920 resultados para Person - centered
Hermeneutic Case Reconstruction (Rosenthal, 1993) is a systematic method of analysing biographical self-presentations from an interpretivist perspective. The method consists of five major analytic steps. The first is an analysis of the biographical data that can stand independently of the narrator’s perspective. Objective data is extracted from the text or interview transcript and ordered chronologically. Secondly, a thematic field analysis is undertaken in which the data is divided into separate units according to the type of text used, whilst keeping the sequence of these texts units intact. In this step, hypotheses are developed regarding the potential significance of the style and sequence of the events presented. The product of this second step is a reconstruction of the life story. A reconstruction of the life history then follows as the third step. The purpose of this step is to generate hypotheses about the meanings that biographical experiences might have had for the narrator at the time they occurred, given the sociocultural context in which they occurred. In the fourth step, microanalysis of individual text segments is undertaken, in which all hypotheses generated in the earlier steps are tested against the text for support or refutation. The final step consists of a contrastive comparison of the life history and life story. The life story and life history are compared to determine, for example, which aspects of the narrator’s experience have been emphasised or minimised. Through this comparison, the selective process is highlighted. This is referred to as the case structure. This paper describes an application of this method to a published first-person narrative of a woman’s experiences of sustaining a brain injury in a motor vehicle accident.
WOMAC: A 20-year experiential review of a patient-centered self-reported health status questionnaire
By examining Japanese fictional novels, this article will discuss how anaphoric devices (noun phrases (NPs), third person pronouns (TPPs), and zero anaphors) are selected and arranged in a given discourse. The traditional view of anaphora considers the co-referential relationship between anaphoric devices to be syntagmatic; that is, a pronoun, for example, refers back to its antecedent. It also declares the hierarchical order of information values between anaphoric devices; NPs are semantically the most informative, indicating an episode boundary, and pronouns less informative. Furthermore, zero anaphora is the most referentially transparent, showing the most accessibility of a topic. However, real text shows the contrary. NPs occur frequently while there is no apparent discourse boundary, and the same episode is continuous. This is because zero anaphors and TPPs (if they occur) break down readily due to the nature of a forthcoming sentence and the NP is reinstated, in order to continue the same topic in a given discourse. Therefore, the article opposes the traditional view of anaphora. Based on the concept of text processing, using ‘mental representations’, this article will determine certain occurrence patterns of the three anaphoric devices.
In this paper we present a user-centered interface for a scheduling system. The purpose of this interface is to provide graphical and interactive ways of defining a scheduling problem. To create such user interface an evaluation-centered user interaction development method was adopted: the star life cycle. The created prototype comprises the Task Module and the Scheduling Problem Module. The first one allows users to define a sequence of operations, i.e., a task. The second one enables a scheduling problem definition, which consists in a set of tasks. Both modules are equipped with a set of real time validations to assure the correct definition of the necessary data input for the scheduling module of the system. The usability evaluation allowed us to measure the ease of interaction and observe the different forms of interaction provided by each participant, namely the reactions to the real time validation mechanism.
SMM09 Silesian Moodle Moot Conference 2009 12 - 13 November, Ostrava Sixth annual conference
Learnin management systems have gained an increasing role in the context of Higher Education Institutions as essential tools to support learning...
Proceedings of EULEARN09 - Intenational Conference and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July
The Check Your Biosignals Here initiative (CYBHi) was developed as a way of creating a dataset and consistently repeatable acquisition framework, to further extend research in electrocardiographic (ECG) biometrics. In particular, our work targets the novel trend towards off-the-person data acquisition, which opens a broad new set of challenges and opportunities both for research and industry. While datasets with ECG signals collected using medical grade equipment at the chest can be easily found, for off-the-person ECG data the solution is generally for each team to collect their own corpus at considerable expense of resources. In this paper we describe the context, experimental considerations, methods, and preliminary findings of two public datasets created by our team, one for short-term and another for long-term assessment, with ECG data collected at the hand palms and fingers. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The participation of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Stuttgart, Germany) and the companies User Interface Design GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) plus MLR System GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) enabled the research and findings presented in this paper; we would like to namely mention Birgit Graf and Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA) furthermore Peter Klein and Christiane Hartmann (User Interface Design GmbH).
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Nowadays the incredible grow of mobile devices market led to the need for location-aware applications. However, sometimes person location is difficult to obtain, since most of these devices only have a GPS (Global Positioning System) chip to retrieve location. In order to suppress this limitation and to provide location everywhere (even where a structured environment doesn’t exist) a wearable inertial navigation system is proposed, which is a convenient way to track people in situations where other localization systems fail. The system combines pedestrian dead reckoning with GPS, using widely available, low-cost and low-power hardware components. The system innovation is the information fusion and the use of probabilistic methods to learn persons gait behavior to correct, in real-time, the drift errors given by the sensors.
Previous work by our group introduced a novel concept and sensor design for “off-the-person” ECG, for which evidence on how it compares against standard clinical-grade equipment has been largely missing. Our objectives with this work are to characterise the off-the-person approach in light of the current ECG systems landscape, and assess how the signals acquired using this simplified setup compare with clinical-grade recordings. Empirical tests have been performed with real-world data collected from a population of 38 control subjects, to analyze the correlation between both approaches. Results show off-the-person data to be correlated with clinical-grade data, demonstrating the viability of this approach to potentially extend preventive medicine practices by enabling the integration of ECG monitoring into multiple dimensions of people’s everyday lives. © 2015, IUPESM and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
O acolhimento institucional é concebido como uma medida com vista à promoção e proteção de crianças e jovens em risco. Esta resposta concretiza-se na capacidade de resposta dos Lares de Infância e Juventude e da especialização dos profissionais, tendo em conta as diferentes necessidades e caraterísticas dos educandos. A necessidade de compreender os jovens institucionalizados, como sujeitos participativos e com voz nas decisões que afectam as suas vidas, assume um especial significado para estes sujeitos se considerarmos que o impacte da institucionalização nas suas vidas influencia o seu desenvolvimento e a relação com os diferentes contextos nos quais se inserem. O presente Relatório reflete o desenvolvimento de um Projeto de investigação posicionado metodologicamente na Investigação-Acção Participativa, intitulado “Crescer com os desafios”, desenvolvido com jovens e educadores do LIJ. Este projeto teve como grande finalidade “Potenciar o “empowerment” dos jovens do LIJ no contexto institucional e escolar, favorecendo uma aprendizagem centrada nas suas necessidades e valorização do seu próprio processo educativo, através de uma intervenção psicossocial”. A finalidade deste Projeto e todos os objetivos propostos foram ao encontro dos problemas e necessidades priorizados pelos participantes, propondo-se, a partir de um conjunto de ações e atividades, alcançar a mudança. Os resultados deste Projeto revelam-se significativos, uma vez que promoveram um processo de reflexão e de partilha acerca dos desafios do acolhimento institucional, apontando para a necessidade de traçar linhas de intervenção adequadas às necessidades e ao percurso escolar de cada jovem.
RESUMO - O burnout é um síndrome caracterizado, de forma mais frequente, por exaustão emocional, despersonalização elevadas e realização pessoal baixa. Normalmente, a pessoa sente-se fatigada e frustrada com as suas acções e sente que as suas expectativas não estão a ser correspondidas. Estando este fenómeno associado, possivelmente, com o ambiente laboral e com os factores de stresse existentes no local de trabalho, é habitual que surja em qualquer profissional, de qualquer classe profissional. Este trabalho de projecto concentrou-se no estudo de uma das profissões de ajuda mais conectadas a este síndrome, pela sua especificidade, a enfermagem, na área da oncologia, e o objectivo fulcral, é compreender que quadros de burnout apresentam os profissionais de enfermagem que trabalham num instituto oncológico e compreender, ainda, se existe associação entre a saúde mental, a satisfação profissional destes profissionais e as suas características sócio-demográficas. Este trabalho teve, ainda, como objectivo testar a metodologia utilizada com a aplicação dos seguintes instrumentos: Maslach Burnout Inventory (M.B.I.), Mental Health Inventory (M.H.I.) e o Questionário de Satisfação Profissional de GRAÇA (1999). Neste seguimento, utilizou-se um caso piloto de 20 enfermeiros que trabalham num serviço de administração de quimioterapia de um instituto oncológico, pretendendo-se, futuramente, desenvolver este estudo a nível institucional e numa amostra significativa, salientando, desde já, que todo o processo metodológico consistiu numa simulação, cujos resultados obtidos não poderão ser extrapoláveis e generalizados. Numa perspectiva da Protecção e Promoção da Saúde e Prevenção da doença, esta equipa identifica factores geradores de stresse e sugere algumas estratégias importantes para fortalecer estes ideais, que consistem, acima de tudo, em saber reconhecer o fenómeno e criar grupos de terapia e de reflexão. As organizações e superiores hierárquicos deverão, também, estar atentos a esta problemática, tornando os recursos humanos e materiais ajustados e proporcionado as tais estratégias que possibilitem um clima de harmonia e uma melhor qualidade dos cuidados.
Dissertação para Obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial