7% and 19%. To explore the hypothesis that low-dose exposures to mixtures of chemicals in the environment may be combining to contribute to environmental carcinogenesis, we reviewed 11 hallmark phenotypes of cancer, multiple priority target sites for disruption in each area and prototypical chemical disruptors for all targets, this included dose-response characterizations, evidence of low-dose effects and cross-hallmark effects for all targets and chemicals. In total, 85 examples of chemicals were reviewed for actions on key pathways/mechanisms related to carcinogenesis. Only 15% (13/85) were found to have evidence of a dose-response threshold, whereas 59% (50/85) exerted low-dose effects. No dose-response information was found for the remaining 26% (22/85). Our analysis suggests that the cumulative effects of individual (non-carcinogenic) chemicals acting on different pathways, and a variety of related systems, organs, tissues and cells could plausibly conspire to produce carcinogenic synergies. Additional basic research on carcinogenesis and research focused on low-dose effects of chemical mixtures needs to be rigorously pursued before the merits of this hypothesis can be further advanced. However, the structure of the World Health Organization International Programme on Chemical Safety 'Mode of Action' framework should be revisited as it has inherent weaknesses that are not fully aligned with our current understanding of cancer biology.
We report the first examples of hydrophilic 6,6′-bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2′-bipyridine (BTBP) and 2,9-bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline (BTPhen) ligands, and their applications as actinide(III) selective aqueous complexing agents. The combination of a hydrophobic diamide ligand in the organic phase and a hydrophilic tetrasulfonated bis-triazine ligand in the aqueous phase is able to separate Am(III) from Eu(III) by selective Am(III) complex formation across a range of nitric acid concentrations with very high selectivities, and without the use of buffers. In contrast, disulfonated bis-triazine ligands are unable to separate Am(III) from Eu(III) in this system. The greater ability of the tetrasulfonated ligands to retain Am(III) selectively in the aqueous phase than the corresponding disulfonated ligands appears to be due to the higher aqueous solubilities of the complexes of the tetrasulfonated ligands with Am(III). The selectivities for Am(III) complexation observed with hydrophilic tetrasulfonated bis-triazine ligands are in many cases far higher than those found with the polyaminocarboxylate ligands previously used as actinide-selective complexing agents, and are comparable to those found with the parent hydrophobic bis-triazine ligands. Thus we demonstrate a feasible alternative method to separate actinides from lanthanides than the widely studied approach of selective actinide extraction with hydrophobic bis-1,2,4-triazine ligands such as CyMe4-BTBP and CyMe4-BTPhen.
Ticks are blood feeding parasites transmitting a wide variety of pathogens to their vertebrate hosts. The vector competence of ticks is tightly linked with their immune system. Despite its importance, our knowledge of tick innate immunity is still inadequate and the limited number of sufficiently characterized immune molecules and cellular reactions are dispersed across numerous tick species. The phagocytosis of microbes by tick hemocytes seems to be coupled with a primitive complement-like system, which possibly involves self/nonself recognition by fibrinogen-related lectins and the action of thioester-containing proteins. Ticks do not seem to possess a pro-phenoloxidase system leading to melanization and also coagulation of tick hemolymph has not been experimentally proven. They are capable of defending themselves against microbial infection with a variety of antimicrobial peptides comprising lysozymes, defensins and molecules not found in other invertebrates. Virtually nothing is known about the signaling cascades involved in the regulation of tick antimicrobial immune responses. Midgut immunity is apparently the decisive factor of tick vector competence. The gut content is a hostile environment for ingested microbes, which is mainly due to the antimicrobial activity of hemoglobin fragments generated by the digestion of the host blood as well as other antimicrobial peptides. Reactive oxygen species possibly also play an important role in the tick-pathogen interaction. The recent release of the Ixodes scapularis genome and the feasibility of RNA interference in ticks promise imminent and substantial progress in tick innate immunity research.
A agricultura é a atividade econômica mais dependente das condições climáticas. Os eventos climáticos afetam não só os processos metabólicos das plantas, diretamente relacionados à produção vegetal, como também as mais diversas atividades no campo. De acordo com Petr (1990) e Fageria (1992), citados por Hoogenboom (2000), ao redor de 80% da variabilidade da produção agrícola no mundo se deve à variabilidade das condições climáticas durante o ciclo de cultivo, especialmente para as culturas de sequeiro, já que os agricultores não podem exercer nenhum controle sobre esses fenômenos naturais. Além de influenciar o crescimento, o desenvolvimento e a produtividade das culturas, o clima afeta também a relação das plantas com microorganismos, insetos, fungos e bactérias, favore-cendo ou não a ocorrência de pragas e doenças, o que demanda as medidas de controle ade-quadas. Muitas das práticas agrícolas de campo, como o preparo do solo, a semeadura, a adu-bação, a irrigação, as pulverizações, a colheita, entre outras, também dependem de condições de tempo e de umidade no solo específicas para que possam ser realizadas de forma eficiente (PEREIRA et al., 2002). Dada a grande importância do clima para a produção agrícola, o uso de informações meteoro-lógicas e climáticas é fundamental para que a agricultura se torne atividade sustentável (SIVAKUMAR et al., 2000). Neste contexto, a agrometeorologia, ciência interdisciplinar que estuda a influência do tempo e do clima na produção de alimentos, fibras e energia, assume papel estratégico no entendimento e na solução dos problemas enfrentados pela agricultura (MAVI E TUPPER, 2004). Os governos apoiam usualmente a gestão de risco dos agricultores concentrando-se nos riscos imprevisíveis e inevitáveis, possivelmente raros, mas que têm graves consequências (perdas catastróficas) se os agricultores não conseguirem gerir estes riscos sozinhos já que existe nú-mero limitado de opções políticas a serem consideradas, quer a nível interno ou internacional, quando o assunto é referente à alimentação dos concidadãos. A preocupação crescente com o aumento da população mundial, com a degradação dos recur-sos naturais e com a sustentabilidade da agricultura tem exigido maiores esforços no desen-volvimento de melhores estratégias e práticas do uso do solo, a partir do melhor entendimento das relações entre a agricultura e o clima. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que auxiliem o planejamento e o processo de tomadas de decisão que resultem em menores impactos ambientais e no aumento da resiliência da agricultura, tem sido um dos objetivos das instituições governamentais e não gover-namentais ligadas à agricultura, ao ambiente e aos recursos naturais. Sem embargo, as sofisticadas técnicas utilizadas para estimar preços no mercado futuro, as perspectivas relativamente instáveis das commodities agrícolas resultam do pressuposto de que em condições normais, as incertezas associadas ao clima, fatores macroeconômicos, in-tervenções de políticas e o custo da energia, entre outros fatores relevantes, sugerem que os preços dos produtos de base agrossilvipastoris permanecerão imprevisíveis. Mesmo que estratégias de hedging continuem sendo preponderantes no que tange à mitigação do risco financeiro causado pela volatilidade de preços, para a grande maioria das empresas, seguradoras, governos e produtores que dependem dos resultados da lavoura para colher os benefícios financeiros da produção agrícola, como no caso das empresas agrossilvipastoris, a mitigação dos riscos de mercado concomitantemente ao gerenciamento do risco agrometeoro-lógico faz todo sentido. A utilização de uma ferramenta de suporte a decisão baseado em sistemas de informação geo-gráfica é a melhor maneira de aproveitar todo o conhecimento que está disponível para o acompanhamento da produção de alimentos e de energia. Os filtros espaciais utilizados para analisar a situação como um todo, aliados a produtos de informação atualizados em tempo hábil para verificar a produção local permitem monitorar de fato os principais riscos relacio-nados condições agrometeorológicas e o manejo da produção agrícola. A convergência tecnológica entre os sistemas de informação e de suporte à decisão por meio de servidores nas nuvens possibilita hoje automatizar grande parte das análises que se podem obter com base nas informações disponíveis e fazer chegar o conhecimento até o usuário final. As redes de empresas formadas para produzir dados espaciais, seja por meio de satélites de sensoriamento remoto ou redes de estações meteorológicas, estão preparadas para garantir um fluxo contínuo de informação para serem consumidos por usuários deste conhecimento. Os informes deste trabalho e as conclusões desta investigação remetem à hipótese de que a comunicação de informações de forma inteligente, em tempo hábil de serem aplicadas na to-mada de decisão eficiente, permite que os riscos associados aos cultivos sejam mais bem mi-tigados e, portanto gerem valor aos acionistas com ativos ligados ao agronegócio. O maior desafio desta dissertação de mestrado encontra-se em mostrar aos atores do agrone-gócio que, ao dotar os agricultores de meios para que eles possam gerir sua atividade com base nas melhores práticas de manejo agrometeorológico, incentivar a criação de mecanismos que aperfeiçoem a gestão rural e ampliem o acesso à informação, e não apenas auxiliá-los sob a forma de apoio ad hoc e assistência agronômica, de fato se amplia a capacidade de gestão dos riscos associados às atividades agrossilvipastoris.
Most lizards feed on a variety of food items that may differ dramatically in their physical and behavioral characteristics. Several lizard families are known to feed upon hard-shelled prey (durophagy). Yet, specializations toward true molluscivory have been documented for only a few species. As snails are hard and brittle food items, it has been suggested that a specialized cranial morphology, high bite forces, and an adapted feeding strategy are important for such lizards. Here we compare head and skull morphology, bite forces, and feeding kinematics of a snail-crushing teiid lizard (Dracaena guianensis) with those in a closely related omnivorous species (Tupinambis merianae). Our data show that juvenile D. guianensis differ from T. merianae in having bigger heads and greater bite forces. Adults, however, do not differ in bite force. A comparison of feeding kinematics in adult Dracaena and Tupinambis revealed that Dracaena typically use more transport cycles, yet are more agile in manipulating snails. During transport, the tongue plays an important role in manipulating and expelling shell fragments before swallowing. Although Dracaena is slow, these animals are very effective in crushing and processing hard-shelled prey. J. Exp. Zool. 317A:371381, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Orthorhombic modification of europium doped lanthanum trimetaphosphate has been prepared. The compound was obtained by precipitation of rare earth chloride solution with trimetaphosphoric acid. The characterizations were made using X-ray diffractometry, chemical analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Excitation and emission spectra were recorded at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. Assignments of the 5D0→7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) transitions were made and an unusual high 5D0→7F4 transition intensity with six split lines has been observed. Structural distortion of the crystal lattice may be caused by the Eu3+ ion inclusion. The simple overlap model was applied for the calculation of the total splitting of the 5D0→7F1 transition, the 5D0→7F0/5D 0→7F2 transition intensity ratio and the Ωλ (λ=2.4) intensity parameters. Theoretical predictions showed to be in good accordance with the experimental data. © 1988 Elsevier Science S.A.
The aim of the present work was to carry out experimental comparison between humic substances (HS) and representative α-amino acids (methionine, methionine sulfoxide and cysteine hydrochloride) in relation to the complexation of biologically active trace elements (Al, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, Cd and Ni). A mobile time-controlled tangential-flow UF technique was applied to differentiate between HS-metal and α-aminoacids-metal complexes. Metal determinations were conventionally carried out using a ICP-OES. The results showed that HS may be considered as a selective complexing agents with higher metal bonding capability in relation to Al, Cu and Pb, the fact that may be clinically important.
Methionine sulfoxide complexes of iron(II) and copper(II) were synthesized and characterized by chemical and spectroscopic techniques. Elemental and atomic absorption analyses fit the compositions K2[Fe(metSO) 2]SO4 · H2O and [Cu(metSO)2] · H2O. Electronic absorption spectra of the complexes are typical of octahedral geometries. Infrared spectroscopy suggests coordination of the ligand to the metal through the carboxylate and sulfoxide groups. An EPR spectrum of the Cu(II) complex indicates tetragonal distortion of its octahedral symmetry. 57Fe Mössbauer parameters are also consistent with octahedral stereochemistry for the iron(II) complex. The complexes are very soluble in water.
The solid complexes [Co(C6H10NO2S) 2], [Ni(C6H10NO2S)2], [Cu(C6H10NO2S)2] and [Fe(C 6H10NO2S)2] were obtained from the reaction of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and iron(II) salts with the potassium salt of the amino acid deoxyalliin (S-allyl-L-cysteine). Electronic absorption spectra of the complexes are typical of octahedral structures. Infrared spectroscopy confirms the ligand coordination to the metal ions through (COO-) and (NH2) groups. EPR spectrum of the Cu(II) complex indicates a slight distortion of its octahedral symmetry. Mössbauer parameters permitted to identify the presence of iron(II) and iron(III) species in the same sample, both of octahedral geometry. Thermal decomposition of the complexes lead to the formation of CoO, NiO, CuO and Fe2O3 as final products. The compounds show poor solubility in water and in the common organic solvents. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
Especialmente desenvolvido contra as micobactérias. O dito composto apresentando a composição e ser preparado pela reação entre Aspartame e nitrato de prata em meio neutro, possuindo a atividade bactericida contra as micobactérias a saber: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Mycobacterium malmoense e Mycobacterium kansasii.
Lithium intercalation into double rare earth chromates was carried out. It was found that the compounds NaxLi1-xLa(CrO4)2 belong to the NaLa(CrO4)2 structural type and may be recommended as fast ionic conductors. At small values of x a third polymorphous modification of LiLa(CrO4)2 can be stabilized. Attempts to intercalate lithium into CsLa(CrO4)2 lead to collapse of the lamellar network with the formation of LaCrO4 and alkaline chromates. Ion exchange Li+/H+ data are consistent with these considerations. © 1994.
A loop is said to be automorphic if its inner mappings are automorphisms. For a prime p, denote by A(p) the class of all 2-generated commutative automorphic loops Q possessing a central subloop Z congruent to Z(p) such that Q/Z congruent to Z(p) x Z(p). Upon describing the free 2-generated nilpotent class two commutative automorphic loop and the free 2-generated nilpotent class two commutative automorphic p-loop F-p in the variety of loops whose elements have order dividing p(2) and whose associators have order dividing p, we show that every loop of A(p) is a quotient of F-p by a central subloop of order p(3). The automorphism group of F-p induces an action of GL(2)(p) on the three-dimensional subspaces of Z(F-p) congruent to (Z(p))(4). The orbits of this action are in one-to-one correspondence with the isomorphism classes of loops from A(p). We describe the orbits, and hence we classify the loops of A(p) up to isomorphism. It is known that every commutative automorphic p-loop is nilpotent when p is odd, and that there is a unique commutative automorphic loop of order 8 with trivial center. Knowing A(p) up to isomorphism, we easily obtain a classification of commutative automorphic loops of order p(3). There are precisely seven commutative automorphic loops of order p(3) for every prime p, including the three abelian groups of order p(3).