582 resultados para Periodisme de fonts


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The issue of the font making for modern indigenous African scripts is briefly discussed. Encoding problems, including the Unicode standard, are addressed. Font samples are presented for some of the scripts.


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Encuadernado en : Literatura de cordel


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La realització d'aquest estudi s'insereix dins del marc del Projecte d'investigació PROMETEO/2009-042 DIGICOTRACAM.


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Bibliography: p. 31-32.


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Editor's "Advertisement" signed: T. C.


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As collections of archived digital documents continue to grow the maintenance of an archive, and the quality of reproduction from the archived format, become important long-term considerations. In particular, Adobe s PDF is now an important final form standard for archiving and distributing electronic versions of technical documents. It is important that all embedded images in the PDF, and any fonts used for text rendering, should at the very minimum be easily readable on screen. Unfortunately, because PDF is based on PostScript technology, it allows the embedding of bitmap fonts in Adobe Type 3 format as well as higher-quality outline fonts in TrueType or Adobe Type 1 formats. Bitmap fonts do not generally perform well when they are scaled and rendered on low-resolution devices such as workstation screens. The work described here investigates how a plug-in to Adobe Acrobat enables bitmap fonts to be substituted by corresponding outline fonts using a checksum matching technique against a canonical set of bitmap fonts, as originally distributed. The target documents for our initial investigations are those PDF files produced by (La)TEXsystems when set up in a default (bitmap font) configuration. For all bitmap fonts where recognition exceeds a certain confidence threshold replacement fonts in Adobe Type 1 (outline) format can be substituted with consequent improvements in file size, screen display quality and rendering speed. The accuracy of font recognition is discussed together with the prospects of extending these methods to bitmap-font PDF files from sources other than (La)TEX.


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On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.


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The present research investigated attentional blink startle modulation at lead intervals of 60, 240 and 3500 ms. Letters printed in Gothic or standard fonts, which differed in rated interest, but not valence, served as lead stimuli. Experiment I established that identifying letters as vowels/consonants took longer than reading the letters and that performance in both tasks was slower if letters were printed in Gothic font. In Experiment 2, acoustic blink eliciting stimuli were presented 60, 240 and 3500 ms after onset of the letters in Gothic and in standard font and during intertrial intervals. Half the participants (Group Task) were asked to identify the letters as vowels/consonants whereas the others (Group No-Task) did not perform a task. Relative to control responses, blinks during letters were facilitated at 60 and 3500 ms lead intervals and inhibited at the 240 ms lead interval for both conditions in Group Task. Differences in blink modulation across lead intervals were found in Group No-Task only during Gothic letters with blinks at the 3500 ms lead interval facilitated relative to control blinks. The present results confirm previous findings indicating that attentional processes can modulate startle at very short lead intervals. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Esta dissertação de Mestrado tem como objetivo analisar comparativamente a forma pela qual a temática da Raça foi discutida pelo ítalo-argentino José Ingenieros e pelo brasileiro Manoel Bomfim nas duas primeiras décadas do século XX. A hipótese deste trabalho é que ambos os autores buscaram definir qual seria o “legítimo povo” dos seus respectivos países a partir de um critério racial. Esta pesquisa está dividida em três partes. O primeiro capítulo busca traçar o perfil intelectual de Ingenieros e de Bomfim para que os leitores possam visualizar a trajetória profissional destes homens e entendê-los melhor; o segundo capítulo demonstra as concepções de mundo em meio a qual estes autores cresceram e como elas repercutiram em seus escritos; o último capítulo é dedicado a fazer a análise das fontes Sociologia Argentina, de Ingenieros, e América Latina: males de origem, de Bomfim, para que seja possível refletir sobre como estes intelectuais pensaram a questão da raça e como eles a relacionaram às suas concepções de “povo ideal” em seus respectivos países.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Civil - Construções


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Somatic post-surgical pain is invalidating and distressing to patients and carries the risk of important complications. The anterior abdominal wall is involved in most surgical procedures in general, gynecologic, obstetric, urological, vascular and pediatric surgery. Combined multimodal strategies involving nerve blocks, opiates, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for systemic analgesia are necessary for optimal pain modulation. Anterior abdominal wall blocks, transverse abdominal plexus block, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerveblock, genitofemoral nerve block and rectus sheath block have an important role as components of multimodal analgesia for somatic intraoperative and postoperative pain control. Ultrasound visualization has improved the efficacy and safety of abdominal blocks and implemented the application in the clinical setting. For this reason, they are a very important tool for all anesthesiologists who aim to treat effectively patients’ pain. This guide provides an evidence based comprehensive and necessary overview of anatomical, anesthesiological and technical information needed to safely perform these blocks.