457 resultados para Patellar Tendon
Partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon frequently occur at its insertion on the greater tubercule of the humerus, causing pain and reduced strength and range of motion. The goal of this work was to quantify the loss of loading capacity due to tendon tears at the insertion area. A finite element model of the supraspinatus tendon was developed using in vivo magnetic resonance images data. The tendon was represented by an anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive law identified with experimental measurements. A failure criterion was proposed and calibrated with experimental data. A partial-thickness tear was gradually increased, starting from the deep articular-sided fibres. For different values of tendon tear thickness, the tendon was mechanically loaded up to failure. The numerical model predicted a loss in loading capacity of the tendon as the tear thickness progressed. Tendon failure was more likely when the tendon tear exceeded 20%. The predictions of the model were consistent with experimental studies. Partial-thickness tears below 40% tear are sufficiently stable to persist physiotherapeutic exercises. Above 60% tear surgery should be considered to restore shoulder strength.
Hamstring muscle injuries and tendon disorders are common, especially in sports. They can be severe and difficult to treat, often resulting in impaired athletic performance and long rehabilitation times. Previous studies considering treatment of these problems are scarce. The current study was designed to investigate the effect of surgery on different types of hamstring muscle injuries and on proximal hamstring tendinopathy. In addition, we wanted to study the typical histopathological findings relating to proximal hamstring tendinopathy. In the study of complete (all three muscles torn) proximal hamstring avulsions (41 patients), our results showed that early operative treatment gives significantly better results than late surgery, and is therefore recommended. Despite this, considerable improvement of symptoms could also be achieved in chronic cases. In the study of partial (one or two muscles torn) proximal hamstring tears (47 patients), we observed that these injuries can cause significant functional deficit and impaired performance in athletes. The main finding was that after surgical repair most of the patients were able to return to their pre-injury level of sports. In the study of distal hamstring tears (18 patients), the results showed that surgical treatment had a good effect in the majority of these cases. In proximal hamstring tendinopathy, the main problem is pain which limits sports. In this study (90 patients), we found that after unsuccessful conservative treatment, surgery was a good treatment option resulting in full return to sports in most cases. In tendinopathic hamstring tendons, the morphological changes of tendinosis were largely identical to those previously described in other common (e.g. Achilles and patellar) tendinopathies. In chronic proximal hamstring avulsions, and also in reoperations, a large defect between distally retracted tendons and the ischial tuberosity may occasionally prevent anatomic reinsertion. We have described a reconstruction method using fascia lata autograft augmentation to be used in these most challenging repairs. This technique was utilized in the treatment of five patients, with encouraging results.
The purpose of this investigation was to demonstrate the feasibility of a biopsy technique by performing serial evaluations of tissue samples of the forelimb superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) in healthy horses and in horses subjected to superficial digital flexor tendonitis induction. Eight adult horses were evaluated in two different phases (P), control (P1) and tendonitis-induced (P2). At P1, the horses were subjected to five SDFT biopsies of the left forelimb, with 24 hours (h) of interval. Clinical and ultrasonographic (US) examinations were performed immediately before the tendonitis induction, 24 and 48 h after the procedure. The biopsied tendon tissues were analyzed through histology. P2 evaluations were carried out three months later, when the same horses were subjected to tendonitis induction by injection of bacterial collagenase into the right forelimb SDFT. P2 clinical and US evaluations, and SDFT biopsies were performed before, and after injury induction at the following time intervals: after 24, 48, 72 and 96 h, and after 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days. The biopsy technique has proven to be easy and quick to perform and yielded good tendon samples for histological evaluation. At P1 the horses did not show signs of localised inflammation, pain or lameness, neither SDFT US alterations after biopsies, showing that the biopsy procedure per se did not risk tendon integrity. Therefore, this procedure is feasible for routine tendon histological evaluations. The P2 findings demonstrate a relation between the US and histology evaluations concerning induced tendonitis evolution. However, the clinical signs of tendonitis poorly reflected the microscopic tissue condition, indicating that clinical presentation is not a reliable parameter for monitoring injury development. The presented method of biopsying SDFT tissue in horses enables the serial collection of material for histological analysis causing no clinical signs and tendon damage seen by US images. Therefore, this technique allows tendonitis to be monitored and can be considered an excellent tool in protocols for evaluating SDFT injury.
Changes in the structural and functional properties of collagen caused by advanced glycation might be of importance for the etiology of late complications in diabetes. The present study was undertaken to investigate the influence of oral administration of aqueous pod extract (200 mg/kg body weight) of Phaseolus vulgaris, an indigenous plant used in Ayurvedic Medicine in India, on collagen content and characteristics in the tail tendon of streptozotocin-diabetic rats. In diabetic rats, collagen content (117.01 ± 6.84 mg/100 mg tissue) as well as its degree of cross-linking was increased, as shown by increased extent of glycation (21.70 ± 0.90 µg glucose/mg collagen), collagen-linked fluorescence (52.8 ± 3.0 AU/µmol hydroxyproline), shrinkage temperature (71.50 ± 2.50ºC) and decreased acid (1.878 ± 0.062 mg hydroxyproline/100 mg tissue) and pepsin solubility (1.77 ± 0.080 mg hydroxyproline/100 mg tissue). The alpha/ß ratio of acid- (1.69) and pepsin-soluble (2.00) collagen was significantly decreased in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Administration of P. vulgaris for 45 days to streptozotocin-diabetic rats significantly reduced the accumulation and cross-linking of collagen. The effect of P. vulgaris was compared with that of glibenclamide, a reference drug administered to streptozotocin-diabetic rats at the dose of 600 µg/kg body weight for 45 days by gavage. The effects of P. vulgaris (collagen content, 64.18 ± 1.97; extent of glycation, 12.00 ± 0.53; collagen-linked fluorescence, 33.6 ± 1.9; shrinkage temperature, 57.0 ± 1.0; extent of cross-linking - acid-soluble collagen, 2.572 ± 0.080, and pepsin-soluble collagen, 2.28 ± 0.112) were comparable with those of glibenclamide (collagen content, 71.5 ± 2.04; extent of glycation, 13.00 ± 0.60; collagen-linked fluorescence, 38.9 ± 2.0; shrinkage temperature, 59.0 ± 1.5; extent of cross-linking - acid-soluble collagen, 2.463 ± 0.078, and pepsin-soluble collagen, 2.17 ± 0.104). In conclusion, administration of P. vulgaris pods had a positive influence on the content of collagen and its properties in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Problématique : La quantification de l’intégrité du tendon d’Achille (TA) représente un défi en réadaptation. L’adoption de mesures quantitatives du TA, extraites à partir d’une image ultrasonographique (QUS), pourrait remédier à cette lacune. Objectifs : 1) Évaluer la fiabilité test-retest et la précision de mesures QUS du TA; 2) Déterminer le meilleur protocole de collecte de mesures QUS à employer en pratique clinique. Méthodologie : Un total de 23 TAs présentant des symptômes d’une tendinopathie achilléenne et 63 TAs asymptomatiques ont été évalués. Pour chaque TA, 8 images ont été enregistrées (2 visites * 2 évaluatrices * 2 images). Différents types de mesures QUS ont été prises : géométriques (épaisseur, largeur, aire), dérivées d’un histogramme des niveaux de gris et dérivées d’une matrice de co-occurrence. Une étude de généralisabilité a quantifié la fiabilité et la précision de chaque mesure QUS et une étude de décision a fait ressortir les meilleurs protocoles de prise de mesures. Résultats : Les mesures géométriques ont démontré une excellente fiabilité et précision. Les mesures dérivées de l’histogramme des niveaux de gris ont démontré une fiabilité et précision médiocres. Les mesures dérivées d’une matrice de co-occurrence ont démontré une fiabilité modérée à excellente et une précision variable. En pratique clinique, il est recommandé de moyenner les résultats de trois images collectées par un évaluateur lors d’une visite. Conclusion : L’utilisation des mesures QUS géométriques permet de quantifier l’intégrité du TA (clinique et recherche). Davantage d’études sur les mesures QUS dérivées d’une matrice de co-occurrence s’avèrent nécessaires.
Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is hypothesized to occur as a result of repetitive, strenuous and abnormal postural activities of the elbow and wrist. There is still a lack of understanding of how wrist and forearm positions contribute to this condition during common manual tasks. In this study the wrist kinematics and the wrist extensors’ musculotendon patterns were investigated during a manual task believed to elicit LE symptoms in susceptible subjects. A 42-year-old right-handed male, with no history of LE, performed a repetitive movement involving pushing and turning a spring-loaded mechanism. Motion capture data were acquired for the upper limb and an inverse kinematic and dynamic analysis was subsequently carried out. Results illustrated the presence of eccentric contractions sustained by the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), together with an almost constant level of tendon strain of both extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and extensor digitorum communis lateral (EDCL) branch. It is believed that these factors may partly contribute to the onset of LE as they are both responsible for the creation of microtears at the tendons’ origins. The methodology of this study can be used to explore muscle actions during movements that might cause or exacerbate LE.
Twenty legs from adult male cadavers were examined to analyze the anatomical relationships between the component parts of the plantaris muscle. This muscle was present in all of the cadavers and it was found that the length of the muscle in relation to its belly was approximately three times greater than in relation to the tendon.
Background: Eccentric exercises (EEs) are recommended for the treatment of Achilles tendinopathy, but the clinical effect from EE has a slow onset. Hypothesis: The addition of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to EE may cause more rapid clinical improvement. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 1. Methods: A total of 52 recreational athletes with chronic Achilles tendinopathy symptoms were randomized to groups receiving either EE + LLLT or EE + placebo LLLT over 8 weeks in a blinded manner. Low-level laser therapy (lambda = 820 nm) was administered in 12 sessions by irradiating 6 points along the Achilles tendon with a power density of 60 mW/cm(2) and a total dose of 5.4 J per session. Results: The results of the intention-to-treat analysis for the primary outcome, pain intensity during physical activity on the 100-mm visual analog scale, were significantly lower in the LLLT group than in the placebo LLLT group, with 53.6 mm versus 71.5 mm (P = .0003) at 4 weeks, 37.3 mm versus 62.8 mm (P = .0002) at 8 weeks, and 33.0 mm versus 53.0 mm (P =.007) at 12 weeks after randomization. Secondary outcomes of morning stiffness, active dorsiflexion, palpation tenderness, and crepitation showed the same pattern in favor of the LLLT group. Conclusion: Low-level laser therapy, with the parameters used in this study, accelerates clinical recovery from chronic Achilles tendinopathy when added to an EE regimen. For the LLLT group, the results at 4 weeks were similar to the placebo LLLT group results after 12 weeks.
In the present study, the effects of intralesional injections of beta-aminopropionitrile fumarate (BAPN-F) was assessed in equine experimental tendinitis. BAPN-F is a lathyrogen which inhibits crosslinking of collagen, permitting more time for parallel reorientation of the repair tissue. Sixteen two-year-old Arabian horses without health problems were used in this experiment. The animals were divided into two groups: group one was left in box rest, and group two was submitted to controlled exercise during the experiment. Tendinitis was induced with collagenase in the superficial flexor tendon of both forelimbs. Twenty days after the induction of tendinitis, intralesional treatment with BAPN-F was performed and the contralateral limbs received saline. A biopsy was obtained and gross and histopathological analysis was performed on the 150th day of the experiment. The collagen fibrillar alignment pattern in the heating area was better in the BAPN-F group submitted to controlled exercise than in the other group, as observed by sonographic and histopathologic examination. The present results indicate that BAPN-F in combination with controlled loading improved sear remodeling and tendon wound collagen maturation.
Com a finalidade de se comparar as propriedades mecânicas do ligamento da patela e do tendão calcâneo foram realizados ensaios de tração em material obtido de 25 cadáveres humanos. A idade dos doadores foi 58 ± 14 anos (33-85), sendo 19 (76%) masculinos e 6 (24%) femininos, 23 brancos (92%) e dois negros (8%). Os materiais foram testados em seus 10 mm centrais, com velocidade de aplicação de carga de 30 mm/min. Foi obtida a área de secção dos corpos de prova para que fossem estudadas as propriedades estruturais e materiais. Foram estudadas as seguintes variáveis: carga máxima (N), tensão(MPa), módulo de elasticidade (MPa), energia (Nm), alongamento absoluto (mm) e específico (%), limite de proporcionalidade (N), além da tensão (MPa) e alongamentos neste ponto. A análise estatística revelou que ambos possuem carga máxima, limite de proporcionalidade e tensão semelhantes (p>0,05). Nas outras variáveis ocorreu diferença significativa (p<0,05) com o tendão calcâneo apresentando valores maiores para energia e alongamento. O módulo de elasticidade, significativamente maior no ligamento da patela (p<0,05), foi a variável que melhor caracterizou a diferença do comportamento mecânico dos dois materiais.
A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das causas mais comuns de claudicação do membro pélvico de cães. A radiografia e a ultrassonografia são métodos de diagnóstico frequentemente utilizados na rotina clínica de pequenos animais, porém a tomografia computadorizada é uma modalidade de imagem ainda pouco estudada para avaliar a articulação do joelho de cães. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a contribuição do contraste negativo na artrografia tomográfica do joelho normal de cães, para visibilizar as estruturas intra-articulares e padronizar o uso desse contraste na articulação. Foram utilizados 24 membros pélvicos de cães de raças variadas, selecionados pela ausência de histórico de doença articular prévia do joelho e por apresentarem exames radiográficos, ultrassonográficos e macroscópicos normais. O experimento foi delineado em dois grupos, sendo o grupo I constituído de animais com peso até 20 kg e grupo II acima de 20 kg. Foram feitos cortes tomográficos com o membro flexionado e estendido. A quantidade média de ar empregada para a distensão da cápsula articular foi de 49 ml para o Grupo I e de 81 ml para o Grupo II. Utilizou-se um tubo de látex na porção distal à articulação do joelho para reduzir o escape de ar pelo tendão extensor digital profundo, que possui comunicação intra-articular. Foi possível visibilizar pela imagem tomográfica, em todas as articulações, as seguintes estruturas: ligamento cruzado cranial e caudal, meniscos medial e lateral, ligamento patelar, ligamentos colaterais e cápsula articular. Desta forma, o contraste negativo se mostrou uma alternativa eficaz para auxiliar a identificação das estruturas anatômicas do joelho na artrografia tomográfica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)