945 resultados para Pathologies. Mortar. Diatomite. Additives. Cellulose


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Blends between the widely used thermoset resin, epoxy, and the most abundant organic material, natural cellulose are demonstrated for the first time. The blending modification induced by charge transfer complexes using a room temperature ionic liquid, leads to the formation of thermally flexible thermoset materials. The blend materials containing low concentrations of cellulose were optically transparent which indicates the miscibility at these compositions. We observed the existence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding between epoxy and cellulose in the presence of the ionic liquid, leading to partial miscibility between these two polymers. The addition of cellulose improves the tensile mechanical properties of epoxy. This study reveals the use of ionic liquids as a compatible processing medium to prepare epoxy thermosets modified with natural polymers.


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Beneficial effects of carbon grafting into the iron active material for rechargeable alkaline-iron-electrodes with and without Bi2S3 additive is probed by in situ X-ray diffraction in conjunction with Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and electrochemistry. EXAFS data unravel that the composition of pristine active material (PAM) for iron electrodes comprises 87% of magnetite and 13% of alpha-iron while carbon-grafted active material comprises 60% of magnetite and 40% of alpha-iron. In situ XRD patterns are recorded using a specially designed electrochemical cell. XRD data reflect that magnetite present in PAM iron electrode, without bismuth sulfide additive, is not reduced during charging while PAM iron electrode with bismuth sulfide additive is partially reduced to alpha-Fe/Fe(OH)(2). Interestingly, carbon-grafted-iron electrodes with bismuth sulfide exhibit complete conversion of active material to alpha-Fe/Fe(OH)2. The ameliorating effect of carbon grafting is substantiated by kinetic parameters obtained from steady-state potentiostatic polarization and Tafel plots. The mechanism for iron-electrode charge - discharge reactions are discussed in the light of the potential - pH diagrams for Fe - H2O, S - H2O and FeSads - H2O systems and it is surmised that carbon grafting into iron active material promotes its electrochemical utilization. (C) The Author(s) 2015. Published by ECS. All rights reserved.


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Determination of shear strength of brick-mortar bed joint is critical to overcome the sliding-shear or joint-shear failure in masonry. In the recent past, researchers have attempted to enhance the shear strength and deformation capacity of brick-mortar bed joints by gluing fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite across the bed joint. FRP composites offer several advantages like high strength-to-weight ratio, and ease of application in terms of labor, time, and reduced curing period. Furthermore, FRP composites are desirable for strengthening old masonry buildings having heritage value because of its minimal interference with the existing architecture. A majority of earlier studies on shear strengthening of masonry available in the literature adopted masonry having the ratio of modulus of elasticity of masonry unit (Emu) to modulus of elasticity of mortar (Em) greater than one. Information related to shear behavior of FRP glued masonry composed of masonry units having Young's modulus lower than mortar is limited. Hence the present study is focused on characterizing the interfacial behavior of brick-mortar bed joint of masonry assemblages composed of solid burnt clay bricks and cement-sand mortar (E-mu/E-m ratio less than one), strengthened with FRP composites. Masonry triplets and prisms with bed joint inclined to loading axis (0 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees and 90 degrees) are employed in this study. Glass and carbon FRP composites composed of bidirectional FRP fabric with equal density in both directions are used for strengthening masonry. Masonry triplets are glued with glass and carbon FRP composites in two configurations: (1) both faces of the triplet specimens are fully glued with GFRP composites; and (2) both faces of the triplet specimens are glued with GFRP and CFRP composites in strip form. The performance of masonry assemblages strengthened with FRP composites is assessed in terms of gain in shear strength, shear displacement, and postpeak behavior for various configurations and types of FRP composites considered. A semianalytical model is proposed for the prediction of shear strength of masonry bed joints glued with FRP composites. A composite failure envelope consisting of a Coulomb friction model and a compression cap is obtained for unreinforced masonry and GFRP-strengthened masonry based on the test results of masonry triplets and masonry prisms with bed joints having various inclinations to the loading (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings were produced on AM50 Mg alloy in alkaline phosphate based electrolyte with montmorillonite clay additives employing current densities of 30, 60, and 120 mA/cm(2). The effect of current density on the microstructure and corrosion properties of the coating was investigated. The clay additives got melted and reactively incorporated into the coating forming an amorphous phase, at all the current densities. However, the coating was predominantly amorphous only at 30 mA/cm(2) and with increasing current density, increasing fractions of crystalline phases were formed. Higher current densities resulted in increased thickness of the coating, but reduced the compactness of the coatings. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests in 0.5 wt.% (0.08 M) and 3.5 wt.% (0.6 M) NaCl solution revealed that the coatings processed at 30 mA/cm(2) exhibited a relatively better initial corrosion resistance owing to its relatively defect-free barrier layer and compactness of the coating. However, the presence of amorphous phases in significant amounts and lack of MgO in the coating resulted in increased rate of dissolution of the coatings and degradation of corrosion resistance. Coatings produced at higher current densities exhibited initial inferior corrosion resistance due to a more defective barrier layer and increased porosity in pore band and outer porous layer. However, the increased amount of crystalline phases and an increased amount of MgO, which resisted dissolution, counterbalanced the negative effects of defective barrier and increased porosity resulting in a relatively lower rate of the degradation of the corrosion resistance. Thus, the corrosion resistance of all the coatings continuously decreased with time and became similar after prolonged immersion in NaCl solution. Increasing current density, therefore, did not prove to be beneficial for the improvement of the corrosion performance of the PEO coatings. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The expansion property of cement mortar under the attack of sulfate ions is studied by experimental and theoretical methods. First, cement mortars are fabricated with the ratio of water to cement of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Secondly, the expansion of specimen immerged in sulphate solution is measured at different times. Thirdly, a theoretical model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion is suggested by virtue of represent volume element method. In this model, the damage evolution due to the interaction between delayed ettringite and cement mortar is taken into account. Finally, the numerical calculation is performed. The numerical and experimental results indicate that the model perfectly describes the expansion of the cement mortar.


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Under the environment of seawater, durability of concrete materials is one of the chief factors considered in the design of structures. The decrease of durability of structures is induced by the evolution of micro-damage due to the erosion of chlorine and sulfate ions, which is characterized by the reduction of modulus, strength, and toughness of the material. In this paper, the variation of the flexural strength of cement mortar under sulfate erosion is investigated. The results obtained in present work indicate that the erosion time, concentration of sulfate solution, and water-to-cement ratio will significantly affect the flexural strength. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ultrasonic technique is used to detect the velocity change of stress wave propagated in the cement mortar immersed in the solution of sodium sulfate for 425 days. Also the density change of specimens at different erosion time is measured. By curve fitting, the effect of solutions' concentration and water/cement ratio on the damage evolution is analyzed. The SEM observation on the growth of delayed ettringite is also performed. It shows that the damage evolution of specimens attacked by sulphate solution is dominantly induced by the nucleation and growth of delayed ettringite, and the average size of microvoids in cement mortar affects the damage evolution significantly. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The expansion property of cement mortar under the attack of sulfate ions is studied by experimental and theoretical methods. First, cement mortars are fabricated with the ratio of water to cement of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Secondly, the expansion of specimen immerged in sulphate solution is measured at different times. Thirdly, a theoretical model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion is suggested by virtue of represent volume element method. In this model, the damage evolution due to the interaction between delayed ettringite and cement mortar is taken into account. Finally, the numerical calculation is performed. The numerical and experimental results indicate that the model perfectly describes the expansion of the cement mortar.


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Under the environment of seawater, durability of concrete materials is one of the chief factors considered in the design of structures. The decrease of durability of structures is induced by the evolution of micro-damage due to the erosion of chlorine and sulfate ions, which is characterized by the reduction of modulus, strength, and toughness of the material. In this paper, the variation of the flexural strength of cement mortar under sulfate erosion is investigated. The results obtained in present work indicate that the erosion time, concentration of sulfate solution, and water-to-cement ratio will significantly affect the flexural strength. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of bacterial cellulose-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) nanocomposite films was prepared by in situ radical polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), using variable amounts of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) as crosslinker. Thin films were obtained, and their physical, chemical, thermal, and mechanical properties were evaluated. The films showed improved translucency compared to BC and enhanced thermal stability and mechanical performance when compared to poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA). Finally, BC/PHEMA nanocomposites proved to be nontoxic to human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) and thus are pointed as potential dry dressings for biomedical applications.


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The optimization of solution-processed organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells with the acceptor-substituted quinquethiophene DCV5T-Bu-4 as donor in conjunction with PC61BM as acceptor is described. Power conversion efficiencies up to 3.0% and external quantum efficiencies up to 40% were obtained through the use of 1-chloronaphthalene as solvent additive in the fabrication of the photovoltaic devices. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy investigations of the photoactive layer gave insight into the distribution of donor and acceptor within the blend. The unique combination of solubility and thermal stability of DCV5T-Bu-4 also allows for fabrication of organic solar cells by vacuum deposition. Thus, we were able to perform a rare comparison of the device characteristics of the solution-processed DCV5T-Bu-4:PC61BM solar cell with its vacuum-processed DCV5T-Bu-4:C-60 counterpart. Interestingly in this case, the efficiencies of the small-molecule organic solar cells prepared by using solution techniques are approaching those fabricated by using vacuum technology. This result is significant as vacuum-processed devices typically display much better performances in photovoltaic cells. Keywords


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The σD values of nitrated cellulose from a variety of trees covering a wide geographic range have been measured. These measurements have been used to ascertain which factors are likely to cause σD variations in cellulose C-H hydrogen.

It is found that a primary source of tree σD variation is the σD variation of the environmental precipitation. Superimposed on this are isotopic variations caused by the transpiration of the leaf water incorporated by the tree. The magnitude of this transpiration effect appears to be related to relative humidity.

Within a single tree, it is found that the hydrogen isotope variations which occur for a ring sequence in one radial direction may not be exactly the same as those which occur in a different direction. Such heterogeneities appear most likely to occur in trees with asymmetric ring patterns that contain reaction wood. In the absence of reaction wood such heterogeneities do not seem to occur. Thus, hydrogen isotope analyses of tree ring sequences should be performed on trees which do not contain reaction wood.

Comparisons of tree σD variations with variations in local climate are performed on two levels: spatial and temporal. It is found that the σD values of 20 North American trees from a wide geographic range are reasonably well-correlated with the corresponding average annual temperature. The correlation is similar to that observed for a comparison of the σD values of annual precipitation of 11 North American sites with annual temperature. However, it appears that this correlation is significantly disrupted by trees which grew on poorly drained sites such as those in stagnant marshes. Therefore, site selection may be important in choosing trees for climatic interpretation of σD values, although proper sites do not seem to be uncommon.

The measurement of σD values in 5-year samples from the tree ring sequences of 13 trees from 11 North American sites reveals a variety of relationships with local climate. As it was for the spatial σD vs climate comparison, site selection is also apparently important for temporal tree σD vs climate comparisons. Again, it seems that poorly-drained sites are to be avoided. For nine trees from different "well-behaved" sites, it was found that the local climatic variable best related to the σD variations was not the same for all sites.

Two of these trees showed a strong negative correlation with the amount of local summer precipitation. Consideration of factors likely to influence the isotopic composition of summer rain suggests that rainfall intensity may be important. The higher the intensity, the lower the σD value. Such an effect might explain the negative correlation of σD vs summer precipitation amount for these two trees. A third tree also exhibited a strong correlation with summer climate, but in this instance it was a positive correlation of σD with summer temperature.

The remaining six trees exhibited the best correlation between σD values and local annual climate. However, in none of these six cases was it annual temperature that was the most important variable. In fact annual temperature commonly showed no relationship at all with tree σD values. Instead, it was found that a simple mass balance model incorporating two basic assumptions yielded parameters which produced the best relationships with tree σD values. First, it was assumed that the σD values of these six trees reflected the σD values of annual precipitation incorporated by these trees. Second, it was assumed that the σD value of the annual precipitation was a weighted average of two seasonal isotopic components: summer and winter. Mass balance equations derived from these assumptions yielded combinations of variables that commonly showed a relationship with tree σD values where none had previously been discerned.

It was found for these "well-behaved" trees that not all sample intervals in a σD vs local climate plot fell along a well-defined trend. These departures from the local σD VS climate norm were defined as "anomalous". Some of these anomalous intervals were common to trees from different locales. When such widespread commonalty of an anomalous interval occurred, it was observed that the interval corresponded to an interval in which drought had existed in the North American Great Plains.

Consequently, there appears to be a combination of both local and large scale climatic information in the σD variations of tree cellulose C-H hydrogen.


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Due to its abundance and a wide range of beneficial physical and chemical properties, cellulose has become very popular in order to produce materials for various applications. This review summarizes the recent advances in the development of new cellulose materials and technologies using ionic liquids. Dissolution of cellulose in ionic liquids has been used to develop new processing technologies, cellulose functionalization methods and new cellulose materials including blends, composites, fibers and ion gels.