983 resultados para Peritoneal Effusions
The diagnosis of infections involving internal or external neurosurgical drainage devices is challenging, and to our knowledge no single reliable microbiological test exists. We used sonication to study bacterial colonization in 14 explanted external ventricular drains (EVD) and 13 ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (VPS) devices. This technique dislodges biofilm bacteria from the surface of implanted materials before culture. Removed devices were sonicated in saline (40 kHz, 1 minute, 0.25 W/cm(2)), the resulting fluid was cultured aerobically and anaerobically at 37°C, and bacterial growth was counted. Ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was cultured separately. In the EVD group, sonication cultures grew significantly more bacteria (64%, 9/14) than cultures of aspirated ventricular CSF (14%, 2/14). In the VPS group the difference was not significant. Positive sonication cultures of EVD catheters yielded a median of >100 colony forming units (CFU) (range, 60-800). For positive sonication cultures of VPS, the median was 1000 CFU (range, 20-100,000). All patients with bacteria in their CSF also had positive sonication cultures from the removed device. Of the five patients with sterile or presumably contaminated CSF cultures but positive sonication cultures of removed shunts, one became afebrile after removal of the EVD, two developed meningitis and two remained asymptomatic. Sonication culture of EVD appears to improve the microbiological assessment of device-related infection and it corroborates with CSF cultures of revision surgery for VPS. Sonication of the removed EVD tip may raise awareness for the onset of meningitis.
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Purpose: To compare MDCT, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis due to ovarian cancerMethods and Materials: Fifteen women (mean age 65±) with clinical suspicion of ovarian cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis underwent MDCT, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT, simultaneously and shortly performed before surgery (delay 8.1± days). According to the peritoneal cancer index nine abdominopelvic regions were defined. We applied four scores of lesion size on MDCT and MR images, while the maximal standard uptake value (SUVmax) was measured on 18F-FDG PET/CT. Three sites of lymphadenopathy and posterobasal pleural carcinomatosis were also analyzed. First, one radiologist blindly and separately read MDCT and MR images, while one nuclear physician blindly read PET/CT images grading each lesion according to four diagnostic certitudes. Secondly, all the images were reviewed jointly and compared with histopathology. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed.Results: Peritoneal implants were proven in ten women (75%). Altogether, 228 abdominopelvic sites were compared. Sensitivity and specificity for MDCT was 90.2% and 90.6%, for MRI 93.5% and 86.3%, and for 18F-FDG PET/CT 92.7% and 95.7%, respectively. ROC area under the curve were 0.93 for MDCT and MRI, and 0.96 for 18F-FDG PET/CT respectively. No significant differences (p=0.11) were found between the three modalities.Conclusion: Although MRI revealed to be the most sensitive and 18F-FDG PET/CT the most specific modality, no significant differences were shown between the three techniques.
Lipid bodies [lipid droplets (LBs)] are lipid-rich organelles involved in lipid metabolism, signalling and inflammation. Recent findings suggest a role for LBs in host response to infection; however, the potential functions of this organelle in Toxoplasma gondii infection and how it alters macrophage microbicidal capacity during infection are not well understood. Here, we investigated the role of host LBs in T. gondii infection in mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro. Macrophages cultured with mouse serum (MS) had higher numbers of LBs than those cultured in foetal bovine serum and can function as a model to study the role of LBs during intracellular pathogen infection. LBs were found in association with the parasitophorous vacuole, suggesting that T. gondii may benefit from this lipid source. Moreover, increased numbers of macrophage LBs correlated with high prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production and decreased nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. Accordingly, LB-enriched macrophages cultured with MS were less efficient at controlling T. gondii growth. Treatment of macrophages cultured with MS with indomethacin, an inhibitor of PGE2 production, increased the microbicidal capacity against T. gondii. Collectively, these results suggest that culture with MS caused a decrease in microbicidal activity of macrophages against T. gondii by increasing PGE2 while lowering NO production.
Introducción Estudios en colecistectomías y cáncer colorrectal demostraron que la laparoscopia genera menor respuesta inflamatoria sistémica. Escasos trabajos en cáncer gástrico evalúan el impacto inflamatorio en laparoscopia y emplean metodología deficiente. Hipótesis Demostrar mediante el estudio de tejido peritoneal la menor respuesta inflamatoria(protein-arrays) en pacientes gastrectomizados por laparoscopia vs. vía abierta. Material y métodos 26 pacientes: laparoscópica (12) vs. abierta (14); 2010-2012. Resultados Basados en TNF muestran incremento similar de respuesta a la agresión quirúrgica (aunque hubo diferencias en valores finales en ambos abordajes). Conclusiones Resultados preliminares apuntan hacia conclusiones estadísticamente significativas que apoyen nuestra hipótesis: menor respuesta inflamatoria en laparoscopia y correlación con datos clínicos.
Comunicaciones Posters
The effects of oxidized cholesterol on immune parameters were examined by using spleen lymphocytes and peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) derived from 5-week- (Young) and 9-month-old (Adult) rats. The immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgM production was inhibited by oxidized cholesterol in the rats of both ages when lymphocytes were exposed to 30 micrograms/ml of oxidized cholesterol for 24 hr. The intracellular IgA level was also lowered by 30 micrograms/ml of oxidized cholesterol, irrespective of age. In contrast, IgE production was significantly increased by the addition of 30 micrograms/ml of oxidized cholesterol in only young lymphocytes. Moreover, oxidized cholesterol enhanced the intracellular histamine accumulation in only adult PEC, although the total histamine level produced by PEC was similar in the rats of both ages. These results thus suggest the possibility that oxidized cholesterol can have different effects on the age-related modulation of immune functions such as Igs production and histamine release.
Arterial embolization in idiopathic spontaneous intra-peritoneal hemorrhage: Case report and review.
Peritoneal dialysis is an extrarenal epuration modality which uses physiological properties of peritoneum as a dialysis membrane. Despite the improvement of peritoneal dialysis techniques in the last ten years, peritonitis remains one of the most redoubt complications. Peritonitis may sometimes lead to technical failures, which need catheter removing, but rarely lead to death. Our retrospective study at the dialysis center of CHUV has analyzed factors which can predict this kind of complication. It calculates peritonitis rate and median peritonitis free-survival for different groups of patients. It also describes causatives organisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics.
El cambio de prolongador del equipo de Diálisis Peritoneal es una intervención competencia de la enfermería que debe ser cumplimentada siguiendo un protocolo que minimice el riesgo de contaminación y por tanto de la aparición de peritonitis. No existen recomendaciones claras y unánimes sobre cómo desinfectar las conexiones, ya que esto va a depender fundamentalmente de si el conector del catéter es de titanio o no y de cómo debe cebarse el nuevo prolongador. Objetivo: Conocer como se realiza el cambio de prolongador en las diferentes unidades nefrológicas del Estado con el fin de consensuar el procedimiento más adecuado. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en febrero de 2008 a partir de un cuestionario estructurado y autocumplimentado de diseño propio del que garantizó su validez y fiabilidad. En la encuesta se recogió la experiencia de la persona encuestada en el campo de la DP, el sistema utilizado, y el cumplimiento de los ítems que se consideraron fundamentales para una buena praxis en el procedimiento del cambio de prolongador, basados en la literatura consultada y el las recomendaciones de los proveedores de los productos para DP. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 53 encuestas de enfermeras que manifestaron tener experiencia en DP entre 3 meses y 32 años. El grado de cumplimiento de las acciones necesarias para cambiar el prolongador (lavado de manos, preparación campo estéril, lavado del conector) fue entre un 95 y un 100%, mientras que los ítems desinfección de la conexión y drenaje de líquido peritoneal tras el cambio obtuvieron grados de cumplimentación entre un 28 y un 83%. Conclusiones: Nuestro estudio presenta limitaciones, ya que se trataba de hacer una prospección inicial sobre el tema, se debe profundizar en él y consensuar un protocolo válido de cambio de prolongador para cualquiera de los sistemas que ofrece la industria y definir muy claramente el proceso de desinfección del conector y la conveniencia o no de realizar un recambio peritoneal completo tras el cambio.
Aim: Pleural effusion is common in cancer patients and to determine its malignant origin is of huge clinical significance. PET/CT with 18F-FDG is of diagnostic value in staging and follow-up, but its ability to differentiate between malignant and benign effusions is not precisely known. Patients, methods: We examined 50 PET/CT from 47 patients (29 men, 18 women, 60±16 years) with pleural effusion and known cancer (24 NSCLC, 7 lymphomas, 5 breasts, 4 GIST, 3 mesotheliomas, 2 head and neck, 2 malignant teratoma, 1 colorectal, 1 oesophageal, 1 melanoma) for FDG uptake in the effusions using SUVmax. This was correlated to cytopathology performed after a median of 21 days (interquartile range -3 to 23), which included pH, relative distribution (macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, plasmocytes), and absolute cell count. Results: Malignant cells were found in 17 effusions (34%) (6 NSCLC, 5 lymphomas, 2 breasts, 2 mesotheliomas, 2 malignant teratomas). SUV in malignant effusions were higher than in benign ones [3.7 (95%CI 1.8-5.6) vs. 1.7 g/ml (1.5-1.9), p = 0.001], with a correlation between malignant effusion and SUV (Spearman coefficient r = 0.50, p = 0.001), but not with other cytopathological or radiological parameters (ROC area 0.83±0.06). Using a 2.2-mg/l SUV threshold, 12 PET/CT studies were positive and 38 negative with sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 53%, 91%, 75% and 79%, respectively. For NSCLC only (n = 24), ROC area was 0.95±0.04, 7 studies were positive and 17 negative with a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 83%, 89%, 71 and 94%, respectively. Conclusion: PET/CT may help to differentiate the malignant or benign origin of a pleural effusion with a high specificity in patients with known cancer, in particular NSCLC.
Purpose: To compare MDCT, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis due to ovarian cancerMethods and Materials: Fifteen women (mean age 65±) with clinical suspicion of ovarian cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis underwent MDCT, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT, simultaneously and shortly performed before surgery (delay 8.1± days). According to the peritoneal cancer index nine abdominopelvic regions were defined. We applied four scores of lesion size on MDCT and MR images, while the maximal standard uptake value (SUVmax) was measured on 18F-FDG PET/CT. Three sites of lymphadenopathy and posterobasal pleural carcinomatosis were also analyzed. First, one radiologist blindly and separately read MDCT and MR images, while one nuclear physician blindly read PET/CT images grading each lesion according to four diagnostic certitudes. Secondly, all the images were reviewed jointly and compared with histopathology. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed.Results: Peritoneal implants were proven in ten women (75%). Altogether, 228 abdominopelvic sites were compared. Sensitivity and specificity for MDCT was 90.2% and 90.6%, for MRI 93.5% and 86.3%, and for 18F-FDG PET/CT 92.7% and 95.7%, respectively. ROC area under the curve were 0.93 for MDCT and MRI, and 0.96 for 18F-FDG PET/CT respectively. No significant differences (p=0.11) were found between the three modalities.Conclusion: Although MRI revealed to be the most sensitive and 18F-FDG PET/CT the most specific modality, no significant differences were shown between the three techniques.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare multidetector CT (MDCT), MRI, and FDG PET/CT imaging for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) in ovarian cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifteen women with ovarian cancer and suspected PC underwent MDCT, MRI, and FDG PET/CT, shortly before surgery. Nine abdominopelvic regions were defined according to the peritoneal cancer index. We applied lesion size scores on MDCT and MR and measured FDG PET/CT standard uptake. We blindly read MDCT, MR, and PET/CT before joint review and comparison with histopathology. Receiver operating characteristics analysis was performed. RESULTS: Ten women had PC (67%). Altogether, 135 abdominopelvic sites were compared. Multidetector CT, MRI, and FDG PET/CT had a sensitivity of 96%, 98%, and 95%, and specificity was 92%, 84%, and 96%, respectively. Corresponding receiver operating characteristics area was 0.94, 0.90, and 0.96, respectively, without any significant differences between them (P = 0.12). FDG PET/CT detected supradiaphragmatic disease in 3 women (20%) not seen by MDCT or MRI. CONCLUSIONS: Although MRI had the highest sensitivity and FDG PET/CT had the highest specificity, no significant differences were found between the 3 techniques. Thus, MDCT, as the fastest, most economical, and most widely available modality, is the examination of choice, if a stand-alone technique is required. If inconclusive, PET/CT or MRI may offer additional insights. Whole-body FDG PET/CT may be more accurate for supradiaphragmatic metastatic extension.