950 resultados para Patents as Topic
Software is patentable in Europe so long as there is sufficient ‘technical contribution’ under the decades-long interpretation of the European Patent Convention made by the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office. Despite the failure of the proposed Directive on Computer Implemented Inventions, opponents of software patents have failed to have any affect upon this technical contrivance. Yet, while national courts find the Boards of Appeal decisions persuasive, ‘technical contribution’ remains a difficult test for these various courts to apply. In this article I outline that the test is difficult to utilise in national litigation (it is an engineering approach, rather than a legal one) and suggest that as the Boards of Appeal become less important (and thus less persuasive) should the proposed Unified Patent Court come to fruition, the ‘technical contribution’ test is unlikely to last. This may again make the whole issue of what/whether/how software should be patentable open to debate, hopefully in a less aggressive environment than has existed to date.
Stem and progenitor cells have generated considerable scientific and commercial interest in recent years due to their potential for novel cell therapy for a variety of medical conditions. A highly active research area in the field of regenerative medicine is vascular biology. Blood vessel repair and angiogenesis are key processes with endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) playing a central role. Clinical trials for ischemic conditions, such as myocardial infarction and peripheral arterial disease, have suggested cell therapies to be feasible, safe, and potentially beneficial. Development of efficient methodologies to deliver EPC-based cytotherapies offers new hope for millions of patients with ischemic conditions. Evidence indicates that EPCs, depending on the subtype, mediate angiogenesis through different mechanisms. Differentiation into endothelium and complete integration into damaged vasculature was the first EPC mechanism to be proposed. However, many studies have demonstrated that vasoregulatory paracrine factor secretion by transplanted cells is also important. Many EPC subsets enhance angiogenesis and promote tissue repair by cytokine release without incorporating into the damaged vasculature. Whatever the mechanism, vascular repair and therapeutic angiogenesis using EPCs represent a realistic treatment option and also provides many commercialization opportunities. This review discusses recent advances in the EPC field whilst recounting relevant patents.
Congenital anomalies (CA) are the paradigm example of rare diseases liable to primary prevention actions due to the multifactorial etiology of many of them, involving a number of environmental factors together with genetic predispositions. Yet despite the preventive potential, lack of attention to an integrated preventive strategy has led to the prevalence of CA remaining relatively stable in recent decades. The 2 European projects, EUROCAT and EUROPLAN, have joined efforts to provide the first science-based and comprehensive set of recommendations for the primary prevention of CA in the European Union. The resulting EUROCAT-EUROPLAN 'Recommendations on Policies to Be Considered for the Primary Prevention of Congenital Anomalies in National Plans and Strategies on Rare Diseases' were issued in 2012 and endorsed by EUCERD (European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases) in 2013. The recommendations exploit interdisciplinary expertise encompassing drugs, diet, lifestyles, maternal health status, and the environment. The recommendations include evidence-based actions aimed at reducing risk factors and at increasing protective factors and behaviors at both individual and population level. Moreover, consideration is given to topics specifically related to CA (e.g. folate status, teratogens) as well as of broad public health impact (e.g. obesity, smoking) which call for specific attention to their relevance in the pre- and periconceptional period. The recommendations, reported entirely in this paper, are a comprehensive tool to implement primary prevention into national policies on rare diseases in Europe.
Successful innovation depends on knowledge – technological, strategic and market related. In this paper we explore the role and interaction of firms’ existing knowledge stocks and current knowledge flows in shaping innovation success. The paper contributes to our understanding of the determinants of firms’ innovation outputs and provides new information on the relationship between knowledge stocks, as measured by patents, and innovation output indicators. Our analysis uses innovation panel data relating to plants’ internal knowledge creation, external knowledge search and innovation outputs. Firm-level patent data is matched with this plant-level innovation panel data to provide a measure of firms’ knowledge stock. Two substantive conclusions follow. First, existing knowledge stocks have weak negative rather than positive impacts on firms’ innovation outputs, reflecting potential core-rigidities or negative path dependencies rather than the accumulation of competitive advantages. Second, knowledge flows derived from internal investment and external search dominate the effect of existing knowledge stocks on innovation performance. Both results emphasize the importance of firms’ knowledge search strategies. Our results also re-emphasize the potential issues which arise when using patents as a measure of innovation.
Online information seeking has become normative practice among both academics and the general population. This study appraised the performance of eight databases to retrieve research pertaining to the influence of social networking sites on the mental health of young people. A total of 43 empirical studies on young people’s use of social networking sites and the mental health implications were retrieved. Scopus and SSCI had the highest sensitivity with PsycINFO having the highest precision. Effective searching requires large
generic databases, supplemented by subject-specific catalogues. The methodology developed here may provide inexperienced searchers, such as undergraduate students, with a framework to define a realistic scale of searching to undertake for a particular literature review or similar project.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2014
There is still a lack of effective paradigms and tools for analysing and discovering the contents and relationships of project knowledge contexts in the field of project management. In this paper, a new framework for extracting and representing project knowledge contexts using topic models and dynamic knowledge maps under big data environments is proposed and developed. The conceptual paradigm, theoretical underpinning, extended topic model, and illustration examples of the ontology model for project knowledge maps are presented, with further research work envisaged.
Lorraine Sheremeta, Research Associate, Health Law Institute, University of Alberta
Ce travail se situe dans la perspective des études sur la protection des savoirs traditionnels contre la biopiraterie commise par quelques industries pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques. Malgré le débat qui s’est déroulé à ce sujet après la signature de la Convention sur la diversité biologique, ces patrimoines culturels continuent d’être largement menacés. L’étude se propose d’analyser les mécanismes capables de protéger contre la biopiraterie les savoirs traditionnels associés à la biodiversité qui intéressent l’industrie pharmaceutique, et ce, par le biais des droits de propriété intellectuelle existants aussi bien à l’échelle internationale que dans le cadre des législations nationales. Ces mécanismes sont évalués quant à leur efficacité, en vue d’en identifier les plus intéressants, susceptibles d’être adoptés soit par des pays qui ne disposent pas encore de législation en matière de protection des savoirs traditionnels soit pour être utilisés dans le cadre international. Avec cet objectif, le présent travail dressera un panorama concernant la législation du Brésil, du Costa Rica et du Pérou. En outre, seront mises en exergue par la suite les différentes conventions en lien avec les savoirs traditionnels, à savoir la Convention sur la diversité biologique, le Protocole de Nagoya, le Comité intergouvernemental de la propriété intellectuelle relative aux ressources génétiques, aux savoirs traditionnels et au folklore de l’Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle. L’analyse menée a mis en lumière un certain nombre de dispositions assez efficaces pouvant être utilisées de façon optimale par des pays ne disposant pas de législation en matière de protection des savoirs traditionnels ou encore pouvant être intégrées dans des traités internationaux en la matière, afin de rendre lesdits traités plus efficaces sur le plan pratique. Bien plus, ladite analyse démontre que l’Accord sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce est actuellement l’accord le plus coercitif et le plus contraignant lorsque l’on veut mener une lutte efficace contre la biopiraterie. Par ailleurs, en s’appuyant sur des fondements théoriques constructivistes, notre analyse essaye de démontrer que les pays du Sud, riches en biodiversité et en savoirs traditionnels, peuvent véritablement impulser un mouvement en faveur d’une législation internationale efficace en matière de protection des savoirs traditionnels
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